Learning and Teaching Investment Fund Interim report

Title of project:

Funding scheme LTIF contestable (please type an ‘X’ in the correct box) RMIT Vietnam Program Development Fund

Project leader/s

Internal order Ph number/ext number

College/portfolio HE/VE


Project budget Year to date budget to 30/6

Year to date Year to date variance expenditure to 30/06

Budget variation If relevant, provide details and an explanation for any changes to expenditure in the 3rd and 4th quarter from that proposed in the original proposal. Please note that funds must be spent on approved project deliverables by the end of the calendar year. (No more than 50 words)

Summary of 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% progress

Review of progress Summarise the progress of your project with reference to the planned outcomes put forward in your application. (No more than 100 words)

Outcomes Number of courses/programs/students benefitting from the project.

Project outcomes Discuss the major achievements of your project and how these and impacts correspond with the project schedule. (No more than 100 words)

Issues/solutions Have there been any major issues that have impacted on the deliverables, timeline or the budget? Please specify. (No more than 100 words)

Unclassified 0bba6b8ab8ff394c8093aa3fb149c1d3.doc Author: Project leader Save Date: 25/05/2016 Page 1 of 2 Office of Dean To be completed by Office of Dean Learning and Teaching Learning and Teaching comment

LTIF projects Please send report in Word format via email to:  [email protected]  Finance Manager  Head/Dean of School  Deputy PVC, Learning and Teaching Together with this link: https://docs.google.com/a/rmit.edu.au/forms/d/1-dyFd1DA8sFu5Acz0ZajH_PlVj8tUziraWuhNC8rOfg/viewform

RMIT Vietnam PDF projects Please send report in Word format via email to:  [email protected]  Finance Manager  Head of Centre  Deputy PVC, Learning and Teaching  RMIT Vietnam, Vice President Academic Together with this link: https://docs.google.com/a/rmit.edu.au/forms/d/1kQ6LfLYTVOt5n5VTcYbfdyrnCcuebNnbS1I3q23Rov8/viewform

Unclassified 0bba6b8ab8ff394c8093aa3fb149c1d3.doc Author: Project leader Save Date: 25/05/2016 Page 2 of 2