University Forum for Human Resource Development
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UFHRD Minutes
Minutes for the UFHRD AGM, July 2014, Wednesday 4th June 2014, The Edinburgh Napier University Board Room 2/04. (all documents from the meeting can be found in the ‘files’ area of )
1. Jim McGoldrick, President, started the meeting with a welcome to members, and thanking David McGuire warmly for organising the meeting and the conference, and Napier University for hosting it. David thanked Jim and expressed his pleasure at seeing everyone, and wished them a very good conference.
2. Apologies
ATTENDING Anglia Ruskin University Diane Keeble-Allen Leeds Met Julia Claxton Coventry Jim Stewart Liverpool JM Aileen Lawless Ed Napier University David McGuire Liverpool JM Peter Cureton Ed Napier Thomas Garavan Liverpool U Lisa Anderson Edinburgh Claire Valentin Nottingham Trent James Leinster ex-officio exec sec Monica Lee Sunderland Paul Smith ex-officio president Jim McGoldrick Ulster Martin McCracken ex-officio treasurer Bob Hamlin Wolverhampton William Scaeff Gloucestershire Sue Williams York St Johns Bob Garvey imd - UPM Malaysia Adekalu Samuel Olutokunbo ind – Durham Carole Elliott ind – Lisbon Eduardo Tomé ind – UWS Stephen Gibb Huddersfield Stephen Swailes Liverpool JM Rick Holden Liverpool JM Tricia Harrison London South Bank Jan Rae Manchester Met. Linda Alker Middlesex Mary Hartog Northumbria Sharon Mavin Oregon State University Darlene Russ-Eft Portsmouth University Valerie Anderson Southampton Nicholas Clarke St Andrews Martin Dowling Surrey University Paul Tosey Tilburg Ron Poell UCLAN Alison Holinrake Worcester Lynn Nichol
In attendance Sandra Costa, from Universidade Europeia, Laureatte Group, Lisboa, Portugal.
APOLOGIES Brighton Maura Sheehan Brighton Sue Greener Chichester David Simmonds CIPD Ruth Stuart Coventry Sophie Mills Glasgow Caledonian Paul Iles Gloucestershire Jan Myers ind - Robert Gordon, Aberdeen James Cunningham Kingston University Sunitha Narendran Leeds Met Helen Rogers
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3. Minutes of the last meeting (previously circulated) It was noted that Eugene Sadler-Smith was not ‘Head of School’ at the time of the meeting. Accepted as an accurate record, subject to that change.
4. Matters arising None that are not elsewhere on the Agenda.
5. Action Points (in blue italics)
Action Point 1. The Forum Executive are to seek to establish the Forum as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) after the next AGM when the new officers are in post. Ongoing
Action Point 2. Claire Valentin & Aileen Lawless will develop a proposal for an edited book on T&L in the ‘Studies in HRD’ Routledge monograph series. Ongoing
Action Point 3. Rick Holden and Sue Shaw to survey the impact of the honoraria reports. This will be ready for the 2014 AGM. Discharged.
Action Point 4. The RAC to consider enabling special interest groups. No Longer Live
Action Point 5. Monica Lee will initiate the process of nomination and selection after the January meeting.. Discharged
Action Point 6. Jim McGoldrick to draft a Memorandum of Understanding between UFHRD and IFTDO A relationship has been established. Discharged.
6. Reports
i. Chair A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Jim Stewart commented that this had been a successful year. As this was his last meeting as Chair, he was very pleased to be finishing on such a high level, and he offered his thanks to everyone who had contributed to building the Forum into such a strong network. He particularly offered his thanks to Sue Shaw and Monica Lee for their support and help over the years, and he extended his thanks to particularly include early members of the Forum, such as Devi Jankowitz, John Walton, Jean Woodall, Paul Iles, Sharon Turnbull and Sally Sambrook. He then very kindly gave Monica Lee an engraved glass and a cheque, in appreciation of her work for the Forum. She was delighted and thanked the Forum warmly for all the support and friendship they have given to her over the years.
ii. Executive Secretary A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Monica Lee noted that since her report Worcester had now joined the Forum, and she welcomed them. Monica echoed Jim’s thanks, and commented that though it was a very good time for a change, she would miss the Forum and all the friends she has made over the years and she hopes to keep in touch.
iii. Finance A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Bob Hamlin emphasised that the Forum would remain financially sound so long as it maintained a membership of forty universities.
iv. Research Activities Committee (RAC) A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Rick Holden reported that as reported the evaluation research of the honoraria conducted by the committee was very positive, though they stopped short of making clear recommendations. It was agreed that there should be an agenda item
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at a subsequent Council Meeting to discuss it further. It was also agreed that £3000 should be set aside for the next tranche of honoraria. It was confirmed that this money could be apportioned as the Research Committee felt appropriate.
Action Point 3. Evaluation of the honoraria to be discussed at a future meeting of Council.
Rick asked it to be noted that although he was happy to stay in place as Deputy to the Research Committee and in charge of the honoraria for another year, he would be resigning at the 2015 AGM. v. Programme and Qualification Activities Committee (P&QAC) A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Paul Tosey commented that the HRD Programs Database that the committee was working on was to be discussed at a symposium at the conference , and members were invited to attend. He thanked the Committee for their joint effort.
Paul noted that the CIPD are in the process of reviewing their qualification structure, starting with Level 5. Jim Stewart is an examiner for the CIPD, and he and the committee will keep Forum members informed of developments as they happen. vi. Practitioner and Organisational Activities Committee (P&OAC) Nicholas Clarke reported that members will remember that there had been two POA-supported conferences held at Southampton over the last two years, and although there has not been one this year, there are plans to hold a similar conference next year with Forum support.
Nicholas also asked it to be noted that he was willing to stay in place as Chair of the POA Committee and Vice Chair of the Forum for another year, but he would be resigning at the 2015 AGM vii. Conferences 2015 Conference, Limerick, Ireland Conference details were circulated with the current conference pack. This will be chaired by Ronan Carbery, and will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of June. The focus will be ‘Towards evidenced based HRD: bridging the gap’, and details are available on the conference web site: .
There was discussion about the number of streams, as it was felt that 16 was too many. Also, it was noted that although we give out a T&L prize, there was no dedicated T&L stream. There was also support for a greater focus on executive learning. It was agreed that the number and fit of streams in conference programs should be a substantive item on the next Council agenda, and should also be discussed with Ronan in relation to the forthcoming conference. It was noted that such discussion is to convey the views of the meeting, and is not to provide Forum guidance on what conference hosts should do.
Action Point 4. Conference Streams to be discussed at a future meeting of Council.
2016 Conference, UK. Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan, and Northumbria have expressed an interest in hosting this. They have been encouraged to put a proposal to Council
2017 Lisbon expressed an interest in hosting this. They have also been encouraged to put a proposal to Council
2018 Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan, and Northumbria have expressed an interest in hosting this. They have also been encouraged to put a proposal to Council
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viii. HRDI Report A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Sasha was congratulated on reducing the average processing times, and for the excellent on-line special issues. It was noted that HRDI is still looking to submit for SSCI recognition. There was discussion about whether the publication of a paper that was based upon a previous conference paper that was available on-line would be seen as self-plagiarism. It was agreed that Jim Stewart would research into this, with particular reference to whether the Forum should publish conference papers, and if so, where.
Action Point 5. Jim Stewart to research into this whether the Forum should publish conference papers, and if so, where
ix. Website developments A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Rick Holden confirmed that he would stay on as Web Manager.
x. AHRD Darlene Russ-Eft said that the financial situation was now good, with funds being placed into long- term securities. There had been discussion about the future of Advances, and it was decided to keep it as a topical issue journal, without grooming it for SSCI recognition. Bob Hamlin commented that the membership of AHRD had dropped, but regular membership remained stable. It was agreed that Wendy Ruona (in-coming AHRD president) , Jim Stewart and Sharon Mavin would review the Memorandum of Agreement between UFHRD and AHRD.
Action Point 6. Jim Stewart and Sharon Mavin to review the MoA with AHRD with Wendy Ruona..
xi. IFTDO It was confirmed that Jim McGoldrick and Bob Morton are co-chairs of the Scientific Committee. It was noted that some papers from Forum members won IFTDO awards, but were not accepted at the IFTDO conference, and this highlighted the need for greater consultation between conference hosts and the Scientific Committee.
Jim Stewart reported on progress of the joint UFHRD-IFTDO research project awarded to Coventry University, looking at professional practice on three continents via a Delphi study, a survey via IFTDO members, and focus groups with practitioners. The first iteration of the Delphi process has gone out, and the results will be fed back to the IFTDO conference in Koula Lumpa, and also to the Forum.
Jan Myers has taken on the project of a joint journal with IFTDO, and is researching what is needed to progress it further. At present the favoured proposed title is ‘Journal of Applied HRD Studies’ but this is likely to change.
Action Point 7. Jan Myers to report on progress with the proposed IFTDO-UFHRD sponsored journal. ..
7. BSI HRM Standards A written report was circulated earlier and accepted here. Valerie Anderson reported that consultation on this is likely to start in July, and she urged members to become involved. This is the workshop topic for the October meeting.
8. Election of officers and appointment to other roles Each post was considered and the results of the election of officers and appointments to other roles was decided as given in the attachment to these minutes. All outgoing officers were thanked for their work,
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and all incoming officers were thanks for agreeing to serve. Andrew Armitage was thanked particularly for standing as a potential Chair, thereby helping support the democratic nature of UFHRD. To be noted that Rick Holden and Nicholas Clarke are stepping down in 2015. Also that the Committee Chairs need to confirm their membership and inform Jim Stewart (as the incoming executive secretary) as soon as possible.
Action Point 7. New officers need to be appointed for 2015 to replace Rick Holden and Nicholas Clarke Action Point 8. Committee Chairs to confirm their membership and inform Jim Stewart
9. Any Other Business Approval of allocation of funds. Council approved funds to be allocated over the coming year:
Payments. £10,000 payment plus expenses, Executive Secretary; £1,000 plus expenses, Web Manager; £3,000 Honoraria.
Expenses up to: £1,000, Treasurer; £500 each committee.
10. Dates of next meetings
2014. 23rd October 2014 Liverpool JM, Workshop: Insider Research and Reflective Practice: Getting Published 24th October, Council Meeting,– Liverpool JM
2015. January 2015 Council Meeting and Workshop,.Wolverhampton 3rd, 4th and 5th June 2015 AGM and Conference , Limerick October 2015 Council Meeting, and Workshop – Westminster Business School
2016. January 2016 Council Meeting and Workshop,.Worcester? May/ June 2016 AGM and Conference Liverpool John Moores, MMU, or Northumbria? October 2016 Council Meeting, and Workshop
2017. June AGM and Conference, Lisbon?
2018 June AGM and Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan, or Northumbria
Action Points:
Action Point 1. The Forum Executive are to seek to establish the Forum as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).
Action Point 2. Claire Valentin & Aileen Lawless will develop a proposal for an edited book on T&L in the ‘Studies in HRD’ Routledge monograph series.
Action Point 3. Evaluation of the honoraria to be discussed at a future meeting of Council.
Action Point 4. Conference Streams to be discussed at a future meeting of Council.
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Action Point 5. Jim Stewart to research into this whether the Forum should publish conference papers, and if so, where
Action Point 6. Jim Stewart and Sharon Mavin to review the AHRD MoA with Wendy Ruona..
Action Point 7. New officers need to be appointed for 2015 to replace Rick Holden and Nicholas Clarke
Action Point 8. Committee Chairs to confirm their membership and inform Jim Stewart
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Ex-Officio Executive (Selected at AGM) President Jim McGoldrick, Ex-officio 2017 Honorary Vice President none Executive Secretary Jim Stewart, Ex-officio 2017 Honorary Treasurer Bob Hamlin, Ex-Officio 2017 OFFICERS (Elected at AGM, 3 year term, renewable) Chair of UFHRD Sharom Mavin, Northumbria 2017 Committees (Chair of Committee is also Vice Chair of UFHRD) Research Activities - Chair Valerie Anderson, Portsmouth 2017 RA - Deputy Rick Holden, Liverpool JM 2015 RA - member Martin McCracken, Ulster RA - member Sophie Mills, Coventry RA - member Alison Hollinrake, UCLAN RA - member Aileen Lawless, Liverpool JM Programme & Qualification: Chair Paul Tosey, Surrey 2017 P&Q - Deputy P&Q - Member Tricia Harrison, Liverpool JM P&Q - Member Claire Valentin, Edinburgh P&Q - Member Carole Elliott, Durham Practitioner and Organisational : Chair Nicholas Clarke, Southampton, 2015 P&O - Deputy P&O - Member Mary Hartog, Middlesex P&O - Member Catherine McCauley Smith, Teesside P&O - Member Sally Sambrook, (Individual) Bangor P&O - Member Other tasks (appointed at AGM) Web Manager Rick Holden, Liverpool JM / Jan Myers, Gloucestershire 2017 Newsletter Dave McGuire, Napier, open 2014 Representatives (appointed at AGM) Reciprocal HRDI Board of Directors Valerie Anderson, Portsmouth 2015 Laura Bierma HRDI Board of Directors Sue Williams, Gloucestershire 2016 Rob Poell, Tilburg (Chair) HRDI Board of Directors Sally Sambrook, Ind (Bangor) 2017 Dave McGuire (Sharon AHRD 2016 Darren Short Mavin) Reciprocal Organisational Membership Ron Jacobs (Wendy Rouna in- AHRD Exec sec, Ex Officio 2017 coming) EMCC Allison Hollinrake, UCLAN 2015 VP research Nicholas Clarke, EMCC 2016 Pilar Lorenzo, VP marketing Southampton. EMCC Shirley Jenner, MMU 2014 Irena Sobolewska, General Secretary IFTDO Claire Valentin, Edinburgh 2017 Bob Moreton IFTDO Exec Sec, Ex-officio 2017 Uddesh Kohli WIFO Sabine Manning Sabine Manning IFTDO Joint Scientific Bob Moreton Sharon Mavin Jim McGoldrick Committee Jim Stewart Valerie Anderson Claire Valentin considered by Vice-Chair Empty for consideration Not University Member
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Final Classification for Alan Moon Prize 2014. The Prize is offered annually at the UFHRD Conference in remembrance of Anan Moon, who was the founding Executive Secretary to the UFHRD. The 2014 conference is hosted by Edinburgh Napier University
Denise Currie (University of Ulster), Martin McCracken (University of Ulster)
‘Serving Multiple Masters’: Exploring HRD in the Context of Third Sector Partnerships for Public Service Delivery Sharon Mavin (Northumbria University), Jannine Williams (Bradford University), Patricia Bryans (University of Sunderland), Nicola Patterson (Northumbria University)
Become Your own ’Project’: Learning from Women Elite Leaders’ Reflections to Shape Women’s Future Careers
THIRD Yonjoo Cho (Indiana University), Aaron Zachmeier (Indiana University)
HRD Educators’ Views on Teaching and Learning in HRD: An International Perspective
SHORTLISTED (alphabetical order) Corry Ehlen (Open University of the Netherlands), Marcel van der Klink (Open University of the Netherlands), Henny Boshuizen (Open University of the Netherlands)
Building the Co-Creation Wheel: Which Mechanisms in Collaborative Knowledge Productivity are Leading?
Maimunah Ismail (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Noor Ainun Yeop Kamaruddin (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Nordahlia Umar Baki (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Roziah Mohd Rasdi (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Predictors of Career Aspiration of Malaysian Returnees from European and Non-European Countries
Marijke Kehrhahn (University of Connecticut), Wendy Peterson (Middlesex Hospital
The College-to-Career Transition: Early Career Adjustment of First Year Nurses
K. Peter Kuchinke (University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne), Alexandre Ardichvili (University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne), Karen Lokkesmoe (University of Minnesota)
Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness through Foreign Immersion Programs: Implications of University Study Abroad Research for Expatriate Development
Allan Ramdhony (Edinburgh Napier University), Helen Francis (Edinburgh Napier University)
In search of the critical in the concept of engagement: Implications for HRD professionals
Eduardo Tomé (Universidade Europeia, Lisbon), Apoorva Goyal (India Institute of Technology, Uttar Pradesh)
The role of HRD and VET and the HR market in one of the emerging BRICS: the case of India.
The criteria are that the paper is drawn from and has a focus on professional practice; it has a direct and overt content detailing reflection and its outcomes; the findings and conclusions have potential value and application in professional practice; the research design and procedures reflect a partnership approach between academics and professional practitioners, and; the writing is such that the paper will appeal to both academic and practitioner journals and readers.