Rocky Fordcity Council

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Rocky Fordcity Council


December 13, 2016

Rocky Ford City Council held a 2017 budget work session with Interim City Manager Gary Cox and Senior Finance Accountant Kimberly Dawkins Adams at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 in Council Chambers. Following the work session, they met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Sitton called the meeting to order. Those present at roll call were: Mayor: Jarold Sitton Councilmembers: Susan Jung, J.R. Thompson, Charles Pattie, Rachel Patrick, Rich Geist, Leon Ortega Staff: Interim City Manager Gary Cox, City Attorney H. Barton Mendenhall, City Clerk Cheryl Grasmick

Others present: John and Phyllis Adkins, Janet Penrod, Jerry Baca, Steve Culver, James Satt and Dorothy Perea.

Mayor Sitton led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Councilmember Thompson moved to approve the minutes of the regular November 22, 2016 Council meeting as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Ortega. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.


Councilmember Thompson moved to approve the agenda with consent items as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Jung. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.

The consent items approved were the 3.2 % beer retail license (off premises) renewal for Loaf N Jug #49, 305 N. 10th Street, and the club liquor license renewal for Rocky Ford B.P.O.E. #1147 (Elks Lodge), 301 N. 9th Street, both in Rocky Ford, CO.


1 James Satt addressed Council regarding his previous requests to erect a memorial and to re-name streets Goebel, Allen, and Bob Marley.


Phyllis Adkins gave an end of the year Tree Board report to Council. She informed Council that the Tree Board asked Dorothy Perea to be a new member. Mrs. Adkins will present the recommendation for appointment at a January Council meeting. The Downtown project is now completed. She thanked Rick Long, Eric Encinias and public works crew for their work. Mrs. Adkins reminded Council that downtown planter boxes need to be replanted yearly. Business owners are helping to keep the planters watered. She also asked that Council consider budgeting a line item amount for the Federal Landscaping Restoration Grant, so the City does not lose the grant. The City could receive $5,000 a year for 3 years if it provided $3,000 in-kind match and $2,000 matching cash. Mrs. Adkins was hopeful that the City could provide more in- kind match, less cash match and still qualify for the grant.


Interim City Manager Cox reported on the following items:  He thanked Hancock and Froese for spending 2½ hours recently with Senior Finance Accountant Kimberly Dawkins Adams and himself. They discussed budget issues and the possibility and procedure for transferring funds to aid in balancing next year’s budget.  Each department must have a purchase order signed and approved by him before any spending.  Per advice from the auditors, the City needs to raise sewer and water rates.  Starting in 2017, with the Council’s permission, he would like to have Hancock and Froese come in quarterly to review and help prepare for the year-end audit. According to Hancock and Froese, the audit would not cost any more if they did come in quarterly and would help things proceed more smoothly.

Councilmember Pattie moved to approve the Letter of Engagement with Hancock Froese & Company LLC, to approve quarterly financial audit reviews and to authorize the Mayor to sign documents regarding these agreements. Councilmember Thompson seconded motion. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.



2 Suthrn Hospitality recently closed their restaurant but kept the bar open. They were advised by the State Liquor Enforcement Division that their hotel and restaurant liquor license would not allow them to operate as a bar only. Suthrn Hospitality must now apply for a new tavern license. Since their current hotel and restaurant license does not expire until May 10, 2017, the Penrods asked that Council consider reducing the new local license application fee of $1000.00. Following discussion, Councilmember Jung moved to leave the local liquor license and application fees as they are now. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Geist. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Sitton NO Ortega Motion carried 6-1.


It was moved by Councilmember Thompson and seconded by Councilmember Jung to approve Ordinance #920: An Ordinance Summarizing Expenditures And Revenues For Each Fund And Adopting A Budget For The City Of Rocky Ford For The Calendar Year Beginning On The First Day of January, 2017 And Ending On The Last Day of December, 2017 on final reading by title only. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Sitton NO Ortega Motion carried 6-1.

Councilmember Thompson moved to approve Ordinance # 921: An Ordinance Appropriating Sums of Money To Various Funds And Spending Agencies In The Amounts And For The Purpose As Set Forth Below For The City Of Rocky Ford, Colorado For The 2017 Budget Year on emergency first reading as presented. Councilmember Jung seconded motion. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Sitton NO Ortega Motion carried 6-1.


Following discussion of mill levy, Councilmember Thompson moved to approve and adopt Resolution #13, Series 16: A Resolution Levying General Property Taxes For The Year 2016 To Defray The Costs Of Government For The City Of Rocky Ford, Colorado, For The 2017 Budget Year. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Patrick. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.



It was moved by Councilmember Thompson and seconded by Councilmember Patrick to approve the following Councilmember committee appointments: Library Board – Susan Jung Museum Board – Rich Geist OCLI/OPI – Charles “Bill” Pattie Planning Commission – Rachel Patrick Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.

Councilmember Ortega pointed out that Charles Pattie will replace Daryl Grasmick as the designated representative from Council to the OCLI/OPI boards. However, since former Councilmember Daryl Grasmick serves as a community representative on the Museum Board, Rich Geist will serve as Council representative to the Museum Board.

Following discussion regarding the committee, Councilmember Jung moved to dissolve the New Public Safety Building Committee. Councilmember Pattie seconded motion. Voting results were: YES Jung, Thompson, Pattie, Patrick, Geist, Ortega, Sitton NO None Motion carried 7-0.

The ad hoc New Public Safety Building Committee was originally established by motion and has since fulfilled its original advisory purpose. City administration will continue to be responsible for reporting, financial requisitions, payments and other aspects of overseeing the completion of the project. Work on the project has been broken down into phases.

Councilmember Jung then provided an update on the splash pad at the Rocky Ford Swimming Pool. Friends of the Rocky Ford Swimming Pool provided funds to add a concrete pad between the pool and splash pad. This will help minimize tracking of grass and dirt into the pool. Future plans are to add a gazebo with extra money they have.

Councilmember Thompson reported on recent Arts Commission meeting. He reminded Council that the Grand Theater account was unofficially set up in the 1990’s as an enterprise fund and is self-funded. The Arts Commission decided that in order to help meet rising expenses, concession prices must increase. Because film rental fees are based on ticket prices and attendance, an increase there would not be very beneficial. Councilmember Thompson also informed Council that the Balloon Festival Committee will possibly ask for permission to set up next year’s balloon launch site at the City Industrial Park property. Once the new track and field is installed at the Rocky Ford High School field, it could not be used for a balloon launch site.

4 Mayor Sitton met with Action 22 on December 2nd in Pueblo. They chose Doris Morgan as their new director. He attended the closing on a small section of City property at Industrial Park sold to the Lindahls at Otero County Title in La Junta on Friday, December 9th. Mayor Sitton will attend a planning meeting for the Farm Ranch Symposium on Monday, December 19. He reminded Council that the Christmas Employee Luncheon is Wednesday, December 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Gobin Building. Also, the Council Orientation Work Session is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 19. Tami Tanoue from CIRSA will facilitate.


 Final Reading for Budget Appropriations Ordinance #921.


Councilmember Thompson moved to adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Sitton adjourned meeting.

______Jarold Sitton, Mayor ______Cheryl Grasmick, City Clerk


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