However, a Growing Percentage of the Fabulously Wealthy and Powerful (The Pirates) Did

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However, a Growing Percentage of the Fabulously Wealthy and Powerful (The Pirates) Did

However, a growing percentage of the fabulously wealthy and powerful (the Pirates) did not and do not acquire their wealth by honorable means. Ladies and gentlemen, in the following paragraphs, I will light a torch to illuminate some of the Pirates and the ships they helm.  The following names and organizations and comments regarding the names and organizations are this author’s opinions only and are protected by the First Amendment to the U.S Constitution. They are not necessarily the opinions of Moonshine Cove Publishing, LCL, its publisher, or of anyone who has any connection at all to Moonshine Cove Publishing, LLC. They are not to be read as established facts, but only the author’s opinion.  Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, a multination investment banking firm with assets between 800 and 900 billion dollars, tops the Pirate list. Before and during the housing bubble crisis, Goldman Sachs packaged and eagerly and effectively sold toxic investments to its clients. Goldman Sachs referred to these investments as, “shitty” and “crappy,” and wanted them off-loaded from its books. Goldman Sachs then bet against those crappy investments, that it just sold to its trusting clients, by buying insurance that paid Goldman Sachs if/when the investments went bad. That would be like you selling a junk car, which you knew had bad brakes, to your neighbor and then taking out insurance that paid you when the car crashed and he died. Many peoples’ lives crashed (sometimes resulting in death by stress-induced sickness or suicide) during the housing crisis. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs and similar Pirates are directly to blame.  Charles Koch and David Koch appear to be nothing more than loud-mouthed billionaires- that is until they bought Wisconsin’s government, especially its governor Scott Walker. They used their wealth to kill collective bargaining in public sector unions and are now after private sector ones. But why? It’s simple. Unions, which get their money from the average blue collar worker, spend money on campaigns and politicians that do not align with the Koch brothers’ beliefs. The Koch brothers strive to eliminate all opposition to their viewpoints. Apparently, the Koch brothers deserve to have their voices heard and their needs met, but not you — you dumb, know-nothing slob. The fact is that the Koch brothers have spent more money to buy politicians (both Republicans and Democrats) than anyone else — ever. They are rewriting the terms of democracy to suit themselves. Remember — people like the Koch brothers want to create a world of them and for them.  Rupert Murdoch (Executive Chairman of News Corp, which owns the Fox Network and a myriad of media outlets) is a Pirate’s Pirate. Murdoch’s “news” companies have been found guilty of hacking into people’s phone calls and emails. Heads of state, connected citizens, celebrities and other V.I.Ps’ private communications were and are stolen and published. Ted Turner calls him, “The most dangerous man in the world.” Who is going to speak out and challenge a man who has dirt on you, who can get some or who can cleverly invent some and then broadcast it to the entire population of the world? Everyone knows that Murdoch has the power to burn you or to exalt you. Every word that is spoken on Fox News by any employee is what Rupert Murdoch personally wants on the air. Cross him and you are canned and destroyed. A man without a conscience and who has the power to shape world events is a dangerous man indeed.  Stephen Schwarzman (Chairman and CEO of Blackstone Group, a private equity investment banking firm) believes that the U.S. middle class is, “blaming wealthy people,” for its problems. Worth about 11 billion dollars, he thinks it is a great idea to raise taxes on the poor so that they have some, “skin in the game.” I have news for you, Mr. Schwarzman — the little people built this country by hand with blood, sweat, tears and, in some cases, lives. In fact, they built the tower you live in, they drive the limousines you ride in and they make the food you eat. Be especially careful not to bite the hand that feeds you, Mr. Schwarzman.  Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama became world-class Pirates in their own right. All of them continued the tide of Pirate-benefitting deregulation, which was orchestrated by the lobbyists. Deregulation was the key that opened the nation’s treasure chest. Read carefully what I am about to write. These men know (Reagan knew) first-hand, the magnitude of corruption that has befallen this country. They personally know the Pirates. And, with their own eyes, they have read the financial books of the nation and know what kind of mess we are in. They know that poor and middle class Americans get second- rate healthcare, third-rate legal representation and fourth-rate education, while the wealthy get first-rate everything. These Presidents know that the Pirates have robbed the taxpayers and stolen the nation’s soul. What have they done about it? Nothing for us. But, they took donations from the Pirates, wined and dined them at the White House and allowed common citizens to continually rot. These are not great men for if they were, they would have made the corruption public, would have used their constitutional power to fight the Pirates and would have restored the promise that once made the United States unique in the history of the world. President Donald Trump should be applauded for telling the world that the United States is run by a bunch of corrupt Pirates and aided by the bought-and-paid-for media. Trump, as mention-ed earlier, is a Pirate, but he appears to be a different sort of one. His massive ego propels him into the spotlight that other Pirates shun. He is willing to attack everyone and rarely backs down his rhetoric. Be wary of Trump, though. He can be a phony. Mitt Romney was correct in his now infamous televised anti-Trump speech. For example, during the campaign, Trump lambasted his opponents — especially Hillary Clinton. He threatened to, “lock her up,” if he became President. Trump clobbered Bill Clinton during a news conference by spotlighting Clinton’s bevy of mistresses and resurrecting Clinton’s rape allegations — all to deflect attention away from his own comments about forcibly grabbing women’s vaginas. Surprisingly, or not so, Trump at the inauguration luncheon praised the Clintons, who were in attendance, by saying that he had tremendous respect for both Bill and Hillary. Thus, you are only a true enemy of Trump when you block what he wants or when you attack his narcissistic image of himself. A man placed in a leadership role who is first dedicated to his own self-interests and then, secondarily, to the interest and needs of others so long as those interest do not conflict with his, is not a leader. He is a man who wants to construct a world of and for himself. More Pirates….  Robert Rubin: Goldman Sachs Chairman and U.S. Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton. Rubin helped eliminate laws that prevented banks from playing craps with taxpayer money.  Henry Paulson: CEO of Goldman Sachs and Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush. Paulson became one of the world’s richest men at Goldman Sachs. And, during the housing crisis, he directed $10 billion worth of capital to his old firm. What are old friends for?  Alan Greenspan: Federal Reserve Chairman and, upon his retirement, with Paulson & Co. and PIMCO. Greenspan knew the sky was falling. So, before it did, he got out of government service and went to work with his buddies in the private financial sector to secure a huge fortune for himself and his family.  Phil and Wendy Gramm: Phil, as a Republican U.S. Senator, championed the use of risky, exotic, investment vehicles and techniques while his wife, Wendy, served on the board of the notorious ENRON. Cozy, cozy, cozy — convenient, convenient, convenient.  Larry Summers: Deputy Treasury Secretary under Clinton and one of Obama’s top economic advisors. He, with Greenspan and Rubin, helped to create the environment for the Great Recession.  George Soros: Currency manipulator and a proponent of U.S. subservience to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund or “The New World Order” as George H.W. Bush calls it.  Others: Richard Fuld, Chairman and CEO of, the now bankrupt and gone, Lehman Brothers; James Cayne, CEO of bankrupt, Bear Stearns; Stan O’Neal, Chairman of the Board and CEO, of the decimated Merrill Lynch; Angelo Mozillo, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Countrywide Financial; Joseph Cassano, an AIG man and a Credit Default Swap master.

If you want to expose more Pirates, just look at where they hide and how they do business. A Pirate’s cove is usually a multinational corpo-ration, an investment bank, a hedge fund, a trust fund or the Oval Office. The Pirates (CEOs, top executives, money “managers” and boards of directors) routinely make decisions that make them rich now while leading to the bankruptcy in some cases of their companies and countries! They will rob every penny they can until there is, literally, none left.

Here are some Pirate Ships:

 International Monetary Fund  Sports Stadiums  Film Studios  The World Bank  Oil Companies  Communication Companies  Federal Reserve  Military Contractors  White House (as mentioned earlier)  Stock Market  Hedge Funds  Family Trusts (Waltons, Rockefellers, Buffets, Gates, Clintons, etc.)  All large organized religions

Later, the mathematical and statistical carnage that the Pirates have wrought will be provided.

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