FYBL Board of Directors s1
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Minutes for December Board Meeting
December 7, 2014
Frank Albert Dave Conrad Alex Kaminski Bill Beckert Steve Guglietta Michael Mihalek Vin Bergin Aaron Grieco Jamie Martin Chris Caccamo Mike Gulino Dave McCullough Doug Caneday Byron Frank John Truhan Rico Chiarillo Mike Gulino Kathy Wolkner Bill Collins Tom Wolkner
Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm
1) Secretary report for November 2014 Executive Board Meeting were motioned and approved.
2) Treasurer Report – Matt Gugliemo Income for November 2014 - $425 Expenses for November 2014 - $2,974 Net Loss for November 2014 - $2,549
Treasurer’s monthly report was motioned and approved.
3) Softball Report - John Wolfe agreed to be the Assistant Commissioner at September FYBL Executive Board meeting. - Will put $400 in budget for a softball pitching clinic. 4) Big Diamond – Dave Conrad - No report 5) Committees a) Audit – Kara Sardilli – Kara Sardilli will be working on the audit. Matt Gugliemo started compiling information / Audit is in the works. b) Registration – Byron Frank - Registration dates are Friday, January 16 (6:00 – 8:30 P.M.) and Saturday, January 17th (9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.). - Need to get registration signs up (signs in tractor shed) - Registration forms need to be updated to reflect baseball ages. - Need a copier or scanner. Bill Beckert agreed to bring one in for registration. - Fees: $90 for T-Ball, $105 for AAA and National, $120 for American. - Motion made to reduce Big Diamond fees from $150 to $120 (brought to a vote and passed). c) Marketing – Frank Albert - Need to organize a meeting with the Marketing Committee to get things going. - Will start making posters - December 19 is the date to get electronic copies of the Registration Forms in the Friday Folder. After a few weeks of running the electronic version, paper copies will be distributed throughout the Farmington schools. d) Safety – John Truhan - John Calcaveechia is working with John Truhan to transition the Safety responsibilities. e) Concession – Byron Frank - Byron will organize a meeting to discuss the concession stand and report at the next meeting. - Farmington Gardens has expressed interest in running the concession stand. f) Fields and Facilities – Alex Kaminski - Need to organize a committee meeting to come up with a budget for the upcoming year. - The pitching mount at Bailey needs to be replaced and needs to be put in the upcoming budget. g) Tryouts – Doug Caneday - Doug will inquire about booking a facility for the spring tryouts. - FSA is the primary choice, with Central as a backup. - Tryouts tentatively schedule for the week of 2/23/2015. h) Fundraising and Raffle – Mike Mihalek and Vin Bergin - Will set up a fundraising committee to discuss fundraising activities for the upcoming year. i) Uniforms and Equipment – Mike Mihalek - Need to get Fall and Spring ball equipment returned. Would like to have this taken care of by registration. j) Umpire in Chief – Terry O’Brien - No Report k) Lindquist Tournament - Byron Frank will be the Committee Chair for Lindquist - Jamie Martin will help Byron l) Special Events – John Calcaveechia - John Calcaveechia will run special events - The New Britain Rocks will host a Pitch, Hit and Run event for FYBL. We need to provide a date. m) Picture Day - Chris Caccamo will take over Picture day responsibilities n) Spring Program - Kathy Wolkner will do the Spring Program
6) District 5 a) Return Check – At the last board meeting, we cut a check for the Holden and Fliss fund. We had already done so, and they returned the $100 check b) Rules – Age cutoff, helmets, compression sleeves, T-ball coaching, pitching arm safety initiative - No Shiny or Chrome helmets are allowed this year. - T-Ball Coaching – there is a good coaching plan on the LL website - Pitching arm safety initiative –There is good information on the LL website c) The age changes have begun and are listed on the following website: http://www.littleleague.org/Assets/forms_pubs/2015/Age-Chart-Baseball-Revised.pdf and http://www.littleleague.org/Assets/forms_pubs/2015/Age-Chart-Softball.pdf d) ASAP Plan – John Calcaveechia and John Truhan - No Report e) Umpire Clinic - January 31st, 2015 from 8:00 – 5:00 P.M. Would like to get as many people there as possible f) Umpire School – March 18 – 22, 2015 - Anyone ages 16, 17 and 18 can attend. Doug Caneday will see if anyone is interested
7) Old Business:
a...a.i.1.a. Tryouts / Registration – FHS Booster Club will be at registration to sell tickets for the Winter Gala.
a...a.i.1.b. Other – We will no longer pledge money to FAAC until projects have been completed. They returned our $4,000 pledge since nothing was done. We may consider putting this into the Bylaws.
8) New Business:
Appoint League Commissioners in January
Dave Conrad will book FSA for tryouts. We will need 2 nights
Travel uniforms need to be returned
The Farmington Baseball Booster Club would like to put on a pre-tryout clinic. This is a great event and helps gets kids ready for tryouts.
9) Meeting was adjourned following a motion to do so which was seconded and so approved at 7:55 PM. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, 1/4/2015 at the Farmington Police Station.