Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School Kerrville, Texas 2014-2015

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Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School Kerrville, Texas 2014-2015

Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School Kerrville, Texas

2014-2015 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High

School is accredited by

The Archdiocese of San Antonio

National Catholic Educational Association


Texas Catholic Conference Education Department

(TCCED) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

(SACS) Council on Accreditation and School Improvement

(CASI) CONTENTS Academic Calendar: 2014-2015...... 5 W e l c o m e ...... 6 Mis s i on of Our La d y of t he H ill s ...... 6 Philosophy of Our Lady of the Hills...... 6 Governance of Our Lady of the Hills...... 6 Objective of Our Lady of the Hills...... 6 I. P o li c i es a nd P r oc e dur e s ...... 7 A. A d mi s si ons ...... 7 B. T r an s fer St ude n ts ...... 7 C. T u i ti on and Fe e s ...... 7 D. F i na n c i al A s si s t an c e ...... 8 E. W it hd r aw a l / R e fu n ds P o li cy ...... 9 F. S t u dent In s ur a nce ...... 10 G. N ond is cr imi na ti on P o li cy ...... 10 H. V i s it ors ...... 10 I. S t u dent Re c ords ...... 10 J. Emergency Closing...... 11 K. P hon e s /M es s ag e s ...... 1 1 L. Fu n d R a i s i ng ...... 12 M. H ea l th a nd S a f e t y ...... 12 N. S c h ool O f fi ce H ours ...... 12 O. Im m u n i za ti on ...... 12 P. F i e l d T r i p s ...... 13 Q. C on f i d en ti a li ty ...... 13 R. C opy r i ght ...... 13 S. U se of I n f or m a ti on ...... 13 II. P rog r am o f S tu d i e s ...... 13 A. C hr i s ti an Fo r m a t i on ...... 13 B. Academic Program – General Requirements...... 14 C. H o m ewo r k ...... 17 D. Reports and Grading...... 17 E. E x e m p t i o n s ...... 18 F. P a s s i ng Gr a de s /Fa il u r es ...... 18 G. L e arn i ng D i sa b i liti es ...... 18 H. Extracurriculars: Academics & Athletics...... 19 I. C at h o li c H i gh S ch o o l s S ta t e m ent of C o ll eg i a li ty ...... 20 J. Eli g i b ili ty f or O f f i c es ...... 21 K. A t t en d an c e ...... 21 L. S u m m e r S e s s i o n ...... 21 M. Gr a dua ti on ...... 22 N. T r a ns c r i p t s ...... 22 O. A wa r ds N i g h t ...... 22 P. C o uns e l i n g ...... 22 III. C ond u ct o f S t ud e n t s ...... 23 A. A t t end a nc e - A bs e nce f rom S c ho o l/C l a ss ...... 23 B. Late for School/Class...... 24 C. Le a v i ng C a m p us /E x i t V i s a s ...... 24 D. For e se e n A b se n ces ...... 25 E. The D r ess C ode ...... 25 F. M a l e Dr e ss a n d Groo mi ng C ode ...... 27 G. Fe m a l e D r ess a nd Gro o m i n g C ode ...... 28 H. M ass Day ...... 28 I. S p i r i t D ay D r ess ...... 29 J. Other Garments...... 29 K. S ch o ol Fu n c ti ons ...... 29 L. Technology Use Policy……………………………………………30 M. S ub s ta n ce A bu s e P o l ic y - Al co h ol a nd Dr u g ……….……. …….31 N. T o ba c co P rod u c t s ...... 32 O. M ed ic at i o ns ...... 32 P. Lockers & OLH Supplies/Textbooks...... 33 Q. The C a m p us ...... 34 R. V eh icl es on C a m p us ...... 35 S. Lu n ch ...... 35 T. C h apel ...... 35 IV. S c h ool D i s ci p li ne and S an c t i o n s ...... 35 A. C l a s s r oom D i s ci p li ne ...... 35 B. A ca d e m i c D i s h one s ty ...... 35 C. D e te n t i on ...... 36 D. M a j or O f f e ns e s ...... 37 E. S tu d en t s S e nt H o m e ...... 38 F. S tu d ent S u s pen si on ...... 39 G. S tu d ent P r o ba t i o n ...... 39 H. S tu d ent E x p u l s i on ...... 39 I. The D is c i p li n a ry B oard ...... 40 V. P a rent Re s pon si b ili t i es ...... 40 A. P are n ts W eb ...... 40 B. Chain of Command…………………………………………….....40 C. Parents Volunteer Committee (PVC)……………….……….….40 D. Background Checks……………………………………………….40


AUGUST 7 New Parent Orientation Meeting (5:30 p.m./Library) 14 New Student Orientation (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) 14-15 Freshman Retreat (12:30 p.m. – Depart OLH) 18 First Day of School 20 Yearbook Photos Taken 21 Parents’ Meeting/Class Visitation (6:30 – 8:00 p.m.)

SEPTEMBER 1 Labor Day Holiday 5 Senior Blessing Mass 18 Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.)

OCTOBER 6-9 First Quarter Exams 15 PSAT (Noon Dismissal)

NOVEMBER 13 Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.) 26 Thanksgiving Basket Delivery – Noon Dismissal 27-28 Thanksgiving Holiday

DECEMBER 15-18 Semester Exams 22 Christmas Holidays Begin

JANUARY 5 Classes Resume 10 High School Placement Test (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) FEBRUARY 4 Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.)

MARCH 9-12 Third Quarter Exams 16-20 Spring Break 23 Classes Resume

APRIL 2 Holy Thursday – Noon Dismissal 3-6 Easter Holidays 7 Classes Resume 16 Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.)

MAY 11-14 Senior Exams 15 Graduation (7:00 p.m.) 18 – 21 Final Exams 21 Last Day of School 25 Memorial Day Welcome Our Lady of the Hills (OLH) is an independently owned incorporated organization. Established in 2002, OLH is the only Catholic High School located between San Antonio and El Paso.

Mission of Our Lady of the Hills Our Lady of the Hills (OLH) is a regional, co-educational Catholic high school, committed to providing a quality college preparatory education to students from all social, ethnic, and economic back- grounds within a caring, diverse Christian community which values the potential and dignity of every student. Central to this purpose is the belief that every child is a child of God, and each deserves the right to seek truth in Jesus Christ for the greater glory of God.

Philosophy OLH is committed to providing an excellent academic, values-based education for the children of the Texas Hill Country. OLH is a Catholic community that merges Christian Living with academic goals. We hold the belief that we are created to know, love, and serve God. We work to instill in each student a knowledge of moral values resulting in student behavior that reflects a respect for the dignity of all God’s creation.

As a college-preparatory school, OLH provides an educational environment that addresses the development of the whole person. The curriculum addresses a broad range of content areas across disciplines relevant to the educational and personal development of each student.

Governance OLH is an independently owned, non-profit organization under the governance of a board of directors. OLH will work in collaboration with the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio regarding its mission, policy formulation, and accreditation.

Objectives of Our Lady of the Hills

D.1. To develop in the student both an attitude of openness to growth and an acceptance of personal responsibility

D.2. To prepare the student to be intellectually competent

D.3. To help the student to become mature in his/her faith

D.4. To guide the student to grow as a loving person

D.5. To foster in the student a commitment to support justice The influence of the school on a students’ growth is limited. Other influences such as family, friends, the youth culture, and the general environment in which the students’ lives also affect their growth. OLH acknowledges that parents are the primary educators who share with the school the responsibility for education. We believe that the teacher’s role is to facilitate learning by challenging each student in a supportive environment to continuously advance his/her potential.


A. A d mi ss i ons All student applicants must have satisfactorily completed the previous grade level. The applicant is accepted on the basis of his/her previous academic performance (grades and standardized test scores), recommendation of the Principal, promise of future development, and his/her desire to profit from the moral, spiritual, academic, and physical programs offered by the school. In some cases, a personal interview with the applicant and his/her parents is required. An application for admission must be completed and filed with the school. All applicants for ninth grade admission must take the High School Placement Test (H.S.P.T.) as a requirement for admission. OLH admits students without regard to race, creed, color, gender, or national origin. As a general rule, no student will be allowed to repeat a grade level upon entering OLH. Dual enrollment with non-accredited schools is not allowed. Admission of students from foreign schools must be determined by the principal.

B. T r a n s fer S tudents A transfer student may be required to take an entrance examination. The applicant must have sent to the school an official transcript of credits from the high school last attended and a letter of recommendation from his/her previous school’s principal and/or major teacher. As a general policy, no transfer student will be allowed to repeat a grade level upon entering OLH.

C. T u i t i on a nd Fe e s

R e g istra t i o n F ee ( p e r s tu den t ) No Sibling Discount

New Students $200 due upon acceptance to OLH Returning Students $200 due no later than Aug. 1, 2014 $150 if paid before April 30, 2014

St u d ent T u i t i o n 2 0 14 - 2 015 $8,000 does not include additional fees

S i bling D i s c o u nt 5% T u iti o n P ay m ent Opt i ons:

1. Tuition paid in full:($8,000.00) by August 15, 2014.

2. Semester payments: Semester 1 Payment ($4,000.00) is payable by July 7, 2014. Semester 2 Payment ($4,000.00) is payable by January 5, 2015.

3. Ten monthly payments of $800.00 (August, 2014-May, 2015) payable by the 1st of every month.

A dd i ti on al Fe e s– Not i n c l uded i n tuiti o n. We strive to list all fees you will charged; however, please note that at times additional unforeseen fees may be added to this list. These fees are per child. Lab Fee $25.00 Retreat Fee $75.00 Student Insurance $15.00 Electronic Textbooks $225.00 AP Course Materials $20-$75 (per course) Student Planner $15.00 Testing Fee $35.00 Yearbook (optional) $75.00 Graduation Fee (Seniors Only) $75.00

Electives: Athletics $150.00 per sport Art $50.00 Theater $75.00 Choir/Music $50.00 Transportation $100.00/month, per family

Lunch Accounts must be PRE P AID. You may prepay by semester, month, or week. There is a 3.75% fee for all credit card transactions.

The school will notify the parents of any student whose tuition account is in arrears. No student will be permitted to take quarter exams or semester examinations unless his/her tuition account is paid to date. No student will be allowed to receive any transcripts or to graduate unless all indebtedness to the school has been paid and all textbooks and school resources returned.

D. F i nanc i al A ss i st a nce Due to the generosity of a number of OLH benefactors, the school is able to reduce the cost of tuition for students who are unable to pay full tuition but who are otherwise eligible for admission.

Scholarship funds and foundations have been set up either by indivi- duals or by families to provide scholarships for deserving students.

According to the terms of the scholarship fund, the primary requisite for granting either full or partial scholarships is financial inability to pay full tuition.

The scholarship (full or partial) is administered as follows: 1. The student must be accepted to OLH. 2. The parent or guardian should request from OLH the financial assistance application, which must be filed immediately following acceptance. 3. The scholarship grant must be certified in writing by the Scholarship Committee and by the Principal of OLH. 4. The recipient of financial assistance must consent to accept a work assignment to compensate OLH, in whole or part, as a condition for assistance. Failure to complete this work assignment will result in the loss of the tuition payment. 5. Students must maintain passing grades at each semester in order to be eligible for further assistance. D.6. All students applying for OLH scholarships must also apply for Hope for the Future at www.hopeforthefuture.org.

All financial assistance recipients must reapply each year and provide all necessary documentation in order to be considered for future aid.

E. Withdrawal/Refund Policy If a student withdraws or is dismissed for any reason, the parents forfeit the registration fee. Report cards and transcripts of credits are retained until all tuition and fees are paid and all textbooks are returned.

A student who has paid full year's tuition is entitled to receive a refund as follows: -75% of tuition paid if withdrawn before end of 3rd week of school year -50% of tuition paid if withdrawn before end of 6th week of school year -25% of tuition paid if withdrawn before end of 9th week of school year

After the end of the 9th week no refund of tuition will be made. Refunds are only for tuition paid, does not include fees. F. S tudent I nsurance The officials of the school cannot assume responsibility for injuries sustained by students. Permanent records shall include academic transcripts, testing, and health records – immunizations and emergency information. OLH has a secondary student insurance plan which provides partial compensation for incurred expenses in excess of the compensation provided by other insurance or medical payment plans. Claims covered by other plans must first be filed with the other plans before benefits due from the school insurance can be determined. If the medical treatment is covered under any alternate health service, the treatment must be rendered according to the rules and procedures of that organization to qualify for additional benefits provided by the school policy. Failure to use other benefits or coverage that the insured has or has a right to at the time of the injury may result in disqualification of a claim from the school plan.

G. Nond i scr i m i nat i on Po li cy Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School admits students of any race or national origin to programs and activities of the school with all rights and privileges. Equal opportunity and access is provided to persons without regard to race, national origin or gender in the implementation of employment policies and procedures.

H. V i s i t ors All visitors (including parents and other family members) must report to the school office upon entering the campus. Visitors are required to use the main entrance to the school.

In the event that items must be delivered to your child (including lunch), parents/guardians must liaise with the school office.

I. S tudent R ecords A permanent record is retained on all students. All material in the student's file is confidential. This information is accessible to the legal guardian, the parents and to the student after his/her eighteenth birthday. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, OLH will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the academic records regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order. If a parent or student wishes to view a record and/or receive copies, twenty-four hours notice and a written request must be made. For students transferring, permanent records and health records will be released to a receiving school when that school applies directly to the sending school. A withdrawal form must be signed by the parent.

J. Emergency C losing/ P rocedu r es In the event of a weather emergency, OLH will follow the emergency procedures of the Kerrville Independent School District and/or the local authorities regarding the cancellation of classes. However, in cases where KISD delays school start time, OLH will cancel classes for the entire day.

Official announcements concerning emergency closings of schools will be made on local radio stations (AM 1230, FM 92.4, FM 94.3), and television (Cable TV channel KVHC 10, WOAI 4, KENS 5 & KSAT 12) and on the KISD website ww w .ke rr v i ll e i s d.net. Please tune in to local news for this information.

In addition, the school reserves the right to dismiss students early when necessary or desirable due to some natural calamity or approaching severe weather even without public announcement or prior notification of parents.

OLH will be diligent in conducting fire drills, tornado drills, lock down drills, and any other disaster drills. Each classroom contains the Crisis Management Plan which includes procedures for bomb threats, intruder on campus, and natural or chemical disasters. All exits are clearly marked and an exit plan in prominently displayed in each classroom.

K. P h ones/ M es s a g es A telephone for student use is available in the school office. This phone is not intended for social calls, and phone use should be kept to a minimum as a courtesy to others who may also need use of the phone. Unless an emergency situation occurs, office phones are reserved for school business only. Students are to obtain permission from the office before using the student phone. In instances where students become ill while at school, they are asked to first notify the office before making arrangements with their parent or guardian to be picked up.

Ordinarily, messages and/or items left in the office for students will not be delivered to students during the school day. (Consideration will be given to emergency situations.) However, relevant messages will be posted on the Bulletin Board. It is the students’ responsibility to check the message board throughout the day especially during lunch and at dismissal. L. Fund R ai s ing Any group proposing to conduct any fund raising activity for the school, using the school name must have the approval of the principal.

M. Hea l th and S a fety

Student Transportation: All OLH personnel transporting students on OLH buses are certified to do so.

Wellness: OLH is committed to providing school environments that promote the development of lifelong wellness practices.

Child Abuse: OLH will pursue all reasonable measures to assist maltreated children and their families.

Emergency Medical: Parents are responsible for updating emergency medical information each year and as changes occur.

Faculty: All employees are required to receive orientation on the Archdiocesan policy on sexual misconduct.

N. S chool Of f i c e H ours The school office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Students should make transportation plans accordingly. OLH faculty and staff cannot assume responsibility for the students before or after these hours.

O. I m m un i z a t i on Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the State of Texas shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence shall not be accepted for enrollment. The only exception to the foregoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by a license physician (M.D. or D.O.) authorized to practice in the State of Texas. To claim an exclusion for medical reasons, the child or student must present a statement signed by the child's physician (M.D. or D.O..), duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States who has examined the child in which it is stated that, in the physician's opinion, the vaccine required is medically contraindicated or poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of the child or any member of the child's household. Unless it is written in the statement that a lifelong condition exists, the exemption is valid for only one year from the date signed by the physician. P. Fi e ld T r i ps The student must have a signed and dated release form from the parent/guardian for each field trip. Emergency numbers must be indicated on the permission release form.

Q. C on f iden t i a l i t y OLH is committed to ensuring the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information. We do use your name, phone number, address, and email as a means to contact you and/or deliver information to you.

R. C opyr i g h t Our website is owned and operated by Our Lady of the Hills. All content included on our site is owned by OLH. U.S. and international copyright laws protect all content. All employees, volunteers, and students will abide by the federal copyright laws.

S. U se of Infor m a t ion OLH does, upon explicit request of enrolled and prospective families, share information with other parties and gather information from other private data providers. For example, the school receives test scores from testing agencies and will send transcripts to other schools. This is done only at the request of students or their guardians. The school administration shall approve all publications or communication with the media prior to any information being released.


A. Christian Formation The theology program is academic in nature; students are tested and graded on their ability to comprehend and assimilate information regarding doctrine, morality, Church history and practice. Every OLH student is required to study theology.

Practical experience in Christian living is realized in the pastoral activities program through retreats, days of recollection, liturgies, and other forms of personal spiritual formation. All students are offered an opportunity to evaluate his/her spiritual life and relationship with God.

Because OLH is a Catholic school accepting and promoting the value of community worship, all students must be present for liturgical celebrations on special days throughout the school year.

The educational mission of service to others is accomplished through the community service project. Every student is required to complete 100-hours of community service by the end of the first semester of his/her senior year. All students are required to complete the school's requirements in theology, attend days of recollection, fulfill retreat requirements, attend community liturgical celebrations, and complete the service project requirement.

B. Academic Programs-General Requirements The program of studies extends for a period of four years for those entering as Freshmen. High School credit may be accepted for high school courses taught in Middle school, however for a student to accelerate to the next sequence of classes as mandated by the curriculum, mastery of material in core subjects must be demonstrated on a proficiency examination administered by OLH. On completion of the twelfth grade, the student is awarded a certificate of graduation, provided they have earned the required units of High School credit for an OLH diploma.

Credit for required course/grade advancement may be earned by successfully completing a Credit by Exam (CBE) with a score of 90% if student has had no prior instruction in the course, or a score of 70% if the student has had prior instruction but failed the course.

The courses offered at OLH are directed toward providing the student with a well-rounded preparation for college and for life. It is our belief at OLH that a student’s success is not only measured academically but also in the way they present and conduct themselves publically and socially. OLH seeks to instill in all students self-confidence, maturity, and intellect. The administration of the school reserves the right to schedule the courses considered most appropriate to the ability of the individual student. It is each student’s responsibility to see that he/she fulfills all requirements for graduation.

High School Graduation Requirements (Applies to students entering Grade 9 in the 2013-2014 & before)

Distinguished Achievement Program

Requirements Area Units Specifically Required Courses English 4.0 English I, II, III, IV Mathematics 4.0 Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, and a 4th year Science 4.0 Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and a 4th year Social Studies 4.0 World History, World Geography, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and Economics Foreign Language 3.0 Three units of credit in the same foreign lang. Theology 4.0 One credit for each year at the Catholic school P.E. 1.0 Career/Tech 1.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Speech 0.5 Elective Credit 1.5 Service Project 100 hours Total 28 credits plus 100 hours of service

Distinguished Achievement Program – Texas Catholic Conference Education Department

9th 10th 11th 12th Theo. I 1.0 Theo. II 1.0 Theo. III 1.0 Theo. IV 1.0 English I 1.0 English II 1.0 English III 1.0 English IV 1.0 Alg.I/Geo 1.0 Geo /Alg. II 1.0 Alg. II/Pre-Cal 1.0 Pre-Cal/Calc 1.0 Biology 1.0 Env. Sys./ Chemistry/ Physics/ W.Geog 1.0 Chemistry 1.0 Physics 1.0 4th Science 1.0 Fgn.Lang.I/II 1.0 W. History 1.0 U.S. Hist 1.0 U.S. Govt. 0.5 Career/Tech 1.0 Fgn. Lang.II/III 1.0 Fn Lang.III 1.0 Economics 0.5 1.0 Fine Arts Speech 0.5 Elective 1.0 Elective Elective 0.5 1.0


All students must schedule a minimum of 7.0 credits. All students must participate in minimum of 2 sports during High School to earn required PE credit.

Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are offered in English III-IV, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, US History, & Psychology.

Recommended Program Requirements: English (4 credits – English I, II, III, IV); Mathematics (4 credits – Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and a 4th year); Science (4 credits – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and a 4th year); Social Studies (4 credits – World History, World Geography, U.S. History, U.S. Government/Economics); Foreign Language (2 units of credit in the same foreign language); Theology (4 credits – 1 credit for each year at the Catholic school); P.E. (1.0 credit); Technology (1.0 credits); Fine Arts (1.0 credit); Elective Credits (2.5 credits), Service Project*. Total (28 credits)

Minimum Program Requirements: English (4 credits – English I, II, III, IV); Mathematics (3 credits Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II); Science (3 credits – Biology, Chemistry, Physics); Social Studies (4 credits – World History, World Geography, U.S. History, U.S. Government/Economics); Foreign Language (not required); Theology (4 credits – 1 credit for each year at the Catholic School); P.E. (1.0 credit); Technology (1 credit); Speech (0.5 credit); Elective Credits (5.5 credits), Service Project*. Total (26 credits).

* The Community Service Project must be completed by the end of the first semester of the senior year. The failure to meet the program requirements within the allotted time (except for extraordinary circum- stances) may preclude participation in the Graduation Ceremony.

OLH reserves the right to place students in specific levels (Pre- Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement) of coursework in accordance with their potential and needs as determined by standardized test scores and their previous educational performance and background.

High School Graduation Requirements (Applies to students entering Grade 9 in 2014-015 and thereafter) Distinguished Level of Achievement Under the Foundation High School Program including the completion of curriculum requirements from at least one endorsement to be chosen from the following:

 STEM  Arts & Humanities  Multidisciplinary Studies

Requirements Area Units Specifically Required Courses English 4.0 English I, II, III, IV Mathematics 4.0 Alg I, Geom, Alg II, and a 4th year Science 4.0 Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and a 4th year Social Studies 4.0 World History, World Geography, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and Economics Foreign Language 2.0 Two units of credit in the same foreign language (Note : Three units required by many colleges) Theology 4.0 One credit for each year at the Catholic school P.E. 1.0 Career/Tech 1.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Speech 0.5 Elective Credit 2.5 Service Project 100 hours Total 28 credits plus 100 hours of service

Performance Acknowledgments  A score of 3+ on an AP test  A composite score of 28+ on the ACT  A score of 1250 critical reading & math on the SAT  A PSAT score that qualifies for recognition as a commended scholar or higher

C. H ome w o r k Homework is assigned daily. If the important duty of accomplishing homework is neglected, it will be impossible for the student to achieve fully the goals of his/her academic program.

Parents are reminded that the student who is absent for a legitimate reason must arrange with his/her teacher to complete any written assignments and tests given during the period of his/her absence.

D. R e ports and Grading S yst e m At the end of each quarter, report cards are available for viewing online. Progress reports are available for viewing online in the middle of each quarter.

The student's achievement in each subject is graded on the basis of 100%. The passing grade is 70. Letter equivalents of numerical grades are as follows: 94-100=A; 85-93=B; 75-84=C; 70-74=D; below 70=F.

Students are not allowed to audit classes.

At the end of each semester, quality points are assigned to each grade earned for that semester. A five-point scale is applied to Pre- AP and AP courses. A four-point scale is used for non-advanced courses. The quality points will be assigned as follows:

Letter Grade Quality Point Value Pre-AP/AP/Honors Quality Point Value A 4.0 5.0 B 3.0 4.0 C 2.0 3.0 D 1.0 2.0 F 0.0 0.0 Ordinarily if students receive grades and credit for courses taken beyond the prescribed curriculum or outside of OLH, these credits will not be used in the GPA calculation for class rank.

The First Honor Roll consists of students who have achieved grades of 94 or higher in all subjects. The Second Honor Roll includes those who have achieved grades of 85 or higher in all subjects. Honor Roll distinctions are based upon quarter grades.

E. E x e mpt i ons At the teacher’s discretion, students may be exempt from taking final exams if the following criteria are met:

A student who maintains at least a 94 average (A) in the fall semester and in each of the third and fourth quarters will be exempt from the final exam.

A student enrolled in an AP course, takes the AP Exam, and maintains an 85 average (B) in the fall semester and in each of the third and fourth quarters will be exempt from the final exams.

In a half-credit fall or spring semester course, the student’s 1st and 2nd quarter (Spring - 3rd and 4th quarter) grades must be at least a 94 (A) to qualify for an exam exemption. Additionally, the student must be in attendance the last full day of school preceding exams.

F. P a s sing Grade s /Fa il ures The grades in each subject for the two quarters of a semester are averaged together and give a student his/her half-year or semester grade for each subject.

Credit earned in a two semester course is determined by both semesters being averaged and equaling a minimum grade of 70. If he/she does not earn this grade, he/she fails the subject for the entire year.

A failing grade can be made up only through credit recovery at OLH. Seniors who do not pass all required subjects and all subjects scheduled in the senior year cannot receive their diplomas until they have successfully removed deficiencies in the summer session.

A student who fails more than the equivalent of two units of credit for the school year is not eligible to return to OLH the following year unless administrative approval is granted to repeat the grade level.

G. Learn i ng D i sab i l i t i es OLH does not provide special education services or facilities. However, the school’s education program attempts to accommodate special needs of its students within reasonable limits consistent with the school’s policies and program of studies. If it becomes apparent that a student’s needs are not being met, OLH reserves the right to encourage the student to seek a more appropriate learning environment.

In order for an OLH student to be eligible for Extended Testing Time during quarter examinations as well as any other 504 accommodations, a psychoeducational evaluation must be filed with the school. This evaluation may come from a psychologist, physician, or learning disabilities specialist. (OLH uses the criteria that the College Board outlines to determine eligibility for extended testing.)

Current College Board Guidelines:

The presence of a professional evaluation does not necessarily mean that a student is eligible for testing accommodations.

Documentation to support the need for requested accommodations on the PSAT or SAT must 1. state the specific disability, as diagnosed; 2. be current (in most cases, the evaluation should be completed within three years of the PSAT/SAT date); 3. provide completed educational, developmental, and relevant medical history; 4. describe the tests or techniques that were used to arrive at the diagnosis--including evaluation date(s) and appropriate test results--and the functional limitations resulting from the disability; 5. describe the specific accommodations requested, and state why the disability qualifies the student for such accommodations on the PSAT/SAT; and 6. establish the professional credentials of the evaluator, including information about license or certification and area of specialization.

H. E x t r a curri c ula r s: A cade mi cs& A t h l e t ics Extracurriculars are encouraged among the students within reasonable limits. Extracurriculars are a means of promoting intellectual progress as well as affording needed relaxation and/or physical exercise.

As a member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (T.A.P.P.S.), OLH will participate in academic, athletic and fine arts competitions. T.A.P.P.S. membership includes over 230 schools with a total student enrollment of approximately 40,000 students in grades nine through twelve competing for District, Regional and State Championships.

T.A.P.P.S. host State Championship honors for: Academics Golf Tennis Art Instrumental Music Track and Field Baseball One-Act Play Vocal Music Basketball Soccer Volleyball Cross Country Softball Football Swimming/Diving

Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities • All students are eligible at the beginning of the school year. • Any student who has more than one failing grade below 70 on a report card becomes ineligible the next school day and remains so until the next report card unless the student is passing all classes with grades of at least 70 on the mid- quarter progress report. • A student who fails one class with a grade below 70 on a report card must have a minimum GPA of 1.5 on that report card in order to remain eligible. Otherwise, the student becomes ineligible the next school day and remains so until the next report card unless the student is passing all classes with grades of at least 70 on the mid-quarter progress report. • An ineligible student may neither practice nor participate in any extracurricular activity. • The principal will make the final decision concerning the eligible status of a student in any situation not addressed by this policy.

I. Catho li c H igh S choo l s S ta t e m ent of Col l eg i a l i t y As Catholic High Schools we acknowledge that our existence is rooted in the Gospel of Christ and the doctrines and tradition of the Catholic Church. We further acknowledge that we are people of good will, who wish to preserve unity and trust and as such wish to establish this Statement of Collegiality.

1. We commit to treating each other with respect and mutual courtesy. 2. We commit to dealing with all issues in a prompt manner. 3. We commit to insuring that our stakeholders understand our commitment to collegiality. 4. We commit to the basic tenet that individual schools will support and cheer for their respective school without derogatory statements at individuals, teams or schools. Any violations will be resolved at the time of the infraction. 5. We commit to join in prayer at all games or contests where two member schools are present. 6. We commit to have an administrator or designee present at all games where member schools are participating.

J. Eligibility for Offices Only those students who have good records for conduct and scholarship are eligible for class offices and offices in extracurricular organizations. A good scholarship record is ordinarily understood as a passing grade in all subjects with a grade point average of at least 2.0 on the report card immediately prior to elections. (A higher standard may be applicable for holding offices that place extraordinary demands on a student's time.) In the event that a student should meet these requirements, be elected to office, and then fail to comply with them, he/she may be dropped from office for the remainder of the academic year.

K. Attendance A student who is absent from school or any class period without a legitimate reason may receive a zero for all work.

A student who is absent from school on account of illness or who has an unexcused absence for a school day will not be allowed to participate in or attend any extracurricular event or practice scheduled for that day. According to state law, a student who misses any class nine (9) or more times during a semester is not eligible to obtain or renew the state driver’s license unless class make-up requirements are met.

L. Summer Session The summer school session at OLH is remedial in nature. The charge for summer school is $500.00 a course.

All failing grades must be removed in the summer school session offered at OLH or through an approved, accredited credit recovery program before a student is allowed to return to OLH the following August. A student who fails to earn the necessary credit(s) must withdraw from school. A student who needs to remediate more than two credits in a summer session is ineligible to continue at OLH.

Although students are encouraged to take enrichment courses during the summer, credits in these courses may not be applied toward graduation unless specific prior approval in writing has been granted by the Principal. If such a course is approved, OLH may require the student to take its own proficiency exam and the course must be completed before the new school year begins in August. Ordinarily, courses cannot be taken in summer in order to reduce the number of courses carried in the regular school term.

Only students eligible to return to OLH will be accepted for OLH summer sessions.

M. Gradua t i on All graduating seniors are required to participate in both the Baccalaureate Mass and graduation ceremony in order to receive an OLH diploma. Seniors who have not met the academic requirements will receive their OLH diploma upon completion of summer school credit recovery.

The student's grades for all credit courses prescribed in his/her four- year high school curriculum determine the type of recognition to be given on his/her diploma: Minimum, Recommended, Distinguished. The Valedictorian and the Salutatorian of the graduating class are the students that have attained the highest and second highest cumulative grade point averages, in the core subjects: Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, and Theology. To be eligible for either of these distinctions a student must have completed the Distinguished Achievement Program and completed their sophomore, junior, and senior years at OLH. In the case of a tie, Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be determined by the highest average numerical core grades.

Only those seniors who have successfully completed all the required courses (including all courses scheduled in the senior year) are eligible to graduate.

N. T ranscr i pts Students must complete a transcript request form in order to obtain a transcript. All accounts must be paid before a FINAL transcript will be sent.

O. A wards N i ght Awards night provides an opportunity for OLH moderators and coaches to recognize student accomplishment in OLH academic and athletic events. .

P. C ounse l ing Counselor is available to assist with academic, social, and college/career guidance.

III.CONDUCT OF STUDENTS OLH strives to assist in the development of young Christian women and men who will be capable of exercising responsible freedom. OLH seeks to develop the potential of a student through the spiritual, academic, cultural, social and physical opportunities afforded them. Students of OLH are expected to conduct themselves at all times according to the rules of courtesy and Christian respect for themselves and others. Students are considered to be representatives of the school both on and off campus.

The school accepts a student’s registration and/or tuition payment as his/her intention to abide by the rules and regulations. Students and parents (guardian) are expected to read and understand the contents of this handbook, then indicate your agreement on the signature page (41). This, then, becomes the formal agreement of both the student and their parents to uphold standards of good conduct, to live by Christian values, and to support the school by adhering to the policies and regulations stated in this handbook.

A. Attendance-Absence from School/Class Regular attendance at school and diligent application to study are essential to a student's success at OLH. Parents are requested to cooperate with the school in both areas. A student has a serious obligation to report to all of his/her classes. Any unforeseen absence is to be reported by the student's parent or guardian by a phone call to the school office before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Please call 895-0501. A parent/guardian should leave a full name and relationship, the student’s full name and grade level, reason for absence, and a phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached. E-mail is not an adequate form of communication in regards to absence notification. There must be person-to-person contact. On the day he/she returns to school, the student who has been absent must present a note written and signed by the parent/guardian explaining the absence to the school office.

Absences from school for whatever reason do not excuse a student from the obligation of preparing his/her class work.

A student who is absent from a majority of classes on account of illness or who incurs an unexcused absence will not be allowed to participate in or attend any extracurricular event or practice scheduled for that day. Failure to follow this policy is considered a major offense.

In accordance with Texas School Law regarding attendance, the school reserves the right to refuse credit to a student who has been absent more than nine (9) days for any course in one semester.

A student who fails to attend a scheduled class must report to the Office to explain the circumstances of the absence. A student who is absent from school or any class period without an excused reason may receive a zero for all work in the classes missed. Missed assignments must be made up. Examples of excused absences are medical reasons, death in the family, college visits, etc. Family vacations or trips are ordinarily not considered excused absences. (The school is not obliged to provide make-up work.) Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visits each year.

The Administration will be the ultimate judge in all attendance matters. Lost credit or credit recovery is subject to review by the attendance committee.

B. Late for School or Class To report tardiness, please call 895-0501. Leave your full name and relationship, the student’s full name, reason for absence, and a phone number where you can be reached. A student who is late for school and who wishes to order lunch for that day, must do this on- line before 9:00 a.m.

Tardiness is ordinarily not excused. Students who exceed three tardies per quarter will be issued a detention for every additional tardy.

A student who is more than 20 minutes late to a class will receive an absence.

When it is foreseen that a student will arrive late to school, he/she must present to the Office at the time of arrival a written explanation from their parents. If a student is late on account of a doctor's appointment, an appointment slip from the doctor is also required.

C. Leaving C a m pus / Ex i t V isas Students are not to leave campus at any time during the school day without the express permission of the office. Permission will not be given without a WRITTEN request from a parent or guardian. A student who becomes ill during the school day will not be released without permission from his/her parent or guardian. A student may be released during school hours into the custody only of those persons listed on the student’s emergency information card. Identification of the person to whom the student is released must be verified.

Students are to remain within the confines of the school grounds and are not permitted to loiter in the school parking areas within the school day. Students are not to go to their cars during the school day without permission from the office. Doctor's appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours. If this is not possible, a note from the parents/guardian and a properly executed Exit Visa must be completed before school the morning of the appointment. Upon returning to school, the student must check in with the office before returning to class. Students should not visit other schools without the permission of the Principal of the school the student wishes to visit.

Once students have entered the school grounds, they are not permitted to leave the campus without permission from the school office. This includes morning arrival prior to 1st Period.

Students who had permission to leave campus or students arriving tardy to school are not allowed to bring lunch or other food items to other students.

D. Fores e en Absen c es If an absence of more than one day of school is anticipated, the office should be informed one week in advance. A form is available in the office for the parent/guardian to request the absence and explain why. Failure to follow this procedure could result in a grade of "zero" for work missed.

E. The D ress Code While students are expected to maintain a standard of good manners and courtesy in their behavior at OLH, they are also expected to maintain that same standard in their dress. School uniforms are worn to unify and identify OLH students. All uniforms should be of appropriate sizing so that the student may present a neat and modest appearance.

Links to Land’s End School uniforms and Parker School Uniforms are on the school website. Land’s End sells all school uniform pieces including approved jackets. Shirts and jackets will be monogramed before shipping. Uniform khaki slacks, shorts, and skirts are available for purchase from Parker School Uniforms in San Antonio. Parker also sells the approved uniform shirts without the school logo. These shirts must be monogramed at Sew What. Uniform shirts and approved jackets are available from Sew What in Kerrville.

Students are obliged to wear complete uniforms on all school days while on campus.

Students found in violation of the dress code are subject to lose Spirit Day Dress privileges.

Permanent or temporary tattoos including epidermal ink drawings are not acceptable.

Jewelry is to be simple in style and not be the distinguishing feature of a student’s appearance. Wrist bracelets are limited to two per arm.

Ordinarily, wearing of hats/caps is not allowed on campus. However, on occasion when hats/caps are allowed, they must be worn in the traditional manner with the bill facing the front.

Shoes: Sandals, flip flops, flats, various types of boots (Army), and all other shoes that do not entirely enclose the foot are not appropriate for school wear. Cowboy boots are acceptable for school wear and in all cases shoes and boots are to be worn under the pant legs. High top tennis shoes may not be worn with school dress shorts or skirts. The student must bring a note signed by the parent/guardian requesting to be excused from wearing the proper school shoe. Shoes should be plain white, brown, black, or grey. Shoes should not be distracting or the defining characteristic of a student in uniform. (Students should not have neon, bright/distracting colors, patterns, or glitter on shoes. This includes laces, logos, and trim). The judgment of an appropriate shoe is determined by the administration. The recommended shoe is the Sperry Boat shoe.

Socks are to be either plain white of any style or plain black ankle style. Socks must be easily visible unless long pants are worn. One small insignia on the sock is allowed.

Only official issue school uniforms are permitted. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed.

No undergarments that extend beyond the shirtsleeve should be worn under short-sleeved shirts. Only plain white apparel may be worn under the white uniform shirt.

No apparel will be worn to school that depicts or references alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, sexuality, vulgar, or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems which are morally offensive to members of the school community. Double-entendres or humor relating to the above categories are also prohibited.

During cooler weather, a student may wear an OLH uniform jacket or sweater in the building. See the approved list of jackets on the link to Land’s End posted on the OLH Website or at Sew What in Kerrville. Only approved jackets and sweaters may be worn in the building. All other items must be removed and stored upon entering the building.

F. M a l e Dre s s a nd Groo m ing Code Boys are expected to be neatly dressed, well-groomed and clean- shaven. Sideburns shall not extend lower than the bottom of the earlobe and must be well-kept.

In the interest of good grooming, a student is to have neat, clean, properly combed hair of moderate length and style. The use of style gels, creams or hair coloring should be used in moderation. Extreme haircuts of any kind, such as wedge cuts, shaving of the head, Mohawk, or any other hair styles deemed inappropriate by the Administration will not be allowed. Hair should not be cut with anything below a No. 2 clipper. Hair should not extend to the eyebrows, middle of the ear, or touch the collar. The face is to be clean-shaven. Earrings/Piercings are not acceptable at school or at school functions.

Male School Uniform - see the links to Land’s End and Parker on the school website for approved items. 1. Uncuffed, neat, and clean dress khaki dress slacks. 2. Khaki dress shorts (no cargos/large pockets) Length – must be within two inches of the knee. 3. A short or long-sleeved, clean, and neat OLH school shirt, tucked in (belt should be visible). 4. A solid colored plain dark brown or black leather dress belt. 5. White or black socks. 6. No cargo, jean-style, low-rise khaki pants or shorts are permitted.

G. Fe m ale D ress and Groom i ng C ode Girls are expected to be neatly dressed and well-groomed. Skirt length must be 1" above to 1" below the knee.

Hair must be neat, clean, properly combed and in a moderate style. The use of style gels, creams or hair coloring should be used in moderation. No extreme hair fashions are permitted. Subtle highlights are permitted but must be worn without extreme variation of natural hair color. Good taste in makeup, earrings and accessories which may include nail polish is expected. No more than two earrings per ear are allowed on the ear. Other visible piercings are not acceptable at school or any school functions.

Female School Uniform- see the links to Land’s End and Parker on the school website for approved items.

1. Uncuffed, neat and clean dress khaki pants or approved pleated skirt. 2. Khaki dress shorts (no cargos/large pockets) Length – must be within 2 inches of the knee. 3. A short or long-sleeved, clean and neat OLH school shirt, tucked in (belt should be visible). 4. A solid colored plain dark brown or black leather dress belt if wearing pants or shorts. 5. In cold weather, girls may wear flesh-toned pantyhose under their skirt. 6. No cargo, jean-style, low-rise khaki pants or shorts are permitted.

H. M a s s D ay OLH white uniform oxford shirts must be worn on these days. Girls must wear a skirt. Boys must wear slacks.

I. Sp i r i t D ay Dr e ss On most Thursdays, students are allowed to wear an official school t- shirt and blue jeans. Short jeans are not allowed. Jeans must be neat and hemmed. No jeans with tears, holes, rips or frays are permitted. Jeans must be fitted at the waist, so that the pants' waistband is not around the student's hip areas.

J. Other garments should not be brought to school Casual pants, such as jean style khakis (long or short), are not permitted.

The Administration will be the ultimate judge in matters regarding dress. Violations of dress code that are not immediately correctable, may cause a student to be suspended from school until the student has met the dress code guideline.

K. School Functions Appropriate conduct is expected of OLH students at all times. The use of vulgar, profane, or abusive language or behavior that is disrespectful or discourteous will not be tolerated on or off campus, and, if performed, may be subject to disciplinary action. This includes language and behavior at or in athletic contests, pep rallies, and other school activities.

Applicable dress code regulations are enforced for all school functions.

During the school year, OLH sponsors dances for the enjoyment and social growth of the students. Appropriate behavior and dress are always expected of each student. The student and/or his/her date must arrive at the designated lock-in time at the dance and are not permitted to leave the dance until its conclusion. Once a student and/or his/her date leave a dance, they will not be readmitted. Specific regulations for particular events will be announced by the Administration, especially time of arrival, duration of the event, departure time, and applicable dress code. All guests of OLH students to OLH particular events must be current high school students and have completed and returned the Guest Information Sheet (available in the office).

L. Technology Use Policy Students and parents (guardians) are expected to read and understand the Technology Use Policy, then indicate your agreement on the signature page (41).

Cell phones are to be turned off and stored out of sight upon a student's entrance into the school building and remain so until dismissal. If a student needs to contact their parent during the day, they should use the phone in the office. The technology services provided by OLH are available to all presently enrolled students of the school. The purpose of technology access is to allow students the opportunity to use the efficiency and versatility of today's technology in pursuit of the academic objectives and goals of the school. With this in mind, specific rules and regulations outlined for acceptable computer usage have been drawn to ensure the intent and integrity of the system as well as the fairness of judgment if these terms are violated. The following outlines acceptable and impermissible electronic media policies.

Acceptable Technology Usage Technology-related resources are to be used solely to advance and ensure the mission of education, research, and community service of OLH. Usage of the technology should be school related only, such as class assignments, teacher assignments, homework, research, or any school-related task assigned by an administrator or faculty member. Headphones/ear buds may only be used in the course of academic activities. Otherwise students should not be using technology.

Students are permitted to use the authorized programs provided over the network or on the workstations. Access of other folders and files without authorization of the network administrator is prohibited.

Direct supervision by a faculty member is necessary for any use of the internet. Impermissible Technology Usage Technology usage to pursue any illegal, unauthorized, immoral, unethical, damaging, corrupt, or fraudulent activities is strictly prohibited.

Physical abuse of technology equipment (hardware or software) will not be tolerated. Any act of abuse will result in immediate forfeiture of technology privileges for the academic year, as well as additional disciplinary action.

Student use of faculty technology workstations and faculty equipment is strictly prohibited.

Students must respect the security and integrity of the technology and the technology network system. Installation and transfer of software, shareware, freeware, or any other types of application programs or files without authorized permission is forbidden.

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action and the confiscation of student-owned electronic devices. Devices will be returned at the discretion of the administration. If a device is confiscated, the school reserves the right to examine the electronic contents of the device.

If at any time the use of technology in the classroom becomes a disruption or distraction, the teacher of that class has the authority to limit or prohibit student usage of technology.

Social Media-Students are ambassadors of OLH at all times and as such, students’ usage of social media outside of school should be appropriate. At no time should social media be used in school.

The school cannot be held liable for the loss or damage to any electronic/digital items which students choose to have in their possession.

M. Subs t ance A bu s e P o l i c y – A l cohol, Tobacco and Drugs OLH does not tolerate the possession, consumption of, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or drugs by students on campus or at any school-related activity, nor does it allow a student judged to be under the influence of alcohol and related products or drugs to attend school or school-related functions. Such activity on the part of the student is a grave violation of school policy and will result in immediate and serious disciplinary action.

1. As a condition of enrollment, OLH may recommend the student undergo a professional drug-alcohol assessment. This assessment may include drug testing and follow-up meetings with a certified drug and alcohol professional. The school counselor works with the substance abuse professional to ensure that the student continues the prescribed program.

2. A parent, teacher or counselor may refer a student to the Principal and/or Counselor for substance abuse assessment. At other time a student’s behavior will necessitate an intervention. There may also be instances where a student may self-refer. Parents will be notified when students are required to undergo an alcohol/drug assessment. The financial cost for the assessment is the parents’ responsibility. The assessment must be performed by a school-approved facility.

3. The appropriate courses of action may include any and all, but not limited to the following: • Further substance abuse assessment; • Initial and subsequent on-going follow-up drug testing until graduation; • Participation in group or individual counseling sessions; • Participation in drug and alcohol education substance abuse programs

4. Continued enrollment at OLH is contingent on following the individual’s outlined substance abuse plan and the commitment and maintenance of a drug-free life. A positive result on a follow-up test may result in immediate expulsion from Our Lady of the Hills. Any refusal of a follow-up drug test will be considered a positive test result.

N. Tobacco Products The use or possession of tobacco products and/or paraphernalia associated with your substance is not allowed while on campus or at any school functions. Smoking is not allowed within a quarter mile of the campus as a student comes to or leaves school.

O. M ed i ca t ions Students are not allowed to carry medication on their person, including non-prescription medications. (The only exception is that, by physician direction, a student may be allowed to carry and self- administer inhaler medication.) Only medication which is necessary for a student to remain in school will be given during school hours. The Medication Permission Request Form must be completed by the parent/guardian and the health care provider in order for any medication, including "over-the-counter" medication (including but not limited to acetaminophen, ointments, cold tablets, cough drops) to be given by school personnel.

It is the student's responsibility to know when their medication is to be administered and to come to the front office for dispensing.

Medication is to be brought to the office by the parent (responsible party). If the medication is liquid, it must be accompanied with a calibrated medication dispenser which has legible numbers on it. Only medication prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist and labeled by a registered pharmacist will be administered during school hours. Medicine must be contained in its original packaging. Please do not transfer medication to another container. Medication will be dispensed by a designee of the principal. Unused medication must be picked up by the parent or it will be destroyed. Medication is not kept from year to year in the clinic/office. Stock medicine will not be kept in the clinic for student use.

P. Students’ Lockers, OLH Supplies/Textbooks Each student is assigned a locker for his/her personal use. Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers.

The student is responsible for the contents and orderliness of his/her locker and upkeep of OLH issue supplies (textbooks). Damage to any locker or textbook by any student, whether the damage be by the assigned user or by any other student, will result in the student's paying the cost of repairs or replacement. Tampering with the locking mechanism on a locker is subject to disciplinary actions.

The school reserves the right to enter by any means, and to inspect, any or all vehicles, lockers, book bags, purses, textbooks, electronic devices, etc., at any time. Locker rooms and classrooms will be locked 15 minutes after dismissal, unless there is direct supervision from a faculty of staff member. All necessary materials should be gathered immediately upon dismissal from last period.

Tampering with or entering another student's locker is considered a serious offense subject to disciplinary actions. A student whose locker has been tampered with should report the incident to the Administration.

Possession of another student's property without permission of that student may be regarded as theft and subject to disciplinary action. Tampering with another student's possessions is also subject to disciplinary action.

All student lockers and OLH supplies/textbooks/library books are the property of Our Lady of the Hills. To prevent loss of personal property, students should have their names clearly marked on all books and personal items. All textbooks must be covered. Students should not leave their personal belongings unattended anywhere on campus. Lost property should be reported.

Q. The C a mpus Courtesy and concern for the school requires that the campus be kept clean and free of litter. All signs, notices, or posters must be approved before they may be displayed in the school. A student who defaces, marks, or damages school property will be subject to disciplinary action.

Students are not permitted in any administrative and/or faculty room (faculty workroom, faculty lounge, faculty restrooms, etc.) without permission.

Students are allowed in the classrooms only in the presence of an instructor. If a teacher or substitute is not present for a scheduled class, students should not enter the classroom but instead remain in the class area while one of them reports the situation to the office. Students should not sit on desktops, tables, windowsills, or bookshelves.

All articles which could be considered dangerous and not approved for use in school are forbidden, including but not limited to, and by way of example only, fireworks or other explosive devices, pocket knives (i.e. leatherman etc.), sharp-pointed metal objects or weapons of any type.

No food or drink other than water is to be consumed or taken into the classrooms, locker rooms, bathrooms, or in any carpeted area. Liquids and food items (perishable or non- perishable) are not to be stored in student lockers. These items should be stored in the designated area outside the concession stand.

Students may not chew gum at any time on the OLH campus.

Other use of the school grounds or buildings is permitted only through the authorization of the principal.

R. Vehicles on Campus Cars must be driven slowly and carefully. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour. The reckless operation of a vehicle will result in disciplinary action. Students may not go to their cars during the day without permission from the office.

S. Lunch It is the responsibility of the students to keep the eating areas clean and orderly at all times. Students eating in the gym eating area or courtyard should enter in an orderly fashion. In keeping with Board of Health Codes, food items not consumed by the end of the school day will be discarded.

Lunch orders are to be placed by the parent or student on-line through RenWeb each morning before 9:00 AM.

T. Chapel The OLH community fosters its sense of identity, among other ways, through common worship in the school chapel. In order for everyone to prepare properly, students are expected to enter the chapel quietly and to preserve a spirit of quiet before and during all services.


A. Classroom Discipline The teacher of each class is in charge of the ordinary discipline in the classroom. The student is expected to comply with whatever regulations or disciplinary measures that the teachers or administrators may impose.

Faculty and staff members must always be addressed in a polite and respectful manner.

B. Academic Dishonesty Cheating is morally wrong and is considered a serious offense. Cheating is the improper acquisition or distribution of information pertinent to a homework assignment, quiz, test, or exam. Plagiarism, the stealing of the ideas or writings of another, is also considered cheating. During a quiz, test, or exam a student may not have in their possession or in the vicinity of their desk any books, notebooks, or materials proscribed by the teacher or proctor, nor make any audible sounds, nor look in any direction that could be construed as a violation of testing procedures, nor may he/she communicate in any way with another student without specific permission. The following examples are the most noteworthy violations of academic dishonesty:

1. Open notebooks, texts, or other course-related material during a quiz, test, or exam without the explicit permission of the teacher or proctor. 2. Concealed notes during a quiz, test, or exam. 3. Communication with another person (verbal or non-verbal) during a quiz, test, or exam without the explicit permission of the teacher or proctor. 4. Use of unauthorized test aids such as calculators, tables, formulas, etc., during a quiz, test, or exam. 5. Copying of homework assignments or the loaning of an assignment to another who copies the assignment. 6. Copying material from the internet.

An academic-dishonesty offense or a violation of an evaluation procedure (homework, quiz, test, exam, project) negates any grade except zero for the work in question. A first offense may also be punishable by up to five days in Detention. Additional offenses may merit more serious penalties, which may include suspension or dismissal. A record of cheating offenses and violations of evaluation procedures will be maintained in the student's file.

Students will sign and date the OLH Honor Code on all major assignments and tests. Honor Code: This is my work. I have not given nor received inappropriate assistance. Signature & Date C. D e t en t ion In many instances, students involved in misconduct or tardiness will be assigned to serve specified amounts of time in Detention. Detention usually will be held after school. Friday or Saturday school detention will be held from 8:00 a.m. – Noon.

A student who is assigned Detention repeatedly for the same offense or a similar offense may be subject to more serious disciplinary action. A student who receives Detention more than five times may merit an all-day Detention or a Friday or Saturday School Detention. A second such accumulation may result in suspension.

The Administration determines the seriousness of the offense and the appropriate consequence. One to three detentions may be given for the following violations:

1. Unexcused late arrival to school or late arrival to class. 2. Unexcused absence from class. 3. Violations of the dress code 4. Eating in unauthorized areas or gum chewing anywhere on campus at any time. 5. Littering or disposing of trash anywhere but in the trash receptacles. 6. Failure to report to a teacher when required. 7. Failure to report to Detention. 8. Failure to bring a note from a teacher or parent explaining absence from a Detention. This note must be turned in to the office before class begins the next school day. 9. Inappropriate use of technology that is not educational such as surfing the net, playing games, texting, listening to music, watching videos, and using social media. Technology use may be revoked on a temporary or more permanent basis.

The administration reserves the right to impose more extensive discipline for any of the foregoing offenses depending on the nature and circumstances of the offense(s) or any combination thereof.

D. M a j or O ffen s es The following serious offenses may merit stricter punishment and/or render a student liable to receiving multiple Detentions, all-day Detentions, Friday or Saturday school detention, being sent home, suspension, or expulsion from OLH. The administration determines the seriousness of an offense and whether or not to consider the possible punishment to include expulsion.

1. Leaving campus without the permission of school officials, which includes going to cars during the school day. 2. Unexcused absence from school. 3. Theft of or tampering with school property or another student's locker or belongings. 4. Vandalism of the school's, a teacher's, or another student's property. 5. Hiding, possessing or tampering with another student’s property. 6. Disrespectful behavior directed toward another person or personal property. 7. Repeated violations of school rules after warnings. 8. Repeated instances of academic dishonesty (cheating/violation of testing procedures 9. Instances of dishonesty (lying, forgery, etc.). 10. Failure to comply with the terms of a disciplinary probation. 11. Disrespect, defiance of, or direct confrontation with school authorities. 12. Use or possession of tobacco products or paraphernalia while on campus, a school-sponsored event, or within a quarter mile of campus. 13. Possession, dissemination, or use of drugs, paraphernalia, or alcohol on campus or at any school-related function. 14. Being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or mind-altering substances on campus or at any school-related function. 15. Use or possession of weapons on campus. 16. Tampering with or setting off the fire alarm system. 17. Tampering with the heating, cooling, watering and lighting systems. 18. Activities outside of school which involve unlawful behavior. 19. Harassment (intimidation, humiliation, hazing, any physical or verbal abuse) or any type of damaging statements or behavior made to others. 20. Generally, fighting, violence, or any conduct, on campus or off, which jeopardizes the good or safety of the school or the student's fellow students, which is detrimental to the common good, or which is morally offensive according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and, thus, harmful or offensive to members of the school community. 21. Major or repeated misuse of technology or misuse which is morally offensive according to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church or offensive to the members of the school community.

E. S t udents S ent Ho m e In circumstances when warnings, counseling, and referral to the Principal have proven ineffective or upon the occurrence of a serious offense, a student may be sent home. Such a student may not return to school until their parents or guardians have had a conference with the Administration and with any teacher or school official who may have been involved in a given situation.

F. S tud e nt S uspen s ion Suspension is a serious sanction imposed upon a student. It is intended to serve a warning to the student that further violations of school regulations may result in dismissal.

The period of suspension will be determined by the administration. During the period of suspension, the student does not attend classes, nor participates in any school activities, and receives for the duration of their suspension a grade of "zero" for daily work but not for major tests, periodic quizzes, and projects in each class missed.

During each day of the suspension, the student will work on assignments with the intention of keeping them abreast of class work that they are missing. The student will serve their suspension in a manner determined by the Administration. A second suspension is regarded as sufficient grounds for expulsion.

G. S tudent P rob a t i on A student will be placed on probation following a suspension. Serious misconduct by a student who is on probation, including, by way of example only, those offenses listed herein as "Major Offenses," constitutes grounds for expulsion. Ordinarily a student will not be placed in a third probationary status.

H. S tudent E xpu l sion A student is subject to expulsion as a result of a second suspension; failure to comply with the terms of a probation; defiance of or direct confrontation with school authorities; possession, dissemination, or use of drugs or alcohol on campus or at any school-related function; theft or other serious moral offenses; activities outside the school which involve unlawful behavior; any off-campus conduct which is harmful to the good or safety of the school community; or for any conduct which jeopardizes the good or safety of the school or community, or which is morally offensive according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church and, thus, harmful or offensive to members of the school community. Prior to the sanction of expulsion being imposed, a student will have the right to an informal hearing to be conducted by the Principal. At this informal hearing, the student is entitled to be accompanied by either or both of their parents or a guardian. The student will be allowed to explain his/her position as to the offense of which accused and may call witnesses to the incident.

I. The D i s c ip l in a ry B oard The Principal may convene a Disciplinary Board to be comprised of any combination of faculty members, students, and/or administrators to assist in a determination of and to make a recommendation of the appropriate punishment. However, the convening of the Disciplinary Board is within the sole discretion of the Principal, and, further, the Principal is not bound by any recommendation of the Disciplinary Board. The Principal shall make the final decision as to any guilt of the accused student and any punishment imposed.


A. P arents W eb Parents are encouraged to use Parents Web to access grades, tuition/lunch accounts, calendars, and other school information. Lunch orders will be placed by the parent or student each morning before 9:00 AM. Go to w w w . r en w eb . com to set up your account. The school ID is olh-tx and you must use the email address you provided the school.

B. Chain of Command Principle of Subsidiarity – solve issues at the lowest level whenever possible.

Occasionally, a situation may occur where there is a difference of opinion between a student or parent and a faculty member. In such instances, the teacher should be contacted and an effort made to resolve the situation before contacting the counseling office or administration.

To contact an OLH employee by e-mail – use he last name @ourladyofthehills.org (ex: s m i t h @ o u r l ad y o f th e h ill s . o r g ). C. P arents Volunteer C o m m i tt e e ( P VC ) The primary purpose of the organization is to enhance the educational experience at OLH. Every parent connected to OLH is a member and expected to participate.

D. Background Checks The Archdiocese retains the right to conduct background investigations on volunteers for all positions in order to obtain criminal records and credit reports.

Our Lady of the Hills Alma Mater

Our Lady of the Hills We hold your banner high For all the world to see God’s Spirit in our eyes.

Dear alma mater, Day by day you teach Faith, hope, and charity, Ideals for which we reach.

And when we face temptation, The truth will make us strong, And help us to remember To whom our hearts belong.

Our Lady of the Hills As each new day begins, May God’s grace go with us Until we meet again


Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School Student Handbook 2014-2015

The registration and/or tuition payment of a student is considered an acceptance on the part of the student and their parents or guardians, of all rules and regulations of Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School, including the judgment of school authorities on academic and disciplinary matters.

The rules and regulations contained in this Student/Parent Handbook are not meant to be comprehensive. Rather, they presuppose the good will and judgment of a student in all circumstances in which they may find themselves. During the academic year new and unusual circumstances may arise and the Principal has the authority to use her discretion in making decisions regarding unforeseen circumstances.

Students and their parents or guardians are asked to familiarize themselves with all of the information contained in this Student/Parent Handbook.

We hereby acknowledge that we have read and understand the Student/Parent Handbook. We agree to be accountable for, to abide by and to support all of the rules and regulations contained therein. Indicate your agreement on the back of this page and return to the office. Student Name (Please Print) Grade

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

N o t e : T h is agreeme n t m u s t b e o n f i le bef o r e t h e s t u de n t a t tends clas s .

PHOTO RELEASE From time to time, photos or video footage will be taken of the school and its students for use in brochures, news releases, newsletters, and other publications. These photos may be taken by an OLH staff member, another student, a professional photographer, or a member of the media. Photos or footage may include the likeness of your child, and it is possible that your OLH student may or may not be identified by name in a featured photo.

______I hereby allow the school to use photos or video footage of my child in his or her role as an OLH student.

If you would prefer that OLH and its representative avoid taking photos/footage of your child, you must let us know so that we will do all within our power to respect your preferences.

______I hereby request that OLH refrain from using photos or video footage of my child in his or her role as an OLH student. I understand that OLH will do all within its power to honor this request but cannot make guarantees regarding my preferences. SCHOOL DIRECTORY Our Lady of the Hills has an online school directory available to all families on RenWeb. Information published includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

______Yes, I give OLH permission to publish my information.

______No, I do not give OLH permission to publish my information.

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