Minutes of the Kildare Area Committee held on Tuesday, 2 March 2005 in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas as adopted.

Members Present: Councillor F. Dukes (Cathaoirleach), Councillors F. O’Loughlin, P. Black, M. Nolan, S. Doyle, F. Browne and S. Finn

Officials Present: Ms. V. Cooke (Meetings Administrator), Mr. C. Flynn (Area Engineer), Ms. T. Keogh (Housing), Mr. P. Kelly (Transportation) and Ms. O. McGrath (Corporate Affairs) ______

The cathaoirleach welcomed Mr. Sean Laffey who was in the process of taking over as the new area engineer for the Kildare area. She thanked the current area engineer, Colm Flynn for his hard work and courtesy to the committee.

KE1/0305 Deputation from Liffey Terrace and Liffey View Residents Association

The group consisted of Ms. Eilish Cramer, Secretary, Ms. Ann Kennedy, Chairperson and Ms. Kathleen Moran, Treasurer. They circulated their submission and they highlighted the concerns of the residents of Liffey Terrace and Liffey View Residents Association, which included the following;

 To outline their concerns regarding the proposed construction at Liffey Terrace and to emphasise the need for retention and protection of local green places and for sensitive, appropriate development.  To press for early consultation and participation for affected residents in the redevelopment process.

The group highlighted the importance of the green spaces for the elderly and young of the community. They asked to see a copy of the design for the proposed works at this location. The members stated they had seen no design and expressed their annoyance that they were not consulted. The members agreed that the green area should be left as an amenity area. Resolved that the submission be forwarded to the Housing Department, letter to issue to deputation outlining the situation and report to be prepared for the next meeting.

KE2/0305 Taking in charge of Dunmurray Court, Kildare Town

The administrator reported that Dunmurray Court was placed on display from 1 November 2004 to 3 December 2004 pending taking in charge. No submissions were received in relation to Dunmurray Court during the display period. Resolved that a recommendation be made to full Council that the estate be taken in charge.

1 KE3/0305 Television Mast in Highfield Estate, Newbridge

The administrator reported that the Planning Department was pursuing a legal case against Chorus in relation to this matter. The preparation of the case for court was ongoing but no court date had been confirmed as yet. Councillor Black asked for this matter to be closely monitored. Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.

KE4/0305 Minutes

Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Black, seconded by Councillor Nolan that the minutes of the 2 February 2005 be adopted and taken as read subject to the following amendments; KE3/0205 – change the word “privatised” to “prioritised” and change the word “privatisation” to “prioritisation”. Change the word “extenuation” to “extension”. KE10/0205 – change the word “former” to “formal”.

Progress Report

Bang-Up Lane, Kildare Town The area engineer confirmed that works would be starting in three to four weeks and would take six weeks to complete. Resolved that this be noted.

Road Repairs – Broughall’s Cross to Walterstown Cross The area engineer stated he would carry out some patch-up works, where possible under the five-year programme. Resolved that this be noted.

Review of Newbridge Parking Bye-Laws Mr. P. Kelly stated that the pre-draft public consultation process would expire on 3 March 2005 and a full report, together with proposed amendments would be forwarded to the committee in due course. Councillor Black made the following submission;  In relation to off-street parking, red zones (two hour parking) should be changed in some places to all day parking.  Traffic congestion problem – extend double yellow lines to Moorefield Road (railway area)  Pay parking in Newbridge – Councillor Black complimented the town clerk and the roads department as business has increased in Newbridge and pay parking was working well.

2 Councillor O’Loughlin made the following submission;  Double yellow lines – Moorefield Road, Station Road and Hawthorn Close – in relation to the Station Road, cars are parked on both sides of the road and site lines are affected.  In relation to the Newbridge School of Music on George’s Street, tutors only have one hour parking available to them. This needs to be reviewed.  Loading bays should have free fifteen minutes parking after peak times. The appropriate signage needs to be erected and this matter should be reviewed.  Monies gathered from pay-parking – Every three months, this issue should be reviewed by the area committee.  Staff implementing pay-parking – issue of lack of courtesy to the public was raised.  Residents of Eyre Street – problems getting parking permits to park outside their homes.

Councillor Finn stated that double yellow lines were required in Dominics Park rather than pay-parking.

Mr. Kelly noted the comments of the members. The draft would be made available on the website and in public buildings. He added that the draft should be completed by April 2005. He added that staff implementing pay-parking work under difficult circumstances at times and always try to be courteous to the public. Resolved that Mr. Paul Kelly would attend the next meeting in order to update the committee in relation to the bye-laws.

Library – Kildare Town Councillor S. Doyle stated the report given was not appropriate to Kildare Town Library. Resolved that a further report be prepared for the next meeting.

Liffeyside Amenity Area Project The members were informed that the Leisure Department would commit €10,000 with immediate effect and may have top-up funds throughout the latter part of the year. Other projects in Rathangan and the LHD would also need to be considered in the context of the Parks Budget. This was agreed by the members. Resolved that this be done.

Halting Site – Tankardsgarden The cathaoirleach stated that the next meeting of the LTACC was scheduled to take place on 14 April 2005 and the members of the Kildare Area Committee would be invited to attend this meeting to discuss this issue.

3 KE5/0305 Prevention of HGV Trucks parking in housing estates

The administrator reported that signs prohibiting the parking of HGVs in estates, which are taken in charge, can be erected on a case by case basis and are enforceable by the Gardai. However, it was strongly suggested that there should be full consensus locally before embarking on such a course as difficulties can arise. Councillor Black stated that bye-laws should be drawn up banning HGVs from parking in estates taken in charge and not taken in charge. They should also be banned from parking in front of churches and schools. He added that large trucks should only park in designated areas. Councillor O’Loughlin stated that every effort should be made to ban HGVs. She added that the Corporate Policy Group referred this matter to the Transportation SPC to put forward proposals to the full Council to alleviate this situation. Resolved that a recommendation be made to the Transportation SPC outlining the committees concerns, strongly suggesting banning HGVs.

KE6/0305 Plans for Blacktrench Road

The administrator reported that a grant of €300,000 had been secured for road strengthening in 2005. In addition, a grant of €6,000 would be provided in order to effect safety improvements. Resolved that this be noted.

KE7/0305 Resurfacing of road from the Main Road to Lackagh School

The administrator reported that this would not form part of the 2005 Programme of Works. However, the possibility of including this scheme as part of the forthcoming five year programme would be examined. Councillor O’Loughlin outlined that the school was growing and that there was more development in the area. She asked whether another sources of funding could be identified. Resolved that report be noted.

KE8/0305 Inordinate Delays on getting improvements and reinstatement of public lighting in towns

The administrator reported that in relation to Kildare Town, an order had been given to the ESB to carry out the upgrade and some of this work had been completed. Councillor S. Doyle stated that a survey should be carried out indicating the outstanding works to be carried out by the ESB and that a letter should issue to the ESB complaining about the service being provided. Councillor Browne stated that no millennium lights had been installed yet and that pressure should be put on the ESB. The area engineer agreed that there are problems with the ESB. Resolved that a survey of all lighting (carried out or not) be prepared for the next meeting.

4 KE09/0305 Provision of Rehab Recycling Centres in Kildare area

The administrator reported that there was a need to provide at least one such facility in a town of this size and that a number of potential sites for recycling banks were being investigated in Kildare Town. The Environment Department thanked Councillor S. Doyle for suggesting a number of potential sites and these were currently being examined. Resolved that a further report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE10/0305 Illegal Dumping in Kildare area

Councillor S. Doyle stated that walking routes on Rathangan Road and Tully Road were being used for dumping. She asked what was the current situation in relation to prosecutions. Resolved that this item remain on the agenda and a report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE11/0305 Response from EPA – Munnelly’s Pit at Pollardstown

The administrator reported that no response had been received from the EPA with respect to reports submitted in this case. At a public meeting, which took place last year, it was indicated that a further meeting would be arranged subsequent to receipt of a response from the EPA. Resolved that the members be kept informed.

KE12/0305 Closure of alleyway at Mr. Leo Walsh’s home at Churchview, Suncroft

In reply to adjourned motion from Councillor Browne that “this council as a matter of urgency close the alleyway at Mr. Leo Walsh’s home at Churchview, Suncroft as same is being used for very undesirable matters. This situation has deteriorated since previous motion on same was tabled”, the administrator reported this matter was presently being investigated. Resolved that a report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE13/0305 Building of Mound to the rear perimeter of Maryville

In reply to adjourned motion from Councillor S. Doyle that “a mound be built up, to the rear perimeter of Maryville where it borders the railway track and this mound be planted, and that we set in motion and prioritise the process of closing pedestrian alleys within Maryville that are the focus of anti-social behaviour”, the administrator reported this matter was presently being investigated and a report would issue to the next meeting. Councillor Doyle stated that she was unhappy with the report given and she asked that this matter would be prioritised. Resolved that report be prepared for the next meeting.

5 KE14/0305 Repair of Tankardsgarden Road

In reply to motion from Councillor Nolan that “the Council discuss the repair of Tankardsgarden Road”, the administrator reported that some minor repair work would be carried out. However, there were no funds available for major improvement works. The proposal could possibly be further considered in the context of the member’s discretionary funds or, alternatively the Community Improvement Scheme. Councillor Nolan asked whether other areas of funding could be explored. Resolved that a further report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE15/0305 Repair of footpaths from top of Eyre Street to Court House

In reply to motion from Councillor Nolan that “the Council repair footpaths from top of Eyre Street to Court House on left side”, the administrator reported that it was agreed that the carrying out of footpath repairs at this location was desirable. However, there were no funds available but the matter could be considered further in the context of available development levies. The area engineer stated that the footpath was in sub-standard condition. Resolved that a costing be prepared and list for discretionary funding.

KE16/0305 Improvement of footpaths from the Library to Dunnes Stores

In reply to motion from Councillor Nolan that “the Council improve the footpaths from the Library to Dunnes Stores”, the administrator reported that it was proposed that the road and footpaths at this location would be upgraded as part of the White Water development proposals. Resolved that this be noted.

KE17/0305 Provision of Pedestrian Crossing and Flashing Lights at Post Office in Rathangan

In reply to motion from Councillor O’Loughlin that “the Council provide a pedestrian crossing and flashing lights at Post Office in Rathangan”, the administrator reported that there were no funds available and the scheme was unlikely to be reached in 2005. Resolved that it be listed for next years traffic calming allocation and development levy funding.

6 KE18/0305 Repair of footpaths at the Crescent, Newbridge

In reply to motion from Councillor O’Loughlin that “the Council repair footpaths in the Crescent, Newbridge”, the administrator reported that the footpaths had been examined on a preliminary basis by the area engineer. The proposal could be considered in the context of the 2005 footpath reinstatement programme. However, no definite commitments could be given at this stage. The area engineer stated that he would assess the footpath again. Resolved that report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE19/0305 Planting and Mounding on Maggie’s Lane, Monasterevin

In reply to motion from Councillor S. Doyle “that planting and mounding be put in place on the recently upgraded Maggie’s Lane in Monasterevin. This is a very popular walking area and the large landbanks on either side of the road are open territory of illegal dumping and possible illegal encampments”, the area engineer asked for clarification as to where Maggie’s Lane was located. Councillor S. Doyle asked whether funding could be sought from the NRA. Resolved that a further report would be prepared for the next meeting.

KE20/0305 Large Pond at entrance of Leinster Walk, Kildare Town

In reply to motion from Councillor S. Doyle that “the large pond at the entrance of Leinster Walk, Kildare Town be filled in and the pedestrian access to this estate improved”, the area engineer indicated that a new surface line was required and he would carry out this work as soon as possible. Resolved that this be noted.

KE21/0305 Signposting of Monasterevin on the M7

In reply to motion from Councillor Dukes that “the council and the NRA agree to the signposting of Monasterevin on the M7, at the exit before Monasterevin northbound, and that a services sign for Monasterevin be erected southbound before the exit for Monasterevin, in order to facilitate businesses in Monasterevin”, the administrator reported that this matter was currently being assessed by the NRDO. Councillor Browne asked for a sign for Kildangan be provided at the Nurney Interchange. Councillor S. Doyle asked for a sign for Tullamore at Nurney Interchange, northbound at Monasterevin. Resolved that this motion remain on the agenda and report for the next meeting.

7 KE22/0305 Closure of pathway alongside 3257 to 3226 Maryville, Kildare Town

In reply to motion from Councillor Dukes that “the Council examine the possibility of closing the pathway alongside number 3257 to number 3226 Maryville, Kildare Town (alongside the Kildare Enterprise Centre)”, the administrator reported that this matter was presently being examined. Resolved that a report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE23/0305 Rathangan Issues

In reply to motion from Councillor Dukes that “Rathangan: (a) that the road from Kilmoney Crossroads to Feighcullen Crossroads be resurfaced and (b) that the road from Ballydermot works towards Edenderry for about a mile be resurfaced and (c) that footpaths in Rathangan village be upgraded and (d) that public lighting in the centre of Rathangan be extended”, the administrator reported that the road from Kilmoney Crossroads to Feighcullen Crossroads would be resurfaced this year. The road from Ballydermot works towards Edenderry (for about one mile) would be resurfaced this year. There were no funds available to upgrade the footpaths from Rathangan Village in 2005 and the extension of public lighting in Rathangan does not form part of the 2005 programme. In relation to the latter, the area engineer said he would re-investigate the matter for this year and would prepare a costing for the next meeting. Resolved that a report be prepared for the next meeting.

KE24/0305 Upgrading of Sewerage in Kildare Town

In reply to motion from Councillor Dukes that “that a comprehensive report be given to the Area Committee on the upgrading of the sewerage in Kildare Town, with emphasis on the urgency of the timescale for completion, as the lack of sewerage facilities is impeding development in Kildare Town, which is designated a secondary/moderate growth town in the Regional Planning Guidelines” and In reply to motion from Councillor S. Doyle that “Kildare County Council give the Kildare Area meeting quarterly progress reports on the delivery of the new sewage treatment system for Kildare Town. Furthermore having regard to the progress already made with the New Sewerage Treatment System for Kildare Town and taking into account the likely timescale for the delivery of the New Plant, that Kildare County Council now resolves that it is its policy that all planning permissions that would be granted, other than for sewerage related reasons, be granted subject to conditions. Restricting the commencement of construction until the contracts have been signed for the Kildare Plant and restricting occupation of premises until the New Treatment Plant has been commissioned, and that the Council desist from its current damaging practice of refusing all permissions and discouraging local development”, the administrator reported that quarterly progress reports would be given to the committee. An EIS was currently being prepared and would be published in the early Summer. Until such time as the EIS was published and approved, a definite timeframe for the delivery of the Waste Water Treatment Plant was unknown. Water Services continue to recommend refusal for

8 all applications dependent on the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant. This position would be reviewed on approval of the EIS. Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.

KE25/0305 Tidy Towns Initiative 2005

Ms. Mary Foley, Community and Enterprise circulated a report to the committee on the Tidy Towns Workplan for 2005. She stated there was a substantial provision in this year’s budget for Tidy Towns. The importance of the work of Tidy Towns Committees had been recognized and she proposed to put a number of initiatives in place to encourage existing active groups and to identify and support new ones. Some of these initiatives evolved as policy from the Local Urban and Rural Development SPC last year and are already underway. Tidy Towns groups are participating in them enthusiastically but she would like to reach a wider audience and encourage new groups to get underway. She said the members’ local knowledge of communities would be invaluable and she would appreciate their input to the work plan.

KE26/0305 Twinning Signs for Corps Nuds, Kildare Town

The administrator reported that the signs were with the manufacturers and would be with the area engineer within days. The area engineer said he would erect the signs as soon as possible. Resolved that this be done.

KE27/0305 Review of Operation of Alcohol Bye-Laws

Resolved that this matter be deferred to the next meeting.

KE28/0305 Meeting with Minister of Education

In reply to motion from Councillor O’Loughlin that “in recognition of the rapid population growth in Newbridge that the council seek an urgent meeting with the Minister of Education to expedite the provision of another primary school”, the administrator reported that if a deputation was to meet with the Minister on behalf of the Council, the proposal should be approved by the full Council. No such consent would be necessary for members meeting the Minister on an individual basis. Resolved that a recommendation be brought to the full council seeking a meeting with the Minister of Education to expedite the provision of another primary school in Newbridge.

9 KE29/0305 Any Other Business

Dunmurray Road Improvements The Area Engineer stated that a detailed report had been prepared on infrastructural works for this project. Resolved that a report be prepared for the next meeting.

Widening of footpath – Rathbride Road Resolved that report be prepared for next meeting.

Cattle Grids – access roads to Curragh Councillor Doyle asked that cattle grids be installed on the access roads to the Curragh. The Area Engineer said he would investigate the matter. Resolved that report be prepared for next meeting.

Update on repair of roads – Monasterevin Councillor O’Loughlin enquired about funding for the repair of roads in Monasterevin as a result of construction traffic working on the by-pass. The members agreed to submit names of roads, which need to be repaired before the next meeting. Resolved that report be prepared and this matter remain on the progress report for discussion at the next meeting.

The meeting then concluded.