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Seminole State College s1

Approved May 2005 Seminole State College Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose

Evaluation of Associate in Science in Health, Physical Education and Recreation 2005 Mission Statement: Seminole State College is maintained as a two-year public college authorized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to offer courses, provide programs, and confer associate degrees. Seminole State has the primary responsibility of providing post-secondary educational programs to residents of Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Seminole, and Pottawatomie counties in east central Oklahoma. The College exists to enhance the capabilities of individuals to achieve their goals for personal development by providing quality learning experiences and services that respond to diverse individual and community needs in a changing global society. Seminole State College prepares students to continue their education beyond the two-year level, trains students for careers and other educational opportunities, and makes available resources and services designed to benefit students and the community at large.

Transfer Degree Program Outcomes: 1. Transfer degree programs at Seminole State College will successfully articulate to state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma. 2. SSC transfer degree graduates will demonstrate successful academic achievement at primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma. Successful academic achievement is defined as the maintenance of satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion as determined by the receiving institution.

Requirements for Degree: General Transfer Degree Requirements: 41 hours (see page 43 of the Seminole State College 2004-2006 Catalog) Major Field Recommendations: 15 hours with 6 hours selected from HPER 1953, HPER 2053 and 8-9 hours from HPER 2111, HPER 2132, HPER 2222, HPER 2233, HPER 2262, HPER 2263, HPER 2300, HPER 2361, HPER 2332, HPER 2303 and 0-1 hour selected from HPER 1021, HPER 1111

Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria This degree program Assessment of this degree program derives from Documents referred to for specific assessment results are ANALYSIS satisfies the following a culmination of direct and indirect evaluation the College’s Evaluation of General Education Data indicates a solid number of students completing Degree Program indicators. The focus of this evaluation is to Expectations, the Discipline Assessment Reports, Course- the curriculum to earn a degree throughout the four- Objectives: determine the degree program’s achievement of Embedded Assessment Reports, Institutional Statistics and year period. However, it should be noted that some relevant points of the Degree Program specific program data, and the Oklahoma State Regents for individuals during that period may have done academic 1. Transfer degree Objectives. Higher Education Assessment Reports. work in the major area without necessarily listing the programs at degree program as the degree earned. Seminole State A variety of indicators and instruments are used Health, Physical Education and Recreation graduates: Further information is needed to determine whether or College will to make this evaluation. 01-02 8 not the data indicates students drop out of the program successfully 02-03 15 prior to graduating with the degree, or simply take the articulate to state The primary direct indicators used are: 03-04 7 hours earned and transfer to a four-year degree program baccalaureate 1. Course-embedded assessment; 04-05 4 (does not include spring) with those hours earned. While for funding purposes institutions of 2. ETS Academic Profile Test this issue becomes problematic when funding is tied to higher learning in 3. Transfer reports from four-year Health, Physical Education and Recreation declared graduates, such actions do not necessarily indicate Oklahoma. institutions. majors: failures of the program of study to prepare students for Sp 02 33 (26 male; 7 female; 9 fresh; 25 soph) transfer. Principal indirect indicators used are found in the F 02 45 (30 male; 15 female; 13 fresh; 32 soph) SSC Graduate Opinion Survey Sp 03 48 (31 male; 17 female; 17 fresh; 31 soph) ACTION 2. SSC transfer F 03 45 (33 male; 12 female; 13 fresh; 32 soph) An indirect measure will be requested of the major degree graduates Supplemental statistical data is provided by the Sp 04 49 (34 male; 15 female; 16 fresh; 33 soph) transfer universities to obtain information in regard to will demonstrate SSC Institutional Statistics Report and electronic F 04 58 (43 male; 15 female; 32 fresh; 26soph) courses earned at the college prior to transfer in successful data base as a framework for understanding the Sp 05 60 (37 male; 23 female; 38 fresh; 22 soph) comparison to students who actually obtained the A.S.

Form Created: April 2003 1 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria academic makeup of the student body. in HPER. achievement at Specific Assessment Methods and Criteria used Health, Physical Education and Recreation ACT scores 19 primary receiving in each of the measures are detailed in the & under: state College’s Evaluation of General Education <5 5-9 10-14 15-19 Total <19 Total records baccalaureate Outcomes report, the Discipline Assessment Sp 02 0 0 4 12 16 33 (48.4%) institutions of Reports, and Course-Embedded Assessment F 02 0 0 3 19 22 45 (48.8%) higher learning in Reports. Sp 03 0 0 3 16 19 48 (39.6%) Oklahoma. F 03 0 0 6 19 25 45 (55.6%) Successful Degree Program Rationale Sp 04 0 0 7 20 27 49 (55.1%) academic The HPER Degree includes general education F 04 0 0 2 25 27 58 (46.6%) achievement is core curriculum that is assessed on a continuing Sp 05 0 0 2 20 22 60 (36.7%) defined as the basis. Of the degree program, 41 hours of the maintenance of required study is part of the general education (note: over 50% of SSC students do not have ACT scores) satisfactory curriculum. Consequently, general transfer academic preparation is provided through that curriculum Health, Physical Education and Recreation age categories: progress toward and assessment of those areas would be <20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50> degree redundant. Sp 02 0 22 7 0 3 1 0 0 completion as The HPER Degree goes beyond the core gen ed F 02 0 37 4 1 2 1 0 0 determined by the preparation to provide to focus on the additional Sp 03 1 39 4 0 2 2 0 0 receiving program specific outcomes indicated as Outcome F 03 2 37 5 0 0 1 0 0 institution. 3 and Outcome 4 in the far left column. Sp 04 2 42 3 0 0 2 0 0 3. Demonstrate F 04 15 36 3 3 0 1 0 0 knowledge of Degree Program Relationship to General Sp 05 10 42 3 4 0 1 0 0 current issues and Education historical context The general education component assessment is in regard to the provided in other reports and is also summarized fields of health through data provided through the ETS Results summary: and/or sports Academic Profile Test. administration ETS Academic Profile Test: ANALYSIS and/or physical Academic Profile based national norms on the scores of In regard to the skills assessed by the ETS Academic education. ETS Academic Profile Test: 24, 021 students enrolled in 61 Associate of Arts Colleges Profile Test, Transfer Reports, and SSC Graduate 4. Demonstrate This nationally recognized test is designed to from across the nation. The scores, updated each July, Opinion Survey, assessment measurement is limited to preparation for assist in assessing the outcomes of general represent several years of data collection. only the general education core curriculum. None of further study of education programs by focusing on the academic these assessments are applicable to the Degree Program sport and physical skills developed through general education The possible range of scores was 400-500. Scores for 131 Outcomes listed as 3 and 4. education in courses. The Academic Profile does this by SSC students ranged from 402-486. The primary analysis However, the general education curriculum does specific areas of testing college-level reading, college-level of test results focused on students with 45 or more credit comprise 41 or the 62 hours of study in the degree expertise. writing, critical thinking, and mathematics within hours. Of the 131 students whose scores were used in program. Consequently, the assessment of those basic the context of the humanities, social sciences, analyzing the test, 97 (74.05%) were in this category. The skills are important to student preparation for transfer to and natural sciences. mean score for these students was 442.2. The national four-year institutions – a very important outcome of mean score was 441.4. The national mean was 441.7 for any SSC transfer degree.  131 students were tested in Fall 2004. sophomores. Limitations of the applicability of the information to the  10 different courses (10 sections) were specific degree program outcomes is exemplified by the tested. At SSC, ten different courses were tested. Of these return information from the SSC Graduate Opinion  8 full-time instructors administered the tests courses, five (50.0%) addressed General Education Student Survey. That survey noted no returned surveys from with 10 full-time instructors serving as Expectation No. 1 and 8 (80.0%) addressed General individuals who indicated that they had obtained a proctors. Education Student Expectations No. 1 and No. 3. degree in HPER. Form Created: April 2003 2 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria  74.05% (97 of the 131 students tested) had 45+ hours. The possible range for scores for critical thinking (GESE ACTION  22.05% (97) of the 440 students campus- No. 3) is 100-130. The SSC score is 108.6. More direct measures for assessment in the specific wide) had 45+ hours. degree program areas will be investigated by the division. Transfer Reports from Four-Year Transfer Reports: Institutions: Slight drops were recorded in the GPAs of students who Transfer reports from East Central University, transferred to primary receiving four-year degree the University of Central Oklahoma, and institutions. Spring 2004 data from ECU reveals that Oklahoma State University provide GPAs of students transferred with an average GPA of 2.95. The students who transfer from Seminole State average GPA they subsequently earned at ECU was 2.89 – College. a drop of .06. Northeastern State University provided Spring 2004 data from UCO and OSU has not been information for 19 students declaring majors for received, but previous data from those institutions show 2003-04. students transferring 1-30 hours show a drop of 0.37 and students transferring more than 30 hours show a drop of SSC Graduate Opinion Survey: 0.44 at UCO (Spring/Summer 2002). OSU spring and fall The SSC Graduate Opinion Survey is an indirect 2003 data shows a drop of 0.44 – from 3.17 to 2.73. Data measure of effectiveness of the college’s from NSU showed a drop of 0.36 – from 2.91 to 2.55. program offerings. However, in total, the survey provides information important to improvement SSC Graduate Opinion Survey: of offerings throughout the curriculum. For the 2003-04 survey, 301 surveys were mailed to recent The annual survey is sent to recent graduates graduates. Fifty students returned completed surveys for a (Fall, Spring, May, Summer). 16.61 response rate. The survey response information is applicable to the general education curriculum as a result of the number of respondents who continue to pursue degrees beyond the two-year college. Students expressed satisfaction levels of “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” in five areas that stand out as examples applicable to general education:  74 percent – the preparation you received for future occupation or education.  78 percent – the quality of instructional equipment.  70 percent – the variety of courses available, and  84 percent – the quality of library materials and support services.

Form Created: April 2003 3 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria Course Embedded Assessment: ANALYSIS In addition to use in general education Course Embedded Assessment: Changes in the curriculum since the previous years assessment, the pre-test and post-test assessment have addressed many of the concerns in assessment method is applied in a number of courses Degree Program Core Courses reports in regard to providing an effective program of specifically designed for the academic program Two degree program courses are required for the student study. of study. Performance tests were used in many to obtain the degree without exception – “Introduction to of the activity courses, and occasionally, HPER” and “Sociology of Sport.” These two offerings Space for effective instruction in the specialty areas instructors used both techniques. specifically address outcome 3. continues to be a problem noted by instructors for the The Assessment mechanisms used are tailored previous five years. The sports programs have used a toward the type of course and the specific learner The two courses are regular assessed in a manner to combination of athletic department funding and funds outcomes. determine student improvement in retaining specific raised from the community for equipment knowledge in regard to indicators of Outcome 3 - improvement. Such improvements have made an Degree Program Courses Assessment data demonstrating a students’ ability to impact on the success of activity courses that are Pre-Post Test understand the historical and current social context of related to hands-on training. However, the use of sport and physical education, and analyze the impact of academic funds for such improvements has been Data collected in regard to classroom courses those techniques and actions. limited. applicable to the division-supervised degree plan also showed marked improvement in This outcome is core to further exploration of the field understanding and concepts. Written pre- in that the survey courses above provide information and post-tests were used in assessment of in regard to specific issues involving sport and ACTION specific learner outcomes. physical education. The assumption of the degree More direct measures for assessment in the specific program is that the general education core curriculum degree program areas will be investigated by the Allowing for the fact that the administered has already supplied the student with the basic division. tests are multiple choice, the raw data fundamental critical thinking skills and knowledge to indicated that knowledge of the subject further develop opinion and analysis in the area. matter is very limited in most of the courses Subsequently, the degree program courses at the beginning of the classes. However, concentrate on the application of techniques learned in improvement is evident in the post-test the gen ed curriculum and their application to the averages. specific field. In the applicable sections, the margin of increase in scores ranged from 35 percent to 71 percent.

In the core course, Sociology of Sport, a more detailed assessment specifically tested individual learner outcomes in one report that addressed: - the students’ understanding of the impact of sport on society. - The students’ understanding of the application of sociological approaches to the study of sport in society. - The student’s understanding of the interaction of various social issues with sport as a societal construct. The increase in correct answers on questions designed to evaluate these three areas ranged from 45 to 49 percentage points of the total.

Form Created: April 2003 4 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria Major Area Course Selection Courses in these areas focus on outcome 4- Major Area Selected Courses Demonstrate preparation for further study of Allowing for the fact that the administered tests are sport an d physical education in specific areas multiple choice, the raw data indicates that knowledge of expertise. Courses in this area include of the subject matter is very limited in most of the “Theory of Coaching,” “Officiating Rules courses at the beginning of the classes. However, and Procedures,” “Care and Prevention of improvement is evident in the post-test averages. Athletic Injuries,” etc. Raw data in all of the courses indicated an These courses are not meant to end the improvement for every student completing the post- students study in a particular area, but are test. Specifically in Officiating Rules and Procedures, intended as the beginning of the study in the scoring increases ranged from 35 to 45 percent. field. Consequently, the measurement is largely tied to understanding basic concepts, ideas and techniques. Measurement is most often done by the pre-test post-test method.

Activity Course Evaluation Activity courses are applicable to the degree Activity Course Assessments program according to a one credit-hour limit. The rationale for such application is the Cooper 12-minute test hands-on application of techniques in the use Raw data from the sections assessing cardiovascular of fitness and strength building equipment, improvement indicates overall increases in laps completed and the additional hands-on application of at an average of 12 percent. Additionally, one section sports participation. evaluated according to heart-rate and found an average The data collected in evaluation of activity decrease in pulse-rate even with increased number of laps courses showed marked improvements for completed. The average pulse-rate at pre-test for the students who had not previously been course was 136 bpm, and at the conclusion, measured 122 involved in the selected activity. Pre-tests bpm for a 10 percent margin of decrease. and post-test evaluations specifically tied to individual learner outcomes are part of the Sit & Reach Tests assessment plan. Depending on the specific Average increases in flexibility ranged from 1 inch to 5 targeted area of the activity course, the inches in reported sections. following tests were administered in these courses: Weightlifting/Strength Measurers Cooper 12-minute test Data collected from all activity courses showed a This is a test of aerobic capacity designed to substantial average improvement in all areas by students measure the number of laps completed by who had not been provided the instruction before. Ranges self-controlled walk or run during a 12- of average improvement from section to section were minute period. Optionally, an instructor can indicated to be from 12 to 23 percent. also measure direct cardiovascular improvement by comparing pulse-rates at the conclusion of the test. Sit & Reach Test This test uses a tool known as the “Sit-n- reach box.” The mechanism provides a Form Created: April 2003 5 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria measurement of flexibility by measuring a stretch of the hands toward or beyond the toes while sitting in a leg-extended position. Weightlifting/Strength Measurers Depending on the focus of the individual course, instructors reported raw data of individual forms of lifting and total weight measures. Bench Press This measurement through use of controlled weight-lifting measures maximum resistance strength in the shoulders and arms. Leg Press This measurement through use of controlled weight-lifting measures maximum resistance strength in the lower extremities. Other Weightlifting Measures Various other weightlifting measures were used in evaluation of one of the specific courses as a result of its special design to target specific body areas for improvement.

Form Created: April 2003 6 Approved May 2005 Degree Program Assessment Methods Assessment Results Analysis and Action Objectives and Criteria

Form Created: April 2003 7

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