Ifb 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems and Related Services
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Part 1 Page Table of Contents 1-2 Cover/ Title page 3 KCDA IFB 11-255 Timeline 4 About KCDA 5 Intent, Award & Scope of Bid 6-8 Anticipated KCDA Member Participation 8
Part 2 General Terms & Conditions 9-24 Glossary of Terms 25 Special Terms & Conditions 25-33
Part 3 Instructions to Vendors 1. KCDA Request for IFB Documents 30 2. Submission of Bids 30 3. Bid Format 31-35 4. Shipping Box Instructions 36 5. Evaluation & Award 36 6. Deviations & Exceptions to Requirements 36 7. Clarification and/or Discussion 37 8. Estimated Quantities 37 9. Inspection & Acceptance 37 10. Evaluation of Bids 37 11. Formation of contract 37 12. Non-exclusive Contract 38 13. Past Performance Information 38 14. Pricing 38 15. Order Processing 38 16. Invoicing 38 17. Responsive Bids 38
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 1 Part 4 Building Specifications and Floor Plans, See separate PDF files on KCDA website 28’ x 32’ Classroom 28’ x 64’ Classroom 42’ x 64’ Classroom 28’ x 64’ Daycare 42’ x 64’ Daycare Left Hand End Unit 14’ x 64’ Right Hand End Unit 14’ x 64’ Center Unit 14’ x 64’ 70’ x 64’ Classroom Multi-Unit
Part 5 IFB Documents to be returned by vendor with IFB Table of Contents 50 A. Bid Submittal Check List 51-52 B. IFB Affidavit Signature Page 53 C. Acceptance of IFB & Contract Award 54 D. Vendor Profile Questionnaire 55-56 E. Vendor Company Profile Information 57 F. Exceptions to Terms, Conditions, Specifications 58 G. Public Bidding Crime Document 59 H. KCDA IFB Requirements 60-64 I. Pricing Information 65-72
KCDA IFB 11-255 Price Sheet – Washington, Oregon, Idaho Excel Spread Sheet
End of Table of Contents
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 2 PART 1: KCDA REQUEST FOR BID #11-255 COVER PAGE
Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems and Related Services
Bids shall be received no later than the deadline at the KCDA office, Attn: Becky Stripp. Immediately following the deadline, Bids will be opened and the respondents listed. Any bids received later than the specified time, whether delivered in person or mailed, will be disqualified. Faxed or electronically submitted Bids will not be accepted. Bids must be plainly marked with the name of the Bid and the opening date and time. Two (2) bound and signed copies of the Bids and two electronic copies on CD-Rom shall be provided.
Contact Charlene Turner @ [email protected] regarding questions about accessing the IFB document on the web page. Questions regarding clarifications about the IFB specifications must be submitted electronically to [email protected] no later than November 2, 2010 @ 10:00 A.M. Pacific Standard time. Questions must refer to Part and Section number (i.e. Part 2: General Terms and Conditions, Evaluation, Bidder Responsibility, a.) All questions will be evaluated. We will attempt to answer and post them in the form of a daily addendum from October 25, 2010 until 10:00 A.M. PST November 3, 2010. Check the KCDA web page daily for individual addendums to these questions. Addenda will be posted on the KCDA website www.kcda.org The path to follow for accessing bid documents and addenda is:
www.kcda.org Pending bids 2011 bids Under the alpha column, scroll down to “M” and click on Modular Buildings #11- 255 Stay on top of page and click on “Click on bid documents” There are Parts 1,2,3,4 & 5 & Addendums. They are different files and you will need all of them for a complete IFB package. Addenda must be signed & returned with the IFB 11-255 vendor bid response. Addenda will be named: Addendum 1, Addenda 2, etc. If addenda are not signed and returned the bidder’s response will be considered non-responsive. If a large number of questions are received November 2@ 10:00 AM PST, they may not be able to be addressed by November 3, 2010.
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 3
PART 1: Timeline for IFB #11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services
October 14 & 21, 2010 Advertised as Bid 11-255 in DJC Seattle, October 15 & 22, 2010 Advertised as Bid 11-255 in DJC Oregon October 18 & 25, 2010 Advertised as Bid 11-255 in Idaho Statesman
October 15-November 2, 2010 Dates vendors may submit questions to KCDA electronically. Follow addendum instructions in bid.
November 2, 2010 Final due date for vendor questions. Due @ 10:00 A.M. PST.
November 3, 2010 Final posting date for answers to vendor questions. Questions to be posted by end of business day.
November 8, 2010 Bids due no later than 2:00 P.M. PST
November 17, 2010 Award recommendation
November 18, 2010 Board Approval
November 19, 2010 Notification of award sent to vendors
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 4 Part 1: About King County Directors’ Association Purchasing Cooperative (KCDA) KCDA is available for use by all public and private schools, colleges, universities, cities, counties and other government agencies throughout the nation. Participation in KCDA is not required of any governmental agency; however participation does provide the legally required competition for contracts for commonly purchased products and services, thereby saving the entity the time and expense of the required competitive process. As allowed by specific state statutes, members can issue purchase orders for any amount without the necessity to prepare their own IFB or gather necessary quotations.
KCDA was formed by five (5) school districts in King County in 1938 to perform joint procurements for goods and services. Since that time the Cooperative has grown to include 294 Washington State school districts (1,000,000+ students) as well as multiple Washington state local and government agencies and higher education which include universities and community colleges. In addition KCDA has many associate members in other states. Our total membership is 1347.
KCDA’s purpose is to:
Cooperatively serve our members and associate members through a continuous effort to explore and solve present and future purchasing needs.
Provide government agencies opportunities for greater efficiency and economy in acquiring goods and services.
Equalize purchasing power for smaller agencies that are unable to command the best contracts for themselves.
Maintain credibility and confidence in business procedures by maintaining open competition for purchases and complying with purchasing laws and ethical business practices.
Provide competitive price solicitations which meet the procurement laws of our members.
Secure multi-state volume purchasing contracts which are measurable, cost effective and continuously exceed our members’ expectations.
Provide quick and efficient delivery of goods and services by contracting with “high performance and quality” vendors who understand our customers’ needs.
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 5 Part 1: Intent, Award & Scope of Bid
It is KCDA’s intent to establish an annual multi-state purchasing contract with the initial contract year beginning December 2, 2010 and ending December 31, 2011 with the potential of up to (3) three, one (1) year renewals if mutually agreeable between KCDA and awarded vendor for portable/modular/multiplex buildings for KCDA members. KCDA members are public and private K-12 schools, higher education (universities and community colleges), cities, counties and other public agencies which have applied and been approved for membership. The states this IFB covers are Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
The intent of this IFB will be to award a contract to the most responsive, responsible vendor that can provide modular/portable/multiplex buildings and related services to KCDA membership in the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho and which meet the terms, conditions and specifications and line item pricing requests outlined in the IFB. The contracted services are to meet or exceed all federal, state and industry standards and requirements as defined, established, set forth and adopted by individual governmental agencies and/or industry organizations. Refer to Part 2: General Terms and Conditions, Evaluation for further details of the award process.
KCDA shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity in any response to the IFB received and to accept the IFB’s which is/are in the best interest of KCDA members.
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 6 Scope
KCDA is seeking a source for factory-built modular/portable/multiplex buildings for education and other public uses. Many factory-built buildings on school campuses are used for portable classrooms. Because portable classrooms can become long-term units, KCDA desires top-of-the-line factory built buildings with a long life cycle. Vendors proposing units for the public through KCDA must offer quality construction that meets or exceeds the journeyman proficiency required by state statue.
Washington State volume for factory built modular/portable/multiplex buildings is listed below to give vendors an overview. Washington State is the largest sales volume state of the three states.
2009 Singles Doubles Other Total Multiplex Sitework/Relocate Total Sales (est) Williams Scotsman 2 31 7 3,989,544.02 2,347,102.07 Modern Building System 2 7 5 317,999.54 Totals 4 38 12 54 3,989,544.02 2,665,101.61 19,000,000.00
2010 Singles Doubles Other Total Multiplex Sitework/Relocate Total Sales (est) Williams Scotsman 10 35 9 54 none 426,052.93 948,468.13 Modern Building System 0 1 1 2 none 53,184.00 100,916.25 Totals 10 36 10 56 479,236.93 1,049,384.38
2010 Estimated Sales: Jan-December: $9,000,000.00
Additional necessary on-site work to make the unit functional or to relocate existing buildings is also requested.
Vendors must secure copies of the relevant laws and rules to use in the preparation of this IFB from the proper agency or department of the individual state. Some states have strict public works laws, eight-hour labor laws, prevailing wage rate requirements, offshore items statement rules, time limits on liquidated damages, and other laws, ordinances, codes and regulations that may apply to the IFB. They will be considered included, as required by state law.
In some states, an installer of factory-built buildings may be required to hold a Master Installer license, a Commercial General Contractor license, or another license. Vendors must follow the requirements, if any, for the state in which a sale is made.
It is a requirement that manufacturers must be able to alter, repair and relocate factory built buildings. The bid will be considered non-responsive if this is not a provided service.
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 7 Products considered for award shall be in full compliance to all applicable federal, state and local standards, codes and regulations. Bidders shall document compliance to said standards and provide certificates of insurance.
Bidders are requested to submit a Bid for offering their total line of available products and services that are commonly purchased by government entities and school districts. Vendors are encouraged to offer any product or service they currently perform in their normal course of business.
Bids shall be received no later than the deadline at the KCDA office, Attn: Becky Stripp. Immediately following the deadline, Bids will be opened and the respondents listed. Any Bid received later than the specified time, whether delivered in person or mailed, will be disqualified. Faxed or electronically submitted Bids will not be accepted.
Bids must be plainly marked with the name of the Bid and the opening date and time. Two (2) bound and signed copies of the Bid and two electronic copies on CD-Rom shall be provided.
Questions regarding this IFB will be answered by Addendum and will be posted on KCDA’s website. Addendum must be signed and submitted with Bid 11-255. If clarifications are needed, please submit to the KCDA Purchasing bid mailbox at [email protected] We will check the mailbox and attempt to answer all questions. The bid documents and addenda may be accessed by the following path:
www.kcda.org pending bids current bids Portable/Modular Buildings Bid #11-255 There are Parts 1,2,3,4,5. They are different files and you will need all of them for a complete IFB package. Part 4 is the Specifications and Building Floor Plans . Vendor questions and KCDA answers will be posted in a separate file labeled Addenda. Addenda will be titled Addendum 1, Addendum 2, etc. If a large number of questions are received November 2 @ 10:00 AM PST, they may not be able to be addressed by November 3, 2010.
Anticipated KCDA Member Participation
Vendors responding to the IFB must be able to offer the sale, installation and re-location of factory-built buildings in each of the KCDA member states listed in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
KCDA does not guarantee these member states will enter into a contract with any vendor. Volume and sales information is provided as an aid to vendors in preparing Bids only. It is not to be considered a guarantee of volume under this IFB. The successful vendor’s discount and pricing schedule shall apply regardless of the volume of business under the contract.
KCDA IFB 11-255 Portable/Modular/Multiplex Building Systems & Related Services Page 8