By: Michael Oher, with Don Yaeger

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By: Michael Oher, with Don Yaeger

Name: ______I Beat the Odds By: Michael Oher, with Don Yaeger Chapter 8 MJ & Me Vocabulary Career (page 88)- an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework Reflexes (page 89)- an involuntary response to a stimulus; responsive Unique (page 89)- having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable Series (page 90)- a group or a number of related or similar things, events, etc… Streak (page 90)- a spell or run: a streak of good luck. Intense (page 90)- acute, strong, or vehement, as sensations, feelings, or emotions Silhouette (page 91)- a dark image outlined against a lighter background. Role model (page 93)- a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others Discipline (page 94) - training to act in accordance with rules; drill Eligibility (page 94) - meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or work; qualified Upended (page 94) -to affect drastically or radically, as tastes, opinions, reputations, or systems. Comprehension Questions 1. Describe how Michael Oher compared himself to Martin Luther King Jr. ______

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2. What was meant by “fighting gravity” or “fighting against the odds”? ______

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3 . What did Michael Oher mean by “being bounced around foster homes”? ______

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4. What was meant by “all of the drama came to a head?” ______

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5. How does a sports team “turn up the heat?” ______

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6. Did Michael Oher think he had the personality to do this type of career? ______

7. How did Michael Oher try to “prep” himself to get out of the projects? pg. # ______

______8. What does it mean to “slack off”? ______

______pg. # _____ Chapter 9 Big Tony & Steve Vocabulary Varsity (page 98)- any first-string team, especially in sports, that represents a school, college, university, or the like. Fanatical (page 99)- motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal Challenging (page 100)- stimulating, interesting, and thought-provoking Perspective (page 101)- a mental view or prospect Addiction (page 101)- the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit -forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma Indulgent (pg. 101)- having a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone Trudging (page 103)- to walk wearily along or over Obscene (page 103)- offensive to morality or decency; indecent; depraved Pathetic (page 105)- miserably or contemptibly inadequate Comprehension Questions 1. What was meant by “getting them to buckle down”? ______

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2. Who was Big Tony and how did he impact Michael Oher’s life? ______

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3. What was meant by “bit out of the fray”? ______

______pg. # _____ 4. Why was basketball a hard sport for Michael Oher to “fit in”? ______

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6. What stereotype did Big Tony want people to use when they met or saw Michael Oher? ______

______pg. # _____ 7. What did Michael Oher mean by not wanting to be anyone’s “meal ticket?” ______

______pg. # _____ Chapter 10 The Road to Briarcrest Vocabulary Mind-set (page 110)- an attitude, disposition, or mood Temporary (page 111)- not permanent Opportunities (page 111)- a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success Techniques (page 116)- method of performance; way of accomplishing Lump (page 116)- a heavy, clumsy, and usually stupid person

Comprehension Questions 1. Although Michael Oher loved his family, how did he really feel about living with them? ______

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2. What simile did Michael Oher use as a reference when he described the housing projects “pulling him back in?” ______

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3. How did Michael Oher describe Big Tony and Steve’s role in the neighborhood?

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4. What was meant by some of the school being “powerhouses”? ______

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5. Why was it a problem for Michael Oher to be considered a candidate for one of these schools? ______

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6. What subject at Gateway did Michael Oher find the most challenging for him?

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7. What was meant by “opening up doors for more opportunities?” ______

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8. What made Briarcrest reconsider their decision about Michael Oher? ______pg. # _____


Chapter 11 High School

Vocabulary Overwhelming (pg.119)- To overpower or overcome, especially with superior forces; destroy; crush Minority (pg. 121)- The smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole Diverse (pg. 121)- of various kinds or forms Enthusiastic (pg. 124)- An occupation, activity, or pursuit in which such interest is shown Betrayal (pg. 128) – to be unfaithful Foundational (pg. 128) – the basis or groundwork of anything

Chapter 12 Finding a Family


Transition (pg. 133)- movement, passage, or change from one position Potentially (pg. 135)- possibly but not yet actually Quirks (pg. 142)- a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality

Chapter 13 Finding Football


Street-ball (pg. 149)- an informal type of basketball played especially in urban areas such as parking lots, playgrounds Reliable (pg. 153)- dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty Escorted (pg. 155)- to attend or accompany

Chapter 14 Miss Sue


Confidence (pg 159)- belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities Rigid (pg. 162)- firmly fixed or set Fortunate (pg. 163)- receiving good from uncertain or unexpected sources; lucky Student-athlete (pg. 164)- a participant in an organized competitive sport sponsored by the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled Chapter 11 High School

1. Compare and contrast the previous schools (& students at the schools) that Oher attended with Briarcrest. List at least 5 differences and as many similarities as you can find. pg #___

Previous Schools Briarcrest

2. What realization did Oher come to regarding the schoolwork at Briarcrest? pg. 123


3. In YOUR OWN WORDS, identify the cause & effect in the paragraph on p. 125 that begins with, “As my study plan developed…”

CAUSE: ______

EFFECT: ______

4. Which figurative language did Oher use on p. 126 in the passage, “Apparently, I did pretty well because my coach started laughing like a maniac.” ______

5. Oher’s teachers worked on his academic needs during the summer, but he had bigger problems… What was his problem? ______

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6. Describe the conflicting emotions Oher was feeling in regard to Briarcrest on p. 128.

______Chapter 12 Finding a Family 1. What was Oher afraid would happen if everyone realized that he had nowhere to live or go back to? ______

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2. Who was Oher’s lunch sponsor? ______pg# _____

How is this an example of foreshadowing? ______


3. Which figurative language is being used on p. 135 in the passage, “….I was afraid to go back to my old neighborhood because I felt like it might swallow me up one day and never let me back out?” ______

4. Refer to the prologue on p. xvi & p. 136 in chapter 12. What differences from The Blind Side are reality are pointed out? ______


5. Which figurative language is being used on p. 137 in the passage, “…instead of making me look like I was so huge I was about to rip out of them like the Incredible Hulk.” ______

6. Use the text structure of DESCRIPTION to explain life with the Tuohys’. pg #______





7. What was Oher’s life like with his birth family once he permanently moved in with the Tuohys’. ______


______pg# _____ Chapter 13 Finding Football 1. Throughout chapter 13, Oher discusses playing basketball & then football. List at least 5 differences and as many similarities as you can find.

BASKETBALL FOOTBALL 2. Which figurative language is being used on p. 147 in the passage, “…on the basketball court, the scariest thing to ever block a shot but also totally graceful as I flew through the air taking the ball to the basket.” ______

3. On p. 150, Oher gives another example of The Blind Side being exaggerated for “a good story on screen.” What was this example? ______


4. Which figurative language is being used on p. 151 in the passage, “It [football game] was a workout for my mind.” ______5. The last paragraph on p. 151 gives a good example of the problem/solution text structure. Categorize the problem / solution below:

PROBLEM: ______


SOLUTION: ______


6. Oher states that you can’t use the same etiquette at a fancy restaurant as you would at a McDonald’s. Make inferences as to why using the same etiquette would be inappropriate. ______Chapter 14 Miss Sue

1. Two different examples of figurative language are used on p. 159 in the passage, 1 st :“My mind was racing 100 miles an hour, 2 nd: hungry for whatever subject I was studying.” What is the 1st? ______2nd: ______

2. Page 160 gives a good example of the order/sequence text structure. List the steps from this example and explain why this is an example: ______


1st: ______

2nd : ______

3rd : ______

4th : ______

3. Use context clues to determine the meaning of a “You gotta get paid” mentality on p. 161. ______


4. What does Oher say one of the proudest accomplishments in his life is? pg# ______


Why do you think this is STILL one of his proudest moments? ______


5. What does Oher have to say to the people who think that he is just another dumb football player who only graduated from Briarcrest because he had a lot of people helping him so that he could get into college? ______


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