Music List for the Michaelmas Term 2007
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26 August 0800 0930 1100 12 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Procession & Sung Eucharist Sung Eucharist (1662) Common Worship rite Howells in E flat Sumsion in F in traditional God is our hope - J S Bach O word immortal - Gibbons language 2 September 0800 0930 1100 - Juniors 1700 DEDICATION Holy Communion Procession & Sung Eucharist Mattins & Holy Baptism Choral Evensong FESTIVAL Common Worship rite Stanford in B flat Gaelic Blessing - Rutter Smith responses How lovely is thy dwelling The Lord is my shepherd - Noble in B minor place - Brahms Mawby Locus iste - Bruckner 9 September 0800 0930 - Upper voices 1100 – Upper voices 1830 - OLD CHORISTERS’ REUNION THE BLESSED Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Choral Evensong VIRGIN MARY Common Worship rite Britten - Missa Brevis in D Darke responses Smith responses Ave Maria - Lindley Maria, Mater gratiae - Fauré Walmisley in D minor I was glad - Parry 16 September 0800 0930 1100 1800 15 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Sung Eucharist (1662) Evening Prayer Common Worship rite Darke in E (Coll. Reg.) Stanford in Bb (said) Rejoice in the Lord - attrib. Let thy merciful ears - Mudd Redford 23 September 0800 0930 1100 - Juniors 1630 16 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist All-age service of Christian Evensong & Holy Baptism Harvest Festival Common Worship rite Stanford in C Family Praise for Harvest (said) in traditional The heavens are telling - For the beauty of the earth - language Haydn Rutter
30 September 0800 0930 1100 1700 17 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Mattins Choral Evensong Common Worship rite Leighton in D Congregational Smith responses O pray for the peace -Howells Murrill in E Te lucis ante terminum - Balfour Gardiner 7 October 0800 0930 1100 1800 18 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Evening Prayer Book of Common Sumsion in F Neary responses (said) Prayer rite Like as the hart - Howells Stanford - Te Deum in C Duo seraphim - Dering 14 October 0800 0930 1100 1800 19 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Evening Prayer BCP rite Wood - Phrygian Mode Neary responses (said) O Salutaris hostia - Elgar Britten - Jubilate in C O sing joyfully - Batten 21 October 0800 0930 1100 1800 20 AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Mattins Evening Prayer Common Worship rite Shaw - Folk Mass Congregational (said) Choir half term in traditional Congregational language 28 October 0800 0930 1100 1800 LAST SUNDAY Holy Communion Procession & Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Evening Prayer AFTER TRINITY Common Worship rite Howells Collegium Regale Neary Responses (said) SS Simon & Jude Give us the wings - Bullock Howells Jubilate (Coll Reg) O quam gloriosum - Victoria 4 November 0800 0930 1050 1700 Choral Evensong ALL SAINTS Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Mattins and Holy Baptism Cantate Domino – Pitone Common worship rite Scgubert in G Congregational service Neary Responses Glorious in heaven - Whitlock Dyson in D O how glorious - Harwood
Thu, 7 November 1900 ALL SOULS Solemn Eucharist of Requiem Requiem Mass – Mozart (K.626) SERVICE SUNG BY THE CHOIR OF EMANUEL SCHOOL, CLAPHAM 11 November 0800 0930 1050 1800 THIRD SUNDAY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist of Requiem Act of Remembrance and Evening Prayer BEFORE ADVENT Common worship rite Plainsong - Missa pro defunctis Choral Mattins (said) Remembrance Sunday Pie Jesu, Domine - Fauré So they gave their bodies - Aston Byrd Preces Howells Te Deum (Coll Reg) And I saw a new heaven - Bainton 18 November 0800 0930 - Upper voices 1100 - Men's voices 1700 Choral Evensong SECOND SUNDAY Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Sung Eucharist (1662) Ecce quomodo – Handl BEFORE ADVENT Common Worship rite Laloux - Missa Sancti Ignatii Byrd - Mass in 3 parts Neary Responses Gaudent in coelis - Dering Give us the wings - Bullock Harwood in Ab Lord, let me know mine end -Greene 25 November 0800 0930 1100 1800 CHRIST THE KING Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Evening Prayer Common Worship rite Berkeley - Missa Brevis Reading Responses (said) Let all the world - Vn Wlliams Ireland Te Deum in F Lift up your heads - Mathias 2 December 0800 0930 1100 - 1700 Procession with Music & FIRST SUNDAY OF Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Choral Mattins Readings for Advent ADVENT Common Worship rite Palestrina – Missa Eterna Byrd Responses SERVICE SUNG BY THE CHOIR OF EMANUEL in traditional Christe Munera Stanford Te Deum in Bb SCHOOL, CLAPHAM language Advent responsory - Palestrina Zion hears her watchmen’s voices - J S Bach 9 December 0800 0930 1100 Choir Juniors 1700 SECOND SUNDAY IN Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Special Advent Service Choral Evensong ADVENT Common Worship rite Victoria - Missa O Magnum Byrd Responses Mysterium Caustun Short Service Teach me, O Lord - Byrd TBA 16 December 0800 0930 1100 1800 THIRD SUNDAY IN Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Sung Eucharist (1662) Evening Prayer ADVENT Common Worship rite Byrd Mass in 5 parts Viadana Missa L'hora passa (said) This is the record -Gibbons Rejoice in the Lord - Purcell 23 December 0800 0930 1100 1800 FOURTH SUNDAY IN Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Short Mattins Evening Prayer ADVENT Common Worship rite Hassler Missa Dixit Maria Byrd Responses (Preces only) (said) Dixit Maria - Hassler Benedictus (to chant) 24 December 1600 Choir Juniors 2345 Christmas Eve The Arrival at Bethlehem Procession and Midnight Mass of Service with the Blessing of the Nativity the Crib Jenkinson - Mass for Midnight TBA I sing the birth - Moore 25 December 0800 0900 1000 1200 CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion Mattins Sung Eucharist at the Crib Holy Communion Nave Altar (Mass of the Dawn) Said (Mass of the Day) Common Worship rite Common Worship rite Darke in E Lourdes Gloria 31 December 0800 0930 1100 SUNDAY AFER Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Mattins CHRISTMAS Common Worship rite Shaw - Folk Mass Congregational service The Holy Family Congregational service This paper gives details of the main services at the Parish Church, together with information about the choral music at the services, and notices of other musical events. St Mary’s is a church with a well-established musical tradition, and this is reflected in the information printed on this service-list. With effect from last term the Canon W R Hanford MA BD LLM four-part choir has been re-instated, though some services will still be sung by the Vicar of Ewell upper voices section from time to time on an occasional basis. During Advent all the musical settings of the Eucharist will be a cappella, with music by Palestrina, Jonathan Holmes MA BMus FRCO ARCM Viadana (at 1100), Byrd and Hassler. Anyone who is interested in joining should Director of Music contact the office in the first instance; the office can give contact details. However, there is more than one style of worship at St Mary’s, including services of a much less Jeremy Cole ARCO formal nature, as on 23 September and 9 December at 1100, and particularly on Organ Scholar Christmas Eve at 1600. ‘Children’s Hour’ (formerly the Sunday School), Crèche and ‘Wayfarers’ run in conjunction with the 0930 Sung Eucharist. Further information can be found on the Weekly Notes available at the Church Office (open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 0930-1300).