Australian Bush Flower Essence

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Australian Bush Flower Essence

Australian Bush Flower Essence Adolesence Essences

BILLY GOAT PLUM:  Very beneficial for people who have a feeling of self loathing or self disgust  To alleviate shame and embarrassment  Useful for people with adverse emotions regarding their sexuality & brings a real acceptance of the physical body and an enjoyment of physical sensations and sexual pleasure  Allows people to see the true beauty deep within themselves and other people  For people with physical afflictions that distress them  Very beneficial for treating eczema, psoriasis & effective as a topical treatment for acne  Beneficial for amenorrhoea (absence of a period), AIDS, body odour, boils, eating disorders, cellulite, hepatitis C, herpes, school sores, shingles, lesions and rashes, parasites, pelvic inflammation, prostate gland problems, skin ulcers

BOAB:  Clears negative patterns of the ancestors; breaks family patterns and behavioural traits  Clears limiting, dysfunctional, emotional and mental beliefs, attitudes and patterns that pass on from generation to generation  Releases emotional baggage picked up from the family  Helpful for people who have experienced abuse, persecution or prejudice; clears the negative/dark energy line of karma  Very beneficial for treatment of hereditary or genetic illness  Releases deep– held emotions and engenders personal growth  Beneficial for ADD, addictions, arthritis, asthma, baldness, bunions, chicken pox, cholesterol imbalance, cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, hereditary illness, mental retardation, miasms, pain on a cellular level.

BOTTLEBRUSH:  Helps when overwhelmed by major life changes  Restores calmness and serenity and the ability to cope  Allows a person to move on and enjoy new experiences  Beneficial for anal and bowel disorders, arm pain, arteriosclerosis, thoracic back pain, bladder infections, blood disorders, brain function, breast problems, cancer, candida, carpal tunnel syndrome, cellulite, claustrophobia, colitis, cystitis, diarrhoea, diverticulitis, feet & leg problems, fluid retention, headaches, incontinence, IBS, joint pain, menopause, morning sickness, cramps, pain relief with emergency ess, parasites, snoring DAGGER HAKEA:  Releases old grudges, particularly against family members, previous lovers or close friends; helps people work through and resolve intense feelings of resentment ( usually covert), and bitterness towards people who are, or have been close to them  Releases feelings that can be so intense that they are over –whelming  For people who put up a façade, which hides a lot of anger, and the feeling of being unfairly treated  Beneficial for Abscess, adenoids, slowing aging process, eating disorders, arthritis, bacterial & viral infections, bladder infection, boils, calcification in body, cancer, de- toxifying, dermatitis, eczema, frozen shoulder, gallstones, gallbladder, gum boils, hepatitis, hepatitis C, hives, itching, jaundice, TMJ, liver, morning sickness, blocked nose, ovarian cysts, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, teeth grinding, vaginitis. FIVE CORNERS:  Effective in releasing low self-confidence and self- esteem regarding the physical body & allows you to permit yourself to love and be loved; releases negative thought about oneself; brings a joyfulness to life  Promotes an acceptance of self & a feeling of inner and outer beauty & promotes a desire to look good as well as feel good & brings out the femininity of women  Beneficial for aches, amenorrhoea, eating disorders, neck and back problems, fainting, high & low blood pressure, bone marrow, bruising, chin problems, circulation problems, imbalance in meridians, overweight, shingles, shoulder problems, varicose veins, venous thrombosis


 Helps with people who do not like physical contact; or who are uncomfortable in crowds and feel an invasion of their space when too close to others. Helps define, establish and maintain healthy boundaries with other people

 Promotes sensitivity in males; promotes gentleness and sensitivity in touching; addresses issues of physical or sexual abuse

 Promotes openness and trust; allows the expression of feelings and promotes a joy in physical activity, such as dance or sport

 Beneficial for ankle problems, arm pain, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, lumbar & sacral/iliac pain, bruising, cancer, circulation problems, claustrophobia, constipation, depression, impotence with Boronia + Crowea + Five Corners, prostate gland, psoriasis, running nose, scleroderma, testicles, throat problems. KANGAROO PAW:

 Develops sensitivity to the needs of others  Very successful for people who are insensitive to the need of others, and who put on them unrealistic demands  For those who consciously ignore the needs of others  Brings relaxation and lightness to social interaction  Helps people act appropriately in all situations  Helps with autism and aspergers syndrome  Beneficial for ADD, cervical neck, candida, hearing, neck, physical co-ordination.

PAW PAW:  It is a good remedy for activating an awareness of ones higher self.  It is good when facing a major life decision. It strengthens intuition  Fast acting. Resolves of any over whelmed feelings.  Very good for grasping and assimilating new information and ideas.  Very good for illnesses where there is malabsorption of food, digestive or abdominal disorders.  Beneficial for ADD, appetite disorders, arm pain, neck & back problems, diaphragm problems, diarrhoea, arthritis in hands, frozen shoulder, halitosis, headaches, hypoglycaemia, influenza, small intestine problems, IBS, nausea, nervous exhaustion & breakdown, stomach ulcers, stress, teeth problems, travel sickness, varicose veins, vomiting


 Helps fathers bond with their children; Resolves negative feeling towards authority, fathers and men in general  Assist children and adult with authority figures; very helpful for adolescents in trouble with authority figures; helps remove emotional blocks caused by such relationships  Develops concern for the planet and raises the consciousness of mankind  Beneficial for adenoids, bone fracture, coughs, hyperactivity, laryngitis rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, sternum issues. SOUTHERN CROSS:

 For releasing feelings of victimisation and unfairness; releases bitterness and the need to be a martyr; releases irritable, sulky, sullen whinging behaviour  Resolves complaining and restores a positive attitude; releases personal power and ability to take full responsibility for self  Creates a positive energy field; develops consideration for others  For feeling of lack, and resignation to a life without abundance  Beneficial for addictions, arthritis, lumbar/sacral iliac pain, low blood pressure, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, cystic fibrosis, gall stones, gallbladder, multiple sclerosis, parasites, post-nasal drip, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, RSI.

SUNSHINE WATTLE:  Promotion of acceptance of the beauty and joy of the present  Promotes a belief in possibilities for the future  For people who feel that life is a grim struggle, who expect only struggle and disappointment, and have a feeling of hopelessness  Promotes a positive attitude towards abundance in all areas of life  Promotes an attitude of joyful expectation  Beneficial for lumbar, sacral/iliac pain, breathing problems, cataracts, conjunctivitis, leg & feet problems, all shoulder problems esp. frozen shoulder, long illness, liver problems, venous and deep vein thrombosis, tuberculosis TALL YELLOW TOP:  For people who feel isolated, alienated and lonely– excellent results for depression; promotes a sense of belonging; brings a knowing that one is at “ home”  Reconnects head and heart. For people who live totally in their head  For children and people who just “ don't fit in”  Corrects “dural torque” where injury to neck vertebrae pull all the spine out of alignment and rotates the pelvis  Beneficial for aches, asthma, neck and lumbar back problems, coccyx damage, breathing problems, chin problems, depression, intervertebral disc problems, dyslexia, muscle cramps, osteoporosis, scoliosis, spinal cord—knotting of the dura matter, vitiligo ( lack of pigmentation to parts of the skin)

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