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Course Selection Guide Spring 2010
Your families have questions. Parent University has the answers!
Parent University is a community based initiative led by CMS that helps parents become full partners in their children’s education through workshops, seminars and interactive learning opportunities. We serve families throughout Mecklenburg County by meeting them where they already are - schools, community centers, houses of worship, libraries and other locations. Currently, we are scheduling the schools and locations that will host Parent University offerings for the spring 2010 session. Schools are asked to fill out the attached form and return no later than Monday, November 16, 2009.
Parent University brings the knowledge to you!
Bringing Parent University classes to you is easy. Attached you will find a listing of the courses and seminars being offered during the spring 2010 session of Parent University. Simply review the list and record your selections on the sheet provided. We encourage school representatives (principal, parent advocate, Parent University liaison, SLT and PTA President) to all meet together to select the courses that best meet the schools’ needs. The most successful classes are ones that are held in conjunction with PTA meetings, curriculum nights, morning events, etc. As a team, please consider the topic(s) that most address the needs of your school (i.e. – offer the Ready, Set, Read class if the school is focusing on reading at the elementary level or Preparing for the End-of- Grade/End-of-Course class if the school is working with families/students to understand and prepare for the year-end tests).
Once you return the course request form, a Parent University representative will contact you to confirm the classes you have requested. Outside host sites (houses of faith, park and recreation sites, public libraries, etc.) should confer with all appropriate staff to determine the best dates and topics for your location.
Hosting is a Win/Win for all!
Every school has a need and obligation to involve parents; hosting curriculum nights, seminars, workshops and a variety of other activities to keep families informed and engaged. Participation in Parent University is maximized when schools and host sites offer classes as part of these planned events. Parent University supports schools in these efforts by bringing classes and learning opportunities directly to the school. Here are just a few ways hosting a Parent University class can benefit your school:
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Presenters, materials and resources are provided at no cost
Hosting eliminates the need to search for qualified speakers and presenters throughout the year
Schools benefit from the widespread marketing offered through Parent University
Hosting jump-starts the planning of Curriculum Nights and Family Education Nights
A few facts about Parent University classes:
Parent University provides the speaker and materials for the sessions
Parent University provides flyers, Connect-Ed scripts and other marketing materials to schools. Schools are asked to take a lead role in promoting to parents at the school level as well as partner with other schools in the area
Parent University widely advertises the sessions to CMS schools and our other community partners
Class will be listed in the Parent University Catalog of offerings which is widely distributed throughout the community
Classes usually last between 60 and 90 minutes
Classes typically occur on “Family Education Nights” Tuesdays and Thursdays. However other days can be scheduled to meet the needs of the school
Parent University classes are scheduled to fit into families’ busy schedules morning, lunch, or evening offerings: -“Family Education Night” (6:30-8:00pm) -“Muffins with Moms”, “Doughnuts with Dads”, “Grits with Guardians and Grands” (before School) -Lunch & Learn (Lunch Time) Classes typically have about 30 participants. Seminars and speakers can accommodate larger groups (most of our presenters are flexible)
What makes a Good Host Site Great? Strong school promotion and representation at the class (family advocate, parent university liaison, and/or school administrator in attendance at the class) Space that is suitable for accommodating a class Good access to parking Ability to recruit and engage families Conveniently located Ability to organize activities and space for kids during the class Strong community partnerships
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Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying Presented by: CMS-Family & Community Services Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This session will present an overview of the CMS Bully Prevention Policy and provide helpful information on how to recognize, define, and prevent bullying.
Staying One Step Ahead – A Parent’s Guide to Youth Culture and Access to Technology Presented by: CMPD Families Allowing Intervention To Heal (The FAITH Initiative) Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of adolescents Description: Today’s children are more technologically savvy than their parents. They also have unlimited access to information that parents are not aware of. This course is designed to educate parents and caregivers of the challenges facing their children in today’s culture.
Gang Awareness *video available in Spanish to use at session Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Pre-K 12 Support Services Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: Criminal street gangs are one of our nation’s most serious problems. Charlotte’s gang problem is small compared to other cities, but it’s rapidly growing. New members are recruited everyday and many become career criminals.
Managing Behavior through Positive Discipline
Presented by: CMS Family & Community Services Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary and adolescent age children Description: Interactive, participative workshop to help parents manage behavior through positive discipline techniques.
Teens and Adolescents – An Owners’ Manual Presented by: Mecklenburg County 4H Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of adolescents Description: Understanding what makes teens tick is the first step to successful relationships. This interactive class will help you decode the mystery that is your teen.
“How to Talk so Your Teen will Listen, and Listen so Your Teen will Talk” Presented by: Whitehead Associates Inc Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of adolescents Description: This mini-course will offer parents an opportunity to not only learn, but experience the valuable skill of generous listening. Parents need to take the time to not only listen to the words, but the message behind the words of their teens. From the teen’s perspective, when they feel heard, truly heard, their natural tendency is
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to relax and share - maybe not in that exact moment, but somewhere when you might least expect it.
Siempre Papa Offered in Spanish Presented by: YMCA of Greater Charlotte Target Audience: Latin American Fathers and Father figures of children of all ages Description: This course focuses on the characteristics that men need to be an involved father 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This community-based program helps men develop positive attitudes and knowledge as it relates to fathering.
The Mind That’s Mine Presented by: Jennifer Parker, Consultant Target Audience: Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, Tutors, Mentors Description: Parents and caregivers explore how their own minds work by developing their own neuro-development profiles using hands-on activities, lecture and discussion.
Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate Offered in Spanish Presented by: Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC) Target Audience: All parents and caregivers Description: Strong advocacy skills are critical as you work to ensure your child benefits from his/her education. Learn the steps to help you effectively advocate for your child’s needs. Remember, you are an equal partner in your child’s education.
Building Study Skills and Avoiding Homework Headaches
Presented by: CMS Family & Community Services Target Audience: Parents and caretakers of students in elementary, middle, and high school Description: Unfortunately, most children are not born with a set of study skills. They must be learned and developed over time. School becomes easier when children and teens are given structure and habits to help them deal with academic work. This interactive, hands-on workshop offers parents strategies for organizing time, materials and mental effort at home in order to decrease stress and enhance learning.
“It’s Not Your Father’s College Application” – Helping Families Navigate the College Admissions Process Presented by: Lee Bierer, Charlotte Observer Countdown to College columnist and President/College Coach at College Admissions Strategies Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of high school students Description: Filling out a college application isn’t like it used to be. This workshop provides parents and higher schoolers with information about the most common mistakes applicants make, ways they can make their college application stand out, and how to make the most of a college visit.
Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department Target Audience: Parents of students in grades 3-8
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Description: The North Carolina End-of-Grade tests will be administered to students in grades 3-8 in May. This workshop will provide parents with information on what the End-of-Grade tests involve, why they are administered by the state, what they mean, and how parents can help their children prepare.
Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department Target Audience: Parents of students in grades 9-12 (and those taking Algebra I in middle school) Description: The North Carolina End-of-Course tests will be administered to students in high school in May. This workshop will provide parents with information on what the End-of-Course tests involve, why they are administered by the state, what they mean, and how parents can help their children prepare.
Graduation Project Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department – in conjunction with the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County Target Audience: Parents of high school students (targeted to sophomores and juniors) Description: In CMS, the Graduation Project has four parts: a research paper, product, portfolio, and oral presentation before a review board. These four components are designed to be a culmination of the entire high school experience. To complete the Graduation Project, students will apply skills needed to be successful in post- secondary education and careers. The project requires students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do with the skills acquired in high school. This workshop will provide parents and students with information on the requirements and the available resources.
Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College Presented by: Central Piedmont Community College Outreach and Recruitment and Financial Aid Target Audience: Parents of middle and high school students (targeted to juniors and seniors interested in attending community college) Description: Is your child interested in attending a Community College? This session will inform parents how to be involved in their students’ enrollment process including the application, financial aid, placement testing, and registration at CPCC. The workshop will also cover general information about the academic programs offered at CPCC and transfer options.
“Make it Count” – Ideas for Parents to Make the Most of Storybook Reading Presented by: CMS Pre-K Program Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten-aged students Description: This session is an interactive, participatory workshop to help parents become more comfortable with reading at home. Parents will have the opportunity to learn the importance of their involvement in interactive read- alouds to children. Parents will also learn strategies to create learning opportunities that are fun for the child and also for the family.
Preparing for the High School Years – Transitioning from Middle to High Presented by: CMS School Counseling Services Target Audience: Parents of rising high school and current high school students Description: This interactive workshop will help parents and students smoothly navigate the transition from middle to high school.
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Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students Presented by: CMS Talent Development/Advanced Studies/AVID Office Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of gifted and high ability students Description: This course will cover some of the major social and economic issues facing gifted students including but not limited to overachieving, perfectionism, underachieving, and asynchronous development. A particular focus will be on how parents can help their students with these issues both at home and in school.
Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten Presented by: CMS Pre-K program Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of rising kindergarten students Description: Starting school off right is important for kindergartners and their parents! This workshop will provide parents of children entering kindergarten with the information they need to make the transition to school successful.
I’m Growing Up…Transition to Preschool or Kindergarten Presented by: Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center Target Audience: Parents, caregivers, and teachers of children 2.5 to 5 with special needs Description: This workshop includes important information for parents of children 2.5 through 5. Prepare for the big move from Early Intervention services into school-age rights and services (beginning at age 3) and continue building a strong educational foundation for your child. Learn about the school-age special education process and your role and responsibilities in that process.
Meet Me in the Middle – Transitioning from Elementary to Middle School Presented by: CMS School Counseling Services Target Audience: Parents of rising middle school and current middle school students Description: This interactive workshop will help parents and students smoothly navigate the transition from elementary to middle school.
Understanding College Savings Programs Presented by: College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary and middle school students Description: Ever driven down the highway and seen a huge billboard saying, “Saving for College through the North Carolina 529 plan” and wanted to know more? Maybe you’ve heard people talk about having a college savings account and you wanted to know where to go or how to get started? This is your opportunity to learn more and ask questions! You will learn about college savings options in general, with a focus on what North Carolina offers to its residents when saving for college.
Ready, Set, Read Presented by: CMS Curriculum and Instruction Department Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary students Description: Have you ever wondered how to spark a reading interest or develop activities to foster reading for your child? This workshop is geared towards supporting parents with resources and activities to extend a love of reading into the home. Participants will leave with activities, resources and ideas for making reading a family event.
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CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! Age: 5 to Young Adult Cost: Free Presented by: Study Island representative Description: Study Island is an online product used in CMS to help students master the standards specific to their grade. Parents receive a login name and password from their school. From there, students can take pre-tests, study various topics, and take post-tests. The system also has a game mode that makes learning fun. Participants will learn more about this new way to reinforce learning at home.
Keeping Literacy Alive at the Middle School Level Presented by: CMS Curriculum and Instruction Department Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of middle school students Description: Want to know how to keep your middle school student interested in reading? Need tips and suggestions on building vocabulary and reading comprehension? This workshop will offer strategies for keeping the love of reading going among teens and tweens.
“Fractions...multiplication...division...” A Guide to Doing Math at Home... Presented by: CMS Curriculum and Instruction Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary age students Description: Parents want to be supportive of math education but they sometimes feel frustrated when the way their children are learning math at school is different from they way they learned it years ago. This workshop will allow parents to experience the same hands-on approach to learning math that CMS students receive in the classroom. Parents will find out what they can do to apply at home what students are learning at school.
Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel Presented by: CMS-Driver Education Department Target Audience: Parents and their driving-age teens Description: This session will share strategies with parents on helping their novice teen driver to become a safe and defensive driver. Parents will also learn how to improve their own driving skills.
Healthy Lifestyle/Healthy Weight: What YOU Can Do Presented by: Jessica Schorr-Saxe, MD Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: A presentation of the need for healthy lifestyles in children, with discussion of appropriate physical activity, nutrition and screen time – and strategies for achieving them at home and in the community.
“The Good News… It’s Preventable” – Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents Presented by: Mecklenburg County Health Dept.- School Health Program Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: The incidence of Type 2 diabetes in youth has reached epidemic proportions due to the prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyle. This course will provide current data about the incidence, risk factors, prevention,
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symptoms and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents.
“Understanding Type I Diabetes” Presented by: Mecklenburg County Health Dept.-School Health Program Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This course will provide current information about the incidence, risk factors, symptoms and treatment of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents.
Parents Can Feel Confident Talking with Teens about Sex Presented by: CMS Health and Physical Education Department Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children ages 11 to young adult Description: This session will give parents the information and strategies needed to have frank and open communication about sex with their children. The workshop includes an in-depth discussion regarding the five pressures teens face to be sexually active and the ten proven steps to help teens make positive healthy choices. (course aligns with CMS curriculum)
Your Mental Health Matters – Information for Spanish-speaking families Offered in Spanish Presented by: Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health Target Audience: Latin American parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This session will inform the community about the most common mental diagnoses in the Latino/Hispanic community: Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Alcoholism.
Sleep Well to be Well Presented by: Presbyterian Healthcare Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: Just like food and water, sleep is necessary for our health. Good sleep helps kids learn, handle stress, grow, and resist infections. On the other hand, sleep- deprived children are more likely to have poor grades, behavior problems & health problems such as obesity.
Managing Stress for Teens and Parents Presented by: CMS-School Counseling Services Target Audience: Parents/caregivers of pre-teen and teenage children Description: Teens have a lot going on, with sports, school work and their busy social lives. Learn to help them prioritize their activities and decrease stress for maximum success.
Effective Interviewing Skills Presented by: University of Phoenix Target Audience: Adults Description: With unemployment rates at record highs, it is important to make a lasting impression at a job interview. This workshop will teach you the do’s and don’ts of a job interview and also discuss what your non-verbal communication can say to an employer.
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Dealing with Stress during Difficult Times Presented by: Pfeiffer Institute for Marriage and Family Therapy Target Audience: All adults Description: Even though stress and anxiety play a role in everyday life, there are times when those feelings become overwhelming and unmanageable. This workshop will focus on ways individuals, couples, and families experience stress. In addition, participants will increase their coping strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety through experiential exercises.
Entrepreneurial Pursuits Presented by: The Cultural Companies, Inc. Target Audience: All adults who are current or aspiring entrepreneurs Description: This course will provide information and resources to current and aspiring entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses.
MoneySmart – Financial Literacy for Families (three sessions each with a different topic – can be combined to accommodate needs) Presented by: Wachovia- Wells Fargo – presented as a series of three sessions (Participants are encouraged to attend all three sessions – but not required. Each session will focus on a different subject.) Target Audience: Adults Description: This three-week session focuses on information and resources to help families become financially literate. The courses will cover topics such as keeping a budget, tips on saving and growing your money, overview of credit reports, how to apply for and manage credit cards, and information on basic loans.
Resources to Make Your Job Search Easier Presented by: Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County Target Audience: Adults searching for a new career Description: Looking for a new career but don’t know where to start? The Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County has hundreds of resources available to help you with your job search.
Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL and Adult High School Program at CPCC Offered in Spanish Presented by: Central Piedmont Community College Target Audience: Adults interested in obtaining their Adult High School or GEDas well as learning the English language Description: This session will provide an orientation to the Adult High School(AHS), GED and English as a Second Language (ESL) program at CPCC.
Effective Presentation Skills Presented by: Moira Quinn, former broadcaster and Senior Vice President of Communication with Charlotte Center City Partners Target Audience: Adults interested in learning more about how to make an effective presentation – High school students preparing for the Graduation Project and other presentations for college. Description: This session will provide participants with an understanding of what makes a presentation effective. Participants will receive tips and strategies on making a presentation clear, concise, and engaging.
Parent University Screening Room
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These classes offer documentaries and discussion as the basis of instruction. These are great opportunities for family movie nights, community forums or dialogues.
Everyone Has the Right to Risk - Documentary Target Audience: Adults Description: This Documentary discusses how parents, teachers and the community can set high expectations for children with special needs. Participants will look at four 10minute clips from a documentary that highlights the experiences of eight adults with special needs who raft down the grand Canyon and how they see themselves vs. how others see them.
In our Words - Documentary Target Audience: Adults & Teens Description: This documentary developed by the Junior League Charlotte gives the story of five students and what they’ve gone through (Father deployed to Iraq, child taken away from birth parents, grief of a teen whose mother died with breast cancer and a camp that helped him) Parents and teens will have the opportunity to view the documentary and discuss.
Crossroads Charlotte Target Audience: Adults Description: Crossroads Charlotte presents four plausible stories based on real data about Charlotte's future and asks the community to hear and respond to the stories, focusing on the core issues of Access, Equity, Inclusion and Trust in our increasingly diverse home.
Young Lives on the Edge - Documentary Target Audience: Adults and Teens Description: This documentary is provided through the Urban League of the Central Carolinas. It chronicles the real life stories of four youth from Charlotte, NC. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from these young people and how they have faced some of life’s toughest challenges including substance abuse, violence, physical abuse, family dysfunction and many other issues. The facilitated parent/teen dialogue that follows allows families with teens to consider prevention, intervention and solutions, for these issues that many teens are facing.
Clases en Español de la Universidad de los Padres Parent University Classes in Spanish – Fall 2009
Your Mental Health Matters – Information for Spanish-Speaking Families Offered in Spanish Presented by: Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health Target Audience: Latin American parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This session will inform the community about the most common mental diagnoses in the Latino/Hispanic community: Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Alcoholism. Available Dates: Monday, 2/22/10 Monday 3.29/10 Tuesday 5/4/10
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Siempre Papa Offered in Spanish Presented by: YMCA of Greater Charlotte Target Audience: Latin American fathers and father figures of children of all ages Description: This course focuses on the characteristics that men need to be an involved father 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This community-based program helps men develop positive attitudes and knowledge.
"Make it Count" - Ideas for Parents to Make the Most of Storybook Reading Offered with Spanish Interpretation Presented by: CMS Pre-K Program Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten-aged students. Description: This session is an interactive, participatory workshop to help parents become more comfortable with reading at home. Parents will have the opportunity to learn the importance of their involvement in interactive read-alouds to children. Parents will also learn strategies to create learning opportunities that are fun for the child and also for the family.
Building Study Skills and Avoiding Homework Headaches Offered with Spanish Interpretation Presented by: CMS Family and Community Services and Jennifer Parker, consultant Target Audience: Parents and caretakers of students in elementary, middle, and high school Description: Unfortunately, most children are not born with a set of study skills. They must be learned and developed over time. School becomes easier when children and teens are given structure and habits to help them deal with academic work. This interactive, hands-on workshop offers parents strategies for organizing time, materials and mental effort at home in order to decrease stress and enhance learning.
Increasing Natural Support Systems - Finding the Fit for You and Your Kid Offered with Spanish Interpretation Presented by: WOTP Programs Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This course provides a “roadmap” or path to help youth and families move through the process of understanding their behavioral needs. The program explores drivers that may cause youth to act out.
Ready, Set, Read Offered with Spanish Interpretation Presented by: CMS Curriculum and Instruction Department Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary students. Description: Have you ever wondered how to spark a reading interest or develop activities to foster reading for your child? This workshop is geared towards supporting parents with resources and activities to extend a love of reading into the home. Participants will leave with activities, resources and ideas for making reading a family event.
Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten Offered with Spanish Interpretation Cost: Free Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Pre-K Program and Child Care Resources, Inc. Target Audience: Parents of rising kindergarten students Description: Starting school off right is important for kindergartners and their parents! This workshop will provide parents of children entering kindergarten with the information they need to make the transition to school successful.
An Overview of Fair Housing Laws for Hispanic Families Offered in Spanish
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Presented by: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee Target Audience: Families seeking to learn more about housing and fair housing laws Description: Participants will get useful information on how to identify housing discrimination and what to do if you have been discriminated against.
CMS101 Offered in Spanish Presented by: CMS ESL Department and Family & Community Services Target Audience: Adults Description: This session will provide an orientation to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and help Spanish speaking families understand how to navigate and advocate in the public education system.
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Parent University Course Selection Form Spring 2010
Complete and return the following form by November 16, 2009 to schedule a Parent University class or classes at your location. Every effort will be made to fulfill your selections. However, be aware that dates will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Strong consideration is also given to selections that help Parent University fulfill its commitment to provide a comprehensive set of course offerings in each Learning Community. If you have questions or need additional information, contact Claudia Ollivierre at (980) 343-5162.
Organization/School Name Address
Contact Name Title
Email Phone
Requested Course(s)
Unless Otherwise Requested all times for Parent University Classes are 6:30pm to 8:00pm Course Name First Second Please (Please indicate if you will need Spanish Translation Choice Choice schedule my for this Class) Date Date class for the following time:
Please Return Completed Forms to Claudia Ollivierre e-mail: [email protected] Via Fax: 980-343-1338 Mail: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Family & Community Services Education Center P.O. Box 30035 Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Principal Signature:______Date: ______
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