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Subject Description

Inflammatory cells and Mediators. Chronic inflammation: Causes, Types, Classification PATHOLOGY & nonspecific and granulomatous with examples. MICROBIOLOGY Repair, Wound healing by primary and secondary union, factors promoting and delaying the process. Subject Description Healing in specific site including bone healing.

This subject follows the basic subjects of 4. Immunopathology [2 Hour] Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry and it Immune system: General concepts. forms a vital link between preclinical subjects and Hypersensitivity: type and examples, antibody and clinical subjects. Pathology involves the study of cell mediated tissue injury with examples. . causes and mechanisms of diseases. Microbiology Secondary immunodeficiency including HIV involves the study of common organisms causing infection. Auto-immune disorders: Basic concepts diseases including nosocomial infections and and classification, SLE. precautionary measures to protect one from AIDS-Aetiology, Modes of transmission, acquiring infections. The knowledge and Diagnostic procedures, handling of infected understanding of Microbiology & Pathology of material and health education. diseases is essential to institute appropriate treatment or suggest preventive measures to the patient. Particular effort is made in this course to 5. Infectious diseases [3 Hours] avoid burdening the student. Mycobacterial diseases: Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Syphilis. Bacterial disease: Pyogenic, Diphtheria, Gram PATHOLOGY negative infection, Bacillary dysentery. Viral diseases: Poliomyelitis, Herpes, Rabies, Measles, Rickttsia, Chlamydial infection, HIV Subject Title : PATHOLOGY infection. Duration : 13 – 24 Months Fungal disease and opportunistic infections. Total Hours : 60 Parasitic diseases: Malaria, Filaria, Amoebiasis, Theory : 45 Hrs Kala-azar, Cysticercosis, Hydatid cyst. Practical : 15 Hrs Lecture + Practical : 2 Hours / Week 6. Circulatory Distrurbances [3 Hours] Hyperemia/Ischemia and Haemorrhage Edema: Pathogenesis and types. Theory [45 Hours] Chronic venous congestion: Lung, Liver, Spleen, Systemic Pathology General Pathology Thrombosis and Embolism: Formation, Fate and Effects. 1. Introduction to Pathology [1 Hour] Infarction: Types, Common sites. Shock: Pathogenesis, types, morphologic changes. 2. Cell injuries: [3 Hours]

Aetiology and Pathogenesis with a brief recall of 7. Growth Disturbances and Neoplasia [3 Hours] important aspects of normal cell structure. Reversible cell injury : Types, Sequential changes, Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Aplasia, Cellular swellings, vacuolation, Hyaline changes, Hypoplasia, Metaplasia, Malformation, agenesis, Mucoid changes.Irreversible cell injury: Types of dysplasia. . Necrosis & Gangrene, Autolysis. . Pathologic calcification: Dystrophic and Precancerous lesions. Metastatic.Intracellular Accumulations - Fatty Neoplasia: Definition, classification, Biological changes, Protein accumulations, Glycogen behaviour : Benign and Malignant, Carcinoma and accumulations, Sarcoma. Pigments - Melanin / Hemosiderin. Malignant Neoplasia: Grades and Stages, Local & Extra cellular accumulations: Amyloidosis - Distant spread. Classification, Pathogenesis, Pathology including Carcinogenesis: Environmental carcinogens, special stains. chemical, viral, occupational. Heredity and cellular oncogenes and prevention of cancer. 3. Inflammation and Repair [3 Hours] Benign & Malignant epithelial tumours Eg. Acute inflammation: features, causes, vascular and Squamous papilloma, Squamous cell carcinoma, cellular events. Malignant melanoma. Benign & Malignant

Page 1 of 13 mesenchymal tumours Eg: Fibroma, Lipoma, Vascular diseases: Atherosclerosis, monckeberg's Neurofibroma, Fibrosarcoma, Liposarcoma, medial calcification, Aneurysm and Arteritis and Rhabdo-myosarcoma, Teratoma. tumours of Blood vessels. Ischemic heart Disease: Myocardial infarction. Hypertension and hypertensive heart Disease. 8. Nutritional Disorders [1 Hour] Protein energy malnutrition: Marasmus, 13. Alimentary tract [3 Hours] Kwashiorkor, and Vitamin deficiency disorders, Oral Pathology: Ulcers, leukoplakia, Carcinoma, classification with specific examples. oral cavity diseases and tumour of salivary gland & esophagus and precancerous lesions, Esophagus 9. Genetic Disorders [1 Hour] inflammatory, functional disorders and tumours. Basic concepts of genetic disorders and some Stomach : Gastritis, Ulcer & Tumours. common examples and congenital malformation. Tumours and tumour like condition of the small and large Intestine: Polyps, carcinoid, carcinoma, Lymphoma. Systemic pathology Pancreatitis and pancreatic tumours : i) Exocrine, ii) Endocrine 10. Hematology [4 Hours] Salivary gland tumours : Mixed, Warthin's Constituents of blood and bone marrow, Regulation of hematopoiesis. Anemia: Classification, clinical features & lab 14. Hepato – biliary pathology [ 2 Hours] diagnosis. Jaundice: Types, aetio-pathogenesis and diagnosis. Nutritional anemias: Iron deficiency anemia, Folic Hepatitis: Acute, Chronic, neonatal. acid,Vit. B 12 deficiency anemia including Alcoholic liver disease pernicious anemia. Hemolytic Anaemias: Cirrhosis: Postnecrotic, Alcoholic, Metabolic and Classification and Investigations. Hereditary Portal hypertension Liver abscesses; Pyogenic, hemolytic anaemias: Thalessemia, Sickle cell parasitic and Amoebic. anemia, Spherocytosis and Enzyme deficiencies. Tumours of Liver Acquired hemolytic anaemias i. Alloimmune, Autoimmune 15. Lymphatic System [ 2 Hours] ii. Drug induced, Microangiopathic Diseases of the gall bladder: Cholecystitis, Pancytopenia - Aplastic anemia. Cholelithiasis, Carcinoma. Hemostatic disorders, Vascular and Platelet Lymphadenitis - Non specific and granulomatous disorders & lab diagnosis. Causes of Lymph Node enlargements. Reactive Coagulopathies - (i) Inherited (ii) Acquired with Hyperplasia, Primary Tumours - Hodgkin's and lab diagnosis. Non hodgkin's Lymphomas, Metastatic Tumours. Causes of Splenic Enlargements. Leukocytic disorders: Leukocytosis, Leukopenis, Leukemoid reaction. 16. Musculoskeletal System [3 Hours] Leukemia: Classification, clinical manifestation, Osteomyelitis, acute, chronic, tuberculous, pathology and Diagnosis. mycetoma Multiple myeloma and disproteinemias. Metabolic diseases: Rickets/Osteomalacia, Blood transfusion; Grouping and cross matching, osteoporosis, Hyperparathyroidism, Paget's untoward reactions, transmissible infections disease. including HIV & hepatitis, Blood-components & Tumours Classification: Benign, Malignant, plasma-pheresis. Metastatic and synovial sarcoma. Arthritis: Suppurative, Rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis, Gout, 11. Respiratory System [2 Hours] Tuberculous. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Carcinoma of lungs, Occupational lung diseases 17. Endocrine pathology [ 3 Hours] Diabetes Mellitus: Types, Pathogenesis, Pathology, 12. Cardiovascular Pathology [2 Hours] Laboratory diagnosis Non-neoplastic lesions of Thyroid: Iodine Congenital Heart disease: Atrial septal defect, deficiency goiter, autoimmune Thyroiditis, Ventricular septal defect, Fallot's tetralogy, Patent Thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, Hashimoto's ductus arteriosus. thyroiditis. Endocarditis. Tumours of Thyroid: Adenoma, Carcinoma: Rheumatic Heart disease. Papillary, Follicular, Medullary, Anaplastic.

Page 2 of 13 Adrenal diseases: cortical hyperplasia, atrophy, arrangement. Structures, which are virulence, tuberculosis, tumours of cortex and medulla. associated. Physiology: Essentials of bacterial growth 18. Neuropathology [3 Hours] requirements. Inflammations and Infections : TB Meningitis, Sterilization, disinfection and universal precautions Pyogenic Meningitis, viral meningitis and Brain in relation to patient care and disease prevention. Abscess Definition of asepsis, sterilization, disinfection. Tuberculosis, Cysticercosis Antimicrobials: Mode of action, interpretation of CNS Tumors, Astrocytoma, Neuroblastoma, susceptibility tests, resistance spectrum of activity. Meningioma, Medulloblastoma 2. Immunology [5 Hours] 19. Dermatopathology [1 Hour] Skin tumors : Squamos cell carcinoma, Basal cell Basic principles of immunity immunobiology : carcinoma, Melanoma lymphoid organs and tissues. Antigen, Antibodies, antigen and antibody reactions with relevance to pathogenesis and serological diagnosis. Practical [15 Hours] Humoral immunity and its role in immunity Cell mediated immunity and its role in immunity. Demonstration of Slides – The students may be Imunology of hypersensitivity, Measuring immune demonstrated the common histopathological, functions. hematological and cytological slides and specimens and charts and their interpretations. 3. Bacteriology [12 Hours]

Recommended Textbooks To be considered under the following headings Morphology, classification according to 1. Text book of pathology: Harshmohan,Jaypee pathogenicity, mode of transmission, methods of Bros. prevention, collection and transport of samples for 2. General pathology:Walter JB Churchill laboratory diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory Livingstone reports 3. Text book of Pathology: Robbins Stanley books. Staphylococci, Streptococci and Pneumococci, Mycobacteria: Tuberculosis, M.leprae, atypical MICROBIOLOGY mycobacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Vibrois : V. cholerae and other medically important Subject Title : MICROBIOLOGY vibrios, Campylobacters and Helicobacters, Duration : 13 – 24 Months Pseudomonas, Total Hours : 60 Bacillus anthracis, Theory : 45 Hrs Sporing and non-sporing anaerobes: Clostridia, Practical : 15 Hrs Bacteroides and Fusobacteria, Lecture + Practical : 2 Hours / Week

4. General Virology [8 Hours] Theory General properties: Basic structure and broad classification of viruses. Pathogenesis and 1. General Microbiology [5 Hours] pathology of viral infections. Immunity and prophylaxis of viral diseases. Principles of Definitions: infections, parasite, host, vector, laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases. List of fomite, contagious disease, infectious disease, commonly used antiviral agents. epidemic, endemic, pandemic, Zoonosis, Epizootic, Attack rate. Normal flora of the human body. 5. Mycology [3 Hours] Routes of infection and spread; endogenous and exogenous infections; source at reservoir of General properties of fungi. Classification based on infections. disease: superficial, subcutaneous, deep mycosel Bacterial cell. Morphology limited to recognizing opportunistic infections including Mycotoxins, bacteria in clinical samples Shape, motility and

Page 3 of 13 systemic mycoses. General principles of fungal diagnosis, Rapid diagnosis. Method of collection of PHARMACOLOGY samples. Antifungal agents. Course Description

6. Clinical/Applied Microbiology [12 Hours] This course introduces the student to basic pharmacology of common drugs used, their Streptococcal infections: Rheumatic fever and importance in the overall treatment including Rheumatic heart disease, Physiotherapy. The student after completing the Meningitis. course will be able to understand the general Tuberculosis, principles of drug action and the handling of drugs Pyrexia of unknown origin, by the body. The student will be aware of the leprosy, contribution of both drug and physiotherapy factors Sexually transmitted diseases, in the outcome of treatment. Poliomyelitis, Hepatitis, Acute-respiratory infections, Subject Title : PHARMACOLOGY Central nervous System infections, Duration : 13 – 24 Months Urinary tract infections, Total Hours : 60 Pelvic inflammatory disease, Theory : 60 Hrs Wound infection, Lecture : 2 Hours / Week Opportunistic infections, HlV infection, Malaria, Filariasis, Zoonotic diseases. 1. General Pharmacology [5 Hours]

Introduction, Definitions, Classification of drugs, Practical [15 Hours] Sources of drugs, Routes of drug administration, Distribution of drugs, Metabolism and Excretion of 1. Demonstration of Microscopes and its uses drugs Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, 2. Principles, uses and demonstration of common Factors modifying drug response, Adverse effects. sterilization equipment 3. Demonstration of common culture media 4. Demonstration of motility by hanging drops 2. Autonomic Nervous system [5 hours] method 5. Demonstration of Gram Stain, ZN Stain General considerations – The Sympathetic and 6. Demonstration of Serological test: ELISA Parasympathetic Systems, Receptors, Somatic 7. Demonstration of Fungus Nervous System Cholinergic and Anti-Cholinergic drugs, Adrenergic and Adrenergic blocking drugs, Peripheral muscle relaxants. Recommended Textbooks:

1. Short text book of Medical Microbiology by 3. Cardiovascular Pharmacology [10 Hours] Sathish Gupta 2. Text book of Microbiology by Jayaram Drugs Used in the Treatment of Heart Failure: Panicker Digitalis, Diuretics, Vasodilators, ACE inhibitors 3. Microbilogy &Parasitiology by Rajeshwar Antihypertensive Drugs: Diuretics, Beta Blockers, Reddy Calcium Channel Blockers, ACE Inhibitors, 4. Text book of Microbiology by Anantha Central Acting Alpha Agonists, Peripheral Alpha Narayanan Antagonists, Direct acting Vasodilators 5. Microbiology by Baveja Antiarrhythmic Drugs 6. Text book of microbiology by Chakraborthy Drugs Used in the Tratment of Vascular Disease and Tissue Ischemia : Vascular Disease, Hemostasis Lipid-Lowering agents, Antithrombotics, Anticoagulants and Thrombolytics Ischemic Heart Disease – Nitrates, Beta-Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers

Page 4 of 13 Cerebral Ischemia 1. Lippicott’s Pharmacology. Peripheral Vscular Disease 2. Essential of Medical Phramacology by Tripathi 3. Text book of Medical Pharmacology by 4. Neuropharmacology [8 Hours] Padmaja udaykumar 4. Pharmacology by N.Murugesh Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs: Barbiturates, 5. Pharmacolgy & Pharmacotherapeutics by Benzodiazepines Sadoskar. Antianxiety Drugs: Benzodiazepines, Other Anxiolytics Drugs Used in Treatment of Mood Disorders: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Atypical Antidepressants, Lithium Antipsychotic drugs EXERCISE THERAPY Course Description 5. Disorders of Movement [6 Hours] In this course, the students will learn the principles Drugs used in Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and effects of exercise as a therapeutic modality Antiepileptic Drugs and will learn the techniques in the restoration of Spasticity and Skeletal Muscle Relaxants physical functions.

6. Inflammatory/Immune Diseases [14 Hours] Subject Title :EXERCISE THERAPY Non-narcotic Analgesics and Nonsteroidal Anti- Duration : 13 – 24 Months Inflammatory Drugs: Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, Total Hours : 240 Aspirin, Nonaspirin NSAIDs, drug interactins with Theory : 90 Hrs NSAIDs Practical : 150 Hrs Glucocorticoids: Pharmacological Uses of Glucocorticoids, adverse effects, Physiologic Use of Glucocorticoids Total Hours / Week : 8 Hrs Drugs Used in Treatment of Arthritic Diseases: Lecture : 2 Hours / Week Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout Practicals : 5 Hours / Week Drugs Used in the Treatment of Neuromuscular Seminars / Tutorials : 1 Hour / Week Immune/Inflmmatory Diseases: Myasthena gravis, Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies, systemic lupus Erythmatosus, Scleroderma, Demyelinating Theory Disease Respiratory Pharmacology: Obstructive Airway 1. Introduction to Exercise Therapy [3 Hours] Diseases, Drugs used in Treatment of Obstructive airway Diseases, Allergic Rhinitis The aims of Exercise Therapy, The techniques of Exercise Therapy, Approach to patient’s problems, Assessment of patient’s condition – Measurements 7. Digestion and Metabolism [6 Hours] of Vital parameters, Starting Positions – Fundamental positions & derived Positions, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology: Peptic Ulcer Planning of Treatment Disease, Constipation, Diarrhea Drugs Used in Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: 2. Methods of Testing [15 Hours] Insulin, Oral Hypoglycemics a) Functional tests

8. Geriatrics [ 6 Hours] b) Measurement of Joint range: ROM-Definition, Normal ROM for all peripheral joints & spine, Pharmacology and the geriatric Population: Goniometer-parts, types, principles, uses., Adverse effects of special concern in the Elderly, Limitations of goniometry, Techniques for Dementia, Postural hypotension measurement of ROM for all peripheral joints

c) Tests for neuromuscular efficiency Recommended Textbooks  Electrical tests

Page 5 of 13  Manual Muscle Testing: Introduction to MMT, Active Assisted Exercise: principles, techniques, Principles & Aims, Indications & Limitations, indications, contraindications, effects and uses Techniques of MMT for group & individual Assisted-Resisted Exercise: principles, techniques, muscles : Techniques of MMT for upper limb / indications, contraindications, effects and uses Techniques of MMT for lower limb / Resisted Exercise: Definition, principles, Techniques of MMT for spine indications, contraindications, precautions &  Anthropometric Measurements: Muscle girth – techniques, effects and uses biceps, triceps, forearm, quadriceps, calf Types of resisted exercises: Manual and  Static power Test Mechanical resistance exercise, Isometric exercise,  Dynamic power Test Dynamic exercise: Concentric and Eccentric,  Endurance test Dynamic exercise: Constant versus variable  Speed test resistance, Isokinetic exercise, Open-Chain and Closed-Chain exercise. d) Tests for Co-ordination Specific exercise regimens e) Tests for sensation Isotonic: de Lormes, Oxford, MacQueen, Circiut weight training f) Pulmonary Function tests Isometric: BRIME (Brief Resisted Isometric Exercise), Multiple Angle Isometrics g) Measurement of Limb Length: true limb Isokinetic regimens length, apparent limb length, segmental limb length 6. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation [6 Hours] h) Measurement of the angle of Pelvic Inclination Definitions & goals 3. Relaxation [4 Hours] Basic neurophysiologic principles of PNF: Muscular activity, Diagonals patterns of Definitions: Muscle Tone, Postural tone, Voluntary movement: upper limb, lower limb Movement, Degrees of relaxation, Pathological Procedure: components of PNF tension in muscle, Stress mechanics, types of stresses, Effects of stress on the body mechanism, Techniques of facilitation Indications of relaxation, Methods & techniques of Mobility: Contract relax, Hold relax, Rhythmic relaxation-Principles & uses: General, Local, initiation Jacobson’s, Mitchel’s, additional methods. Strengthening: Slow reversals, repeated contractions, timing for emphasis, rhythmic 4. Passive Movements [ 4 Hours] stabilization Stability: Alternating isometric, rhythmic Causes of immobility, Classification of Passive stabilization movements, Specific definitions related to passive Skill: timing for emphasis, resisted progression movements, Principles of giving passive Endurance: slow reversals, agonist reversal movements, Indications, contraindications, effects of uses , Techniques of giving passive movements. 7. Suspension Therapy [6 Hours]

5. Active Movements [ 6 hours] Definition, principles, equipments & accessories, Indications & contraindications, Benefits of Definition of strength, power & work, endurance, suspension therapy muscle actions. Types of suspension therapy: axial, vertical, Physiology of muscle performance: structure of pendular skeletal muscle, chemical & mechanical events Techniques of suspension therapy for upper limb during contraction &relaxation, muscle fiber type, Techniques of suspension therapy for lower limb motor unit, force gradation. Causes of decreased muscle performance 8. Functional Re-education [4 hours] Physiologic adaptation to training: Strength & Power, Endurance. Lying to sitting: Activities on the Mat/Bed, Movement and stability at floor level; Sitting Types of active movements activities and gait; Lowerlimb and Upperlimb Free exercise: Classification, principles, activities. techniques, indications, contraindications, effects and uses 9. Aerobic Exercise [4 Hours]

Page 6 of 13 Definition and key terms; Physiological response to Definition, Active and Inactive Postures, Postural aerobic exercise, Examination and evaluation of Mechanism, Patterns of Posture, Principles of re- aerobic capacity – Exercise Testing, Determinants education: corrective methods and techniques, of an Exercise Program, The Exercise Program, Patient education. Normal and abnormal response to acute aerobic exercise, Physiological changes that occur with 15. Walking Aids [3 hours] training, Application of Principles of an Aerobic conditioning program for patients – types and Types: Crutches, Canes, Frames; Principles and phases of aerobic training. training with walking aids

10. Stretching [3 Hours] 16. Massage [ 4 Hours]

Definition of terms related to stretching; Tissue History and Classification of Massage Technique response towards immobilization and elongation, Principles, Indications and Contraindications Determinants of stretching exercise, Effects of Technique of Massage Manipulations stretching, Inhibition and relaxation procedures, Physiological and Therapeutic Uses of Specific Precautions and contraindications of stretching, Manipulations Techniques of stretching. 17. Hydrotherapy [ 3 Hours] 11. Manual Therapy & Peripheral Joint Mobilization [5 Hours] Definitions, Goals and Indications, Precautions and Contraindications, Properties of water, Use of Schools of Manual Therapy, Principles, Grades, special equipments, techniques, Effects and uses, Indications and Contraindications, Effects and Uses merits and demerits – Maitland, Kaltenborn, Mulligan Biomechanical basis for mobilization, Effects of 18. Individual and Group Exercises [ 3 Hours] joint mobilsation, Indications and contraindiactions, Grades of mobilization, Advantages and Disadvantages, Organisation of Principles of mobilization, Techniques of Group exercises, Recreational Activities and Sports mobilization for upper limb, lower limb, Precautions. 19. Introduction to Yoga [ 5 Hours]

12. Balance [ 4 Hours] Asanas – Principles and elements; Pranayamas – Principles, Methods and Techniques Definition Physiology of balance: contributions of sensory systems, processing sensory information, Practicals generating motor output Components of balance (sensory, musculoskeletal, The students of exercise therapy are to be trained in biomechanical) Practical Laboratory work for all the topics Causes of impaired balance, Examination & discussed in theory. The student must be able to evaluation of impaired balance, Activities for evaluate and apply judiciously the different treating impaired balance: mode, posture, methods of exercise therapy techniques on the movement, Precautions & contraindications, Types patients. They must be able to Balance retraining 1. Demonstrate the technique of measuring using 13. Co-ordination Exercise [ 4 Hours] goniometry 2. Demonstrate muscle strength usng the Anatomy & Physiology of cerebellum with its principles and technique of MMT pathways 3. Demonstrate the techniques for muscle Definitions: Co-ordination, Inco-ordination strengthening based on MMT grading Causes for Inco-ordination, Test for co-ordination: 4. Demonstrate the PNF techniques equilibrium test, non equilibrium test 5. Demonstrate exercises for training co- Principles of co-ordination exercise ordination – Frenkel’s exercise Frenkel’s Exercise: uses of Frenkel’s exercise, 6. Demonstrate the techniques of massage technique of Frenkel’s exercise, progression, home manipulations exercise. 7. Demonstrate techniques for functional re- education 14. Posture [3 Hours] 8. Assess and train for using walking aids

Page 7 of 13 9. Demonstrate mobilization of individual joint Total Hours / Week : 8 Hrs regions Lecture : 2 Hours / Week 10. Demonstrate to use the technique of Practicals : 5 Hours / Week suspension therapy for mobilizing and Seminars / Tutorials : 1 Hour / Week strengthening joints and muscles 11. Demonstrate the techniques for muscle stretching Theory 12. Assess and evaluate posture and gait 13. Demonstrate to apply the technique of passive Section I - Introductory Physics. movements 14. Demonstrate various techniques of Active 1. Electricity definition, types [1 Hour] movements 15. Demonstrate techniques of strengthening 2. Static electricity [2 Hour] muscles using resisted exercises 16. Demonstrate techniques for measuring limb a. Production of electrical charges. length and body circumference. b. Characteristics of charged body. c. Characteristics of lines of forces. d. Potential difference and EMG. Recommended Textbooks 3. Current Electricity [5 Hour] 1. Therapeutic exercise by Barbara Bandy 2. Therapeutic exercise by Carolyn Kisner a. Units of Electricity, faraday, volt, ampere, 3. Principles of exercise therapy by M.Dena coulomb, watt. Gardiner b. Resistance in series and parallel. 4. Practical Exercise therapy by Hollis Margaret c. Ohms law and its application to DC/AC. 5. Therapeutic exercise by Sydney Litch d. Fuse. 6. Therapeutic exercise by Hall & Brody e. Shock: Micro/ Macro shocks, safety precaution 7. Therapeutic exercise by Basmajjian and management, earthing techniques & 8. Physical Rehabilitation by o’Sullivan. precautions. 9. Therapeutic massage by Sinha f. Burns: electrical & chemical burns, prevention 10. Principles of muscle testing by Hislop. and management. g. Condensors: definition, principles, types construction, working and uses.

4. Magnetism: Definition, properties, electro- ELECTROTHERAPY magnetic induction, electro- magnetic spectrum. [1 Hour]

Course Description. 5. Valves, transformers, types, principles, construction and working. [1 Hour] In this course the student will learn the Principles, Techniques, Effects, Indication, Contra-Indication. 6. Ionization: Principles, effects of various and the dosage parameter for various indications of technique of medical ionization. [1 Hour] electro therapeutic modalities in the restoration of physical function. The objective of this course is that after 240hrs. of lectures, demonstration, Section II – Therapeutic Electricity practical and clinics the student will be able to list the indications, contra indications, dosages of Section II A - Low frequency Currents electro therapy modalities, demonstrates the different techniques, and describe their effects on 1. Basic types of current [1 Hour] various conditions. a. Direct Current: types, physiological &therapeutic effects. Subject Title :ELECTROTHERAPY b. Alternating Current Duration : 13 – 24 Months Total Hours : 240 2. Types of Current used in Therapeutics [1 Theory : 90 Hrs Hour] Practical : 150 Hrs Modified D.C  Faradic Current

Page 8 of 13  Galvanic Current Modulated TENS. Types of Electrodes & Placement of Electrodes, Dosage parameters, Modified A.C Physiological & Therapeutic effects,  Sinusoidal Current Indications & Contraindications. [3 Hours]  Diadynamic Current. 14. Pain: Define Pain, Theories of Pain (Outline 3. Faradic Current: Definition, Modifications, only), Pain Gate Control theory in detail. [2 Techniques of Application of Individual, Hours] Muscle and Group Muscle stimulation, Physiological & Therapeutic effects of Faradic Current, Precautions, Indications & Contra- Section II B - Electro-diagnosis Indications, Dangers. [2 Hours]

4. Galvanic Current: Definition, Modifications, 1. FG Test Physiological & Therapeutic effects of Galvanic Current, Indications & Contra- 2. SD Curve: Methods of Plotting SD Curve, Indications, Dangers, Effect of interrupted Apparatus selection, Characters of Normally galvanic current on normally innervated and innervated Muscle, Characters of Partially denervated muscles and partially denervated Denervated Muscle, Characters of Completely muscles. [2 Hours] denervated Muscle, Chronaxie & Rheobase. [2 Hours] 5. Sinusoidal Current & Diadynamic Current in Brief. [1 Hour] 3. Nerve conduction velocity studies [1 Hour]

6. HVPGS – Parameters & its uses [1 Hour] 4. EMG: Construction of EMG equipment.[1 Hour] 7. Ionization / Iontophoresis : Techniques of Application of Iontophoresis, Indications, 5. Bio-feed back.[1 Hour] Selection of Current, Commonly used Ions (Drugs) for pain, hyperhydrosis, would healing. [1 Hour] Section II C - Medium Frequency

8. Cathodal / Anodal galvanism. [1 Hour] 1. Interferential Therapy: Define IFT, Principle 9. Micro Current & Macro Current [1 Hour] of Production of IFT, Static Interference System, Dynamic Interference system, Dosage 10. Types of Electrical Stimulators [1 Hour] Parameters for IFT, Electrode placement in IFT, Physiological & Therapeutic effects,  NMES- Construction component. Indications & Contraindications. [2 Hour]  Neuro muscular diagnostic stimulator- construction component. 2. Russian Current  Components and working Principles 3. Rebox type Current [1 Hour] 11. Principles of Application: Electrode tissue interface, Tissue Impedance, Types of Electrode, Size & Placement of Electrode – Section III - Thermo & Actinotherapy (High Waterbath, Unipolar, Bi-polar, Electrode Frequency Currents) coupling, Current flow in tissues, Lowering of Skin Resistance. [2 Hours] 1. Electro Magnetic Spectrum. [1 Hour] 12. Nerve Muscle Physiology: Action Potential, Resting membrane potential, Propagation of 2. SWD: Define short wave, Frequency & Action Potential, Motor unit, synapse, Wavelength of SWD, Principle of Production Accommodation, Stimulation of Healthy of SWD, Circuit diagram & Production of Muscle, Stimulation of Denervated Muscle, SWD, Methods of Heat Production by SWD Stimulation for Tissue Repair. [2 Hours] treatment, Types of SWD Electrode, Placement & Spacing of Electrodes, Tuning, 13. TENS: Define TENS, Types of TENS, Testing of SWD Apparatus, Physiological & Conventional TENS, Acupuncture TENS, Therapeutic effects, Indications & Burst TENS, Brief & Intense TENS,

Page 9 of 13 Contraindications, Dangers, Dosage 1. Wax Therapy: Principle of Wax Therapy parameters [8 Hours] application – latent Heat, Composition of Wax Bath Therapy unit, Methods of application of 3. Pulsed Electro Magnetic Energy: Principles, Wax, Physiological & Therapeutic effects, Production & Parameters of PEME, Uses of Indications & Contraindication, Dangers. [2 PEME. [1 Hour] Hours]

4. Micro Wave Diathermy: Define Microwave, 2. Contrast Bath: Methods of application, Wave length & Frequency, Production of MW, Therapeutic uses, Indications & Applicators, Dosage Parameters, Physiological Contraindications.[1 Hour] & Therapeutic effects, Indications & Contraindications, Dangers of MWD. [2 3. Moist Heat Therapy: Hydro collator packs – in Hours] brief, Methods of applications, Therapeutic uses, Indications & Contraindications.[1 Hour] 5. Ultrasound: Define Ultrasound, Frequency, Piezo Electric effects: Direct, Reverse, 4. Cyclotherm: Principles of production, Production of US, Treatment Dosage Therapeutic uses, Indications & parameters: Continous & Pulsed mode, Contraindications. [1 Hour] Intensity, US Fields: Near field, Far field, Half value distance, Attenuation, Coupling Media, 5. Fluidotherapy: Construction, Method of Thermal effects, Non-thermal effects, application, Therapeutic uses, Indications & Principles & Application of US: Direct Contraindications. [ 1 Hour] contact, Water bag, Water bath, Solid sterile gel pack method for wound. Uses of US, 6. Whirl Pool Bath: Construction, Method of Indications & Contraindications, Dangers of Application, Therapeutic Uses, Indications & Ultrasound. Phonophoresis: Define Contraindications. [1 Hour] Phonophoresis, Methods of application, Commonly used drugs, Uses. Dosages of US. 7. Magnetic Stimulation, Principles, Therapeutic [8 Hours] uses, Indications & contraindication. [1 Hour]

6. IRR: Define IRR,wavelength & parameters, 8. Cryotherapy: Define- Cryotherapy, Principle- Types of IR generators, Production of IR, Latent heat of fusion, Physiological & Physiological & Therapeutic effects, Duration Therapeutics effects, Techniques of & frequency of treatment, Indication & Applications, Indications & Contraindications, Contraindication. [2 Hours] Dangers, Methods of application with dosages. [4 Hours] 7. UVR: Define UVR, Types of UVR, UVR generators: High pressure mercury vapour lamp, Water cooled mercury vapour lamp, Practical Kromayer lamp, Fluorescent tube, Theraktin tunnel, PUVA apparatus. Physiological & The student of Electrotherapy must be able to Therapeutic effects. Sensitizers & Filters. Test demonstrate the use of electrotherapy modalities dosage calculation. Calculation of E1, E2, E3, applying the principles of electrotherapy with E4 doses. Indications, contraindications. proper techniques, choice of dosage parameters and Dangers. Dosages for different therapeutic safety precautions. effects, Distance in UVR lamp [8 Hours] 1. Demonstrate the technique for patient 8. LASER: Define LASER. Types of LASER. evaluation – receiving the patient and Principles of Production. Production of positioning the patient for treatment using LASER by various methods. Methods of electrotherapy. application of LASER. Dosage of LASER. 2. Collection of materials required for treatment Physiological & Therapeutic effects of using electrotherapy modalities and testing of LASER. Safety precautions of LASER. the apparatus. Classifications of LASER. Energy density & 3. Demonstrate placement of electrodes for power density [8 Hours] various electrotherapy modalities 4. Electrical stimulation for the muscles supplied by the peripheral nerves Section IV – Superficial heating Modalities 5. Faradism under Pressure for UL and LL 6. Plotting of SD curve with chronaxie and rheobase

Page 10 of 13 7. Demonstrate FG test 8. Application of Ultrasound for different 1. Introduction to Research methodology: regions-various methods of application Meaning of research, objectives of research, 9. Demonstrate treatment techniques using SWD, Motivation in research, Types of research & IRR and Microwave diathermy research approaches, Research methods vs 10. Demonstrate the technique of UVR exposure methodology, Criteria for good research, for various conditions – calculation of test dose Problems encountered by researchers in India. 11. Demonstrate treatment method using IFT for various regions 2. Research problem: Statement of research 12. Calculation of dosage and technique of problem., Statement of purpose and objectives application of LASER of research problem, Necessity of defining the 13. Technique of treatment and application of problem Hydrocollator packs, cryotherapy, contrast bath, wax therapy 3. Research design: Meaning of research design, 14. Demonstrate the treatment method using whirl Need for research design, Features for good pool bath design, Different research designs, Basic 15. Winding up procedure after any electrotherapy principles of research design treatment method 4. Sampling Design: Criteria for selecting Recommended Textbooks sampling procedure, Implications for sample design, steps in sampling design, 1. Claytons Electrotherapy by Forster & characteristics of good sample design, Plastangs Different types of sample design 2. Electrotherapy Explained by Low & Reed 3. Clinical Electrotherapy by Nelson 5. Measurement & scaling techniques: 4. Electrotherapy Evidene based practice by Measurement in research- Measurement Sheila Kitchen scales, sources of error in measurement, 5. Physical agents by Michile Cameroon Technique of developing measurement tools, 6. Principles of Electrotherapy by Michile Meaning of scaling, its classification., Camreeon Important scaling techniques. 7. Thermal agents by Susan Michlovitz. 6. Methods of data collection: collection of primary data, collection data through questionnaires & schedules, Difference RESEARCH between questionnaires & schedules. METHODOLOGY AND 7. Sampling fundamentals, need for sampling & some fundamental definitions, Important BIOSTATISTICS sampling distributions

Course Description 8. Processing & analysis of data: Processing operations, problems in processing , Types of This course will introduce to the student the basic analysis, Statistics in research, Measures of research methodology, statistical concepts: central tendency, Dispersion, Asymmetry, methods of statistical analysis: and interpretation of relationship. data. 9. Testing of hypothesis: What is hypothesis? Basic concepts concerning testing of Subject Title : RESEARCH hypothesis, Procedure of hypothesis testing, METHODOLOGY & measuring the power of hypothesis test, Tests BIOSTATISTICS of hypothesis, limitations of the tests of Duration : 13 – 24 Months hypothesis Total Hours : 60 Theory : 60 10. Computer technology: Introduction to Lecture : 2 Hours / Week Computers, computer application in research, computers & researcher.



Page 11 of 13 1. Introduction: Meaning, definition, 10. Fundamentals of Research, 4th Edn.: David J. characteristics of statistics., Importance of the fox study of statistics, Branches of statistics, Statistics and health science including physiotherapy, Parameters and Estimates, Descriptive and inferential statistics, Variables and their types, Measurement scales. FIRST AID & CPR 2. Tabulation of Data: Basic principles of graphical representation, Types of diagrams – Course Description histograms, frequency polygons, smooth frequency polygon, cumulative frequency At the completion of this course the student of First curve,. Normal probability curve. Aid and CPR must be able to identify and manage situation of common emergencies. 3. Measure of Central Tendency: Need for measures of central Tendency, Definition and calculation of mean – ungrouped and grouped, Subject Title : FIRST AID & CPR Meaning, interpretation and calculation of Duration : 13 – 24 Months median ungrouped and grouped., Meaning and Total Hours : 30 calculation of mode, Comparison of the mean, Theory : 10 Hours median and mode, Guidelines for the use of Practical : 20 Hours various measures of central tendency. Lecture + Practical : 1 Hour / Week

4. Probability and Standard Distributions: Meaning of probability of standard distribution, The binominal distribution, The 1. Importance of First Aid in Physiotherapy. normal distribution, Divergence from 2. Examination of Vital Signs normality – skew ness, kurtosis. 3. First Aid in cardiac arrest. 4. First Aid in Respiratory failure. 5. Sampling techniques: Need for sampling - 5. First Aid in Burns. Criteria for good samples, Application of 6. First Aid in Electric shock. sampling in community, Procedures of 7. First Aid in Drowning. sampling and sampling designs errors, 8. First Aid in Spinal cord injuries. Sampling variation and tests of significance. 9. First Aid in Hypovolemic Shock. 10. First Aid in Poisoning 6. Analysis of variance & covariance: Analysis of 11. Instrumentation used in First Aid (First Aid variance (ANOVA), what is ANOVA? Basic kit). principle of ANOVA, ANOVA technique, 12. First Aid in RTA. Analysis of Co variance(ANACOVA) 13. Indication of CPR. 14. Assessment and technique of CPR. Recommended Textbooks: 15. Artificial ventilation.

1. Elements of Health Statistics: Rao.N.S.N Recommended Textbooks 2. An introduction of Biostatistics: Sunder Rao.P.S.S. 1. First aid in emergency – St-john. Ambulance 3. Methods in Bio-Statistics 6th Edn. 1997: B.K. Association. Mahajan 2. Physiotherapy for burns & Reconstruction – 4. Biostatistics : A manual of Statistics Methods: Glassey. K. Visweswara Rao 3. Surgical & Medical Procedures for Nurses & 5. Elementary Statistics 1st Edn, 1990. in Medical Paramedical staff – Nathan. Workers: Inderbir Singh 4. First aid & management of general injuries & 6. Statistics in Psychology and education: Great common ailments-Gupta & Gupta and Henry 7. An Introduction to Gupta C.B. Statistical Methods, 1972: Ram Prasad & Sons 8. Basic Statistics, 3rd Edn.: Simpsory G. Kaftha. CONSTITUTION OF INDIA P 9. Research; Principles and Methods:L Denise F. Poli & Hungler Subject Title : CONSTITUTION OF

Page 12 of 13 INDIA 6. Exercise therapy treatment organization and Duration : 13 – 24 Months methods of application on various types of Total Hours : 30 cases Theory : 30 Lecture : 1 Hour / Week


Subject Title : INTRODUCTION TO TREATMENT Duration : 13 – 24 Months Total Hours : 30 Theory : 30 Lecture : 1 Hour / week

1. General Information regarding Hospital wards, Patients hospital records and Functioning of department in patient management and departmental clinical units

a. Physiotherapy OPD b. Neurological Physiotherapy c. Orthopedic Physiotherapy d. Developmental Pediatric Physiotherapy e. Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy( ICU, NICU and Post-Op ICU, Wards) f. Health Fitness Physiotherapy- Obesity, Diabetic clinic, Life style modification clinic g. Geriatric Physiotherapy h. Industrial Physiotherapy and Ergonomics i. Community Physiotherapy j. Women’s Health Physiotherapy, Incontinence clinic

2. History taking, assessment, tests, Patient communication, documentation of findings, treatment organization and planning/execution for intervention.

3. Record keeping and information retrieval.

4. Techniques of use of electrotherapy equipments on patients, monitoring of dosages and winding up procedure.

5. Introduction about standardized tests and scales used in various types of cases for assessment and interpretation.

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