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4 th grade - Indian Project - 2016-2017 Due date: November 14th
Dear Parents and students,
As part of our study of the Native Americans, the students will be researching and then presenting a Google Docs presentation with information on their Native American tribe, along with a 3-D model of the kind of shelter their Indian lived in. For this project, students will be required to work in class and at home to research information pertaining to their assigned Indian tribe. Along with a Google Docs presentation (power point presentation) the students will make a 3-D shelter model, to be constructed at home, of what their Native American Indian tribe lived in. Each student will present their own power point presentation to the class and discuss their 3-D shelter.
1. Research Information/ Google Docs Presentation (Language Arts major grade & Social Studies major grade): Students will set up category information note sheets in their social studies research information folder with the teacher to begin organizing information found. Each child will then categorize bullet point facts found on the following 10 slide categories: Title page, Location, Appearance, Dwellings/Shelter, Food/Cooking, Hunting/Gathering/Farming/Fishing, Customs/Culture, End of Culture, Other Interesting Facts, Resources Used. The student will then take their bullet point information and create a quality Google Docs presentation slide show that will be shared with the class. Information should be written in bullet points on each presentation slide. One picture and category title needs to be included on each slide, along with the bullet information.
Resources used needs to include: URL address for websites, book title with author and copyright date. *See grading rubric for details on how this project will be graded.
**Be sure to “share” the Google presentation with the teacher, so the teacher will be able to view it on her Google drive.
2. 3-D Shelter Visual (Social Studies major grade): Each student must create their own 3-D visual model (at home) of the type of shelter their Native American tribe lived in and use the model in their oral presentation. The more realistic looking the better! (example: do not use play dough). Projects that do not look realistic will earn less points. The project must be on a flat base, but should not be larger than 23 inches & 17 inches (the size of a student desk). A shoe box or any type of box should not be used. The audience cannot see over the sides during the presentation. The base should be sturdy and thick (wood, foam board, etc). Do not place your project model on poster board! Poster board is too flexible and your project will fall off and break off. Oral Report (Social Studies major grade): Students will be sharing their presentation of their Google Docs presentation using the smart board, while displaying and talking about their shelter. It may take many days for all students to present their project in class. Students misbehaving during the presentations will get points deducted from their grade.
Effort counts! The more information you have the better your grade. Points will be deducted if certain target information is not present. Please do not wait until the last minute! You will be the expert that day and peer teaching about your Native American Indian tribe! Be sure you have put effort into your research to find enough information. You may be expected to answer questions on presentation day.
Hint: Be sure you have practiced at home reading from your Google Docs presentation and you can pronounce all words correctly! Practice talking loud for entire class to hear.
Reminder: Following directions is an important gradable skill, as well as effort. I suggest that you do not wait until the last minute to complete this project! Please ask questions ahead of time if you do not understand. I want you to be successful!
**************************************************************************************** **************** Please keep the project information in the student’s research folder!
Due Date: November 14th , Monday
Students Name: ______
Native American Tribe Name:
Caddoes , Jumanos , Karankawas, Couhelticans, Lipan Apaches, Commanches
I have read the Native American Indian Shelter Project and I understand that research will be done at school and at home. I also understand that the Indian 3-D shelter Model will be completed only at home. Since following directions is a major part of any project, I also understand points will be deducted from student’s grade for not following all directions, and/or not producing a quality research product. Late points will be deducted if project is not turned in on time (5 points off per day, zero earned on 3rd day, per Tomball ISD grading guidelines).
Parents Signature: ______Date: ______(-5pts if project sheet is not signed by parent on teacher directed date)
Student Name: ______Indian Research/Shelter Presentation Project Grading Rubric
Indian group Researched: Caddoes / Jumanos / Karankawas /Coahuiltecans / Lipan Apaches / Comanches,
Google Docs Power Point Research Presentation: All slides have category titles present at the top of each slide, and quality information present in bullet points. . o _____ Title page with student name & Indian Tribe o _____ Location o _____ Appearance o _____ Dwellings/Shelter o _____ Food/Cooking o _____ Hunting/Gathering/ Farming/Fishing o _____ Customs/Culture o _____ End of Culture o _____ Other Interesting Facts o _____ Resources Used
_____ Followed Teacher’s Directions & information in bullet points _____ Correct: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. _____ Picture included on each slide (including title page) _____ Adequate & Quality information overall _____ Turned in on-time Late point deduction: ______
1 2 3 4 5 scale comparison Major Grade earned: ______(100 pts possible) ______*Indian Shelter Model & Oral Presentation _____ Base: appropriate size/ sturdy _____ Realistic looking shelter _____ Creative use of materials _____ Quality product _____ Followed Teacher directions
1 2 3 4 5 scale comparison Points earned: ______(80 pts possible) _____ Good eye contact _____ Used Adequate voice volume _____ Knowledgeable about topic _____ Pronounces words correctly during presentation _____ Shared Google Docs presentation & how shelter was made
1 2 3 4 5 scale comparison Points earned: ______(20 pts possible) Point Deductions: *Late points deducted: ______*Audience behavior deduction: ______*Project sheet not signed via teacher directions: ______
Major grade earned: ______