All Temporary Storage Units Must Comply with the Provisions of Section 4.4.10
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7.2.12 Temporary storage units. The city council may grant a special permit for the use of a temporary storage unit beyond 60 days or for the use of multiple units, upon a showing of good cause or extenuating circumstances by the applicant justifying an extension, as well as compliance with this and any other applicable ordinance, rule, regulation, law or restriction. The fee for such special permit shall be $100.00 and the permit shall be valid for the time specified by the city council.
All temporary storage units must comply with the provisions of section 4.4.10.
4.4.10 Attached
536 DWIGHT STREET, ROOM 2 HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS 01040-5086 PHONE: (413) 322-5520 FAX: (413) 322-5521 E-MAIL: [email protected] Birthplace of Volleyball 4.4.10. Temporary storage units. Temporary storage units are allowed by right if used for not more than 60 days. Said container may not be utilized for more than two periods of up to 60 days within one calendar year. All temporary storage units must comply with the guidelines prescribed for this section, as well as complying with the provisions of section 7.2.12, and for storage units in BH, BG, IG and IP zones, section 6.3, outdoor storage area.
1.Location: Temporary storage units are prohibited from being placed in streets or the front yard of a property. Units in residential zones must be kept in the driveway of the property at the furthest accessible point from the street. The applicant must obtain preapproval from the building commissioner if the property does not have a driveway or the driveway is located in the front yard of the property. Units in the BG, BH, BE, IG and IP districts must comply with the guidelines prescribed for the outdoor storage of materials as outlined in section 6.3.
2.Number of units: Only one temporary storage unit may be placed on any property at any time.
3.Registration: Any temporary storage unit accessory to a commercial or industrial use shall be registered with the city clerk by the person that owns, rents or controls the property at which the temporary storage unit will be used. The application shall contain the following: a. The name of the person to whom the unit is supplied; b. Whether the person owns, rents, occupies or controls the property; c. The address at which the unit will be placed; d. The delivery date and removal date; e. Active building permit number, if unit will be used for storage of building materials; f. The building commissioner's preapproval of the location, if applicable; and g. A sketch depicting the location and placement of the temporary storage unit.
The application shall be accompanied by a $25.00 fee. The effective date of the registration shall be the date of the city clerk's approval.
536 DWIGHT STREET, ROOM 2 HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS 01040-5086 PHONE: (413) 322-5520 FAX: (413) 322-5521 E-MAIL: [email protected] Birthplace of Volleyball 4. Violations and penalties. Any person who shall place a temporary storage unit in violation of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $300.00 for each offense. Each day that the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. S Special Permit Application Information
The following must be provided at the time of application:
□ Completed application and non-refundable fee
□ Letter from Treasurer and Tax Collector stating that the person(s) and property(s) named herein have no uncollected taxes, fines, and fees or other charges owning to the City of Holyoke.
□ (If applicable) If applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter from the owner of the property acknowledging that they are aware of, and are in support of, the Special Permit request
Additional Information:
□ The applicant is responsible for paying the cost of advertising the public hearing
□ All Special Permits are subject to a 20 day appeal period. Therefore, after the full City Council votes on the Special Permit the 20 day appeal period begins. (According to MGL Ch. 40A, Sec. 11: A special permit...shall not take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the city or town clerk that 20 days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the city or town clerk and either that no appeal has been filed or the appeal has been filed within such recorded in the registry of deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner’s certificate of title. After Special Permit has been approved favorably by the full City Council)
□ (After the 20 day appeal period is over) applicant must record the Special Permit at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds.
□ After receiving a special permit from the city council, and recording it with the Registry of Deeds, any other necessary business permits and/or licenses must be obtained.
536 DWIGHT STREET, ROOM 2 HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS 01040-5086 PHONE: (413) 322-5520 FAX: (413) 322-5521 E-MAIL: [email protected] Birthplace of Volleyball