CAL Board Meeting
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CAL Board Meeting October 17, 2016
Call to order In attendance: Denny Dressman, Rachel Kodanaz, Bill Sonn, Mary Taylor Young, Patricia Raybon, Gail Mencini, Jerry Mitchell, Margi Evans, and Cheryl Carpinello
Approval of September Minutes Sent out to Board members via email. The September Minutes were approved by Mary Taylor Young and seconded by Gail Mencini
Discussion about the Treasurer’s Report Sent to Board members via email. Award Stickers -- Rachel asked about ‘Colorado Author’ stickers--reorder through membership Booth revenue for Colorado Country Christmas is down CO Book Festival-still a few expenses to come in Net equity $3000 less: Web hosting (Michele), banquet deposit, book expo booth registration low Question from Linda: Any amount Board would like held in savings? Denny: have always had a carry over balance of $10,000 or more, but not a requirement. Discussion about where excess usually goes and revenues of past years. Board process of voting on the budget takes care of fiscal responsibility. No resolution really needed.
Who’s Who, Approval of Membership Applications Four applications approved by Board: Jerry S. Drake, Sheldon Friedman, Barbra Cohn, & Daniel Ginsberg
Book Festival Update Denny & Sandy met with Jim Kroll; Kroll receptive to moving event to 5th floor, Western History Division has an event area he will make available, also a large room, and on the 7th level 3 large rooms, as well as the basement. DPL Meeting: 2017 date and site: Tentative date: 1st Saturday in November (11/4/17): That date coincides with Denver Arts Week. Also all rooms are available that day. Meeting 10/18 at Sandy’s to further discuss
Issues identified: Volunteers and Signage-street signs, lighted signs, light post signs. Will need multiple volunteers. Virginia from Metro State wants to join CAL and organize Metro student volunteers. Scripts Foundation focuses on events that promote literacy. Denny will write out a proposal to see if the Foundation will sponsor. Need to work on getting authors there-need to sell books Need to get people to the 5th floor! Need programming that taps into all the communities Schedule conflict with CO Country Xmas May have to look at going back to Junior League in 2017 for CAL Co-op booth Many reasons for doing the CO Book Festival instead of CO Country Xmas in Nov. 2017 Board voiced some opposition to dropping Colorado Country Christmas. Asked about scheduling Book Festival for another date. Denny felt that CAL is committed to the Nov. 4, 2017 date. Did not want to ask for DPL for a date change.
Technology and Programs Report CAL to use
Marketing Roundtable (Board given a Handout) This will be all on Marketing each month. Nov is same as next Board meeting
Proposal to move the Board meeting Nov. 15 – need to have a quorum to hold a Board approved Dec. 12th for the next Board meeting (November meeting)
Patricia talked about the good vides of the name “Roundtable”
2017 Programs Cal Presents: webinars online using AnyMeeting-Programs will start in January for $65/month as compared to $80/month; Already purchased a year in advance. Schedule given to Board members. Mary will find someone for March 2017 Discussion around entire idea including topics for the future; How about a different name? CAL Academy – Jerry came up with this
Different ways to use AnyMeeting Board meetings – Better interaction at actual meetings. Maybe as a way for Board members from around the state to attend monthly meetings. Offer to members for their own use. (List coming from Mary) Mary will find someone for March 2017
Co-Op Book Booth Update 25 registration currently eblast sent 10/17/16 about participating Everyone to drop off books at the mart Denny will mail stickers Publicity/Promotion: Handout given with a list of items Bill sending out info for Country Xmas
Awards Update Tattered Cover -Attendance at finalist readings not a big draw for them – Asked to get back to them later in the month Denny certain B&N would commit since winners readings were impressive What to put in the benefits to winners? Leave out the title of the bookstore. Judges? Bill says yes especially since he went out there for dinner with them
Banquet Update Margi & Denny went to the Arvada Center Margi will do the centerpieces with past award winners Cost close to the same Venue is Arts focused Menu many choices Speaker – Drew Litton – will do caricatures of authors Theme – Award-winners list
Scholarship – Drews/Black update - $100 check. Son Bill Black said the Ann put CAL in her will
Writer’s Grants Discussion around possible program change via Michele Morris Language currently specifies that grant will be used for conference Michele would like to change language so other possibilities such as writing coaches would apply. Board members asked to look at the wording of the grant & email Denny
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm.