Our Church Calendar

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Our Church Calendar

CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, April 2 11:30 AM C3 Campaign Kickoff & Potluck (Fellowship Hall) Monday, April 3 10:30 AM Son Reflectors (Brudo Home) Tuesday, April 4 10:00 AM Growth & Support Group (Minamide Home 10:30 AM Growth & Support Group (Members Home) 6:00 PM Bell Choir (Choir Room) Wednesday, April 5 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study (Sloan’s Restaurant) 9:00 AM Prayer & Care Group (FEC Room 5) 10:00 AM Lenten Study (Adult Classroom) Thursday, April 6 10:00 AM Worship Committee (Adult Classroom) Saturday, April 8 9:00 AM UMW Unit Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Sunday, April 9 8:20 AM Chancel Choir (Sanctuary) 9:00 AM Children’s Sunday School (FEC Rooms 8 & 9) 9:00 AM Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School (Youth Room) The Story 10 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Adult Classroom) 10:00 AM Worship Service (Sanctuary) Standing Tall, Falling Hard 11:15 AM Church Conference (Sanctuary) 11:30 AM Coffee Fellowship (Fellowship Hall) 1 Samuel 12:20-25

Today’s Altar Flowers are given by Al & Margie Schriener in celebration of Margie’s birthday. Today’s Greeters are Lorna Pierson & Susan Skogerson. Today’s Ushers are Rich Parsons, Margie Schriener, Linda Whitney and Noel Woodward. Today’s Liturgist is Melissa Pryor. Our Music Director is Jerry Bursch. Our Sound Tech is Chip Murdock. Our Nursery Assistant is Wanda West.

If you would like to contact Pastor Lynn: You can call 760-534-1019 or email her at [email protected] All are asked to participate Shepherd of the Valley UMC in a Special Church Conference, 45501 Deglet Noor Street th PO Box 1805, Indio, CA 92202 Sunday, April 9 following worship. 760-347-1046 (Office) 760-775-6037 (Fax) [email protected] ORDER OF WORSHIP PRELUDE Holy God, as we journey through the gift of each day, remind us again of your holy presence hovering near us and in us. Free us WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS from the burden of our sins, and remove all shame and self- doubt. Help us to see you in the moment-by-moment *CALL TO WORSHIP possibilities to live honestly, to act courageously, and to speak L: Come and worship, everyone on earth, everywhere the sun shines, from our wisdom. Bless us now as we come before you in this P: Let us praise God together! prayerful time of silence and reflection … L: For listening when we call, answering our prayers, forgiving our mistakes, and providing what we need: SILENT PRAYER P: Let us praise God together! L: Come and worship, everyone on earth, everywhere the sun shines, PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER P: Let praise God together! *CENTERING HYMN Let Us Be Bread *OPENING HYMN Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Black Hymnal # 2260 (Sing 2x) Red Hymnal # 160 (v. 1, 3, & 5) *SCRIPTURE 1 Samuel 12:20-25 *GREETING IN THE FELLOWSHIP OF CHRIST LESSON OT Page # 255 (PB) & 224 (GB) Liturgist: The peace of Christ be with you. SERMON The Story 10: Standing Tall, Falling Response: And also with you. Hard Dr. Lynn Reece SHARING OUR GIFTS, TITHES, & OFFERING THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER OFFERTORY And Can It Be that I Should Gain Jerry Bursch COMMUNION HYMN Let Us Break Bread Together Red Hymnal # 618 (v. 1-3) *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow *CLOSING HYMN Grace Alone Red Hymnal # 95 Black Hymnal # 2162 (v. 1-2)

OFFERING PRAYER *BENEDICTION God of grace, it is our delight and our devotion to give these gifts to you. All we are and all we have are yours alone. Accept *SENDING FORTH Shalom to You this joyful offering as a token of our abiding love: use it to bring peace, justice and comfort to all the world. We pray in the name Red Hymnal # 666 (Sing 2x) of Jesus, Amen. *POSTLUDE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE GROW JOYS & CONCERNS 1 Samuel 12:20-25 NRSV MORNING PRAYER And Samuel said to the people, “Do not be afraid; you Jordan, Patricia Karbiner, Jenny Kelly, Danny & Rachel Keys, Maddy Kowalski, Lorenz Family, Dani Melton, Danlin Melton, Isabella Meyer, Rusty have done all this evil, yet do not turn aside from Moretto, Jeff Parks, Don Person, Gene Poe, Greg Poe, Joshua Poe, Larry following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your Poe, David Reed, Lou Reinitz, Todd Ruwhiu, Mike Schriener, Michael Sloan, The Unemployed, Muriel Wheeler, Dolores White, Walt White, Paul Wilson & heart; and do not turn aside after useless things that Family, Jan Woodward, Wounded Warrior Families cannot profit or save, for they are useless. For PRAYERS FOR HEALING FOR: the LORD will not cast away his people, for his great Shannon, Eddie Aguilar, Ricardo Brown, Betty Copher, Teri Cortland, Paris name’s sake, because it has pleased the LORD to Demant, Danny Diesel, Deborah Nicole Ellis, Rev. Ralph Fellersen, Carole make you a people for himself. Moreover as for me, Gardner, Bob Gominiak, Michelle Gruber, Pete Gryder, Michael Heyer, Cherisse Hollingsworth, Jillian Jackson, Sue Johnson, Marvin Jordan, Dick far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by Kaleida, Ryan King, Jennifer Klein, Malerie Kort, Gary Kretz & Family, Mark ceasing to pray for you; and I will instruct you in the Lescher, Roger Matthews, Bob McCormack, Janine Milis, Jerry Miller, Paul Miller, Marti Moore, Michelle Nelson, Sheridan Nelson, Travis Nelson, Anita good and the right way. Only fear the LORD, and serve Parks, Brent Parsons, Winn Peterson, Jeanne Poe, Ron Renaldi, Riley Rose him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what Sherman, Charlie Shibata, Janet Spier, Debi Spivey, Jim Stennett, Suer great things he has done for you. But if you still do Family, Kirk Swanson, Rich Taylor, Kitty Van Slyke, Larry & Nancy Wakefield, Glenn Warne, Lyn Watson, Cathy White, Ed Woodward. wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king.” STUDY

Things I’d like to remember from today’s sermon: The Story

Chapter 10 pages 129-143


PRAYERS OF CONCERN FOR: Randall & Joselyn, Teri, Chris Ackerman, All Our Military, Mary Ann Brander, Paige Bretz, Charlie Bye, Analia Castillo, Paul Castillo, Lucille Cavanaugh, Barbara Chamberlain, Janis Christian, Richard Cole, Hazel Cook, Lee & Sharon Ellis, Michael Fisher, Joleen Gayler, Michael Gruber, Ken Hall, Jean Harris, Cliff Hayes, Jacob Hayes, Jeff Hayes, Joan Helms, Len & Margaret Henderson, Harumi Hirohata, Alexis Hunter, Johnson Family, Stephanie

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