One Voice Committee Meeting Minutes

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One Voice Committee Meeting Minutes

One Voice Committee Meeting Minutes

3 rd May 2011 – Stallingborough Grange Hotel

In Attendance

Justin Atkin (Chairman) Gordon Smith (Community Rep/Vice Chair)

Brian Duke (Community Rep/ Treasurer) Elaine Norton (Community Rep)

Corinna Duke (Community Rep) Jean Keyworth (Community Rep)

Shane Linford (Oasis / Young Persons Rep) Lisa Gibson (AAG)

Hazel Bell (Stallingborough Parish Council) Morris Prior (Immingham TC)

Dave Bolton (Ward Councillor) Jan Wilson (NELC Health Trainer)

Sgt Nick Mortimer (Humberside Police) Sarah Baker (Humberside F&R)

Tina Wheldrake (NELC Community Pride) Annie Farrow-Smith (NELC)

Rick Weatherill (Website Support) Vikki Piper (E Factor)

Doreen Hinds (Pilgrim Rambling Club) Thomas Horton (Resident / Young Person)

Sarah Hewins (Resident) Enid Cragg (Resident)

Bert James (Resident) Peggy Blyth (Resident)

Annie Farrow-Smith (Young Peoples Service) Mark Evans (Young Peoples Service)

Tom Hughes (TV 4 Change) Lesley Lumbers (Oasis Academy)

Karl Eliot (VANEL)

Apologies Received

Jez O’Kane (VANEL) George Bass (Community Rep)

Alison Jollands (Children’s Centre) Janet Cowan (Extended Services)

Pat Schofield (LINk)

Discussion Items Action House Rules  JA extended thanks to Stallingborough Grange for allowing use of the meeting room.  Attendees informed of location of fire exist / procedures and location of restrooms identified.

Welcomes &  JA welcomed everyone, especially new attendees, and gave apologies (named Apologies above)  Explained that that constructive feedback received regarding new meeting format, and therefore focus would continue to be on community priorities, action planning and priority setting.

Presentation  JA introduced Thomas Horton (Oasis Academy) who gave a presentation about recent trip to Bangladesh, which OV helped with funding. NB, Oasis Bangladesh is Oasis Academy Immingham’s partner academy.

 TH gave thanks on behalf of himself and Adam Farrow for the generous contribution and explained that the money had been spent on costs of trip which he felt had provided a tremendous opportunity, and given number of ideas about how to improve / develop community interaction in own community.

 Tom recounted some of the experiences including visit to local market and encountering seriously disabled beggars with little or no social provision. Also visited a sweat shop. “We wanted to see how the communities worked out there”.

 Oasis have established Fair Trade bamboo plantation through Oasis Transformation LTD. All monies raised by this company go back into the community.”

 TH explained that Oasis have also opened primary school in a slum in Dakar, accommodating 140 children of the 1000’s in the slums. Although that doesn’t seem many they actually then go away and teach others the things they have learned such as the signs of lung cancer, safe sex etc.”

 When asked about how he would use his experiences to benefit the local community TH explained that a presentation was given to the academy which incited a constructive debate, with many students expressing an interest in the project and asking interesting questions.

 EN asked “Do you aspire to bring fair trade outside of the Academy, to the Immingham community?” TH explained that Oasis Immingham hoping to become a Fair Trade establishment in the very near future.

 JA asked TH thoughts as to why, despite the adverse poverty, that community spirit seemed to be stronger than locally. TH said they worked to a common goal that brought them all together. He explained “There are generally 2 classes, the very wealthy and the very poor. Quite often the wealthy exploit the poor. Despite all of this people still come together as a strong community”

 HB asked “What was the most important thing you learned from the experience?” TH explained that it was inspiring and humbling to see people smiling despite the conditions that people were living in.

 JA thanked TH for his presentation, and those who raised questions.

Matters  JA apologised for the late distribution of the minutes and action plan. Time was Arising allocated for members to read through the minutes. No questions were raised and therefore the minutes were agreed as an accurate record of March’s meeting, and signed off by BD & JA.

Action Plan Vulnerable people safety & security checks - Was deemed successful initiative by NM & Update & SB. As a result of success SB stated that on 21st April HFRS carried out further 14 Home Allocate new Fire Safety Checks and dropped leaflets at 30 properties. SB is committed to working in priorities Immingham to identify areas of greater risk and has set up a referral process to refer target hardening cases to the police. April’s event focussed on the areas surrounding Chiltern & Clifton Crescent and a couple of walks in the area.

 JA Asked if May had been planned ? SB stated that an intelligence led approach ALL would be more beneficial and urged members to contact her with potential hotspot areas. [email protected]

 JW asked about smoke free homes referrals. SB will provide figures. SB  EN Asked what batteries are provided with smoke alarms? SB confirmed 10 yr Lithium batteries as standard

 NM stated that intelligence on drugs, off road motor bikes had been received. This was really positive and especially encouraging that people chose to give this kind of information from the estate.

Roval Drive Park Gates – LG fed back NELC (Andy Hartley’s) response which was disputed by some attendees who argues that NELC and not residents responsible for opening gates. Members discussed the issue and there was a feeling that it is the parents who are at fault, and needs to be some education about the dangers of parking inappropriately. LG JA advised that AH will contact key holders if formal request made in writing. JA to arrange.

Lack of provision for young people – ME circulated a document ‘One Voice Feedback from Residents at Christmas Party’ produced to summarise key themes in provision for young people;

0-5, requested soft play areas

6-10, group most often excluded. This group wanted more parties & events (ie xmas event) that brings families together, community spirit, things to do in the evenings.

11-16, 12 responses asked for more things to do for teenagers after school. ME felt actually lots going on but perhaps not publicising this correctly? BMX tracks improvements have been requested. Saturday morning cinema has also been requested

13-19, seem to have good provision. They have asked for a club or gathering as they cant go to a pub or club.

ME is committed to looking at these issues and finding appropriate solutions. JA thanked ME for excellent summary.

Stallingborough & Habrough – Service has mobile youth buses and detached teams. ME suggested engaging with the young people to consult and find out what it is they want. There is a positive activities group looking at extending the list of providers. LG & ME to ME/LG get together to find out how people would like to be notified of the activities. Youth centre not used during the day or the weekend could be utilised to provide further activities.

 JA Asked TH what he thought young people would respond to. TH suggested - It needs to be in your face. Use as many mediums as possible.  LG suggested perhaps students may respond to texts whilst SB suggested Blue tooth machine.

 LL stated phones are not allowed in the school. LL stated that face to face in form time is a better way to communicate. Time consuming but we get a better response.

 AFSmith introduced herself to the group. Annie is the Integrated Services Delivery Team Leader for Children & Family Services and will cover Immingham and Wolds areas. JA welcomed her to the meeting. JK Habrough Play Park – No update however JK asked if this item could be left on the plan and will hopefully have update for next meeting.

Skate Park – EN gave brief update, confirming still awaiting responses from funding and planning process.

 JA Asked what the time frame is on the planning. EN explained that the Deadline for comments is the end of the week.

 DH Asked if there had been any objections? EC advised that neither Highways or Environmental teams have made comment or objections. No comments have been shown online however; a gent has contacted ITC stating he wasn’t aware of the skate park despite being one of the closer neighbours. He is unhappy but nothing official has gone in as yet. EN

 DB suggested that EN should go and chat with the gent. This is perhaps lack of communication and could easily be resolved. JA stated that any individual who opposed the project to use the planning consultation process to state their views

Reedmeer Estate – JA gave an update on items of work carried out to date, and also advised that he has received confirmation that recent Payback bid has been completed, although no ‘before / after’ photos available.

Park opposite St.Andrew’s Church – JA & LG carried out a site visit and couldn’t identify major problem. Community Pride have been researching bylaws and may be able to Comm enforce on this issue should it continue to occur, but no update from any other agency. Pride Awaiting update from Community Pride. *Note, JA has since received a complaint from ITC Clerk that OV ‘duplicating’ work already been done by ITC. JA responded stating that this issue had been raised directly with OV in February and that at no time had OV been JA made aware the issue was been dealt with – improved communication required. ITC Clerk has now assumed responsibility for this issue therefore JA will write to complainant and inform them accordingly. LG Grit – Still awaiting update from Balfour Beatty. Once satisfactory response received then to be removed from Plan. LG to chase.

 TW (Community Pride) talked of initiative at Keep Britain Tidy conference where grit was distributed to households down each street. If every area had bags then residents could help themselves, enhancing sense of community spirit and enable people to help others. A discussion was had regarding a location for such bags. JA

 JA suggested he may be able to acquire a donation of grit. This could be used to trial an initiative of this kind in the Immingham area. Should we pursue obtaining a donation? Group agreed to pursue providing that suitable locations could be found.

 Mr James stated that snow plough moved snow onto the pavement that had already been cleared. JA suggested this would have been unavoidable as the road clearance would be the priority.

 A discussion took place regarding OV being pro active now in order to minimise the impact any future snow will have on the community. SH suggested a vehicle pool for those with 4x4’s etc. Bring a sense of community. RW stated we should keep it on the plan or we will loose focus. All agreed.

Allerton Primary – Awaiting availability response from Stuart Greaves. Agreed that sub- group to be established. NM

Bluestone Lane Speeding – NM updated the group. Road watch have not been down Bluestone yet, also problem with the kit. They need calibrating and there may be an issue LG for funding. Suggested time for completion June time.

Footpaths Stallingborough – Logged with NELC awaiting response. LG to chase so that group can be update, AP to be updated with June as completion date. Comm Pride Chapel Lane Corner, Habrough – Community Pride have been in touch with Estate Manager who doesn’t want us to submit a payback bid (change plan to Yellow). He has LG promised to address issue in next 3-4 weeks. Comm Pride to check in 4 weeks time.

Highfield Ave – JA & LG visited the site, with road in really poor state, although potholes Comm have since been addressed. LG to raise with Balfour Beatty as a hot spot. Pride

 SH raised issue regarding Pizza shop on opposite corner swilling out the kitchen area. Comm Pride will investigate to see if there is anything that can be enforced. (Enter onto plan)

Habrough Internet Connection – JA advised that there has been no response / interest from HVH Management Committee despite sending them details of schemes/funding. Remove from action plan if nothing received by next meeting.

Stallingborough Bus/Cycle path – GS gave update regarding the results of survey – currently return rate of less than 10%. GS

 JW asked - what about the people of Immingham who would like to travel to Stallingborough. GS to provide SL & SH with a copy of the form to carry out LL survey in Immingham.  LL is part of a working party for the South Humber Gateway and will make sure it is on the agenda. BD Signage, Pelham Rd – still not completed. Change to yellow / June on plan. BD to chase up.

Habrough Phone Box - is full of information. JA & LG made a visit to have a look – well done to JK for arranging. Remove from plan.

Any other local issues?

 DH – What are the white heaps on the docks? JA advised that it is imported road salt in storage for the Highways Agency.

 DB - Immingham Day nursery is currently trialling a new paint from Cristal (Millennium) that apparently repels dust.

 MP - Bridle Path Stallingborough Rd to Fair Isle Rd – used as a race track by motorcycles and needs to be gated. SB stated 3 adult on scramblers nearly caused her an accident just last week. Bridle paths department are responsible for this and it needs to be sorted. Other issues down Blossom Way, near to Meakin Court area. These are 16-18 yr olds riding the vehicles. Residents worried about their safety. NM Stated very difficult to pursue this. There is a lack of funding to provide the off road motorbikes however a request has been made to CI Debs Johnstone to obtain them. JK stated this is a real issue for the Neighbourhood Watch Group locally and it really needs sorting. MP stated it may be worth looking at getting Lincolnshire gates.

 BD This is a common problem and asked how police best want residents to go EN about tackling it? NM stated it is important that everyone actively reports it.

 EN raised issue of H&S issue with disused stairs in Kennedy Way. BD suggested EN EN to report to ITC.

 EN stated parent raised issue regarding water voles living on Coomb Briggs Fields. They are a protected species and NELC need to be aware. Can we chase it up? EN advised to contact NELC.

Sub Group Finance and Funding Updates Finance  BD gave brief summary of group’s position - £25993.28 in total; 1. £439.26 – Poster Frames 2. £2415.10 – Skate Park 3. £11448.86 – Miscellaneous 4. £8896.46 – held for In Bloom 5. £2793.60 – Studio-1

 GS asked if some of the Poster frames money could be used for repairs – BD confirmed that it could and he would arrange.

Funding Applications:  Immingham Wasps Rugby Club – funding sub-group have sent a number of questions and requests for documents so that they can make a more informed decision on this bid. Currently awaiting a response from applicant. BD/EN/GS  Immingham Cyber Café – application being reviewed.


Website - Please complete the survey at

Facebook – Members requested to join OV and Studio-1 Group and ‘Like’ the OV Page. Also to participate in some of the on-line discussions in the hope that this would encourage to participate too. EG, JA explained that currently a discussion posted regarding NELC’s Environment and Climate Change Strategy.

Twitter – LG informed group that Immingham’s Neighbourhood Policing Team can now be followed on Twitter where users will find regular updates from the team, keeping residents and communities informed on matters and issues in the area.

Studio – 1

 Mixed responses 41 attended Alice In Wonderland, only 4 people turned up to watch the boat that rocked. Young Hearts Run free received 33 attendees.

 Next seasons films to be released soon

 Discussion about the feasibility of holding Saturday morning Cinema. JA added that we would need to establish sufficient demand and also get agreement from Immage Studios. JA also added that there would be need for a larger pool of volunteers – interested and willing persons to contact JA asap.

AOB  Mr James raised issue of spitting, producing an article that appeared in Daily Express Sun April 9th 2011. A group discussion about spitting followed. Community Pride stated that fixed penalty notices can be issued if officers see someone spitting but hard to enforce and judges unlikely to support if it was brought to court.

 Group felt that this was more an issue of education and enforcement however no certainty regarding what could be done. It was agreed that members would consider and revert if any suggestions to take this forward. JA thanked Mr James for raising matter.

 Community Pride - please forward dog fouling hotspots to Community Pride

 JA – ‘Love Parks Week’ 23-31st July – opportunity to stage community event – ideas include Picnic, Performances, Wildlife, Historical, Festival, Family, Sport etc. Consider linking in with Car Boot sale? SB, EN, SH have all expressed an interest in planning an event. LG will call a subgroup meeting. LG  JA reminded members that LIA Workshop event planned for Mon 9th May 2pm- 6pm Civic Centre. An opportunity to discuss improvements to the composition, format and aims of the group. Attendance would be beneficial and highly appreciated.

Next  07th June 2011, Habrough Hotel, 6pm - All welcome Meeting

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