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Technical Career Magnet School

Technical Career Magnet School Chemistry Syllabus 2015 - 2016

Ms. Pace Chemistry Room 119 Text: Prentice Hall [email protected] Chemistry

“Honorable errors do not count as failures in science, but as seeds for progress in the quintessential activity of correction.” - Stephen Jay Gould, American biologist

Course Description: Beginning with the structure of atoms and molecules, students in this class will learn the basic principles and foundations of chemistry. Along the way, they'll conduct chemical investigations, demonstrate results, and develop a solid understanding of several universal scientific principles. Students who successfully complete this course will have mastered all of the Georgia Performance Standards and be prepared for subsequent advanced science classes.

Vision: The primary goal of this classroom is to be a safe space for learning - where students actively ask questions, make mistakes, explore their intellectual curiosity and grow as individuals and as a group. This classroom will have a culture of mutual respect, support and appreciation between both the teacher and the students. Time will be spent as efficiently as possible so that we all can reach our highest potential and be proud of the time we spend here.

Tentative Course Outline: The activities listed below represent a proposed sequence of learning to accomplish each GPS objective. Fall Semester Spring Semester

Big Ideas Big Ideas Big Ideas Big Ideas Big Ideas 1. Lab Safety 1. Electron 1. Chemical bonding 1. Chemical reactions 1. Acids, Bases, and 2. Characteristics of Configuration 2. Nomenclature 2. Balancing equations Solutions Matter 2. Element 3. Empirical and 3. Stoichiometry 2. Equilibrium Identification molecular formulas 4. Limiting reactants 3. Kinetics 3. Physical and 3. Organization of 4. Thermodynamics chemical properties the Periodic Table and changes 4. Periodic Trends 4. Density 5. Atomic Structure 6. Mole 7. Nuclear fusion

Standards & Standards & Standards & Standards & Standards & Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Includes SCSh 1-9 Includes SCSh 1-9 Includes SCSh 1-9 Includes SCSh 1-9 Includes SCSh 1-9 SC1a SC3a SC3b SC1c SC2a SC2d SC2f SC6a SC7a SC1b SC3c SC4a SC1d SC2b SC2e SC5a SC6b SC2c SC3d SC4b SC3e SC2c SC7b SC3f Review: SC3a, c, d, Review: SC3a, b, c, d, Review: SC1c, d; SC5b SC6c f f; 4a, b SC3a, b, c, d, e, f; SC5c SC4a, b

Tutoring: Available on Wednesdays from 3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Parent Conferences: Available on Tuesdays at 3:15 PM

TCM Chemistry, N. Pace 1 Class Materials List Grading Procedures - Each student will be  3-ring binder with dividers given a course grade according to the  Notebook paper following:  EITHER pencils + self-contained pencil sharpener OR mechanical Tests/Projects 30% pencils + replacement lead. Quizzes 20%  Eraser Labs 25%  Scientific calculator (Does not have to Homework 10% be graphing.) Classwork 15%

The Student Learning Objective (SLO) will be administered to your student in May. Students are expected to invest genuine effort into each and every assignment. The student will be given a minimum of 8 Homework assignments per 9 weeks. Instructional time is very important. Therefore NO passes will be issued during class time. Exceptions may be discussed with the teacher for medical reasons only. A Grade Recovery Plan will be determined by the discretion of the teacher. This classroom will adhere to the RCBOE Code of Student Conduct Policies regarding make up work and attendance. Science Fair As mandated by the Richmond County Board of Education, every student enrolled in a science class must participate in a Science Fair project. This will be an individual or group project that is to be completed by the end of the Fall Semester. Designated deadlines will be built into the grading procedures for the duration of the project. The project will be completed prior to Thanksgiving Break. The formal Science Fair will occur in December. Further information will be provided in class, as well as available online.

Class Rules 1) Come to class prepared and on time 2) Follow all directions the first time they are given 3) Stay on task 4) BE RESPECTFUL

Class Expectations  You are required to maintain a NOTEBOOK that will be used in class throughout each unit. It should consist of a 3-ring binder with the following 3 dividers: Bellringers, Notes, and Homework. Be sure to keep your notebook current and accurate, as it will be checked periodically for a grade.  The Science Department Late Work Policy states that ALL work must be turned in on the Due Date to receive Full Credit. Students must turn in late work the next class meeting date in order to receive credit.  You are responsible for following the guidelines for a safe laboratory experience as described in your lab safety agreement. Any deviation from appropriate laboratory behavior may result in referral to the principal and/or exclusion from laboratory activities.  All students that enter after the tardy bell must sign in the Tardy Log upon entering. The tardy policy will be strictly enforced.  Bring NOTEBOOK, SHARPENED PENCIL, ERASER, CALCULATOR, AND TEXTBOOK to class promptly every day.  WE ARE A BRING YOUR OWN TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL (BYOT) Please be aware of the policy, and misuse of a device or cell phone use that is not instructional will result in disciplinary action. [See Code of Student Conduct & Discipline Rule 1.A.r (page 4)]  FOOD, BEVERAGES, GUM, AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH ARE NEVER ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. Exceptions may be discussed with the teacher for medical reasons only. TCM Chemistry, N. Pace 2 Disciplinary Policy 1. Verbal Warning 2. Parent Contact 3. Detention 4. Counselor Intervention 5. Office/ Disciplinary Referral Any severe discipline problems or infractions of RCBOE policy as stated in the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline will be referred directly to the principal.

I have read the syllabus for Chemistry, and I understand the content and requirements for the year. I understand that this syllabus is to be kept in the front of my notebook at all times after it is signed by me and a parent or guardian.

Print Name/ Parent/Guardian signature Date Student signature Date

Parent contact numbers: ______

Parent email address: ______One major component for success is consistent communication between school and home. Please contact me anytime you have a concern. The best way to reach me is through email. If you have not done so, please email me with your child’s name/class period in the subject line. Thank you.

TCM Chemistry, N. Pace 3

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