Grand Haven Water Polo 2004
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Buccaneers Swim & Dive Middle School Girls
The following policy has been written to clarify all expectations of the athletes and their parents/guardians. Please read over this policy carefully before signing. Issues not covered in this policy will be handled in conjunction with GHAPS Athletic Policies.
COACHING PHILOSOPHY Every Athlete Counts * The team’s success is dependent on the contribution and improvement of every athlete. * Our objective is a personal best time for every swimmer by their last meet of the season.
Teach First – Train Second * It is estimated that at least 70% of swimming fast is proper technique, I believe it! * During the first few weeks of the season we will teach and review all four competitive strokes. Swimmers will be put into groups based on their skill level, with the novice swimmers getting more instruction and the advanced swimmers getting more training.
There Is No Substitute For Hard Work * There is very little luck involved in swimming. * If you can’t swim fast in practice you won’t get lucky and swim fast in a meet. Learning proper technique and training to be in top physical and mental condition is hard work. There is a very high correlation of hard work and faster swims.
Responsibility is Required * The greatest power we have is the ability to choose. * Swimming is an option, and if we choose to be on the team we must accept the responsibilities. Coming to practice, getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, cheering for your teammates, and doing your best in practice and competition are some examples. ATTENDANCE Athletes are expected to be on time - fully dressed and ready to swim, for ALL practices and meets. All athletes are expected to be in attendance for all practices and meets. If you have to miss a practice you need to communicate this with the coaches at least 24 hrs in advance (email: [email protected]). If you have to miss a meet, we need to know this at least four days in advance in order to make preparations for that meet. Any absence not communicated in advance or any unexcused absence will result in a one-meet suspension. You are expected to still come to the meet, but will not be allowed to participate. Multiple absences will result in possible dismissal from the team pending the outcome of a meeting between the coaches and athlete. School related absences, sickness and family emergencies are exceptions to all policies. If you get sick on the day of a meet, you need to let us know ASAP as this may result in having to change the entire meet line-up, please call (HM: 846-4144 WK: 850-6172 CELL: 989 714-9861) & email
([email protected]) Coach Portenga and leave a detailed message if he does not answer on the day of a meet. If there is a snow day there will NOT be practice or a meet. If we have a meet and the opposing team has a snow day, the meet is cancelled, we will hold practice instead.
TRANSPORTATION Transportation is provided from the middle school to the high school Monday-Friday on regular school days for practices (Bus 2 or 19 in the South Loop). We will still be having practice and meets on middle school ½ days and days off at our usual time (unless otherwise notified), but athletes must find their own transportation (carpool!!!). Harbor Transit now comes to the high school so this is a great option if you cannot bring in or pick up your athlete in yourself! Last pick-up time for Harbor Transit is 5:30PM.
Transportation is also provided to and from away meets - athletes are expected to ride on the bus. If an athlete will not be riding the bus to and/or from a meet, they must be signed out by their own parent/guardian; the coaches will have a sign-out sheet for these circumstances.
CONDUCT All athletes are always expected to show good behavior, good conduct, and good sportsmanship in the presence of anyone outside the team, whether it is parents, school officials, pool patrons, other teams, or anyone else outside the program. Remember that you are representing Grand Haven’s Swimming and Diving program. During all meets swimmers are to stay on the pool deck. Sitting in the stands, hanging out in the locker room or wandering around the hallways are not options. The community often uses our locker room. Please be aware of your conduct and language at all times. NO cell phone devices are to be out or used while in the locker room.
“My element is water. My weapon is my body. My world is swimming.” GRADES As this is an extracurricular activity provided by the middle school, academics do not come second to participation in this sport. Students must maintain passing grades. If a student’s grades are dropping due to the sport, it will be encouraged that the student stays after school or goes in early to receive help in any subjects needed – please let the coaches know if this arrangement is taking place. Failing grades will result in actions being taken in order to provide the student with time to devote to his studies. Sitting out of meets and practices may be included in this round of action. We are academic athletes and thus grades are important.
PARENT PARTICIPATION Each parent’s help is vital to the success of the program. It is important, therefore, that parents: Are enthusiastic and supportive. Show your interest by ensuring your child’s attendance at practices and by personally cheering them on at meets. It is also very important that your swimmer or diver knows he is loved and supported, regardless of his swimming or diving performance. Volunteer time when necessary: be a back-up timer at home meets, donate after-meet snacks. Encourage and help your swimmers track their progress - maintain accurate records of their best times. Refrain from being your child’s coach. Encourage your athlete, but leave the coaching to the coaches. We do not
allow parents on deck during practices or meets. (back-up timers are exempt during home meets) Provide nutritious food for your athlete; it is the fuel for good performance. Please help us pay for our assistant coach. The school does not provide funding for this position but it is essential in order for us to get your athlete the attention and teaching they need to progress. Please feel free to give a donation of your choosing during the season so we can show that their efforts are appreciated. Checks payable to GHHS Boys Swim Team.
It is also important that parents be at the school at the end of every meet to pick up their son. If we have an away meet, your athlete will be dropped off at Lakeshore Middle School. Coaches are not always able to be waiting around with swimmers after meets or practices for a late parent, please be punctual!
Communication with the coaches should take place outside of practices and meets. E-mail and phone calls are great ways of communicating any concerns, questions, or absences of students. If you need to talk in person, please wait until after practice or after the meet. Our main focus is the swimmers and divers in practice and at meets; we want your athlete to excel.
TEAM FEES All players will be responsible for paying a $125 fee prior to their participation in any competition. This fee includes the $95 service fee, the $30 school insurance fee (financial help available for the $95 – see your
“My element is water. My weapon is my body. My world is swimming.” school’s athletic office). In addition, all athletes must have a physical on record for this school year and a signed athletic code BEFORE THE FIRST PRACTICE.
Additional fees can include the expense of the end of season party, a team hoodie or shirt, team shorts, as well as practice and meet suits, goggles, and swim caps.
Order Your Own Suit Online: Order your own suit online (choose a Navy one piece suit): If this would be a hardship, please let me know and we can try to find donated suits from previous teams for athletes to wear.
If it is the day of a meet, please call or email Coach Portenga as soon as possible, as he is the one that has to change the line-up on the computer and get it to the opposing team’s coach (if away) or the meet manager (if home). One athlete being absent can cause the entire meet line-up to change (this goes for divers as well!!!). Early notification is appreciated!
Coach’s Contact Information
Head Coach: Aaron Portenga School: 850-6172 Home: 846-4144 Email: [email protected]
Assistant Coach: Katalin Kovach Email: [email protected]
Diving Coach: Jeff Alward cell: 842-4389 Email: [email protected]
Team Website: - Click on the Middle School Link to find your seasonal information and time sheets from each meet.
Middle School Girls Swim and Dive Team Policy
I have read, understand, and will follow the team policy:
Athlete Name (printed): ______
“My element is water. My weapon is my body. My world is swimming.” Athlete Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Contact Info: Cell: Work:
Home: Parent Email:
*Please circle the number you would prefer us to use during the usual practice/meet time of 3-4:30PM
“My element is water. My weapon is my body. My world is swimming.”