Minutes of the Original Tillicoultry Allotments AGM
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Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM
Date of Meeting - 29:11:15
Venue – Allotments
Present – Sandy McKenzie (chair) Peter, Ian Shovlin (minute taker) Vic and Clare, Jean, Tommy, Les, Lynne and Lauren Mc Kenzie, Angus, Danny
1. Apologies – Cathy
2. Previous Minutes (May 2015 meeting) circulated
3. Matters arising – none
4. Constitution. Amendments to the proposed draft Constitution (previously circulated) distributed for consideration. The Constitution, including amendments, unanimously approved and adopted. It is a requirement of the Constitution (3.5) that all plot holders must sign that they have received a copy of the Constitution and that they agree to abide by all the rules and regulations contained within the Constitution. Constitution agreement slips were circulated to all plot holders at the meeting for signing (which everyone did) Sandy Mc Kenzie will retain these slips.
The meeting agreed that all plot holders not in attendance would be sent a Constitution agreement slip for signing and that no money for fees for year 2016 would be taken from any plot holder without them first signing a Constitution agreement slip.
Action – Sandy Mc Kenzie
In relation to two plot holders, neither of whom attended the meeting but who sent someone over to the allotments, prior to the meeting, with money for next year’s fees which was given to a committee member, this money will be in one case ( Cathy) be retained by Sandy Mc Kenzie until such time as one of these plot holder signs a Constitution Agreement slip ( when their money will then be given to the Treasurer) and in the other instance returned to the plot
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 1 holder ( Victoria) as it was agreed that she had forfeited her plot (see Agenda item 6)
Action – Sandy Mc Kenzie
5. Fees/ Membership of Allotment Associations
It was proposed that in view of the fact that we need to pay an additional £2.50 per plot holder to the National Allotments Association to secure Insurance (sheds and tools) and Public liability that the fees go up by £2.50. Currently we are members of both the National and Scottish Allotments Associations which we pay, out of our annual fees, £2.50 which provide magazines, access to seeds at discount prices and legal advice. It was unanimously agreed not to increase the fees but to secure insurance for all plot holders.
Action – Ian
6. Unworked plots
Jean said she wanted to keep her plot. In terms of the Constitution (sections 3.9 and 3.10) there is now a requirement for all plot holders to cultivate and grow vegetables/ flowers on at least half their plot during the growing season and that weeds are kept under control which Jean accepted.
It was unanimously agreed that both Ian Dick and Victoria have both forfeited their half plots due to their lack of commitment to allotment gardening and they each get a letter informing them of this decision.
Action – Sandy Mc Kenzie
A full discussion then took place in relation to what should be done about Paul’s three large plots which have not been worked by him this year. While the group recognised that Pauls family circumstances were difficult for him this year they also noted that he has not done any work on any of his plots, had not paid his 2015 plot fees until a reminder letter was sent to him in May and he had refused offers of assistance earlier this year by other plot holders to help him out.
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 2 The discussion then focused on whether Paul should, like Ian and Victoria, lose his plots - bearing in mind that there is a large waiting list (see section 7 for details) or should he be given the opportunity, due to him being an allotment holder for some time and that he has had a difficult year, to retain and work one of them, thus freeing up at least 4 half plots for people on waiting list (provided of course that he signs a Constitution Agreement slip first).
There was a majority vote that contact should be made with Paul asking him if he wanted to retain one of his plots, for him to identify which plot he wanted to keep and work and to inform him he had forfeited the other two plots.
Action – Sandy Mc Kenzie
7. Waiting List
Currently there are six people on the list. As there were now two half plots available immediately (Victoria’s and Ian Dick’s) it was unanimously decided that the first two names on the list should be offered a half plot each i.e. Mr and Mrs Ogston and Mr Hunter.
Action – Sandy Mc Kenzie
Once the Committee knows which plot (if any) Paul wishes to keep they will then allocate all available plots. It was noted that Vic and Clare wish an additional plot to keep chickens and bees on and this request will be considered when the Committee allocates the plots Paul has forfeited.
Action - The Committee
8. Venue of future meetings
It was unanimously agreed that no future meetings should be held in the open air and that the committee take steps to secure a warm venue for meetings. The Ben Cleuch Centre was proposed but was ruled out as it is not open on Sundays (when allotment meetings are held). Sandy Mc Kenzie said he knows Colin Robertson from the pigeon fanciers, who happen to have a nice big hut which they might let us use.
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 3 The idea of us acquiring a Community shed of our own for meetings and as a meeting place was raised and accepted unanimously as a matter to be pursued
Action – initially Sandy Mc Kenzie/Committee
9. Committee Vacancy
Currently there is one vacancy. Nominations were requested. Vic nominated by Les (which Vic agreed with) seconded by Ian. This decision was then unanimously endorsed by the meeting.
10. Treasurer, Bank Account, Auditing books
Meeting informed that the current treasurer Sandy Harley intimated some months ago he would like to relinquish this role which he has carried out for several years. The Committee, and plot holders attending the meeting, recorded their thanks to Sandy for all the work he has done keeping the allotments funds in order.
Ian indicated that he had spoken to Jennifer about the possibility of her taking on this role, which she has agreed to do.
The meeting unanimously agreed that this was the right time, once Jennifer is introduced to Sandy Harley to take possession of the current funds (the amount of which is not known) and relevant paper work to open an “original” Tillicoultry Allotments Bank Account. This will involve setting up a meeting with Jennifer, the Secretary of the Allotments and one other plot holder (to act as a third signatory) with a representative from the Clydesdale Bank in Tillicoultry when a bank account can be opened and a cheque book issued.
It can also be arranged by the bank to issue a bank card to one person (presumably Jennifer) which could be used to pay for such things as membership of the Allotment Associations we are members of.
Action - Sandy Mc Kenzie, Sandy Harley and Jennifer
Discussion then moved on to looking at the need to have the books audited by an accountant which in combination with having a Constitution in place, a bank account would allow applications to be made for Charitable status and various
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 4 grants. Sandy Mc Kenzie said he had approached an accountant he knew but they were not able to do this work for us. The question was raised of how much having the books audited would cost. Vic informed the group that he has a local accountant who does his books once a year for £60. Group agreed there was a need to establish costs and have books audited.
Action – Vic
11. Applying for Charitable Status and grants
The Group unanimously agreed that the Committee proceed with both of these tasks, once all the necessary pre – conditions are in place.
Action – Ian
12. Allotment visits
The group was informed that money has been made available by Scottish Parliament for allotment members in Scotland to visit other allotments and or host allotment holders visiting their allotment. If visiting an allotment all expenses and subsistence will be paid (once the money has been spent by the allotment and receipts submitted). It was agreed to pursue applying for money to visit an allotment. Ian informed the group he was informed by the Scottish Allotment and Garden Society (SAGS which we are members of) that there were two nearby independent allotments we might wish to visit in Kinross and Doune.
If an application is successful a subsequent follow up report on any visit is required to be submitted. The group unanimously agreed to make an application
Action - Ian and Vic
13. Newsletter
The group unanimously agreed it was a good idea to continue to produce one twice a year September and March. Ian asked members present for contributions e.g. gardening tips, recipes or stories. Tommy suggested that as our allotments were among one of the oldest in Scotland and certainly the oldest in Clackmannanshire and as such we should approach the local paper to
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 5 write an article on the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments. The group agreed this should be pursued but in the summer when the plots are looking their best.
Action – Ian and Clare
14. BBQ
The group agreed unanimously that following our very first and very successful BBQ this year this should become an annual event. From now on however the funds will not be used to purchase alcohol for the BBQ (people to bring their own drink) but the funds will be used to buy the food. Date for BBQ in 2016 set for 14 th August.
Action – the Committee
15. Competitions
It was unanimously agreed to arrange a competition for next year to find who can grow both the best pumpkin and sunflower. Cost per plant, which Peter and Danny agreed could be brought on in their greenhouses, would be a £1 per plant per member, with first, second and third prizes in each category being awarded. Jennifer had agreed to be a judge.
Action – Jennifer, Peter and Danny
16. A.O.C.B
Lynne and Lauren Mc Kenzie asked (in accordance with section 4.6 of the Constitution) if they could have the plot forfeited by Ian Dick which is next to them as they find their current plot too small for their needs. It was unanimously agreed they could take on the plot adjacent to theirs. This means available plots for allocation to waiting list people is reduced by one. See agenda item 7 above which Action point now should read Sandy Mc Kenzie to offer Victoria’s plot to Mr and Mrs Ogston
17. Date of next meeting (inside venue to be established)
29 th May @ 11am
Minutes of the “original” Tillicoultry Allotments AGM 29:11:15 Page 6