Set up of CappWash Kit (W-8 KIT / W-12 KIT / W-16 KIT).

Components of the CappWash Kit:

W-8 / W-12 / W-16: One unit of the micro plate washer (8, 12 or 16 channel), with stand, ruler for depth adjustment of the pins into the micro plate wells, spare parts kit and user guide.

WB-1: Bottle for washing solution.

WB-3 and WB4: Vacuum trap / waste collection bottle.

WP-1: Vacuum pump for CappWash 8, 12 and 16 channel.

W-Tube: Silicon tubing (3 metres).

Set up procedure and using instructions:

1- Put the CappWash and the vacuum pump (WP-1) on the table and place the bottle for washing solution (WB-1, with the washing solution) around 30 cm above the height of the CappWash.

2- Connect one piece of the silicon tubing into the inlet marked “Fill” of the CappWash, and the other extremety into the WB-1.

3- Conncect the vacuum trap (3 orifices) into the waste collection bottle (WB-3) place it around 30 cm under the height of the CappWash. Block the middle orifice with a rubber cover (supplied with the vacuum trap).

4- Connect one piece of the silicon tubing in each of the 2 side orifices of the vacuum trap. Connect the other extremity of each silicon tubing according to the instructions bellow:

4.1 The extremety which the intern vacuum trap part has a long silicon tubing has to be connected into the “Vacuum” inlet of the CappWash.

4.2 The extremety which the intern vacuum trap part has a short silicon tubing has to be connected into the superior inlet of the vacuum pump (WP-1).

5- Having connected all the tubes, open the tap of the WB-1 and turn on the vacuum pump.

6- Place the washing pins of the CappWash into the wells of a micro plate, with the back adjustment screws standing on the micro plate. Press the knob on the upper part of the housing for the required number of washings, move the CappWash to the next column and repeat the procedure, etc., etc.

PS. 1: We recommend keeping 1mm of distance between the pins and the bottom of the micro plate while washing. For more information, check the specific CappWash user guide or contact [email protected] .