Abstinence and STDs

How Pregnancy Happens Pregnancy requires a man’s ______and a women’s ______.

Abstinence Defined: ______Abstinence is the only ______effective way to avoid pregnancy.

Risks associated with Sex ______Emotional harm Embarrassed Being called names ______& ______

Sexually Transmitted Infections ______(also called STDs, or STIs for sexually transmitted infections) are infections that can be ______from one person to another through sexual contact. There are over ______cases of sexually transmitted disease cases reported annually in the United States. There are more than ______that are transmitted through sexual activity. Other than HIV, the most common STDs in the United States are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. Adolescents and ______are the age groups at the greatest risk for acquiring an STD. Approximately ______new infections occur each year, almost half of them among people ages ______. What three STD are bacteria infections and can be cured some of the time? 1. 2. 3.

Oral Herpes At least ______of people have oral herpes virus. The virus can be spread from kissing and can cause cold sores on or around the lips. But it can also be spread from one person’s mouth to another persons genitals. STI symptoms Small red bumps, blisters, or open sores on the penis, vagina, or areas close by Pain when urinating. Itching, burning, or swollen glands in genital area ______and sometimes bloody discharge from the penis or vagina. hard bumps on the penis, in the vaginal area, or around the anus.

The Solution= ______The media makes it ______, is not a ______view of sex Make your own decisions about sex instead of going along with what someone else wants. Remember, if they ______you, they will ______. Take care of your body!

The Media The media can be a very ______influence when it comes to premarital sex. Movies, TV Shows and Celebrities ______teen pregnancy. However, they forget to show how ______and life changing it can be. What shows can you think of that are a bad influence?

HIV/AIDS  HIV is the ______that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  When HIV enters your body, it infects specific cells in your______system. These cells are called______cells or helper T cells. They are important parts of your immune system and help your body fight infection and disease. When your CD4 cells are not working well, you are more likely to get sick.  Usually, CD4 cell counts in someone with a healthy immune system range from 500 to 1,800 per cubic millimeter of blood. AIDS is diagnosed when your CD4 cell count goes below ______.