Lib Dem Submission Dr4
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1 Number of Wards
It is proposed that the number of wards should remain unchanged at 22. We fully support the reasoning set out in the submission of the Borough Solicitor for retaining 22 wards. This aspect of our submission has the agreement of all the political groups on Wirral Borough Council and of Wirral Liberal Democrats.
2 Number of Councillors per Ward and election method
It is proposed that each ward should return three councillors elected by thirds as is the present method.
3 Methodology
The number of electors for each ward has been estimated using the methodology of the Borough Solicitor and the Planning Department. This methodology has been the subject of dialogue between the Council Officers and the Electoral Commission and is attached in appendix 1.
The numbers quoted in this document are the current electorate and projected electorate in 2006 using this method. Using this methodology the average electorate is currently 11,312 rising to 11,437 in 2006.
4 The Wirral Community
The Wirral is a peninsula bounded by the Rivers Dee and Mersey and has high density urban areas, suburban areas and rural and farming communities. To the south its border is with the historic county of Cheshire of which Wirral was once a part.
5 Important internal natural boundaries
There are four distinct boundaries within Wirral.
5.1 The Dock System
This has divided the urban Communities of Birkenhead and Wallasey since the 1840's. Previously a river valley it continues to be recognised by Wirral’s residents as the divider between Birkenhead and Wallasey. There are three crossing points in the form of fixed or movable bridges.
1 5.2 The M53 Motorway
There are 14 crossing points on the M53 within Wirral, some of which are major motorway junctions, and others which are minor rural road bridges or underpasses. From the Dock System in the north the motorway runs south roughly through the centre of Wirral dividing the communities on the River Mersey side of Wirral from those on the River Dee side. To the east of the motorway and south of the dock system lie the town of Birkenhead and the smaller communities of Bebington, New Ferry, Port Sunlight, Bromborough Pool, Bromborough, Raby Mere, Spital and Eastham.
Further comment about the significance of the motorway particularly in the south of the Borough is included in specific references in some of the southern wards.
The number of electors living in this area is estimated at 112,996 rising to 114,151 in 2006. It is therefore proposed to divide this area into 10 wards, the average of these 10 wards being -0.2% of the average for the Borough as a whole.
It follows that the area to the west of the motorway and north of the dock system should be divided into 12 wards to maintain the agreed 22 wards in total.
5.3 Wirral's Green Belt
The Green Belt, largely situated in the centre of Wirral, contains the smaller rural communities and prevents the spread of the larger urban areas. Thus it divides the community of Heswall from West Kirby in the west of Wirral, Heswall from Bebington, Bromborough and Eastham in the south, and separates Woodchurch, Upton and Greasby from Irby, Thornton Hough etc and the rural areas of the south.
5.4 North Wallasey Approach Road
It is also our view that the current boundary between Leasowe and Wallasey wards, following in the main the North Wallasey Approach Road from junction 1 of the motorway is a natural boundary between the town of Wallasey and mid and west Wirral.
It is therefore proposed only to make minor alterations to the four wards comprising Wallasey, New Brighton, Liscard and Seacombe to improve the electoral balance and utilise better natural boundaries.
The number of electors living in these four wards is estimated at 46,418 rising to 46,609 in 2006. The average of these 4 wards is within +2% of the average for the Borough as a whole. It therefore follows that it is proposed to divide the remainder of central and west Wirral into 8 wards. The number of electors living in these four wards is estimated at 89,455 rising to 90,852 in 2006. The average of these 8 wards is within -2% of the average for the Borough as a whole.
2 This is summarised in the table below.
Area No of Current Average Electors Average Wards Electors Ward Size 2006 Ward Size East 10 112,996 - 0.11% 114,151 - 0.19% Wallasey 4 46,418 + 2.58% 46,609 + 1.88% West & Central 8 89,455 - 1.15% 90,852 - 0.70%
It can therefore be seen how the use of these natural boundaries ensures electoral equality across the whole of the Borough.
6 Proposed New Wards
It is proposed to establish 22 wards as set out in the table below: -
Electors in 2006 % from mean
1. Eastham 11,017 - 3.67 2. Bromborough 11,292 - 1.27 3. Dibbinsdale 11,294 - 1.25 4. Bebington 11,653 + 1.89 5. Prenton 11,005 - 3.78 6. Oxton 11,458 + 0.18 7. Park 11,820 + 3.35 8. Bidston & Noctorum 11,893 + 3.98 9. Birkenhead 10,869 - 4.97 10. Lairdside 11,852 + 3.63 11. Heswall & Thornton Hough 11,887 + 3.94 12. Pensby 10,924 - 4.48 13. Thurstaston 10,943 - 4.32 14. Greasby & Newton 11,434 - 0.02 15. Upton & Woodchurch 11,828 + 3.42 16. Hoylake 11,146 - 2.54 17. New Brighton 11,606 + 1.48 18. Liscard 11,871 + 3.80 19. Seacombe 11,612 + 1.53 20. Wallasey 11,520 + 0.73 21. Leasowe 11,404 - 0.29 22. Moreton 11,285 - 1.33
A short narrative describing the boundary of each ward have been produced by the Borough Solicitor and Planning Department, and is included in this document. Maps showing the ward boundaries are also enclosed.
Note that no ward is more than 4.97% from the mean, the standard deviation is 2.96%. It is therefore our view that the proposal satisfies the criteria of fairness in terms of each vote carrying equal weight regardless in which part of the Borough it is cast.
The justification for each ward in terms of natural communities is set out in the following sections. Wherever possible we have striven to bring together natural communities, which are currently split between wards without creating
3 new divisions. However it has been necessary to strike some compromises in some communities in the interests of electoral equality.
Wirral Liberal Democrats have approved as their submission to the Local Government Commission this document and its attachments.
Our thanks go to the members of the four Liberal Democrat constituency parties and the staff of Wirral Borough Council for their assistance in the preparation of this report.
This document can also be read and downloaded online at
Steve Niblock Councillor Stuart Kelly Chair, Wirral Liberal Democrats Leader Liberal Democrat Group Liaison Committee Metropolitan Borough of Wirral
4 1 Eastham Ward
1.1 Description
From A41 New Chester Road at Bromborough Village Road junction south to Green Lane. East along Green Lane to the south of Oak Wood to Mersey coast. South along coast to Borough boundary at North Road. Across Hooton Park to Rivacre Road. Follow M53 west to railway bridge at Eastham Rake. North along railway to footbridge north of Greenfields Avenue. North east along footpath to join Acre Lane between nos. 105 and 109. East along the centre line of Acre Lane to Allport Lane. South along Allport Lane to Cambridge Road. East along Cambridge Road to Bromborough Village Road.
1.2 Justification
Eastham Ward contains the distinct communities of Eastham Village (a conservation area) the Mill Park Estate, Eastham and parts of Bromborough. Eastham Ward is bounded to the south by the border with Cheshire, and to the east by the River Mersey. To the west is the Merseyrail line linking Chester, Wirral and Liverpool. This line represents a significant barrier as there are only two crossing points, at Eastham Rake at the far south of the ward, and at Allport Road in the far north of the ward, thus separating Eastham from the Brookhurst Estate.
To the north Eastham’s border is with Bromborough ward. The proposed border runs down the middle of Acre Lane as opposed to the previous boundary around the backs of houses. The specific reason for this is the distinct difference in the nature of the housing in the area. The southern half of Acre Lane is privately owned properties. The northern half consists of a large council estate, some of the properties having been purchased, and they are of a distinctly different nature and type. The boundary then crosses Allport Lane and continues down the centre of Cambridge Road to the River Mersey. This change is an adjustment to compensate for the additional electors in Acre Lane added to Eastham Ward.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10959 -3.12 2006 11017 -3.67
5 2 Bromborough Ward
2.1 Description
From New Chester Road at Ferries Close east to the south of no. 723 and north of no. 718 to follow Rock Ferry Bypass south of Cargill Grove. North along the central reservation of the Bypass to The Dell. East along the centre line of The Dell to New Ferry Esplanade at the south end of Rock Park Road. Follow Mersey coast south to southern edge of Oak Wood, north of Eastham Country Park. Follow Green Lane west to A41 New Chester Road. North on New Chester Road to junction with Bromborough Village Road. West along centre line of Cambridge Road to Allport Lane. North on Allport Lane to Acre Lane then west along centre line of Acre Lane to footpath between nos. 105 and 109. South west along footpath to railway. North along the railway to Springwood Way. Follow the rear boundaries of nos. 20-24 Springwood Way to the east. Continue east to the north of nos. 4-34 Stanley Road to Ferries Close.
2.2 Justification
Bromborough ward from the north contains the distinct communities of New Ferry, Port Sunlight and Bromborough Pool (both conservation areas of international significance) and Bromborough.
To the north the existing boundary separates the communities of Rock Ferry and the conservation area of Rock Park, from New Ferry. This boundary is locally recognised as the divide between one community and another and is largely historical. A minor alteration has been made here to take the boundary up the middle of The Dell to the New Ferry by-pass as this is a significant local barrier at this point. To the east the River Mersey is the boundary.
The western border is the railway line. There are only two road crossings to the west in Bromborough ward, one at Bebington Station to the Bebington community, and the other at Ellens Lane again to the Bebington community. New Ferry is a significant district shopping centre used by the people of New Ferry and Port Sunlight in preference to the shopping area, only accessed under the railway, at Bebington Civic Centre.
The southern border is with Eastham ward and carries the same justification i.e. the proposed border runs down the middle of Acre Lane as opposed to the previous boundary around the backs of houses. The specific reason for this is the distinct difference in the nature of the housing in the area. The southern half of Acre Lane is privately owned properties. The northern half consists of a large council estate some of the properties having been purchased and they are of a distinctly different nature and type. The boundary then crosses Allport Lane and travels down the centre of Cambridge Road to the River Mersey. This change is an adjustment to compensate for the additional electors in Acre lane added to Eastham Ward.
6 Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11252 -0.54 2006 11292 -1.27
7 3 Dibbinsdale Ward
3.1 Description
From railway bridge at Ellens Lane south along railway to M53 motorway. North west along central reservation of M53 motorway to centre of junction 4. North along Mount Road and Brackenwood Road to Peter Price’s Lane. South east to western boundary of Teesdale Road properties. West of Teesdale Road along boundary of Wirral Grammar School playing fields. North of 2-78 Langdale Road to Cross Lane. North on Cross Lane then east to Kirket Lane along footpath between nos. 37 and 39 Cross Lane. Follow Kirket Lane east to join Church Road and The Wiend. East along the centre line of The Wiend to Ellens Lane.
3.2 Justification
Dibbinsdale ward from the south contains the distinct communities of Brookhurst, Marfords, Raby Mere, Poulton, Spital and parts of Bebington.
To the east it is bounded by the railway and Bromborough and Eastham wards and the justification for this remains the same as for the proposed Eastham and Bromborough wards. To the south and west the boundary follows the motorway as this marks the distinct difference from suburban area to the rural and greenbelt communities to the west. There are only three crossing points over the motorway, one is a major motorway junction, and the other two are narrow and winding rural roads. The Motorway separates the rural communities of Thornton Hough, Raby, and Brimstage from the suburban east of the former Clatterbridge ward. Indeed it is our contention that the rural parts of the former Clatterbridge ward have more of a community connection with the town of Heswall than with the motorway side of the peninsula. The justification for this contention is the good local transport links with Heswall and Neston in Cheshire and the fact that Heswall is the local district shopping centre for the area.
The proposed northern boundary through Bebington has consequently moved further south through Ellens Lane and Kirket Lane to maintain equality of electorate with the result that Bebington Civic Centre is now in Bebington Ward. Ellens Lane is a railway underpass for cars to Port Sunlight and, the trunk road, the A41.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11237 -0.67 2006 11294 -1.25
8 4 Bebington Ward
4.1 Description
From railway bridge on Rock Lane West south along railway to Ellens Lane railway bridge. Turn west along centre line of Ellens Lane to The Wiend. West along the centre line of The Wiend and Church Road. Continue along Kirket Lane to footpath between 37 and 39 Cross Lane. Turn south on Cross Lane and then west to the north of nos. 2-78 Langdale Road. West of Teesdale Road to Peter Price’s Lane. Turn north west along Peter Price’s Lane to Brackenwood Road. South to Mount Road and south west to junction 4 of the M53 motorway. North west along the central reservation of the M53 to Landican Lane underbridge. Turn east along Landican Lane to Storeton Village. Continue east to the north of Grange Farm and join Roman Road. South on Roman Road to Little Storeton Lane, then north east along Lever Causeway to Mount Road. South at Mount Road and then east into Broadway. Through Kings Road roundabout to Kings Lane. East along the centre line of Kings Lane to cross Bebington Road at Dacre Hill. Along Old Chester Road into Rock Lane West. Along centre line of Rock Lane West to railway bridge.
4.2 Justification
Bebington ward is centred around the Oval Sports Centre. To the south is Bebington Civic Centre with its small local shopping centre. Bebington ward's new southern border with Dibbinsdale reunites more of Lower Bebington and means that Bebington Civic Centre is now in Bebington ward. It is not possible to accommodate Bebington in one single ward as the community as a whole is too large. Indeed the houses opposite the entrance to the Oval were in Egerton ward and it is proposed that they become part of Bebington ward.
To the west is the motorway with its three crossing points, one a major junction and two minor rural roads. The village of Storeton is thus still contained within Bebington ward but as a consequence of using the motorway as a significant boundary the farms between the motorway, the railway and the old parish boundary now join with the rest of the farm community to the south centred around Thornton Hough and Brimstage.
As a consequence of moving the boundary with Dibbinsdale ward and the properties opposite the entrance to the Oval it is necessary to adjust the boundary to the north adjacent to Prenton ward. This proposal carries the same justification as the proposed Prenton ward i.e. there are distinct communities centred on Kings Road and the Princes Boulevard area and these have a good relationship to the rest of the proposed Prenton ward with similar type housing to the Osmaston Road and Cavendish Drive areas. There are local shopping centres but the main shopping areas for the Princes Boulevard area is the Woodchurch Road shops.
9 Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11574 +2.31 2006 11653 +1.89
10 5 Prenton Ward
5.1 Description
From railway bridge crossing Woodchurch Road at M53 junction 3, east along centre line of Woodchurch Road to Singleton Avenue. At Borough Road turn south along the centre line to junction with Mount Road. East along Bedford Drive to roundabout on Bebington Road. Turn south along the centre line of Bebington Road to Kings Lane. South west along the centre line of Kings Lane, through Kings Road roundabout and up Broadway to Mount Road. North along Mount Road to the Lever Causeway roundabout. South west along Lever Causeway to Little Storeton Lane. Onto Roman Road and then west to the north of Grange Farm. Join Landican Lane and continue west to bridge under M53 motorway. North west along central reservation of M53 to centre of junction 3.
5.2 Justification
The natural community of Prenton is currently divided between Prenton Ward and Egerton Ward. Our proposal reunites this community. The centre of Woodchurch Road forms a natural boundary; it is a 4-lane busy clearway and the main access road to Birkenhead from the Motorway at junction 3. By running down the centre of Singleton Avenue and along the centre of Borough Road, the Prenton Park estate and the Mount estate, the boundary includes these traditional parts of Prenton within the ward.
To the east, the ward incorporates a small part of Rock Ferry and Higher Bebington as a result of running the boundary down the centre of Bedford Drive, Bebington Road, Kings Lane and Broadway. This arises as a result of the need to maintain electoral equality However it is our contention that these are distinct communities centred on Kings Road and the Princes Boulevard area and they have a good relationship to the rest of the ward with similar type housing to the Osmaston Road and Cavendish Drive areas.
There are a number of small local shopping centres located within the ward but the main shopping area for the whole ward is the Woodchurch Road shops.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10955 -3.16 2006 11005 -3.78
11 6 Oxton Ward
6.1 Description
From junction of Balls Road East and Borough Road south along centreline of Borough Road south to Singleton Avenue. Continue south west along centreline of Singleton Avenue and Woodchurch Road west to centre of Motorway junction 3. North along central reservation of M53 to pedestrian underpass. North east to the north of Christleton Close, Holmlands Drive and Stretton Close and then southern boundary of Townfield School to Townfield Lane. North into Townfield Close and Noctorum Lane. Cross Budworth Road and continue north west along Noctorum Lane. At junction with Noctorum Road turn south east along footpath across golf course. East to the north of 2-8 Winthrop Park and then along centre line of Howbeck Road to Shrewsbury Road. South along the centre line of Shrewsbury Road to Beresford Road. Turn east along the centre line of Beresford Road to Palm Grove. South along the centre line of Palm Grove to Balls Road. Turn east along Balls Road and Balls Road East to Borough Road.
6.2 Justification
The Oxton ward has its natural centre around the Oxton Village conservation area. The boundary with the Claughton area to the north is largely historical but is equally locally recognised as the end of one community and the beginning of the other.
The proposed Oxton ward takes advantage of the natural boundary of the motorway to the west and borders with the Prenton community along the busy A552 Woodcurch Road in the south.
The smaller local district shopping centres of Oxton Village, Wellington Road and Holmlands Drive comprise the main focal points in Oxton. This ward remains largely unchanged with only minor alterations to its borders.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11357 +0.40 2006 11458 +0.18
12 7 Park Ward
7.1 Description
From junction of Park Road North and Park Road East follow centre line of Park Road East south to Claughton Road. East along Claughton Road to Charing Cross, then south to Whetstone Lane and Borough Road. South along Borough Road to Balls Road East. West up Balls Road East through the junction with Oxton Road and Woodchurch Road into centre line of Balls Road. South west along Balls Road to Palm Grove. Turn north into Palm Grove to Beresford Road. Turn west into centre line of Beresford Road and continue to Shrewsbury Road. North to Howbeck Road and then west along Howbeck Road to Bidston Road. North along the centre line of Bidston Road and Boundary Road to Upper Flaybrick Road. East down Upper Flaybrick Road to Tollemache Road. North along Tollemache Road to Lansdowne Road. East along Lansdowne Road, across the Sumner Road/Norman Street junction to Laird Street. South east along the centre of Laird Street, turning north between nos. 246 and 248. North along the rear boundaries of nos. 2- 52 Milner Street. East along the centre line of Corporation Road to the junction with Beaufort Road. West then north to the east quay of Gilbrook Basin. Join centre line of West Float and turn east to Duke Street Bridge. Continue along centre line of East Float to east quay of Vittoria Dock, turn south across mouth of dock to Vittoria Wharf. Cross Corporation Road to the east of the Council depot and continue south along Vittoria Street to junction with Conway Street and Park Road North.
7.2 Justification
The proposed Park ward includes the parts of Birkenhead around the historic and internationally renowned Birkenhead Park, which is also a conservation area. The park acts as a focus for the new ward. This ward contains the community of Claughton Village and to north the smaller terraced communities adjacent to the park at its northern boundary with the dock system. To the south it borders largely with the distinct community of Oxton Village.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11683 +3.28 2006 11820 +3.35
13 8 Bidston & Noctorum Ward
8.1 Description
From the roundabout at the junction of Docks Link Road, Dock Road, Poulton Bridge Road and Wallasey Bridge Road go south west along Wallasey Bridge Road. From the centre of Poulton Bridge follow centre line of West Float to Gilbrook Basin. Turn south along eastern quay of Gilbrook Basin and join Beaufort Road. Turn south east to junction with Corporation Road. West along centre line of Corporation Road to Connaught Estate. Turn south west to the rear of nos. 2-52 Milner Street. Join Laird Street between nos. 246 and 248. West along the centre line of Laird Street to Lansdowne Road. South west along the centre line of Lansdowne Road through the junction with Norman Street, to Tollemache Road. South along centre line of Tollemache Road to Upper Flaybrick Road. Turn west into Upper Flaybrick Road to Boundary Road. South along the centre line of Boundary Road and Bidston Road to Howbeck Road. West along the centre line of Howbeck Road and north of 2-8 Winthrop Park. Follow footpath north west to Noctorum Lane, then south along lane, crossing Budworth Road to Townfield Close. Cross Townfield Lane to footpath north east of Townfield School. South west along southern boundary of Townfield School, rear of Stretton Close, Holmlands Drive and Christleton Close to cross railway. Turn north west at central reservation of M53 motorway. Follow the motorway central reservation north to Junction 1 (B&Q Warehouse). From Junction 1 of the M53 follow the Mersey Tunnel approach road until the flyover of the Docks Link Road. Follow the central reservation of the Docks Link Road east to the junction with Dock Road.
8.2 Justification
Bidston and Noctorum ward from the south contains distinct communities in the form of housing estates largely centred around each other, namely: the Wethersfield estate; the Noctorum estate; the Beechwood estate; and the community centred around St James Church and Hoylake Road local shopping centre. All these communities are congregated around the geographical features of Bidston Hill, Bidston Ridge and Noctorum Ridge. To the west and north is the motorway and to the east and south are the communities of Oxton and those centred around Birkenhead Park.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11655 +3.03 2006 11893 +3.98
14 9 Birkenhead Ward
9.1 Description
From Tower Road take the centre line of Wallasey Dock, to the Pumping Station at Pump Road. Turn south, following the mean high water mark on the Mersey coast. At the northern end of the Tranmere oil jetty turn west to the shoreline at the northern perimeter fence of the Tranmere oil terminal. Follow the fence west to Campbeltown Road. Turn north along Campbeltown Road to the junction with Vanguard Way. Follow the centre of Vanguard Way west to the A41 New Chester Road, at its junction with Union Street. Follow the centre line of Union Street west to its junction with Old Chester Road. Turn south along the centre line of Old Chester Road to the junction with Downham Road. Follow the centre line of Downham Road west to Church Road, then south along the centre line of Church Road to Prenton Road East. Turn west along the centre line of Prenton Road East to Borough Road. North along the centre line of Borough Road, through the junction with Singleton Avenue to Whetstone Lane. Turn north west to Charing Cross and continue north to the junction with Claughton Road. West to Park Road East, then north along the centre line of Park Road East to Conway Street. Cross Conway Street to the centre line of Vittoria Street and continue north to cross Corporation Road east of the Council depot. Cross the mouth of Vittoria Dock and join centre line of East Float. Turn east to Tower Road at mouth of Wallasey Dock
9.2 Justification
This proposed ward comprises the variety of small town centre communities of Birkenhead. It is therefore a compact area around the main central shopping area of Birkenhead. It also includes at its heart the conservation area of Hamilton Square. To the south is the community of higher Tranmere which overlooks the centre and its docks.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10538 -6.85 2006 10869 -4.97
15 10 Lairdside Ward
10.1 Description
From Tranmere Oil Terminal jetty south along coast to New Ferry Esplanade at south end of Rock Park Road. West along the centre line of The Dell to the New Ferry Bypass. South to south end of Cargill Grove. West to cross New Chester Road to the south of no. 723 and the north of no. 718. Continue west to the rear of property nos. 4-34 in Stanley Road and Woodward Road. Follow the rear boundaries of nos. 20-24 Springwood Way to the railway. North along railway to Rock Lane West. West along centre line of Rock Lane West to Dacre Hill. South west along centre line of Old Chester Road to Bebington Road. North west along Bebington Road to Bedford Drive. Turn west along Bedford Drive to Mount Road. At Borough Road turn north to Prenton Road East. Turn east into Prenton Road East. At Church Road turn north to Downham Road. West along the centre line of Downham Road to Old Chester Road. North and then east into Union Street. Cross New Chester Road into Vanguard Way and then south along Campbeltown Road. At northern boundary of Tranmere Oil Terminal turn east to Oil Terminal jetty.
10.2 Justification
The community of Rock Ferry is currently divided between the wards of Tranmere and Egerton. The proposed ward of Lairdside seeks to reunite this area. The Rock Ferry community is focussed around the Bedford Road district shopping centre and also around the small urban Victoria Park.
The western boundary follows the main road at Borough Road on the far side of which are playing fields forming a natural boundary. To the north advantage has been taken of the position of Mersey Park to act as a boundary between Higher and Lower Tranmere.
The southern border is locally recognised as the natural dividing point between Rock Ferry and New Ferry (see Bromborough ward).
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11787 +4.20 2006 11852 +3.63
16 11 Heswall & Thornton Hough Ward
11.1 Description
From centre of roundabout at M53 motorway junction 4, south east along central reservation of motorway to Borough boundary. West along Borough boundary to Dee coast. North west to Heswall Fields. Follow footpath from coast at southern edge of Heswall Fields to cross Wirral Way north of the White House on Broad Lane. Follow northern boundaries of properties in The Akbar. North along the field boundary to the north of Long Ridge, Greenfield Lane, then turn north east along field boundaries to the north of Oldfield Farm. At Telegraph Road turn south east and then north east to the western boundary of the cemetery. South along the western boundary and continue south along the rear boundaries of nos. 109-123 Irby Road and 23-27 Mere Lane. East across Mere Lane to the south of no. 107 Irby Road. Continue east to the rear boundaries of nos. 73-107 Irby Road. South around Belldene Grove and Quarry Close. East to the rear of nos. 37-47 Irby Road, then south along the centre line of Quarry Road East from the southern boundary of no. 2. Turn south east into Grange Road and then follow the southern boundaries of nos. 39-43. South and east of Brackenside and then north to the rear of no. 16 Highgate Close. South east to the south of nos. 14 and 16 Grange Drive. North to the rear of nos. 127-141 Pensby Road. Cross from the centre line of Grange Road into Whitfield Lane. Follow the centre line of Whitfield Lane to Milner Road. West along the centre line of Milner Road to Barnston Road. North along Barnston Road, passing west of nos. 65-79. North of Thornwood (no. 108) Barnston Road, turn east then south along the rear boundaries of nos. 100-108. Turn east along the northern boundaries of nos. 7-35 Whitehouse Lane to the railway. North along the railway to the M53 motorway bridge. South east along the M53 central reservation to junction 4.
11.2 Justification
Heswall and Thornton Hough ward consists of the communities of Heswall, Thornton Hough, Brimstage, Raby and associated farms.
To the east is the motorway and the justification for this boundary is the same as for Bebington ward and Dibbinsdale ward i.e. the boundary follows the motorway as this feature divides two distinctly different areas; the suburban area to the east and the rural and greenbelt communities to the west.
There are only four crossing points over the motorway: one is a major motorway junction; two are narrow and winding rural roads to the community of Bromborough; and one is a further rural road to the Village of Storeton. The motorway separates the rural communities of Thornton Hough, Raby, and Brimstage from the suburban east of the former Clatterbridge ward and Bebington ward. Indeed it is our contention that the rural parts of the existing Clatterbridge ward have more of a community connection with the town of Heswall than with the motorway side of the peninsula. The justification for this contention is the good local transport links with Heswall and Neston in Cheshire, and the fact that Heswall is the local district shopping centre for the area.
17 To the south is the border between Wirral and the County of Cheshire. The western border is the River Dee. The border to the north is with Thurstaston and with the distinct community of Pensby.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11685 +3.29 2006 11887 +3.94
18 12 Pensby Ward
12.1 Description
From centre of junction 3 of M53 south along M53 to railway bridge. South along railway across Landican Lane to north of Whitehouse Lane. West to rear of nos. 7-35 Whitehouse Lane. Turn north to the east of nos. 100-108 Barnston Road, then west to centre line of road. South to Milner Road, passing west of nos. 65-79 Barnston Road. West along Milner Road and Whitfield Lane to cross Pensby Road at Grange Road. Turn south west of 141 Pensby Road and continue south to the rear of nos. 127-141 Pensby Road. West to the south of nos. 14 and 16 Grange Drive, then continue west to the south of 16 Highgate Close. South and west of Brackenside. Follow the southern boundaries of nos. 39-43 Grange Road and join Grange Road to the west of no. 43. North along the centre line of Quarry Road East and then north west to the rear of nos. 37-47 Irby Road. South of Quarry Close and Belldene Grove. Continue north west to the rear of nos. 73-107 Irby Road. Cross Mere Lane to the south of no. 107 Irby Road. Continue north west to the rear of nos. 23-27 Mere Lane and 109-123 Irby Road. South west and north around western boundary of cemetery to southern boundary of Pensby Schools. North along the western boundary of the Pensby Schools, then cross Irby Road north of Somerset Road. North along Arrowe Brook to Harrock Wood. Follow eastern boundary of Harrock Wood to Thingwall Road at Limbo Lane. East along Thingwall Road to west of Parkway. North and east around Parkway to footpath at west of Neilson’s Plantation. South along footpath to Thingwall Road East. North of Tophouse Farm and The Warren Nursery. At Arrowe Park Road turn north to allotment gardens north of Landican Cemetery. Turn east along southern boundary of allotment gardens then north west to east of Green Cottage. Join centre line of Woodchurch Road and turn east to junction 3 of the M53.
12.2 Justification
Pensby is the new ward created in the west of Wirral. It comprises the communities of Pensby, Thingwall, and Barnston. The southern border including both sides of Irby Road seeks to pick up what is the recognised boundary between the distinct local communities of Heswall and Pensby. The community of Pensby was previously divided between the former Heswall and Thurstaston wards.
Pensby ward's border to the west separates it from the distinct community of Irby. The northern border is with Upton and Woodchurch, its western border being formed from the motorway and the railway line.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10877 -3.85 2006 10924 -4.48
19 13 Thurstaston Ward
13.1 Description
From Thingwall Road west of Parkway in Irby west to Harrock Wood. South along the eastern boundary of Harrock Wood. Continue south along Arrowe Brook south to eastern end of Woodlands Road/Porto Hey Road and South Hey Road. Cross Irby Road north of Somerset Road, then south along western boundary of Pensby Schools. South west to Telegraph Road and then north along centre line of road to field boundary. Turn south west to north of Oldfield Farm. South along field boundary to north of Long Ridge, Greenfield Lane. West along the northern boundary of properties in The Akbar. Cross Pipers Lane to the north of no. 121 and then the Wirral Way at the footpath to the north of the White House on Broad Lane. Follow the path to the beach at the southern end of Heswall Fields and then turn north along the Dee coast. At the north end of West Kirby Marine Lake turn east to join South Parade. North to Riversdale Road and then east along centre line to Grange Road. South and east along Grange Road to Yewtree Lane. North to the east of the Telephone Exchange into Bridge Court. North into Bridge Road and then join Jubilee Drive and Lang Lane. North and east along Lang Lane to north of no. 79. Turn south west to the north of Grange House and continue south to the rear of The Ridgeway and Cranbrook, then between Rosemount and Broad Oak to Grange Old Road. South into Column Road, then east to the north of no. 3. South along the rear boundaries of nos. 3 and 5, then north east to the rear of nos. 1-49 Beacon Drive. South across Beacon Drive to the north east of nos. 44 and 49. South to the rear boundaries of nos. 28-44 Ennisdale Drive, then join Burlingham Avenue to the south of no. 66. East to the south of nos. 50-58 Ennisdale Drive, east across Hillside Road to the north of nos. 49 and 68. South along the rear boundaries of nos. 4a-68 Hillside Road and then east to the north of nos. 23-27 Grammar School Lane. East to the north of Grammar School Lane to west of no. 29. East to the south of properties in Covertside (north of nos. 29-55 Grammar School Lane). North of no. 144 Ennisdale Drive turn south onto centre line of Ennisdale Drive. At Newton Park Road turn north east. East of no. 55 turn south along the western and southern boundary of the allotment gardens to Newton Brook. East of Newton Brook to south end of Baytree Road. South east to the north of Royden Manor and South Lodge of Frankby Cemetery. South of Hillbark Lodge and Roodee Cottages to the south of Hillbark Road. Cross Greasby Brook and continue east to the south of Silverdale and Woodcote. Continue east to the north of Hillside. Cross Mill Hill Road to the north of Lilac Cottage. East to the south of Redstones Farm and Rystones. South west of Arrowe Brook Farm and White Cottages and south of Springbank. Turn south along the western boundary of Gorse Covert, Nicholson’s Plantation and Neilson’s Plantation. North of Parkway turn west and south. Join north side of Thingwall Road.
13.2 Justification
Thurstaston ward comprises the majority of West Kirby together with the communities of Irby and Caldy, Thurstaston Hill being the centre of the ward. In the interests of electoral equality it has been necessary to cede some of the
20 peripheral areas of West Kirby in the north to the neighbouring wards of the proposed Hoylake and Greasby & Newton.
To the south the border of Thurstaston ward skirts around the communities of Heswall and Pensby and has its north western border with the southern border of the communities of Greasby and Newton wards. However, the centre of West Kirkby is now united with in one ward, whereas previously it was divided into 3. The new Thurstaston ward has a much smaller geographic spread than previously as a result of the creation of the new Pensby ward.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10837 -4.20 2006 11404 -0.29
21 14 Greasby & Newton Ward
14.1 Description
From Sainsbury’s roundabout on Upton Bypass, south west along Sainsbury’s access road and then south to northern boundary of Federal Mogul (Champion Spark Plug). East to Arrowe Park Road, then south to Arrowe Brook Road. West along centre line of Arrowe Brook Road to Arrowe Brook Lane. Turn south along western boundary of Gorse Covert, then south west to the south of Springbank, White Cottages and Arrowebrook Farm, Arrowe Brook Lane. Continue west to the south of Redstones Farm and cross Mill Hill Road, south of the junction with Arrowe Brook Lane and Mill Lane, north of Lilac Cottage. Continue west to the south of Hillbark Road, south of Woodcote and Silverdale. Cross Greasby Brook and continue west to the south of Roodee Cottages. South of Hillbark Lodge cross Royden Park access and then cross Montgomery Hill into cemetery north of South Lodge. North west to the north of Royden Manor to end of Baytree Road south of no. 8. West to cross Newton Brook south of allotment gardens. North along western boundary of allotment gardens to the east of nos. 52-66 Grange Cross Lane and no. 55 Newton Park Road. South west along Newton Park Road to Ennisdale Drive. North along Ennisdale Drive, then west between nos. 142 and 144. West to the south of properties in Covertside (north of nos. 29-55 Grammar School Lane), then west along northern boundary of Grammar School Lane to eastern boundary of no. 27. North of nos. 23-27 and then turn north to the east of 4a-68 Hillside Road. West across Hillside Road to the north of nos. 49 and 68, then west to the south of 50-58 Ennisdale Drive. Join Burlingham Avenue to the south of no. 66, then continue north along the rear boundaries of nos. 28-44 Ennisdale Drive. Turn south west to the south of nos. 56-90 Gleggside. North west and north to the rear of 40-54 Gleggside and then west to the north of 44 Black Horse Hill. North along the centre line of Black Horse Hill to the junction with Saughall Massie Road. North east along Saughall Massie Road to China Farm Lane. South and east across China Farm Lane to the south of Newholme and Newton Hall Farm. At the eastern boundary of Newton Hall Farm turn north to Saughall Massie Road, then east along centre line through Three Lanes End to field boundary west of Saughall Massie village. Turn south east to Arrowe Brook, then continue east along Arrowe Brook. South of no. 29 Devonshire Road follow rear boundaries of nos. 1-29. Cross Upton Bypass and join Saughall Massie Lane to south of no. 122. North into Warwick Road and then east to north of nos. 100-112. North and east between nos. 16 and 25 Surrey Avenue, then east along southern boundary of Warwick Hey Recreation Ground. South east to the rear of nos. 43-49 Moreton Road. Follow centre line of Moreton Road south to Upton Village. Turn west along the centre line of Saughall Massie Lane to Molyneux Close. South to the west of nos. 2-26 and continue south to the west of nos. 27-73 Greystoke Close. South west to the west of 2-18 Denny Close and 19 and 22 Sullivan Avenue. South east along Upton Bypass to Sainsbury’s roundabout.
14.2 Justification
This ward is centred on Greasby Road (including Old Greasby Road), and Frankby Road from Upton through to Black Horse Hill, incorporating the
22 distinct local communities of Greasby, Frankby and Newton. Ennisdale Drive has been used as the western boundary because neither of the more natural boundaries of Frankby Road or Column Road is capable of producing good electoral equality, and Ennisdale Road is next best alternative. Both sides of Ennisdale Road and those roads off which do not form a through route are included.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11373 +0.54 2006 11434 -0.02
23 15 Upton & Woodchurch Ward
15.1 Description
From the centre of the Moreton Road bridge over the Moreton Spur follow the central reservation of the Moreton Spur east to the M53 (Junction 2). Follow the M53 central reservation south across Upton Road to the centre of Junction 3 where Woodchurch Road crosses the M53. Follow Woodchurch Road west to the Arrowe Park roundabout. Turn south east around the rear boundary of Green Cottage and rejoin Arrowe Park Road to the south of the allotment gardens north of Landican Cemetery. Follow Arrowe Park Road south to the northern boundary of The Warrens. Turn west to the north of Tophouse Farm. At the footpath to the west of Arrowe Park turn north along the western boundary of Neilsons Plantation. North along the western boundary of Nicholsons Plantation to Arrowe Brook Lane. Turn north east along Arrowe Brook Road to Arrowe Park Road. North along the centre line of Arrowe Park Road to the northern boundary of Federal Mogul (Champion Spark Plug). Turn west and then north along the Sainsbury store access road. Turn west along the Upton Bypass to the western boundary of 18 Denny Close. Turn north to the west of nos. 2-18 Denny Close and 19 and 22 Sullivan Avenue. Turn north west to the rear of nos. 27-73 Greystoke Close and 2-26 Molyneux Close. At Greasby Road turn east along the centre line to Upton Village. Turn north up Moreton Road to no. 43. Turn west at the southern boundary of no. 43 Moreton Road, then north along the western boundaries of nos. 43-49. West to the south of Warwick Hey Recreation Ground to join Surrey Avenue south of no. 25. Turn south at the eastern boundary of no. 16 Surrey Avenue and then west along the rear boundaries of nos. 2-16. Join Warwick Road between no. 2 Warwick Road and no. 112 Saughall Massie Lane. Turn west along Saughall Massie Lane to join the Upton Bypass west of no. 122. North west along the Upton Bypass to the Moreton Road bridge at the end of the Moreton Spur.
15.2 Justification
It is proposed to reunite the Woodchurch Estate, currently split between Prenton and Upton Wards. The current split is not logical as the whole estate relates to the Upton area and has a strong community identity. The remainder of the ward includes the natural communities of Upton and Overchurch, but not the distinct community of Saughall Massie, which it is proposed will now form part of Moreton ward.
In the interests of electoral equality it has been necessary to look at ways of limiting the size of Upton ward. It is proposed that those streets off Old Greasby Road up to its junction with Arrowe Park Road and Moreton Road are included within the Greasby and Newton ward. Their relationship with Greasby is superior to the relationship of other parts of the ward with its neighbouring areas.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11847 +4.73 2006 11828 +3.42
24 16 Hoylake Ward
16.1 Description
From Wallasey Embankment along footpath to the end of Park Lane Meols, south west along Park Lane, then south at drain to River Birket. South west along River Birket to drains and then south to cross railway at Carr Lane. South to west of Carr Lane through brickworks to west of Carr Hall Farm. Cross Hoylake Road and follow drain to the west of Green Gates Farm. Follow drains south to Barnacre Lane. At West Kirby Road turn west along road centre line into Saughall Massie Road, through Three Lanes End. At the eastern boundary of Newton Hall Farm turn south. Follow eastern and southern boundary of Newton Hall Farm and Newholme across China Farm Lane. North to Saughall Massie Road and continue west to junction with Black Horse Hill. Turn south west up Black Horse Hill past Black Horse Public House. Turn south east to the south of no. 46 Black Horse Hill and then turn south to the rear of nos. 40-54 Gleggside. Turn south west to the rear of nos. 1-23 Beacon Drive, then north along the rear boundaries of nos. 3 and 5 Column Road. North along the centre line of Column Road into Grange Old Road. North east between Broad Oak and Rosemount, west of Cranbrook, The Ridgeway and Grange House. Join Lang Lane to the north of no. 79 and continue north along the centre line of Lang Lane to Jubilee Drive. Continue south into the centre line of Bridge Road and into Bridge Court. North of the Telephone Exchange, along Yewtree Lane to Grange Road. West along Grange Road to Riversdale Road. West along Riversdale Road to the coast at South Parade. Follow coastline north to Stanley Road at Red Rocks, then follow coast north of properties at Stanley Road, Coronation and Barton Roads. Follow high water mark along North Parade in Hoylake and Meols Parade. North of the promenade at Parkfield Farm rejoin the Wallasey Embankment.
16.2 Justification
The town of Hoylake is not on its own big enough to form a ward, therefore in the interests of electoral equality it is necessary to extend and include some of the periphery of West Kirby within the proposed ward. This is also a feature of Hoylake ward as it is currently constituted. In so doing, an attempt has been made to incorporate the northern end of West Kirby based around the communities off Orrysdale Road, Anglesway Road and Greenbank Road as far as Black Horse Hill and Saughall Massie Lane. Hence the border mainly follows Lang Lane.
Hoylake ward includes the properties on Hilbre Island which is not featured on the ward map.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10998 -2.77 2006 11146 -2.54
25 17 New Brighton Ward
17.1 Description
From Fort Perch Rock, south along Mersey coast to Manor Lane. West along Manor Lane, crossing Seabank Road to Withens Lane. North along Withens Lane to southern boundary of Old Manor Club. West to the south of nos. 56 and 61 Longland Road. Along footpath across Delph Recreation Ground between 38 and 40 Rake Lane. Cross Rake Lane to Arnside Road. South of New Brighton Cricket Club and north of Bradman Close and Grace Close (former Oldershaw Lower School), south to the east of nos. 2-26 Thirlmere Drive, west to north of 3-9 Ormond Street. Centre line of Ormond Street then north along centre line of Seaview Road to Mount Pleasant Road. North east along Mount Pleasant Road to north eastern boundary of Weatherhead School. North west along the rear boundaries of nos. 1-47 Glen Park Road and The Coppice. North west along the centre line of Mount Road, crossing Montpelier Crescent to the north eastern boundary of Compass Court. Join Warren Drive to the north east of no. 66 (south west of 1 Winton Close). North east along the centre line of Warren Drive and turn north to the east of no. 77. West along the railway line to footpath west of Links View. North to Coastal Drive and then east along seawall to Fort Perch Rock.
17.2 Justification
It is proposed only to make minor alterations to this ward to improve the electoral balance and utilise better natural boundaries.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11523 +1.86 2006 11606 +1.48
26 18 Liscard Ward
18.1 Description
From Wallasey Road, north into Winchester Drive and turn north west to the south of no. 1. North east along the rear boundaries of nos. 1-57 Winchester Drive and then north to the rear of nos. 61-67 Belvidere Road. At southern boundary of Belvidere Recreation Ground cross Belvidere Road north of no. 67 and between nos. 48 and 50. Follow the southern boundary of the allotment gardens and the northern boundaries of nos. 5-23 north of Tancred Road. Turn north to the west of nos. 50-54 Fieldway and cross into Valkyrie Road. South along Fieldway and Valkyrie Road and then turn east to the north of 42 Valkyrie Road. Turn south to the rear of nos. 30-42 Valkyrie Road, then east to the north of 8-34 Burns Avenue. Turn north to the west of Massey Park to Seaview Road. Join centre line of Seaview Road north of the junction with Massey Park and then turn south to Ormond Road. Turn east along centre line of Ormond Road and north and east to rear of nos. 3-9. North along the western boundary of Bradman Close and Grace Close (former Oldershaw School). South and east along the southern boundary of New Brighton Cricket Club, to the north of Arnside Road. East across Rake Lane between nos. 38 and 40. Along footpath across Delph Recreation Ground to east, south of nos. 56 and 61 Longland Road. East to Withens Lane to south of Old Manor Club. South on Withens Lane to Manor Lane. East along Manor Lane to Mersey coast. South to Tobin Street, then west to cross into Church Street. At Liscard Road turn north west to footpath south of Ambulance Station. South west along Greenheys Road, to south of Mill Lane Hospital and into Love Lane. At Rostherne Avenue turn south to Poulton Road. At centre of bridge over Tunnel Approach Road follow Approach Road central reservation west. Turn south to Docks Link Road at junction of Approach Road and Docks Link Road. West and then north to southern boundary of Wallacre Recreation ground. Cross Mosslands Drive to the north of nos. 151 and 152 and then follow south eastern boundary of play area to follow the rear boundaries of nos. 1-33 Hillside Road. Join Breck Road north of no. 21. North along the centre line of Breck Road to St Hilary Brow. Turn east along centre line of St Hilary Brow, into Wallasey Road to junction with Winchester Drive.
18.2 Justification
It is proposed only to make minor alterations to this ward to improve the electoral balance and utilise better natural boundaries. These minor changes seek to enhance and make Liscard a more cohesive community centred around the main shopping centre.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11822 +4.51 2006 11871 +3.80
27 19 Seacombe Ward
19.1 Description
From Tobin Street at Egremont Ferry south along Mersey coast to Twelve Quays/Wallasey Dock. East along centre line of East and West Float to centre of Poulton Bridge. North to roundabout at Poulton Bridge Road and Dock Road, west along Docks Link Road to junction with Tunnel Approach Road. Follow centreline of Tunnel Approach Road east to Poulton Road bridge. North along Rostherne Avenue to Love Lane, south of Mill Lane Hospital and across into Greenheys Road. Follow footpath to south of Ambulance Station. At Liscard Road turn south east to Church Street. Cross King Street into Tobin Street.
19.2 Justification
It is proposed only to make minor alterations to this ward to improve the electoral balance and utilise better natural boundaries. These minor changes seek to keep together the distinct communities of Poulton and Seacombe as they are at present.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11614 +2.67 2006 11612 +1.53
28 20 Wallasey Ward
20.1 Description
From roundabout on Kings Parade south to Coastal Drive. At footpath under railway turn east along railway north of Links View. Join Warren Drive east of no. 77 and west along centre line to no. 66. South along north eastern boundary of no. 66 Warren Drive (south west of 1 Winton Close). Follow north eastern boundary of Compass Court and cross Montpellier Crescent. South along centre line of Mount Road to no. 36. Turn west between no. 36 Mount Road and no. 47 Glen Park Road. South west and south to the rear of nos. 1-47 Glen Park Road and The Coppice. South west along the centre line of Mount Pleasant Road to Seaview Road. South along centre line of Seaview Road to Asda store access. Turn south west to the north of nos. 2- 32 Massey Park. South along the western boundaries of nos. 32-54 Massey Park, then south west to the north of nos. 8-34 Burns Avenue. North to the rear of nos. 30-42 Valkyrie Road. Cross Fieldway to the north of no. 50 and turn south and west around allotment gardens. Cross Belvidere Road between nos. 48 and 50, to south of Belvidere Recreation Ground, then along southern boundary of the ATC Centre. Along northern boundaries of properties in Winchester Drive (1-57). South to Wallasey Road along the centre line of Winchester Drive, then west along Wallasey Road and St Hilary Brow to Breck Road. South along the centre line of Breck Road to north of no. 21. Turn south west to the rear of nos. 1-33 Hillside Road. Follow south eastern boundary of play area to Mosslands Drive. Cross Mosslands Drive to the north of nos. 151 and 152 and then follow south eastern boundary of Wallacre Recreation Ground. At centre of Docks Link Road turn north west to junction 1 of M53. Turn north along Wallasey Approach Road. At Green Lane turn west along centre line of lane to western boundary of Wallasey Golf Club (eastern boundary of the Gunsite picnic area). Turn north to Leasowe Revetment. At coast turn north east to Kings Parade.
20.2 Justification
It is proposed only to make minor alterations to this ward to improve the electoral balance and utilise better natural boundaries.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11459 +1.30 2006 11520 +0.73
29 21. Leasowe Ward
21.1 Description
From Moreton Spur road bridge over Sandbrook Lane/Manor Drive west along Moreton Spur to Upton Road. North along Moreton Road to Moreton Cross. North along Pasture Road to coast at Wallasey Embankment. At Leasowe Revetment turn south to east of Gunsite, then east along Green Lane to Wallasey Approach Road. South along Wallasey Approach Road to junction 1 M53. South along M53 to Moreton Spur, then west along Moreton Spur to Sandbrook Lane.
21.2 Justification
Leasowe ward is based largely on the old Leasowe Ward. The western boundary has been moved from its current location to the centre of Upton Road. This forms a more natural boundary than Sandbrook Lane. Hence the ward comprises two natural communities between the M53 Moreton Spur and Hoylake Road, and between Hoylake Road and the coast.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 10837 -4.20 2006 11404 -0.29
30 22 Moreton Ward
22.1 Description
From Wallasey Embankment at the end of Park Lane Meols, east to Leasowe Road/Pasture Road. South down Pasture Road to Moreton Cross and then along Upton Road. At Upton Bypass turn south west along centre line to the north of 1 Devonshire Road. South to the rear of nos. 1-39 Devonshire Road. Turning west along the centre of the Arrowe Brook, to the south of 51-79 Girtrell Road. Follow the centre of Arrowe Brook to the west, to the south of Cowley Close. At the confluence of the Greasby and Arrowe Brooks, turn north to follow the Arrowe Brook. Turn north west along a field boundary to West Kirby Road and then to Barnacre Lane. Follow the drain north to the west of Green Gates Farm, to cross Hoylake Road to the west of Carr Hall Farm. West of Carr Lane Brickworks north to the railway line. Cross the railway line north along field drain to the River Birket. North east along the River Birket and then north along field drain to Park Lane. Follow Park Lane north east and then footpath to the Wallasey Embankment.
22.2 Justification
Moreton ward is also largely based on its former boundaries. The eastern boundary has been moved to the centre of Upton Road and the community of Saughall Massie has been also included (formerly part of Upton ward). Saughall Massie is a small community in its own right and has a better relationship with Moreton than with Upton due to the location of the Upton by pass, which has isolated Saughall Massie from Upton. Moreton Cross at the centre of the ward is the local district shopping centre.
Projected % from Electorate mean 2001 11099 -1.88 2006 11285 -1.33
31 Appendix 1
Wirral MBC Electorate Projection Methodology
1. Introduction
1.1 The Wirral electorate projection methodology uses a combination of population projection, at both District and ward levels, factored by dwelling stock change.
1.2 Control of the results is carried out at the District level to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid Year Estimates (MYE) and at ward level to the figures produced in 2000 by Oxford University for the Government’s Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy and Index of Deprivation.
2. The Methodology outlined
2.1 The October 2001 Electoral Register is available as an Access database. This database can be interrogated on the Polling District code, giving a count of electors per Polling District (total 249000 electors).
2.2 The number of electors per dwelling is calculated from the Electoral Register and a count of dwellings per Polling District. The count of dwellings is determined by matching the Ordnance Survey grid reference of each dwelling in Wirral with the boundary of each Polling District, using the MAPINFO computer package (143000 dwellings).
2.3 A population projection methodology has been developed in the Planning Department, using births and deaths data, together with a factor representing the likelihood of an individual migrating. Death rates and migration factors are differentiated by the individual’s age. Future births and deaths are projected by mathematical regression lines which are drawn on a series of graphs.
2.4 This population projection methodology has been run for each ward (using ward level births and deaths and District-wide migration and fertility/mortality projections).
2.5 Both the District and ward-level population projection methodologies are demographic models, i.e. they do not take account of dwelling stock change, although they do take account of the past likelihood of migration.
2.6 The future projection of electorate requires that a link be established with the base dwelling stock in each ward and the District. The Local Government Commission for England (LGCE) advice requires that account is taken of dwelling stock change at a local level.
2.7 The mapping of outstanding planning permissions (for new build and net change from conversions) provides dwelling stock change for the
32 projection methodology, together with all outstanding UDP housing allocations.
2.8 In some areas of the Borough, the dwelling stock will fall, as a result of planned demolitions. Figures have been supplied by the Director of Housing and Environmental Protection, for major schemes in both the Council and private sector. The largest of these is the remodelling of the southern end of the Beechwood estate, where 307 dwellings are being demolished to be replaced by 150 new dwellings.
2.9 The assumption is made that dwellings to be demolished have the characteristic number of electors per dwelling of the surrounding Polling District and that new dwellings in a Polling District will have the same number of electors per dwelling as the surrounding Polling District.
2.10 The methodology does not simply carry forward the existing number of electors in a Polling District and add new electors in new dwellings. Instead, the ward level demographic (i.e. births, deaths and migration led) population projection is factored onto the electorate projection.
2.11 This factoring is achieved by establishing the ratio of the 2001 population of age 18+ to the 2001 electoral register and then applying this ratio in reverse to the 2006 population projection. By this means, the effects of death and the likelihood of migration are applied to the projected electorate.
3. The results in brief
3.1 The attached Proforma 1 shows the 2001 and 2006 number of electors per Polling District. There are many wards and Polling Districts with only modest changes.
3.2 Bebington ward is a stable, mature ward with little new housing development. Using the 2001 Electoral Register, the ward had a -4.08% variance from the Wirral mean of electors per Councillor. By 2006 this is expected to increase only to –5.70%.
3.3 Bidston ward shows an increase of 350 electors in spite of a net reduction in the number of dwellings. This is because the methodology projects that the large number of young people in the ward at 2001 will move into the 18+ age group. The redevelopment of the southern end of the Beechwood estate is intended to stabilise the population, in accordance with recommendations on the future of such estates. New private development at Tollemache Road (84 dwellings) also introduces new family housing. The variance from the Wirral mean of electors per Councillor is projected to remain at over –30%.
33 Birkenhead
3.4 Birkenhead ward has seen a lot of new development in recent years and although much of this development is for small households, an increase of nearly 1000 electors is projected for the next 5 years. This is partly due to the projected retention of the middle aged and elderly. In spite of this increase, the ward still exhibits a variance of –4.58% at 2006.
3.5 Bromborough ward is similar to Bebington, with a stable population structure and little scope for new housebuilding. The ward variance is projected to increase only slightly from –2.01% to –3.02%.
3.6 There is projected to be little new housing development in Clatterbridge ward. The stability of the area’s population structure is evidenced by a slight decrease in the electoral population. However, variance from the Wirral mean is projected to remain above +20%, the highest in the Borough.
3.7 Claughton ward also shows an increase of 850 electors. The major housing allocation (over 350 dwellings) at Old Birkonians is being developed with detached houses, which will normally be occupied by 2 electors. The variance from the Wirral mean is projected to move from –1.35% to +4.91% as a result of this new building.
3.8 Eastham ward has a stable number of electors. There is little planned new housing and the ward has traditionally maintained a pattern of low turnover in numbers of electors. In the next five years the resident population will maintain its current age profile. Variance from the Wirral mean is only projected to increase from –0.28% to –1.49%.
3.9 Egerton ward has a stable age structure, with a slight increase in electors arising from ageing of the existing residents. Variance is projected to remain at –4.5%.
3.10 A reduction in the electorate in Heswall ward is due to the limited amount of new development in the ward. Most new development is a result of redevelopment within the urban area. The age structure of the ward is mature, with fewer individuals coming into the electorate in the next 5 years. Variance is projected to fall from +19.35% to +14.22%
34 (still above the 10% threshold recommended by the Local Government Commission).
3.11 Like Heswall, Hoylake ward has a mature population structure, with a projected decrease in electorate. Variance is also projected to fall from +14.49% to +11.06%, again above the 10% threshold.
3.12 There has been a large amount of new housebuilding in recent years in Leasowe ward. Committed housing sites (both UDP allocations and sites with planning permission) have been included in the calculation of future dwelling stock change. In Leasowe ward, this includes sites at Reeds Lane/Ditton Lane and at Fender Farm. The projected electorate is therefore 700 greater at 2006 than at 2001. Variance is reduced from -13.46% to –8.62% by this new housing development.
3.13 Liscard ward is projected to exhibit a slight increase in electorate as a result of the ageing of the population. Variance is projected to remain stable at –1.6%.
3.14 Moreton ward’s age structure is stable. Recent building is largely reflected in the current electorate, although the site at Manor Drive (allocated in the UDP) has not yet commenced. The ward’s variance is projected to remain at –11%.
New Brighton
3.15 New Brighton ward has a mature age structure, with a variance projected to decrease only slightly from +3.66% to +2.17%.
3.16 Oxton ward has a similar variance to New Brighton, with a slight fall projected from +3.21% to +3.14%. The electorate is projected to increase by 1%.
3.17 A slight fall in the electorate is projected for Prenton ward, with a decrease in the ward variance from +2.78% to –0.25%.
3.18 A slight decrease in the number of electors in Royden does not alter the ward variance, which is projected to remain at over +11%.
35 Seacombe
3.19 Demolition of some obsolete Council housing stabilises dwelling stock change in Seacombe ward but growth in the numbers of younger and middle aged electors increases the overall electorate. Variance remains low, with a slight reduction from –4.44% to -0.29%.
3.20 A slight fall in the electorate is reflected in a slight fall in the amount of variance, from +12.74% to +9.29%.
3.21 In recent years there has been a high level of new building in Tranmere ward, involving redevelopment of obsolete Council and private sector stock. Population movement is projected to stabilise as a result of this regeneration programme and the electorate is projected to increase. However, variance is still projected to remain above 10%, at –18.60%.
3.22 Upton ward’s electorate is projected to remain stable, with a slight decrease in ward variance from +9.28% to +8.55%.
3.23 Wallasey ward’s population is also expected to remain stable, with a slight decrease in ward variance from +8.73% to +6.65%.
4. Wirral Total Electorate
4.1 From a figure of 248,668 at December 2001, the Wirral Electoral Register is projected to increase by 1.20% to 251,650. With the current Council size of 66 Members, ward variance is measured from 3768 at 2001 and 3813 at 2006.