Basic Verb and Adjective List

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Basic Verb and Adjective List

Basic Verb and Adjective List Verb List

Verb List by Phillip Kesler 22/10/2002

Most common prepositions or Past Verb Reg? adverbs Present Past Participle Future Translation Account y for Normal Accounted Accounted Will account Dar conta de Agree y to, with, about,on Normal Agreed Agreed Will agree Concordar Will Desculpar por alguma Apologize y for, to Normal Apologized Apologized apologize coisa ou para alguem Appear y from, to, with Normal Appeared Appeared Will appear Aparecer Arrive y from, to, with Normal Arrived Arrived Will arrive Chegar Answer y to, with, about,on Normal Answered Answered Will answer Responder Discutir com alguem ou Argue y with, about Normal Argued Argued Will argue sobre Ask y to, about Normal Asked Asked Will ask Perguntar Bark y at Normal Barked Barked Will bark Latir Believe y in Normal Believed Believed Will believe Crer to, with, on, Belong y under, over Normal Belonged Belonged Will belong Pertencer Blame y for Normal Blamed Blamed Will blame Culpar Boil y over Normal Boiled Boiled Will boil Ferver Borrow y from Normal Borrowed Borrowed Will borrow Emprestar Brush y Normal Brushed Brushed Will brush Escovar Bury y in Normal Buried Buried Will bury Enterrar, sepultar Call y Normal Called Called Will call Chamar Vistar, chamar Call on y Normal Called on Called on Will call on (alguem) Call up y Normal Called up Called up Will call up Telefonar, recruitar

1 Gostar de, cuidar para, Care y for, to Normal Cared Cared Will care importar-se com Charge y to, by, with Normal Charged Charged Will charge Cobrar Clean y up Normal Cleaned Cleaned Will clean Limpar Close y up, down Normal Closed Closed Will close Fechar Comb y Normal Combed Combed Will comb Pentear Will Complain y about, of Normal Complained Complained complain Reclamar Will Concentrate y on, about, for Normal Concentrated Concentrated concentrate Concentrar-se Consist y of Normal Consisted Consisted Will consist Consistir em Cook y Normal Cooked Cooked Will cook Cozinhar Count y to, up Normal Counted Counted Will count Contar Will count Count on y Normal Counted on Counted on on Depender Cope y with, by Normal Coped Coped Will cope Lidar com Carry y Normal Carried Carried Will carry Carregar Cross y over Normal Crossed Crossed Will cross Cruzar, atravessar on, about, for, Cry y with Normal Cried Cried Will cry Chorar, gritar with, about, for, Dance y on, in Normal Danced Danced Will dance Dançar Depend y on Normal Depended Depended Will depend Depender Die y in, from, with, of Normal Died Died Will die Morrer, falecer Drop y from, on, in Normal Dropped Dropped Will drop Deixar cair, visitar (in) Dry y in, with, by Normal Dried Dried Will dry Secar, enxugar End y by, at, in, with Normal Ended Ended Will end Terminar, acabar Enjoy y Normal Enjoyed Enjoyed Will enjoy Apreciar, gostar de Escape y from, with, to, in Normal Escaped Escaped Will escape Escapar, fugir Fine y Normal Fined Fined Will fine Multar with, in, by, in, at, Terminar, acabar, Finish y about Normal Finished Finished Will finish completar

2 Fazer fogo, disparar, despedir (funcionario, Fire y at, with, in, into Normal Fired Fired Will fire etc) Pescar, buscar ou Fish y for, in, around Normal Fished Fished Will fish elicitar (alguma coisa) Fry y in, up Normal Fried Fried Will fry Fritar Happen y to, about, with Normal Happened Happened Will happen Acontecer Hate y by, for Normal Hated Hated Will hate Odiar Help y by, for, in, around Normal Helped Helped Will help Ajudar, socorrer Hire y by, for, with, at Normal Hired Hired Will hire Contratar Hope y for, with, in Normal Hoped Hoped Will hope Esperar, ter esperança Will Increase y by, in, for Normal Increased Increased increase Aumentar, crescer Invite y in, for, to, over Normal Invited Invited Will invite Convidar in, over, into, up, Jump y down, around, to Normal Jumped Jumped Will jump Saltar, pular Kill y over, about, for Normal Killed Killed Will kill Matar, assasinar Kiss y by Normal Kissed Kissed Will kiss Beijar Land y Normal Landed Landed Will land Aterrissar Like y Normal Liked Liked Will like Gostar de Listen y to Normal Listened Listened Will listen Escutar, ouvir Lie (1) n to lie, lies lied lied will lie mentir for, with, in, Live y around, by Normal Lived Lived Will live Morar, viver at, around, Look y about, into Normal Looked Looked Will look Olhar, investigar (into) Look for y Normal Looked for Looked for Will look for Procurar, buscar Will look Look after y Normal Looked after Looked after after Cuidar, tomar conta de Love y for Normal Loved Loved Will love Amar, adorar Marry y for Normal Married Married Will marry Casar Mix y up Normal Mixed Mixed Will mix Misturar Need y for, to Normal Needed Needed Will need Precisar

3 up, in, by, over, Open y around, with Normal Opened Opened Will open Abrir around, on, by, Paint y over, in Normal Painted Painted Will paint Pintar, retratar by, over, around, Passar, ser aprovado, Pass y to, with, up, away Normal Passed Passed Will pass falecer (away) with, for, around, Jogar, brincar, tocar Play y near, by, in, over Normal Played Played Will play (musica tambem) Pray y for, with Normal Prayed Prayed Will pray Orar, rezar to, in front of, in Promise y the presence of Normal Promised Promised Will promise Prometer Prove y to Normal Proved Proved Will prove Provar, demonstrar from, back, with, Puxar, arrastar, extrair Pull y for Normal Pulled Pulled Will pull (dentes) Push y away, in, with, for Normal Pushed Pushed Will push Empurrar in, for, on, into, Rain y near, with Normal Rained Rained Will rain Chover Rent y from, in Normal Rented Rented Will rent Alugar from, by, with, Rest y for, in, on Normal Rested Rested Will rest Descansar, repousar Rob y by, from, of, in Normal Robbed Robbed Will rob Roubar, assaltar Rock y Normal Rocked Rocked Will rock Embalar, agitar Seem y Normal Seemed Seemed Will seem Parecer Shout y at, about, to, with Normal Shouted Shouted Will shout Gritar Smell y with Normal Smelled Smelled Will smell Cheirar, farejar Smile y to, for Normal Smiled Smiled Will smile Sorrir in, around, with, by, outside, Smoke y inside Normal Smoked Smoked Will smoke Fumar in, out, around, by, for, at, about, Stay y until, after Normal Stayed Stayed Will stay Ficar, hospidar-se

4 for, by, around, for, at, about, Stop y until, after Normal Stopped Stopped Will stop Parar Study y with, for, at, in Normal Studied Studied Will study Estudar with, about, for, on, in, until, after, Talk y at Normal Talked Talked Will talk Conversar, falar Touch y on Normal Touched Touched Will touch Tocar, apalpar to, by, in, around, Travel y for, with Normal Travelled Travelled Will travel Viajar Try y to, for Normal Tried Tried Will try Tentar Use y by, for, on, in Normal Used Used Will use Usar without, with, near, close, around, about, in, on, outside, Vanish y inside Normal Vanished Vanished Will vanish Desaparecer, sumir-se for, in, around, Wait y by, near, on Normal Waited Waited Will wait Esperar with, in, by, to, around, inside, outside, over to, Andar, caminhar, Walk y out on Normal Walked Walked Will walk abandonar (out on) to (+verb) or only with pronoun or Want y noun Normal Wanted Wanted Will want Querer, desejar Wash y up, with, around Normal Washed Washed Will wash Lavar Assistir, observar, Watch y over Normal Watched Watched Will watch cuidar (over) Water y Normal Watered Watered Will water Aguar, regar with, for, in, on, around, near, without, by, until, Work y after Normal Worked Worked Will work Trabalhar

5 Worry y about, for Normal Worried Worried Will worry Preocupar-se

Irregular Verbs Most common prepositions or Past Verb Reg? adverbs Present Past Participle Future Translation with, at, in, on, was, were, over, around, am, are, is, was, were, Be n with, without are, are, are were, were been will be ser, estar suportar, sofrer, dar a Bear n up, with bear, bears bore born(e) will bear luz become, Become n becomes became become will become tornar-se with, from, at, without, around, begin, Begin n again begins began begun will begin comecar on, with, around, Bite n without bite, bites bit bitten (bit) will bite morder from, around, on, bleed, Bleed n in bleeds bled bled will bleed sangrar Blow n on, around, with blow, blows blew blown will blow soprar from, in, on, break, Break n around breaks broke broken will break quebrar in, on, around, with, without, Bring n again bring, brings brought brought will bring trazer up, around, with, without, again, Build n on, in, from build, builds built built will build construir from, of, around, Burst n with, without burst, bursts burst burst will burst arrebentar, explodir at, with, in, on, Buy n again buy, buys bought bought will buy comprar Cast n off, away, with cast, casts cast cast will cast arremessar

6 catch, Catch n with, in, on catches caught caught will catch pegar, apanhar with, from, without, again, choose, Choose n on chooses chose chosen will choose escolher, selecionar in, out, by, with, without, again, come, Come n from comes came come will come vir Cost n of, from cost, costs cost cost will cost custar with, without, on, Cut n in, into, again cut, cuts cut cut will cut cortar negociar, distruibuir Deal n with, to, in deal, deals dealt dealt will deal (jogo de cartas) with, without, in, Dig n into dig, digs dug dug will dig cavar with, without, Do n again do, does did done will do fazer with, without, again, in, around, Draw n on, from draw, draws drew drawn will draw desenhar, sacar dream, Dream n of, about dreams dreamt dreamt will dream sonhar with, without, Drink n from drink, drinks drank drunk will drink beber in, into, on, around, with, Drive n without drive, drives drove driven will drive dirigir with, without, in, Eat n on eat, eats ate eaten will eat comer Fall n from, into, on, in fall, falls fell fallen will fall cair from, with, Feed n without feed, feeds fed fed will feed alimentar Feel n with, without feel, feels felt felt will feel sentir

7 with, without, in, Fight n on fight, fights fought fought will fight lutar in, on, around, Find n again find, finds found found will find encontrar, achar with, to, on, Fly n around fly, flies flew flew will fly voar forbid, Forbid n to, again forbids forbade forbidden will forbid proibir forget, Forget n to forgets forgot forgotten will forget esquecer forgive, Forgive n of forgives forgave forgiven will forgive perdoar freeze, Freeze n from freezes froze frozen will freeze gelar Get n to get, gets got got will get conseguir, obter to, with, without, Give n in give, gives gave given will give dar, render-se (in) to, with, from, around, in, into, Go n again, on go, goes went gone will go ir, continuar (on) up, with, without, Grow n around, in, into grow, grows grew grown will grow crescer, aumentar up, around, with, Hang n without, on, from hang, hangs hung hung will hang pendurar Have n have, has had had will have ter ouvir, escutar, ter noticias de ou ouvir Hear n from, of, about hear, hears heard heard will hear falar de from, in, around, Hide n on, with, without hide, hides hid hidden will hide esconder with, on, in, by, Hit n around hit, hits hit hit will hit bater up, around, from, Hold n with, without hold, holds held held will hold segurar

8 machucar, ferir, Hurt n from, by hurt, hurts hurt hurt will hurt magoar guardar, manter, Keep n from keep, keeps kept kept will keep conservar know, Know n knows knew known will know saber, conhecer down, around, Lay n on, with, without lay, lays laid laid will lay por, colocar with, without, Lead n from, to, in, by lead, leads led led will lead guiar, comandar, liderar by, with, without, Learn n from, to learn, learns learnt leart will learn aprender by, with, without, leave, deixar, partir, Leave n from, to, in leaves left left will leave abandonar Lend n to, with, without lend, lends lent lent will lend emprestar a Let n to let, lets let let will let permitir, deixar, alugar down, on, around, near, Lie (2) n with, without lie, lies lay lain will lie deitar, jazer Light n up light, lights lit lit will light acender, iluminar Lose n around, in, at lose, loses lost lost will lose perder make, Make n up makes made made will make fazer, construir mean, Mean n means meant meant will mean significar with, up, up with, Meet n around, with meet, meets met met will meet encontrar-se up, to, with, without, by, into, Pay n in pay, pays paid paid will pay pagar on, down, up, onto, into, with, Put n next to put, puts put put will put por, colocar Read n for, to, with, on read, reads read read will read ler

9 Ride n with, to, into ride, rides rode ridden will ride andar, cavalgar tocar a campainha, soar, telefonar Ring n in, up ring, rings rang rung will ring (Inglaterra) Rise n up, with rise, rises rose risen will rise erguer-se, levantar correr, encontrar/bater Run n with, to, for, into run, runs rang run will run (into) Say n say, says said said will say dizer See n with, to, see, sees saw seen will see ver by, to, with, Sell n around sell, sells sold sold will sell vender Send n by, to, with, over send, sends sent sent will send enviar, mandar Set n up, aside, in set, sets set set will set fixar, colocar shake, Shake n up, with shakes shook shaken will shake sacudir shine, Shine n up, with shines shone shone will shine brilhar shoot, Shoot n up, at shoots shot shot will shoot atirar, disparar show, Show n up, around shows showed shown will show mostrar up, out, down, Shut n with, without shut, shuts shut shut will shut fechar Sing n with, to, about sing, sings sang sung will sing cantar Sink n into, in, up to sink, sinks sank sunk will sink afundar up, in, down, Sit n around sit, sits sat sat will sit sentar in, on, around, for, until, with, sleep, Sleep n without sleeps slept slept will sleep dormir Slide n down, on slide, slides slid slid will slide escorregar up, down, in, Slit n into, open slit, slits slit slit will slit fender, rachar

10 smell, Smell n from smells smelt smelt will smell cheirar up, with, at, into, until, for, about, speak, Speak n without speaks spoke spoken will speak falar up, to, on, speed, Speed n around speeds sped sped will speed apressar-se spend, Spend n spends spent spent will spend gastar, passar (tempo) Spoil n spoil, spoils spoilt spoilt will spoil estragar with, on, from… spread, Spread n to…, spreads spread spread will spread espalhar spring, Spring n from, to, up springs sprang sprung will spring saltar, pular ficar de pe, stand, permanecer, acreditar Stand n up, around, for stands stood stood will stand (for) Steal n from steal, steals stole stolen will steal roubar swear, Swear n at, that, to, on, by swears swore sworn will swear jurar sweep, Sweep n up, around sweeps swept swept will sweep varrer in, from, to, swim, Swim n from…to… swims swam swum will swim nadar tomar, levar, pegar, Take n from, to, with, by take, takes took taken will take segurar to, at, with, from, teach, Teach n again teaches taught taught will teach ensinar up, into, from… Tear n to… tear, tears tore torn will tear rasgar Tell n tell, tells told told will tell contar, dizer Think n up, for, with think, thinks thought thought will think pensar, achar, julgar throw, arremessar, vomitar Throw n to, from, with, up throws threw thrown will throw (up)

11 understand, will Understand n understands understood understood understand entender wake, Wake n up wakes woke woken will wake acordar Wear n out, in, on, until wear, wears wore worn will wear vestir, usar Wed n to, on wed, weds wed wed will wed casar weep, Weep n for, with weeps wept wept will weep chorar Wet n on, in wet, wets wet wet will wet umedecer Win n by win, wins won won will win vencer, ganhar wring, Wring n out wrings wrung wrung will wring espremer Write n up, on, in, for write, writes wrote written will write escrever Auxiliary Verbs Always comes before a verb in Must n the infinitive must must must must dever Always comes before a verb in Can n the infinitive can can can can conseguir Always comes before a verb in Could n the infinitive could could could could podia (conditional) Always comes before a verb in Should n the infinitive should should should should deveria (conditional)

Adjective List Adjectives in English

Adjective Comparative Superlative Translation Hungry hungrier hungriest com fome Tired more tired most tired cansado

12 Angry angrier angriest zangado Sleepy sleepier sleepiest com sono Sick sicker sickest doente Married xx xx casado Single xx xx solteiro Divorced xx xx divorciado Famous more famous most famous famoso Old older oldest velho (idade anos Nice nicer nicest sympatico, gostoso Nervous more nervous most nervous nervoso more Stubborn stubborn most stubborn teimoso Thirsty thirstier thirstiest com sede Tall taller tallest alto/longe Thin thinner thinnest magro/fino Fat fatter fattest gordo Poor poorer poorest pobre Rich richer richest rico Big bigger biggest grande (tamanho Great greater greatest grande (prestigio) Small smaller smallest pequeno Short shorter shortest curto/baixo Ugly uglier ugliest feio Stupid more stupid most stupid burro more Intelligent intelligent most intelligent inteligente Smart smarter smartest inteligente, esperto bonita (pessoas e Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful coisas) more bonito (pessoas e Handsome handsome most handsome coisas) New newer newest novo Near nearer nearest perto Far farther farthest longe

13 Close closer closest perto more Expensive expensive most expensive caro Cheap cheaper cheapest barato Cold colder coldest frio Hot hotter hottest quente/caloroso Good better best bom Easy easier easiest facil Hard harder hardest dificil/duro Difficult more difficult most difficult dificil Happy happier happiest feliz Unhappy unhappier unhappiest infeliz


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