Task 8: Deliver and Evaluate Linked Coaching Sessions

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Task 8: Deliver and Evaluate Linked Coaching Sessions

1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8: Deliver and Evaluate Linked Coaching Sessions Internally Assessed Home Study Task

Your tutor/internal assessor will set this task for you to complete away from the course during your extended study time. The task is divided into a number of parts. When you have completed each part, or all the parts, your tutor/internal assessor will assess it and complete the Record of Achievement at the front of this pack. Templates are provided to support your recording of the task or you may wish to develop your own. All supporting written work should be stored in your Candidate pack alongside the task. This task supports your achievement of Units 1, 2, 3 and # of the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Judo. It involves the following activities:

The Task a Prior to the delivery of any sessions you are required to complete a facility safety checklist for each session throughout your program of training. b From the outline plan (as identified in task 6), develop the proposed progression into a full Session Plan for each hour-long session. Six plans are provided for this purpose. You will be expected to provide evidence of having delivered these sessions. A witness is required to sign each session plan and may add comments about the session if they wish. The witness is not expected to be an assessor, but could be another coach, club official or representative of the facility/venue at which you coach. The purpose of identifying a witness is to help your assessor authenticate that the sessions actually did take place. Your assessor may wish to contact the witness to confirm that the session did take place. c You are also required to complete a Session Evaluation Form for each session delivered. The Evaluation Forms should be referenced and stored in your Candidate Pack, ideally alongside the Session Plan to which they relate. You are encouraged to seek feedback from your players and other coaches where possible and may wish to compete the evaluation of each session before planning the detail of the next.


Page 37 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 7

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 38 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 7

Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: 07.10.10 Blackwater Leisure Centre Session Prepare, revise Blackwater Judo Club Venue: topic: and grade Venue: Osoto-otoshi, Ushiro Ukemi Saturday Session objectives: Kesa-gatame, Kezure-kesa-gat Session time: 10.30 – 11.30 Count to 10, Za & Tachi rei Mats Flexi Discs Ability/special Under 8 age group, Novice to 3rd Mon Grade (Red, 3 yellow) Equipment/resources needs: required:

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

0 Formal Rei Line up Brief introduction Ask about injuries And health issues Introduction & Safety Explain direction to Warm up Spread out Circles/ Jog’n Stretch run – avoid collision Warm up – Discs 4 teams of 3 Flexi disc slalom, jumps, hop, Tell touch,run

15 Breakfall Coaching Line for Show Ushiro Ukemi Show and Tell Tuck chin in demonstration 1.Show as pair practice – sit on Loud hand slap on partners Have a go mat Bottom and breakfall to rear. Have a go Do not sit on back 2.Show from squatting position Have a go Bend knees Individual 3.Show from standing position 1-2-1 20 Osoto-otoshi Coaching Line for Have a go demonstration Standard grip, step level, chest Show and tell Protect Uke contact, kezushi, right foot through and place on mat behind Uke foot, Pairs hold arm, push shoulder, protect Uke 1. One standing, uke kneeling, 1-2-1 with standard grip, Tori steer Show and tell like a bus, Uke perform break fall Have a go 2. Both stand. Tori step past, put Observe & Praise right foot behind uke right heel, kuzushi, throw, protect

Page 39 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure


Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety 30 Kesa-gatame Coaching Line for Show Kesa-gatame Scarf Hold Uke remain still legs demonstration Grip – legs – chin – chest straight – not crossed Show Leg trap escape Show and tell Osoto-otoshi into KG PAIRS Both have a go Now start with Osoto-otoshi into Kesa Have a go 40 Kuzure-kesa-gatame Coaching Line for Show Kuzure-kesa-gatame Broken Observe & Praise demonstration SH Grip – legs – chin – chest – hand Volunteers Show sit up escape PAIRS Both have a go Call out 45 Count to 10 Group Line up Ichi Ni San Shi Go (without actions) Have a go

50 Demonstration by players 2 Groups each with Test: Ushiro Ukemi / Osoto-otoshi Tell & observe Space awareness one coach Kesa-gatame/Kezure-kesa / 1-10 /rei

Sharks & Penguins 55 Game Ne-waza, Sharks on bottom, catch with legs, Penguins on knees, no hand on mat allowed. End of session rei Line up with main 60 group Praise - Any announcements

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Witness comments:

Witness Date: signature:

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Session Evaluation Form - Session 7

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session.

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 42 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 8

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Page 41 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 8

Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: West Maldon Community Hall Session Prepare, revise, Blackwater Judo Club Venue: topic: grade Venue: Front and side breakfall Thursday Session objectives: Osoto-gari, mune-gatame Session time: 6.15 – 7.15 Terminology Mats Ability/special Aged 10 and under, Novice to 3rd Mon (red, 3 yellow tabs) Equipment/resources needs: required:

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

0 Formal Rei Line up Ask about injuries Introduction & Coaching line Intro – techniques being covered Tell And health issues Safety Group Circles, Ne-waza bridge and clap Set up, stand back Set direction to avoid Warm uo Jog’n jump/touch mat/rei/hop/clap hand collision Warm up – 15 Front Break Demonstration Mae-ukemi Show Land on forearms not fall Fingertips to elbows, turn head bent wrist Start on knees, progress to standing 1-2-1 as req’d Have a go Praise 20 Demonstration Yoko-ukemi Show Side Break Bend knee, straight arm, keep hand Have a go Watch out for elbows fall Have a go close to knee. Like kicking a ball. Start on knees, progress to standing Praise 25 Coaching Line Demonstrate Full Technique Support Uke Crab / Flamingo / Eagle Show Osoto-gari Do actions-crab claws, sideways move Have a go Rear breakfall Technique Flamingo sleep, Eagle gliding Pairs Start with just breakfall from Osoto- Have a go otoshi position. Protect Uke. Now follow story – Osoto-gari

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 44 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety 35 Mune-gatame Coaching Line Demonstrate full technique Show Look after Uke From Kezure-kesa-gatame, move left hand under Uke head, clasp hands, move belly to floor, straight legs Pairs Have a go 1-2-1 as reqd

40 Sensei says Jog around in same Call Hajime/Matte/Sona-mama/Yoshi Call/ observe Same direction game direction Ask group what these words mean.

45 Osoto-gari Demo Show full technique, nice and slow. Space aware into Mune Support Uke. Tell and observe Have a go 2 taps or Bridge & roll escape Assist as required

Demo 2 pairs out to show class Look after Uke

Q & A 60 Line up 1 minute over-view of session Quick review Praise Prepare for Formal rei

Witness comments:

Witness signature: Date:

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Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 44 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Session Evaluation Form - Session 8

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session.

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Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 9

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 46 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 9

Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: Blackwater Leisure Centre Session Prepare, revise, grade Blackwater Judo Club Venue: Venue: topic: Mae-mawari ukemi Saturday Session objectives: Uki-goshi, Yoko-shiho-gatame Session time: 10.30 – 11.30 Bridge & Turn, Judo Code Equipment/resources Mats Ability/special Aged 8 and under, Novice to 3rd Mon (red, 3 yellow tabs) required: Hoops needs: Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety 0 Formal Rei Line up

Introduction & Safety Coaching line Practice for half session, then grade Ask about injuries And health issues Warm up – warm up Circles, lunges, stretches Set up and stand Pairs with hoop Hoop exercises 1 to 6 for stepping close back 15 Feature Breakfall Coaching Line for Demonstrate Mae-mawari ukemi demonstration 1. Show from crouch position Show and Tell Chin tucked in Look between legs Bend knees Individual Roll down arm, shoulder Have a go Loud slap on mat 2. Show from standing position 20 O-goshi Technique Coaching Line for Demonstrate Uki-goshi Floating Hip Space awareness demonstration Exercise- just breakfall, Protect Uke Tori on knees, uke lean over & hold tori lapel Show and Uke to relax Pairs with right hand, B/fall over. have a go Space awareness Exercise- Tori on hands and knees, now tori 1-2-1 as needed holds Uke back, now help uke Bfall Exercise – Stand, Tori hand on uke back Hold Uke sleeve Face same way, bend knees, tip & turn Uke to relax, legs hip Exercise- step in and repeat above distance Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

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35 Yoko-shiho-gatame Coaching Line for Review. 1. hand position demonstration 2 Head position(listen to Show and Tell Uke to tap x2 heart beat) 3.Chest Pairs position 4. Uke bridge Have a go 40 O-goshi into Yoko-shiho- Pairs and turn 5. Tap 6. Have a go Space awareness gatame Bridge & turn escape Have a go 50 Judo Code relay 3 teams Demonstration and all Set up and stand back have a go

Each team has 4 sentences, relay race to match sentence with heading

58 Prepare for Formal rei Coaching Line Questions and Answers Listen and Observe Reminder of tachi-rei - let class show Tidy for rei line up to close session

Witness comments:

Witness signature: Date:

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 48 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Session Evaluation Form - Session 9

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session. Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 10

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Page 49 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 50 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 10

Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: West Maldon Community Hall Session Prepare, revise, Blackwater Judo Club Venue: topic: grade Venue: Ippon-seoi-nage Thursday Session objectives: Kami-shiho-gatame Session time: 6.15 – 7.15 Bridge & roll escape Mats Ability/special Aged 10 and under, Novice to 3rd Mon (red, 3 yellow tabs) Equipment/resources needs: required:

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

0 Formal Rei Line up

Introduction & Tell group of session objectives Tell Ask about injuries Safety Group Circles & Ne-waza bridge warm up And health issues Warm up Breakfalls (from kneeling position) Tell

15 Ippon-seoi- Coaching Line for Show technique Single arm shoulder Call out/ observe nage demonstration Ex 1- Tori on elbows and knees, uke to roll over Tori Show and tell Ex 2- Tori on hands and knees, Uke hold tori lapel, Tori hold Uke shoulder Pairs R/hand Tori keep grip and look to the Space awareness left, Uke to breakfall Have a go Ex 3- Stand. Face same way, tori take 1-2-1 as required Protect Uke correct grip, slve & shoulder,bend knees Show and tell Ex 4- As 3, now tip, straight legs, turn TAP - safety Ex 5- Step in, repeat 4 Ex 6- As 5, on the move (3 steps) Uke to relax 35 Coaching Line for Have a go Do not cross feet Kami-shiho- demonstration Demonstrate Upper four quarters 1-2-1 as required gatame 1. Chest position – listen to heart 2. Gripping under shoulders Page 51 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety Kami-shiho-gatame Pairs Safety - tap x2 Show and tell Tap - safety Escape – Bridge and roll Uke turn head Now start from De-ashi- If time, Ippon to kami barai to Kami Progression, if time 45 Enter and exit Etiquette Group Tell and observe As a group, remind how to leave the mat area and how to enter. Space awareness 50 Over the line game Pairs Rei, footware, bottles, talking, tidy gi

Push/pull over the line 60 Formal rei to complete Line up Praise

Witness comments:

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Witness signature: Date:

Page 51 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Session Evaluation Form - Session 10

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session. Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 11

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 54 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Page 53 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 11 Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: Blackwater Leisure Centre Session Prepare, revise, Blackwater Judo Club Venue: topic: grade Venue: Yoko-ukemi Saturday Session objectives: Kumi-kata, Tai-otoshi, turn over into Session time: 10.30 – 11.30 Yoko-shiho-gatame Mats Ability/special Aged 10 and under, Novice to 3rd Mon (red, 3 yellow tabs) Equipment/resources Flexi discs needs: required:

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

0 Formal Rei Line up

Introduction & Coaching Line Introduce Session Topic Tell Safety Group Perform kata warm up – punch & kick Space awareness Warm-up Flexi-disc assult course- jump/hop/crawl 15 Featured Coaching Line Yoko-Ukemi - with partner Show and tell Space awareness Breakfall 1.uke on knees, tori standing Demonstrate 2.standard grip, tori steers like a bus 3.uke to perform side breakfall 4.repeat from both standing position Have a go Pairs HAVE A GO - praise 1-2-1 as required 20 Coaching Line for Grip – move partner back, forward, Show and tell Kumi-kata & demonstration side to side. Maintain control. Change Space awareness Kuzushi Pairs grips Exercise – Judo grip, turn & grip Have a go No running Flexi discs in a circle Exercise – Uke stand still, tori move 1-2-1 as req’d for slalom uke Exercise – Now walking, move uke Exercise – move Uke around disc circle (Backwards and forwards)

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 56 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety 35 Tai-otoshi Coaching Line for From standard grip Show & tell demonstration Ex 1 Uke on knees, tori Bend at knee whole body turn, maintain judo grip Explain why!! Pairs Ex 2- start from bent knee position 1-2-1 as req’d Protect uke Break balance and 45 Turn-over into Yoko- Coaching Line for turn whole body shiho-gatame demonstration Ex 3 – Uke push tori, Pairs tori turn and make Have a go triangle legs to trip uke Show turnover, Uke on all fours, Tori takes furthest arm and knee. Pull and roll, low chest, into Yoko-shiho-gatame 50 Turn-over into Mune-gat Coaching Line for Show. Tori at head end, demonstration uke on knees and Tell & record Pairs elbows, tori hold right arm, tori put hand under uke left arm and place Have a go 55 Call out for Demo’s Line up on uke back, turn body, move into Mune Tell and observe Have a go 58 Formal rei to complete Line up 3 pairs call out

Q&A Praise

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Witness comments:

Witness signature: Date:

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Session Evaluation Form - Session 11

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session. Task 8a - Facility Safety Checklist – Session 12

This template should be completed prior to each of your coaching sessions taking place

Page 57 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Where can a telephone be accessed in case of emergencies?

Where are the emergency access points? Are they checked, clearly marked and operational? (If not, please outline the issues and action taken, if any.)

Which emergency procedures are published and accessible to you? (If none, please outline how this information can be obtained and action taken, if any.)

Who are the designated First Aiders?

Where is the First Aid Box?

Is the First Aid Box up to date? (If not, please inform appropriate person to update)

Is the facility appropriate for the activity? - Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles (if not please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Where is equipment stored and how can this be accessed?

Check that the equipment is fit for activity and suitable for age group/ability (If not, please outline unsafe equipment, who may be at risk and action taken, if any.)

Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) Page 58 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Task 8b - Judo Coaching Session Plan Template – Session 12 Candidate name: Lee Palmer Date: West Maldon Community Centre Session Prepare, revise, Blackwater Judo Club Venue: topic: grade Venue: 4 breakfalls Thursday Session objectives: 6 Osaekomi-waza Session time: 6.15 – 7.15 Relevant Escapes / tap x2 Mats Ability/special Aged 10 and under, Novice to 3rd Mon (red, 3 yellow tabs) Equipment/resources Bean bags, one hoop needs: required:

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety

0 Formal rei Line up

Introduction & Coaching line Introduce session- any injuries Tell Any Injuries Safety Group Circles and stretches – 4 ukemi Hoop in middle with 4 groups, in corners. Relay, get right Show and tell Warm up & bean bags in colour bean bag. Run/hop/crawl/back Stand back Breakfalls 15 Kesa gatame Pairs Hold down, Kesa-gatame –brief demo Show & tell Space awareness Uke to trap leg to escape Observe HAVE A GO 1-2-1 as req’d

20 Kezure-kesa- pairs Brief demo of kezure and sit-up Show and tell Uke tap x 2 gatame escape Observe Move one arm into Kesure-kesa- 1-2-1 as req’d gatame Space awareness Uke to go for leg trap, then quick Show and tell move legs in other direction, and sit 25 pairs up. Mune- HAVE A GO Gatame Show and tell Space awareness Brief demo of Mune and bridge & roll Observe From Kesure, move left arm under 1-2-1 as req’d Uke tap x 2 uke head, clasp hands, move hips so belly on the mat. Uke to bridge & roll escape Page 59 Product Ref: L2CCJ 8.0 (NSG Version) 1st4sport Qualifications the awarding body for active learning and leisure

Time Activity Organisation Coaching Points Coaching Styles Health and Safety 30 Kami-shiho-gatame Pairs Brief demo of Kami, + Show and tell Space awareness bridge & roll Observe From Mune, move to head end, hands under uke shoulders, grab belt, head on chest, knees wide. 1-2-1 as req’d Uke tap x 2 Uke to reach up, grab 35 Yoko-shiho-gatame pairs tori back/belt, bridge and roll, now Uke has Kami. HAVE A GO

Brief demo of Yoko, + trap,bridge,roll From Kami, move into side-on position, .HAVE A GO 1-2-1 as req’d Space awareness 40 Player demonstration 2 groups each with one Demonstrate techniques Uke tap x 2 instructor learned: Tell & observe Kesa-gatame & leg trap Kezure-kesa-gatame & Record results sit-up Mune-gatame & Bridge & Roll 50 Cat & Mouse game Group Kami-shiho-gatame & Set up, stand back bridge & roll Yoko-shiho-gatame & trap, bridge, roll Not on red mat Praise. 58 Prepare for line up Cat chases mouse, all lay on floor around mat area, mouse changes when they lay next to someone. Allow 20 seconds only!!! Change catchers.

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Formal rei to end session

Witness comments:

Witness signature: Date:

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Session Evaluation Form - Session 12

This template should be used to review the session.

Review of the Delivery of the Session Describe how effectively you think you did each of the following:

What feedback did you receive from the players/parents:

What progress was made during the session? Describe how the players’ performance improved:

On reflection, was the session goal appropriate and was the goal/ objective achieved? If so, how?

On reflection, discuss whether the planning, organisation, activities, content of the session was adequate and appropriate to the players’ needs.

Review the delivery of your session. Think about coaching methods, style, communication, timing, demonstrations and content. What might you change?

Personal Action Plan: Include what were your strengths and weaknesses of your session and 3 things that you will work on for your next session.

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