Snc1d Lab Exam Review

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Snc1d Lab Exam Review


This is just a small sample of questions to help your review process. In order to be fully prepared for the exam, you should carefully look over your notebook, unit tests, past review sheets, past homework and unit review questions, diagrams, etc…………………………………………………………………….


1. Create a 5 trophic level food chain including plants and animals you would find in the Ottawa area. Label the producers, herbivores, different levels of consumers and the top carnivore

2. List 3 producers you would find in an aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem.

3. a) Write the word equation for photosynthesis. b) What role does photosynthesis play in the carbon cycle?

4. a) Write the word equation for cell respiration. b) What role does photosynthesis play in the carbon cycle?

5. a) Define the term biotic and give 3 examples of biotic components of an ecoystem. b) Define the term abiotic and give 3 examples of biotic components of an ecoystem

6. a) Name four processes in the water cycle. b) List four places where water can be held for a period of time.

7. a) Explain the role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle. b) Define the terms nitrogen fixation, nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria. c) What are the ways that an animal could acquire the nitrogen it needs?

8. Study the food web below and answer the questions that follow:

a) State the name of a producer,carnivore,top carnivore and an omnivore, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer. b) Due to overhunting, the grouse population has been reduced to near extinction. What would the effect be on the populations of butterflies and red-tailed hawks? c) If the grasses were sprayed with fat-soluble pesticide, which organism would collect the most pesticides in their body?

9. An ecosystem contains the species shown in the food web below, as well as other species. Create a food web for this ecosystem (using the chain below as a starting point) that contains 8 other species as well. flower  caterpillar  frog  snake  owl 10 Name the 3 specific ecoystems that were observed in the Mer Bleue bog. Which ecosystem was the most nutrient poor and why? 11 What is bioaccumulation (also known as biomagnification)? Describe your answer using a specific example that shows how mercury builds up in an aquatic food chain. 12 What is an invasive species? Give 3 examples of invasive species that exist in Canada. 13 Define the terms hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. 14 What are species at risk? Define the following terms: extirpated, endangered, threatened. 15 What does the term sustainable mean? Describe in detail 3 ways that you can create a more sustainable future


1. Identify each of the following as a physical or chemical change. Explain your choice.

Example Physical or Chemical? Why? Shattering glass

Baking cookies in the oven

A rusting car

Adding alka seltzer to water

Burning leaves in the fall

2. Define the terms pure substance, element, compound and mixture and give a specific example of each. 3. a) List four physical properties of carbon dioxide gas. b) State one chemical property for each: hydrogen gas, lithium metal, neon

4. Use your periodic table to determine the symbol for the following: a) an element that has more protons than neutrons b) an element that has more neutrons than protons c) a metal that is liquid at room temperature d) a nonmetal that is solid at room temperature

5. What is the charge on the stable ion created by each of the following elements: a) potassium b) magnesium c) chlorine

6. a) Draw the Bohr-Rutherford diagram for silicon, and sodium b) How many valence electrons does silicon and sodium have?

7. List the 4 clues that a chemical reaction has occurred.

8. Classify each of the following as a compound, solution, mechanical mixture or element. a) bronze b) tin c) coffee (double-double) d) pizza 9. State the types of atoms and the numbers of each type that are present in the following molecules:

NaHCO3 Pb(SO4) 2 2LiN03 Types of atoms Total number of atoms

10. Describe two properties of ionic compounds which distinguish them apart from molecular compounds. 11. Desribe the characteristics and location of each of the following groups of the periodic table: alkali metals, alkali earth metals, halogens, noble gases.

12. Write the names and symbols of elements #1-20.

13. Gas tests are used to identify the various gases produced from chemical reactions. How do you test for each of the following gases? What result would you get in each case?


1. What does it mean for an object to be electrically neutral?

2. What subatomic particle moves when an object becomes electrically charged? 3. Summarize the 3 laws of electrostatics

4. What is an insulator? Give an example 5. What is a conductor? Give an example

6. What is the electrostatic series? How can you use it to determine the charge on objects when you rub two things together using friction? 7.Use the electrostatic series in your notes to determine which object receives the negative charge when plastic is rubbed on glass.

8.Describe (or draw diagrams to show) how you can charge a pith ball electroscope by conduction:

9.What is current? What symbol is used to measure current?

10.Draw a simple circuit using proper symbols for: battery, cell, resistor, lamp, switch, voltmeter, ammeter. Which part of a circuit can be left out?

11.Draw a simple circuit showing how to connect a voltmeter to measure the voltage across a load. 12. Draw a simple circuit showing how to connect an ammeter to measure the current through a load.

13.What 2 rules must you follow when you are drawing circuit diagrams? 14.Correctly identify the units and symbols for: current, voltage

15.What is electrical resistance?

16. Calculate the resistance of a bulb that has a potential difference of 2.5 V and has 10 mA of electric current running through it. (Use GRASP method!)

17. Explain how you can tell if a circuit is connected in series or in parallel.


1. List the planets in order of increasing distance from the Sun.

2. List the names of the layers of the Sun, from inside to outside. For each of these planets describe the main features of the planet. Things to describe include is it rocky or gaseous? Relative size,? temperature and size, does it support life/water?

3. What do the following theories attempt to explain, and how? a) Nebula theory b) Big Bang theory 4. a) Describe the composition of the Sun. b) How does the Sun make its energy? c) Draw and label a complete diagram of the sun and all its layers. Label the: chromosphere, corona, core, convection zone, photosphere, radiative zone, solar flare, sunspot.

5. Look up the conversion factors in your notes and convert the following distances: a) 4.38 ly to AU b) 6.5 × 106 km to AU c) 48 000 AU to ly

6. Describe the geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system. b) What evidence finally convinced people to accept the heliocentric model?

7. Why do the Sun and stars rise in the east and set in the west?

8. What is a constellation? What importance do they have?

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