Curriculum Committee s9
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MINUTES CURRICULUM COMMITTEE March 13, 2014 IN ATTENDANCE CHAIR Jason Gibson MEMBERS Linda Austin Sheri Brown Stacey Burns Joann Carpenter Kathleen Ciez-Volz Lori Collins Joanna Darilus Melanie Ferren Michael Franklin Paul Herman (for Jim Simpson) Tiffany Hunter Kym Johnson (for Margo Martin) Jose Lepervanche Steve Milczanowski Johann Pautz Joseph Ravelli Reta Roberts Cheryl Schmidt Shep Shepard Nancy Webster-Yurko J.R. Woodward SECRETARY Jennifer Stoetzer (for Rebecca A. Nelson) CURRICULUM SERVICES RESOURCE Kay Pope VISITORS Audrey Antee Jhova Renteria-Aybar Bill Barfield Theresa Bugler Tammy Cherry Jerry Collins Alex Combs Bradley Dale David Fish Elaina Given Nikki Grantham Laura Jeffries Sheila Kerr Stephen Lukacs Jon Lyon Jeff Mans Robert Massicotte Joanne Mechmech Sheldon Reed Amanda Sartor Terry Sawma Jeff Mans Marilyn Metzcher-Smith Kimberly Tenorio NON ATTENDANCE MEMBERS Michael Brock Billy Davis Jacqueline James Sheri Litt Ron Moore Terry Perry
I. INTRODUCTION AND CALL TO ORDER A. The Curriculum Committee meeting was called to order by Chair Jason Gibson at 2:40 p.m.
II. MINUTES A. Motion to accept and approve the minutes from February 20, 2014, was made by Reta Roberts and seconded by Cheryl Schmidt.
III. OUTLINE REVIEW PROCESS A. Overview of the Outline Review Process Presented by: Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz i. Dr. Ciez-Volz explained the outline review process and presented the process timeline overview. She explained that minor changes would not require a curriculum proposal and would not be due until June 2015. Dr. Ciez-Volz also stated that a 2014-2015 reciprocal review would occur with the faculty and a regular schedule/cycle will be presented thereafter for a consistent outline review process going forward.
Chair Jason Gibson recommended a conversation with Dr. Ciez-Volz to add an agenda item to the next faculty senate meeting regarding the outline review process. He also suggested Dr. Ciez-Volz engage in further discussion with Professor Rachelle Wadsworth regarding the process timeline to ensure dates did not conflict with the General Education review process.
A. Proposal 2014-31: Topics in Finite Mathematics (MGF 1106) and Explorations in Mathematics (MGF 1107) Course Modifications (Professor Nikki Grantham); Proposal 2014-25: English Composition I Enhanced (ENC 1101C) New Course (Professor Shep Shepard); and Proposal 2014-35: Course Prerequisites Impacted by Developmental Education Changes (Executive Dean, Academic Foundations, Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz)
Presented by: Chair Jason Gibson i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposals was made by Reta Roberts and seconded by Cheryl Schmidt.
Chair Jason Gibson presented proposal 2014-31 and proposal 2014-25 on behalf of the GER Sub- Committee. He explained that proposal 2014-35 had been withdrawn for further evaluation.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried. V. ACTION ITEMS
A. Proposal 2014-28: College Reading/Critical Analysis/Application (REA 1105) AA Elective Course Modification Course Modifications (Professor Shiela Kerr); Proposal 2014-26: Reading Comprehension (REA 0007) and Critical Reading Strategies (REA 0017) Developmental Education Reading Course Modifications (Professor Shiela Kerr); Proposal 2014-27: Critical Reading Strategies - Modules 1 and 2 Credit Hours (REA 0055 and REA 0056) New Courses (Professor Shiela Kerr); Proposal 2014-23: Writing Essentials I (ENC 0015) and Writing Essentials II (ENC 0025) Developmental Writing Course Modifications (Professor Alex Combs and Professor Elaina Given); Proposal 2014-24: Writing Essentials II - Modules 1 and 2 Credit Hours (ENC 0055 and ENC 0056) New Courses (Professor Alex Combs and Professor Elaina Given); Proposal 2014-29: Basic Mathematics I (MAT 0018) and Elementary Algebra (MAT 0028) Course Modifications (Joanne Mechmech); and Proposal 2014-30: Elementary Algebra - Modules 1 and 2 Credit Hours (MAT 0055 and MAT 0056) New Courses (Jhova Renteria-Aybar); By request of Chair Jason Gibson, he asked the Curriculum Committee to address agenda action items 11 through 17 simultaneously Presented by Executive Dean, Academic Foundations, Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposals was made by Melanie Ferren and seconded by Stacey Burns.
Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz explained the recent changes to development education legislation and the impact these changes had on the College and individual developmental education courses. She also kindly thanked the faculty who dedicated their time and effort to work through the curriculum revisions to ensure the courses met the new legislative standards.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
B. Proposal 2014-22: Honors Seminar (IDH 2001) Course Modifications Presented by Professor Laura Jeffries and Professor Jeff Mans i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposals was made by Nancy Webster-Yurko and seconded by Cheryl Schmidt.
Professor Laura Jeffries and Professor Jeff Mans stated that the course was designed as a leadership course for students who were enrolled in the Honors program. They explained that modifications were made so that the course is interdisciplinary in nature with instructors teaching varying skill levels. Both professors clarified that the course is intended to be rigorous with each section being approved by the Honors group.
Lori Collins requested that the language “C or better” be removed from the co-requisite of ENC 1101.
Chair Jason Gibson presented an amendment with questions that were addressed via email prior to the meeting today.
A vote was taken to accept the proposal as amended, and the motion carried.
C. Proposal 2014-02: Biomedical Sciences (T300) (B.S.) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Professor Stephen Lukacs i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Melanie Ferren and seconded by Reta Roberts. A vote was taken, and the motion carried. D. Proposal 2014-17: Fire Science Technology (2911) (A.S.) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Professor Robert Massicotte i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Cheryl Schmidt and seconded by Sheri Brown.
Professor Massicotte stated that the changes presented modify course prerequisites within the program. He clarified that the program changes clarified the pathways to degree completion for students.
A commitment from the originator to submit fully updated course outlines was supported by Jim Simpson and seconded by Nancy Webster Yurko. Professor Massicotte stated that additional changes to the course outlines would be presented at a Curriculum Committee meeting in the near future.
A vote was taken to accept the proposal with a commitment from the originator to submit updated course outlines in the near future for approval, and the motion carried.
E. Proposal 2014-19: Criminal Justice Technology (2239) (A.S.), Crime Scene Technician (6421) (T.C.) and Criminal Justice Technology Specialist (6420) (T.C.) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Professor Kimberly Tenorio
i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Cheryl Schmidt and seconded by Sheri Brown.
Professor Tenorio stated that the changes presented modify course prerequisites within the program. She clarified that the program changes clarified the pathways to degree completion for students.
Professor Tenorio stated that she would like to amend page 44 of the proposal to reinstate the co- requisite of CJE 2000.
A commitment from the originator to submit fully updated course outlines was supported by Michael Franklin and seconded by Jim Simpson. Professor Tenorio stated that additional changes to the course outlines would be presented at a Curriculum Committee meeting in the near future.
A vote was taken to accept the proposal as amended, and with a commitment from the originator to submit updated course outlines in the near future for approval, and the motion carried.
F. Proposal 2014-18: Emergency Administration and Management (Homeland Security) (2404) (A.S.) Emergency Administrator and Manager (6405) (T.C.) and Homeland Security and Management (6404) (T.C.) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Dean Career Education, Dr. Terry Sawma i. A motion to discuss and vote on proposal was made by Cheryl Schmidt and seconded by Steve Milczanowski.
Dr. Terry Sawma stated the programs presented were previously under the auspices of MPSS and were recently moved to the College’s South campus. He explained that the pathway to degree completion was not navigable for students, therefore it was helpful to remove inappropriate courses in order to increase student completion and guide students to the courses they really needed. A commitment from the originator to submit fully updated course outlines was supported by Jim Simpson and seconded by Stacy Burns. Dr, Terry Sawma stated that additional changes to the course outlines would be presented at a Curriculum Committee meeting in the near future.
Following additional discussion regarding incorrect program hours, Dr. Sawma withdrew the proposal and stated he would present the curriculum content at a later date.
No vote was taken, proposal was withdrawn by the originator.
G. Proposal 2014-21: Financial Services (T210) (B.S.) New Upper Division Program Presented by Professor Jon Lyon i. A motion to discuss and vote on proposal 2014-14 was made by Sheri Brown and seconded by Stephen Milczanowski.
Professor Jon Lyon explained that the new Financial Services bachelor degree will offer students a selection of core financial courses with concentrations in banking. He stated that the courses will prepare graduates to pursue jobs within the financial services industry including titles such as Loan Officer, Credit Analyst, Financial Manager, Loan Counselor, Personal Financial Advisor, and Financial Specialist. Professor Lyon suggested that this new degree program would be beneficial to the city as it builds on current financial businesses and opportunities.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
H. Proposal 2014-32: Fire Fighter I and II (5720) (PSAV) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Executive Director, Fire Academy of the South, Sheldon Reed i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Cheryl Schmidt and seconded by Sheri Brown.
Executive Director, Sheldon Reed stated that due to FLDOE state guideline changes, the program hours are being reduced from 450 to 398. He also explained that the statement for Record of Conviction of a Crime was also revised due to updated legislation.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
I. Proposal 2014-33: Sign Language Interpretation (221A) (A.S.) Program and Course Modifications Presented by Professor Theresa Bugler i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Nancy Webster-Yurko and seconded by Reta Roberts.
Professor Bugler stated that curriculum changes were made in order to align the program with the changes in national accrediting which occurred at the state level and now require students to have a bachelor degree in this particular field of study. She also stated that in order to avoid programmatic duplication, a course name change was processed and a test was removed, as these items are included in the 2+2 articulation agreement currently in place with UNF.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
J. Proposal 2014-34: Mortgage Broker (5747) (PSAV) Program and Course Modification Presented by Program Manager Bill Barfield and Professor Jon Lyon i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by J R Woodward and seconded by Michael Franklin.
Program Manager Bill Barfield and Professor Jon Lyon stated that the curriculum changes presented will bring the program into alignment with the current FLDOE standards and update the program to the corrected program title. They clarified that the program hours have been reduced from 24 to 20 and the program name has been correct to Loan Originator (Mortgage Broker).
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
K. Proposal 2014-20: Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1033) AA Elective Course Modification Presented by Professor Jerry Shawver i. A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Melanie Ferren and seconded by Steve Milczanowski.
Professor Shawver stated that due to Senate Bill 1720 changes to meta-majors would affect courses MGF 1106 and MGF 1107 and would include STEM and non-STEM tracks. For clarification, he discussed the placement of the exempt student statement and whether it should appear in the prerequisite area and/or the student advising notes section.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried.
VI. ADJOURN A. A motion to adjourn was made by Melanie Ferren and seconded by Cheryl Schmidt. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
NEXT MEETING April 17, 2014 at 2:30 p.m., Administrative Offices 451 (Board Room) The deadline for submitting proposals for this meeting is March 24, 2014.