2. Much of Jesus Ministry Is by Which Body of Water? (1 Pt)

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2. Much of Jesus Ministry Is by Which Body of Water? (1 Pt)

MARK QUIZ #2 February 2010 5. In Mark 5:21-43, the story of the healing of the synagogue ruler Jairus’s daughter is interrupted by a woman with Name ANSWER KEY bleeding who touches Jesus. After Jesus heals her, he continues with Jairus to his home. This interrupted story uses this literary device commonly used in Mark known as: 1. Who is the author of the Gospel of Mark? (1 pt) (1 pt) a. John a. Cliffhanger b. Paul b. Sandwich Technique c. Ringo c. Satire d. George d. Comedy e. Mark e. Anticlimax

2. Much of Jesus’ ministry is by which body of water? (1 pt) 6. When Jesus feeds the 5000, he does it by: (1 pt) a. Mediterranean Sea a. Asking for the disciples’ 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish b. Potomac River b. Praying for heavenly manna c. Jordan River c. Ordering takeout d. Sea of Galilee d. Refusing to feed them e. Dead Sea e. Ignoring the disciples

3. Read the following passages: (1 pt) 7. After Jesus fed the 4000, the leftovers are (1pt) a. 7 baskets of bread And so John came, baptizing in the desert region… (Mark 1:4) b. 3 plates of crumbs At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert (Mark 1:12) c. 2 fish Jesus got up…. went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35) d. 1 loaf These verses show this theme common in Mark: e. None. There were no leftovers

a. Death b. Food c. Wilderness d. Discipleship e. The Cross 4. 8. In Mark 8:30s, 9:30s, 10:30s, Jesus makes 3 predictions Write down Mark 8:34b-35 below: (5 pts) about: (1 pt) a. His next miracle (CLUE: If anyone would come after me…) b. His suffering and death c. His travel plans If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take d. His joy e. His health up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life

will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel 9. When Jesus enters the temple, he is furious when he sees: (1 pt) will save it. a. Mistreatment of children b. Roman soldiers as temple security c. Merchants and moneychangers in the Court of Gentiles d. No place to rest and eat e. Lack of respect for authority

10. What festival does Jesus celebrate before the Passion (1 pt) Write down Mark 10:45 below: (5 pts) a. Purim b. Hanukkah CLUE: For even the Son of Man did not come…) c. Easter d. Passover For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, e. Christmas and to give his life as a ransom for many.

11. Which event is only in Mark (not in the other gospels)? a. Noah building the ark b. Jesus feeding the multitudes c. Jesus crucified on the cross d. Jesus rising from the dead e. Temple curtain torn in two

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