1. Muscles in Livestock Are Classified As
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Student Name: ______Teacher:District:Assessment: 9_12 Agriculture AA22 - Animal Science II Benchmark 2 Description: AA22 MT BMark 2Form: 501 ______Date: ______Iredell
1. Muscles in livestock are classified as:
A. Internal or external.
B. Pectoral or pelvic.
C. Tendons or ligaments.
D. Voluntary or involuntary.
2. Data on feed composition calculated on the basis of all moisture removed from the feed is:
A. 0 percent dry matter basis.
B. 100 percent dry matter basis.
C. As-fed basis.
D. Balanced basis.
3. During a meeting, one tap of the gavel:
A. Calls the meeting to order. B. Calls members to stand up.
C. Signifies the meeting is adjourn.
D. Signifies that the members should be quiet and orderly.
4. Which class of feeds has the highest percent of fiber? A. Concentrates B. MineralsC. Roughages D. Water 5. Voice, stage presence, power of expression, response to questions and general effect are factors used to evaluate the: A. Audience.B. Judges.C. Oral delivery. D. Written speech. 6. To assure that all sides of an issue are treated fairly and that everyone has on opportunity to discuss and vote is known as: A. Parliamentary law. B. Quorum.C. Simple majority. D. Secret ballot. 7. Using the Pearson Square method, how many pounds of 8.9 percent protein corn and 45.8 percent protein soybean oil meal would be mixed together to make 2000 pounds of a 13 percent protein feed?
A. 8.9 corn and 45.8 soybean oil meal.
B. 13 corn and 13 soybean oil meal.
C. 1778 corn and 222 soybean oil meal.
D. 1954.2 corn and 45.8 soybean oil meal.
8. If a beef farmer’s inventory shows 100 cattle worth $400 each, medicine and supplies worth $1,000 and land valued at $200,000, what amount should be entered on the non- depreciable inventory line of the financial statement? A. $400.00B. $41,000.00 C. $200,000.00 D. $241,000.00 9. If an animal science student were labeling a picture of a beef cattle skeleton, where would that student find the scapula?
A. Front foot
B. Rear foot
C. Shoulder blade
D. Tail 10. From one-third to one-half of the ration fed to livestock is used for: A. Growth.B. Maintenance. C. Reproduction. D. Work. 11. From the table below, which nutrient requirement is provided in surplus from the ration? A. Calcium.B. Corn.C. Phosphorus.D. Soybean oil meal.
12. The rule of thumb for feeding fattening cattle is less than two pounds of air-dried roughage and two pounds of concentrates:
A. Every other day.
B. Per 100 pounds of body weight.
C. Per cow per day. D. Twice a day.
13. When planning a speech, the speaker should consider the purpose, the occasion and the: A. Audience.
B. Cost of clothes.
C. Fee for speaking.
D. Temperature. 14. From the table below, which nutrient requirement will have to be supplemented by a feed additive because the ration provides less than the animal needs? A. Calcium.B. Corn.C. Phosphorus.D. Soybean oil meal. 15. Data on feed composition calculated on the basis of the average amount of moisture in the feed as it is used on the farm is:
A. 100 percent dry matter basis.
B. As-fed basis.
C. Balanced rations.
D. Feed additives. 16. On a financial statement, items that can be quickly converted to cash or that will be sold within 12 months are:
A. Current assets.
B. Current liabilities.
C. Equity.D. Net worth. 17. The type of SAE that involves planning and conducting an agricultural experiment using the scientific method is: A. Entrepreneurship. B. Placement.C. Improvement.D. Experimental. 18. Because the first career choice may NOT work out, students should:
A. Get angry.
B. Plan for alternative careers.
C. Quit school or college.
D. Refuse to work.
19. A ration can have all the nutrients the animal needs in the correct quantities and proportions and still be a poor ration UNLESS it is: A. Dry.B. Expensive.C. Palatable.D. The right color. 20. Which general principle of balancing a ration makes it easier to balance nutrients?
A. The ration should be bulky.
B. The ration should be economical.
C. The ration should be slightly laxative.
D. The ration should contain a variety of feeds.
21. What is the book of authority on parliamentary law?
A. Career Development Events Handbook
B. FFA Student Handbook
C. Official FFA Manual
D. Robert’s Rules of Order
22. The purpose of a speech that gives knowledge or information to the audience is to: A. Entertain.B. Express anger. C. Inform.D. Persuade. 23. Which livestock part is made up of involuntary muscles? A. HamB. HeartC. RoundD. Shoulder 24. The component of the animal science instructional program that gives students an opportunity to explore interests and gain work experience is the: A. Classroom.B. FFA.C. State FFA Convention.D. Supervised Agriculture Experience. 25. Using the Pearson Square method, how many parts of 45.8 percent protein soybean oil meal would be mixed with 32.8 parts of 8.9 percent protein corn to make a 13 percent protein ration? A. 4.1 B. 13 C. 32.8 D. 45.8 26. What vote is required when a motion will limit the rights of a member?
A. Simple majority
B. Two-thirds majority
C. Unanimous favorable
D. Voice 27. Since feed costs make up about 75 percent of the total cost of raising livestock, rations should be the highest quality possible at:
A. Any cost.
B. High cost.
C. Low cost.
D. No cost.
28. The major muscle that is a part of the circulatory system of animals is the: A. Heart.B. Liver.C. Pancreas. D. Stomach. 29. From the table below, which nutrient is provided in the exact amount needed from the ration? A. Calcium.B. Corn.C. Phosphorus.D. Soybean oil meal. 30. On a financial statement net worth is:
A. Current assets minus current liabilities.
B. Current liabilities plus current assets.
C. Total assets minus total liabilities.
D. Total assets plus total liabilities.
31. Which general principle of balancing a ration considers the price per pound of energy and digestible protein?
A. The ration should be economical.
B. The ration should be palatable.
C. The ration should be slightly laxative.
D. The ration should be suited to the animal.
32. Corn and other grains are classified as: A. Concentrates. B. Feed additives. C. Minerals.D. Roughages. 33. If a business has $10,000 cash on hand, $25,000 in a checking account and land valued at $300,000, on which line of a financial statement should the $335,000 total be entered?
A. Current assets
B. Net worth
C. Total assets
D. Total liabilities
34. Voice, rising, secret ballot and roll call are the four common methods of:
A. Debating motions.
B. Introducing motions.
C. Referring motions.
D. Voting. 35. For a school-to-work employment plan to help a student, the plan must be:
A. Complex.
B. Implemented
C. Signed by the principal.
D. Simple.
36. If a swine producer has a $500,000 mortgage on his land and buildings, and he owes Farm Credit Service $60,000 for this year’s mortgage payment, what amount should be entered on the current liability line of the financial statement? A. $60,000.00 B. $440,000.00 C. $500,000.00 D. $560,000.00 37. Mortgages that are not due this year are entered on a financial statement as: A. Current assets.
B. Current liabilities.
C. Non-current assets.
D. Non-current liabilities.
38. Content and composition of the speech is determined:
A. After the speech is given.
B. Before the speech is given.
C. During the questioning time.
D. During the oral speech.
39. The group of bones that make up the rear legs of livestock is called the:
A. Axial skeleton.
B. Pectoral limb.
C. Pelvic limb.
D. Ulna.
40. Considering one's interests, abilities, and other personal characteristics is the FIRST step in developing a:
A. Career plan.
B. Job application.
C. Job interview.
D. Resume. 41. Various numbers of taps of the gavel have different meanings, but overall the gavel is the symbol of: A. Authority. B. FFA.C. Voting.D. Weakness. 42. If a member believes that a parliamentary error has been made, the member should:
A. Call for a division of the assembly.
B. Move to adjourn the meeting.
C. Move to suspend the rules.
D. Rise to a point of order.
43. If a poultry farm has total assets of $500,000 and total liabilities of $300,000, what number would be the correct entry on the net worth line of a financial statement? A. $200,000.00 B. $300,000.00 C. $500,000.00 D. $800,000.00 44. The leadership trait that gives the energy to do a job and the inspiration to encourage others is called: A. Courage.B. Enthusiasm. C. Honesty.D. Tact. 45. Using the Pearson Square method, how many pounds of 10 percent protein corn and 45.2 percent protein cotton seed meal would be mixed together to make 2000 pounds of a 15 percent protein feed?
A. 10 corn and 45.2 cotton seed meal.
B. 15 corn and 15 cotton seed meal.
C. 1716 corn and 284 cotton seed meal.
D. 2000 corn and 0 cotton seed meal.
46. Which general principle of balancing a ration most affects the functioning of the digestive system and satisfies hunger? A. Nutrients in the ration should be balanced.
B. The ration must contain dry matter or bulk.
C. The ration should be economical.
D. The ration should be slightly laxative.
47. If a member wants to improve a main motion by adding words, substituting words or striking out words, the member would move to:
A. Adjourn the meeting.
B. Amend the main motion.
C. Refer to a committee.
D. Take from the table.
48. The type of SAE that involves a series of activities that improve the value or appearance of the place of employment, home or community is: A. Entrepreneurship. B. Placement.C. Improvement.D. Exploratory. 49. The group of bones that make up the front legs of livestock is called the:
A. Axial skeleton.
B. Cranial anatomy.
C. Pectoral limb.
D. Pelvic limb.
50. From the table below, which nutrient requirement is provided in the exact amount needed from the ration? A. Corn.B. Lysine.C. Phosphorus.D. Soybean oil meal. 51. Hay, silage and pasture grasses are classified as: A. Concentrates. B. Minerals.C. Roughages. D. Vitamins. 52. The group would like to delay a motion to allow members to attend to more urgent buiness. The correct parlimentary procedure ability to use would be to:
A. Lay on the table.
B. Suspend the rules.
C. Point of Order.
D. Main motion.
53. A beef cattle farmer using people, resources and processes to reach a goal is: A. Managing. B. Owning. C. Planning. D. Selling. 54. A type of SAE that places students in jobs outside the regular school day is: A. Entrepreneurship. B. Placement.C. Improvement.D. Exploratory. 55. The first general principle of balancing rations is that the ration should: A. Contain a variety of feeds.
B. Be dry.
C. Be economical.
D. Meet the nutritional needs.
56. The leadership quality that causes animal science workers to be willing to proceed under difficult conditions is: A. Courage.B. Integrity.C. Public speaking. D. Tact. 57. Being bulky and succulent and containing a variety of feeds are general principles of a good ration that also affect whether the ration is: A. Balanced. B. Economical. C. Laxative.D. Palatable. 58. Suzy is attending an FFA meeting and hears the gavel tap twice. This signifies:
A. The meeting is adjourned.
B. Get ready the meeting was called to order.
C. Be quiet and orderly.
D. Be seated.
59. One major reason for early career planning is to:
A. Be in classes with your friends.
B. Get early release from school.
C. Take easy high school courses.
D. Take the right high school courses.
60. What should an animal science student label the two large spongy organs that are part of a cow’s respiratory system? A. Arteries B. Kidneys C. Lungs D. Ovaries 61. What part of the respiratory system is repsonsible for the actual exhange of carbon dioxide and oxygen? A. Nostrils. B. Trachea. C. Pharynx. D. Alveoli. 62. Cash and things that are owned by the individual or the business for which a financial statement is being prepared are listed as: A. Assets.B. Equity.C. Liabilities.D. Working capital. 63. A speech about Hereford cattle given at the annual meeting of purebred Angus cattle breeders would be inappropriate because of the: A. Audience.B. Length of the speech. C. Location.D. Speaker. 64. Which type of tissue in the animal's body holds various tissue together such as bone? A. Muscle.B. Fluid.C. Nerve.D. Connective. 65. Molding or heating may occur if feed materials are stored at:
A. High moisture content.
B. Low moisture content.
C. No moisture content.
D. Proper moisture content.
66. Placing the desires and welfare of others above yourself is a leadership quality called: A. Enthusiasm.B. Parliamentary procedure. C. Tact.D. Unselfishness. 67. What type of nerves allow for voluntary repsonses to stimuli? A. Central.B. Somatic. C. Autonomic. D. Brain. 68. From the table below, which nutrient requirement is NOT met by this ration?
A. Bromegrass hay
B. Calcium
C. Corn
D. Phosphorus
69. Using the Pearson Square method, how many parts of 8.9 percent protein corn and 45.8 percent protein soybean oil meal are needed to make a 14 percent protein ration?
A. 5.1 parts corn and 31.8 parts soybean oil meal
B. 5.1 parts soybean oil mean and 31.8 parts corn
C. 8.9 parts corn and 45.8 parts soybean meal
D. 14 parts corn and 14 parts soybean oil meal
70. The rule of thumb is that a poultry ration is about: A. 1 percent of body weight.
B. 5 percent of body weight.
C. 10 percent of body weight.
D. 25 percent of body weight.
71. The MOST effective way for animal science students to develop leadership qualities is through:
A. Participation in FFA activities.
B. Studying animal science.
C. Trips to livestock farms.
D. Watching videos.
72. The type of SAE that involves exploring careers through short times spent observing, shadowing or helping is: A. Entrepreneurship. B. Placement.C. Improvement.D. Exploratory. 73. Using the Pearson Square method, how many parts of 8.9 percent protein corn would be mixed with 6.1 parts of 45.8 percent protein soybean oil meal to make a 15 percent protein ration? A. 6.1 B. 15C. 30.8 D. 100.5 74. If an animal science student is labeling the parts of a pig’s nervous system, what is the name of the part in the center of the vertebral column that is also connected to the brain? A. Cerebellum B. CerebrumC. Somatic nerve D. Spinal cord 75. The part of a net worth statement that shows all debts is:
A. Current liabilities. B. Debt-to-equity ratio.
C. Inventory.D. Total liabilities. 76. If a beef cattle producer has a $250,000 mortgage on his farm, and he owes Farm Credit Service $30,000 for this year’s payment, what amount should be entered on the non-current liability line of the financial statement? A. $30,000.00 B. $220,000.00 C. $250,000.00 D. $280,000.00 77. If a swine farmer’s financial statement shows total liabilities of $300,000 and a net worth of $100,000, the debt-to-equity ratio is: A. 1:1 B. 2:1 C. 3:1 D. 4:1 78. The type of SAE that requires planning, implementing, operating and assuming financial risk is: A. Entrepreneurship. B. Placement.C. Improvement.D. Experimental. 79. After a student has evaluated his or her own interests and has narrowed the field of jobs, then the student should:
A. Apply for a job.
B. Complete a job application.
C. Go for a job interview.
D. Study the requirements of the job.
80. The rule of thumb for feeding swine is that compared to market hogs, pigs weighing less than 50 pounds and sows that are nursing pigs require:
A. Higher percent protein.
B. Lower percent protein. C. More roughages.
D. The same percent protein.
81. Which type of bone in the animal's body provides support and is cylindrical shaped? A. Short.B. Pneumatic. C. Flat.D. Long. 82. From the table below, which nutrient requirement is NOT provided in a sufficient amount from the ration? A. Corn.B. Lysine.C. Phosphorus.D. Soybean oil meal. 83. Participating in FFA public speaking, extemporaneous public speaking, creed speaking, parliamentary procedure, and agricultural sales career development events and oral reasons for livestock, dairy and poultry career development events each help students develop:
A. Animal science technical skills.
B. Communication skills.
C. Interest in animal science.
D. Plant science technical skills.
84. The type of muscle that makes up the majority of meat consumed by humans is: A. Striated. B. Smooth. C. Tendons. D. Cardiac. 85. If a member wants a small group of members to gather more information about a main motion before a vote is taken, the members, during debate on the motion, would move to:
A. Amend the motion.
B. Lay the motion on the table.
C. Reconsider the motion.
D. Refer to a committee.
86. On a net worth statement, net worth is the same as: A. Current assets. B. Equity.C. Inventory.D. Total liabilities. 87. The component of a high school agriculture education program that provides a part-time job for students to gain work experience to help in career planning is:
A. Adult education.
B. Classroom instruction.
C. FFA.D. Supervised Agricultural Experience. 88. The purpose of a speech that convinces people to believe or to do something is to: A. Entertain. B. Inform. C. Introduce. D. Persuade. 89. Using the Pearson Square method, how many pounds of 8.9 percent protein corn and 45.8 percent protein soybean oil meal would be mixed together to make 2000 pounds of a 14 percent protein feed?
A. 0 corn and 2000 soybean oil meal.
B. 0 soybean oil meal and 2000 corn.
C. 276 corn and 1724 soybean oil meal.
D. 1724 corn and 276 soybean oil meal.
90. The leadership quality that means reliable support for an individual, group or cause is: A. Enthusiasm. B. Loyalty.C. Tact.D. Unselfishness. 91. The leadership quality of honesty is called: A. Courage.B. Enthusiasm. C. Integrity.D. Knowledge. 92. A ration that has all the nutrients the animal needs in the right proportions and amounts is a:
A. Balanced ration.
B. Dry ration.
C. High protein ration.
D. Maintenance ration.
93. When compared to as-fed basis, the weight of 100 percent dry matter basis will be:
A. 100 percent higher.
B. About the same.
C. Less. D. More. 94. Which general principle of balancing a ration most affects whether the animal will eat the feed?
A. Nutrients in the ration should be balanced.
B. The ration should be economical.
C. The ration should be palatable.
D. The ration should be slightly laxative.
95. What should an animal science student label the funnel-shaped, hollow, muscular organ that is the pump for the circulatory system of a cow? A. Brain B. Heart C. Liver D. Ovary 96. In addition to the functions they do in livestock, which groups of body parts supply most of the food that humans eat from livestock? A. BonesB. Internal organs C. MusclesD. Nerves