Scientific Inquiry for High School Students

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Scientific Inquiry for High School Students

Composting in the Classroom Scientific Inquiry for High School Students



Composting can be carried out in many different ways, ranging from using small, indoor worm bins that process a few pounds of food per week to huge commercial or industrial operations that process many tons of organic matter in long, outdoor piles called windrows. Many systems rely solely on microorganisms, largely bacteria and fungi, to do the work of decomposition. In these systems, successful composting depends on creating conditions that are favorable to the growth and activity of microbial communities. Vermicomposting, or composting with worms, relies on the action of microorganisms and any of several species of worms that are known to thrive in environments high in organic matter. Many outdoor composting systems are invaded by soil invertebrates, which, similar to worms in vermicomposting, play a role in decomposition together with bacteria and fungi. Because a by-product of microbial activity is heat, compost systems will become hot if they supply adequate aeration, moisture, and nutrients for rapid microbial growth and are sufficiently large or insulated to retain the heat produced. For example, the temperature in the middle of an outdoor compost pile may rise to 55°C within the first few days of mixing the organic materials, even when surrounding air temperatures are below freezing. Hence, the name for this type of composting is thermophilic, or “heat-loving.” Composting also occurs at lower temperatures over longer periods of time. For example, a pile of autumn leaves will gradually decompose over the course of a year or two without ever getting hot, either because the nitrogen or moisture level is insufficient or because the pile is too small to be adequately self-insulating. In this case, decomposition is carried out by mesophilic (moderate temperature) microorganisms and invertebrates. Similarly, vermicomposting does not produce the high temperatures found in thermophilic composting, and in fact, such temperatures would be lethal to the worms. Although the microbes in vermicompost generate heat, it is rapidly dissipated in the relatively shallow compost bins or troughs needed to provide optimal conditions for surface-dwelling worms. In addition to outdoor piles, composting can be conducted in containers or vessels called bioreactors. Large-scale bioreactors are used in commercial and industrial composting, whereas small-scale bioreactors are useful for conducting research within the space available in labs or small outdoor research areas. Two types of bioreactors are described in this manual: the two-can system composed of nested, plastic garbage cans, and a smaller system built from soda bottles. Bioreactors similar to these are used by engineers to model the processes of air flow, heat transfer, and enzymatic degradation that occur during composting.


Many composting systems are based on providing the optimal conditions for thermophilic composting because its high temperatures promote rapid decomposition and kill weed seeds and disease-causing organisms. These high temperatures are a by-product of the intense microbial activity that occurs in thermophilic composting. Thermophilic composting can be divided into three phases, based on the temperature of the pile: (1) a mesophilic, or moderate-temperature phase (up to 40°C), which typically lasts for a couple of days; (2) a thermophilic, or high temperature phase (over 40°C), which can last from a few days to several months depending on the size of the system and the composition of the ingredients; and (3) a several-month mesophilic curing or maturation phase. Periodic temperature measurements can be used to chart the progress of thermophilic composting, producing a “temperature profile” showing these three phases (Figure 1–1).

1 Figure 1–1. The Three Phases of Thermophilic Composting.



Soda bottle bioreactors are designed to be used as tools for composting research rather than as a means to dispose of organic waste. They are small and inexpensive, enabling students to design and carry out individualized research projects comparing the effect of variables such as moisture content or nutrient ratios on compost temperatures. Use the instructions below as a starting point. Challenge students to design their own soda bottle reactors and to monitor the temperatures that their reactors achieve.


• two 2-liter or 3-liter soda bottles • Styrofoam plate or tray • one smaller plastic container such as a margarine tub that fits inside the bottom of the soda bottle (optional—see Step 3, below) • drill or nail for making holes • duct tape or clear packaging tape • utility knife or sharp-pointed scissors • insulation materials such as sheets of foam rubber or fiberglass • fine-meshed screen or fabric (such as a piece of nylon stocking) large enough to cover ventilation holes to keep flies out • dial thermometer with stem at least 20 cm long

2 • chopped vegetable scraps such as lettuce leaves, carrot or potato peelings, and apple cores, or garden wastes such as weeds or grass clippings • bulking agent such as wood shavings or 1-cm pieces of paper egg cartons, cardboard, or wood • hollow flexible tubing to provide ventilation out the top (optional— see Step 8, below) CONSTRUCTION

1. Using a utility knife or sharp-pointed scissors, cut the top off one soda bottle just below the shoulder and the other just above the shoulder. Using the larger pieces of the two bottles, you will now have a top from one that fits snugly over the bottom of the other. 2. The next step is to make a Styrofoam circle. Trace a circle the diameter of the soda bottle on a Styrofoam plate and cut it out, forming a piece that fits snugly inside the soda bottle. Use a nail to punch holes through the Styrofoam for aeration. The circle will form a tray to hold up the compost in the bioreactor. Beneath this tray, there will be air space for ventilation and leachate collection. 3. If your soda bottle is indented at the bottom, the indentations may provide sufficient support for the Styrofoam circle. Otherwise, you will need to fashion a support. One technique is to place a smaller plastic container upside down into the bottom of the soda bottle. Other possibilities include wiring or taping the tray in place. 4. Fit the Styrofoam circle into the soda bottle, roughly 4–5 cm from the bottom. Below this tray, make air holes in the sides of the soda bottle. This can be done with a drill or by carefully heating a nail and using it to melt holes through the plastic. If you are using a plastic container to hold up the Styrofoam tray, you may need to drill holes through the container as well. The object is to make sure that air will be able to enter the bioreactor, diffuse through the compost, and exit through the holes or tubing at the top. Avoid making holes in the very bottom of the bottle unless you plan to use a pan underneath it to collect whatever leachate may be generated during composting. 5. Next, determine what you will compost. A variety of ingredients will work, but in general you will want a mixture that is 50– 60% water by weight and has approximately 30 times as much available carbon as nitrogen (a C:N ratio of 30:1). You can estimate moisture by using the rule of thumb that the mixture should feel as damp as a wrung-out sponge, or you can calculate optimal mixtures using the procedures in Chapter 3 (pp. 47–48). Similarly, mixtures that will achieve optimal C:N ratios can be either estimated or calculated. Materials that are high in carbon include wood chips or shavings, shredded newspaper, and brown leaves. High-nitrogen materials include food scraps, green grass or yard trimmings, and coffee grounds. By mixing materials from the high carbon and high-nitrogen groups, you can achieve a successful mixture for thermophilic composting. Try to include more than just a couple of ingredients; mixtures containing a variety of materials are more likely than homogeneous ones to achieve hot temperatures in soda bottle bioreactors. To calculate rather than estimate the amounts needed, use the equations in Chapter 3 (pp. 48–50). The particle size of compost materials needs to be smaller in soda bottle bioreactors than in larger composting systems. In soda bottles, composting will proceed best if the materials are no larger than 1–2 cm. 6. Loosely fill your bioreactor. Remember that you want air to be able to diffuse through the pores in the compost, so keep your mix light and fluffy and do not pack it down. 7. Put the top piece of the soda bottle on and seal it in place with tape. 8. Cover the top hole with a piece of screen or nylon stocking held in place with a rubber band. Alternatively, if you are worried about potential odors, you can ventilate your bioreactor by running rubber tubing out the top. In this case, drill a hole through the screw-on soda bottle lid, insert tubing through the hole, and lead the tubing either out the window or into a ventilation hood. If you think flies may become a problem, cover all air holes with a piece of nylon stocking or other fine-meshed fabric. 10. Insulate the bioreactor, making sure not to block the ventilation holes. (Because soda bottle bioreactors are much smaller than the typical compost pile, they will work best if insulated to retain the heat that is generated during decomposition.) You can experiment with various types and amounts of insulation.

3 Now you are ready to watch the composting process at work! You can chart the progress of your compost by taking temperature readings. Insert a thermometer down into the compost through the top of the soda bottle. For the first few days, the temperature readings should be taken at least daily, preferably more often. In these small systems, it is possible that temperatures will reach their peak in less than 24 hours. To avoid missing a possible early peak, use a max/min thermometer or a continuously recording temperature sensor, or have the students measure the temperatures frequently during the first few days. Soda bottle reactors generally reach temperatures of 40–45°C, somewhat lower than temperatures achieved in larger composting systems (Figure 2–2). If conditions are not right, no noticeable heating will occur. Challenge your students to design systems that show temperature increases, and use their results as a starting point for a discussion of the various factors that affect microbial growth and decomposition (C:N ratios, moisture levels, air flow, size, and insulation). Because soda bottles are so small, you may not end up with a product that looks as finished as the compost from larger piles or bioreactors. However, you should find that the volume shrinks by one-half to two-thirds and that the original materials are no longer recognizable. You can let the compost age in the soda bottles for several months, or transfer it to other containers or outdoor piles for curing.

Figure 2–2. A Typical Temperature Profile for Soda Bottle Composting.

In this experiment you will be choosing one variable to manipulate and setting up two Soda Bottle Bioreactors using the instructions above. Research possibilities include: How do different soda bottle reactor designs affect the temperature profile during composting? How do different mixtures of organic materials affect the temperature profile in soda bottle reactors? You could also manipulate compaction, moisture level, particle size, specific additives/ingredients, etc…

Manipulated (independent) variable: ______

Responding (dependent) variable: ______


4 Analysis:

1. Print and attach a graph of your data. Be sure to include data from each compost bottle and ambient temperature. Include a title, labeled axes, and a key. 2. Indicate on you graph any mesophilic and thermophilic phases.


1. What are some benefits (ecological, economic, and/or social) of composting (either municipal or in one’s backyard)?

2. Identify and describe several uses of finished compost.

3. Composting material decreases in size and mass over time. Where, specifically, does this matter go? Which process accomplishes this conversion? Use a chemical equation to support your answer.

4. Describe the conditions that aerobic bacteria need to thrive.


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