Mathson (Lee) Middle School

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Mathson (Lee) Middle School

MATHSON (LEE) MIDDLE SCHOOL — Alum Rock Union Elementary School District 2050 Krammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 (408) 928-7950

“Defy the myth!” Principal: Glenn VanderZee, [email protected]

School Profile for the 2004-05 school year: School Enrollment: Mathson MS Locality Large City White Asian Grade span 7-8 African 2% 10% Years Principal at school 3 American CSR, HP, or PI school PI 1% Filipino PI year upon exiting Year 3 4% Number of students 492 Number of teachers 24 Percent fully credentialed 79% teachers

Students: Percent EL 64% Percent Free/Reduced 87% Hispanic Meals 83%

How Mathson Middle School has increased its academic rigor: Mathson Middle School (MS) has focused on the California blueprint and identifying the power standards — and ensuring there is a clear understanding of what the standards mean and what they expect students to know. The staff has focused on asking, “What kind of answer will demonstrate that the student understands the standard and how can we make this standards accessible to all?” The process has been total and focused. The process is more than knowing the standards. It includes understanding student readiness and the instructional strategies necessary to bring the student to the standard. Mathson MS has high expectations for all students. They set the goal for any California English Language Development Test (CELDT) 1 student to end the year as a CELDT 3. For California Standards Test (CST) 1s and 2s, the goal is to move three academic years in one. An extended day and grouping students by ability level has helped Mathson MS students to move toward proficiency. Increased academic rigor was made possible by the staff’s rejection of the previously held belief that student factors could explain away and legitimize failure.

How using student performance data has led to improved student achievement: Mathson MS staff use “Cruncher” software, which displays CST and CELDT data in various ways. Teachers pull up data from the first week of school to determine grouping, target instruction, and set goals for students. Students who need assistance receive interventions. Homework centers, reading programs, and Saturday school pre-teaching sessions are available for students who are far below grade level. Mathson MS also has a five-week writing academy and a five-week math academy for targeted students to ensure their proficiency. Mathson MS staff are continually assessing student progress, evaluating their programs, and visiting new strategies to meet the changing needs of their students. Mathson (Lee) Middle School Alum Rock Union Elementary School District Keys to our success: API Scores (base): Mathson MS  English Language Arts . Student language and literacy needs drive the make-up of the 800 instructional program at Mathson MS. The 750 700 schedule is constructed so that students receive 700 targeted instruction appropriate to the combination of their CELDT, CST and local program 650 613 assessment scores. Along with district-approved 600 core materials, Mathson MS teachers supplement 546 550 aspects from various programs to meet the 502 diagnosed needs of their students. They increased 500 the school day by 50 minutes to provide 2002 2003 2004 2005 intervention and accelerate language acquisition within the day. Language development is woven into the curriculum. The Mathson MS staff begin with the understanding that language must not be Annual Measureable Objectives a barrier to learning the standards that every (AMOs):Mathson MS student must know. Math % 35%  Math. The staff consider their emphasis on Proficient or modeling, guided, and interactive practice to be above 18% their greatest strength. Math classes are designed 2004-05 to provide lots of teacher–student interaction. 2003-04

Basic skills are not the emphasis; conceptual ELA % 29% understanding and standards acquisition are the Proficient or areas of focus. Students receive intervention above 19% within the day or in after-school homework centers. “Bubble students” participate in a five- 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% week Saturday Academy to become proficient in essential math standards.  Collaboration. Critical conversations among Mathson MS staff have been an integral part of increasing student achievement. Collaboration started the reform effort. It is the mechanism for developing a common language and sharing instructional strategies. Teachers discuss, both formally and informally, instructional strategies, assessments, and performance data. Last year, the school drafted a memorandum of understanding with the union to build collaboration into the school day, as part of a 4-1 late start schedule.

Highlights of Mathson Middle School’s Presentation:  What were the steps in increasing the instructional day by 50 minutes?  How did they infuse English learners across the curriculum? How are interventions structured?  How does “Cruncher” software help with grouping and teaching students? What was the process for developing common assessments and how are the data used?  What interventions do they have for students who are far below basic?

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