Excel Still More #4
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Excel Still More #4 “The Gospel of God” 1 Thes. 2: 1-9 Note: Paul sounds defensive; because he is under Attack Error; impurity; deceit; manipulation; greed… bully Intro: 490 years before Jesus, an enormous Persian army landed Remember Paul’s premature departure… In Greece to conquer Athens. The Persians were the world’s He got this all stirred up and snuck out of town! Super-power, never defeated in battle. The Greeks were afraid. A brave group of Athenian soldiers, outnumbered, won a great Ad Hominem Argument = latin – to the man/person battle and forced the Persians back onto their ships. Attack the person, not their point The citizens of Athens needed to know about the success so that they would not lose hope and give up. So a Ill - My sister taught me this when I was about eight. professional messenger, a runner was sent to Athens from “Let me use bathroom first because I only take a few minute” the site of the Persian defeat at Marathon. Brilliant rebuttal --- Arrived with a two word message, “Rejoice. Victory!” “You’re stupid and those PJ’s are pathetic! t/s – I thought of that story of a Good News message this week Point: They were attacking Paul in order to Reject his Message. because our Scripture in 1 Thessalonians uses the word, “Good news” Many Turned and Trusted; but most Rejected the Good News. four times…. Four Times in Nine verses… (six sentences) Our Message, Jesus, Is this Good News from God. Our Message (Jesus) Is Good News from God. T/S – Why do People Reject the Good News of Jesus? OT Background: Isaiah 52:7 Prophet looked beyond return from exile to Messiah’s Deny the Source – The Gospel Is not From God. Kingdom… Set things Right. Exp – This Jewish traveling teacher has twisted the OT to make Peace, Happiness, Salvation from God Who Rules. This stuff up! It is From Paul… and For Paul. Good News (twice) Vs. 4 - …Entrusted with the Gospel
Our Message, Jesus, Is this Good News from God. Vs. 2, 8 & 9 – Speak, Share and Proclaim Gospel of God. Grammar = Genitive – God is the Source/Origen 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-9 Ill – I am just the messenger… “Gospel” = beautiful feet (marathon) Review: Excel Still More… a letter of Encouragement (first) Paul’s suffering; and commitment in face of lose & opposition. Our work for Him Flows form His work in Us. Conversion is Turning… to serve and to wait. If this is a scam, would I go to prison and make tents?!
READ App – What do you say? The Gospel of God (2, 8, 9) Gospel (4) Is the Good news of Jesus a Scam… fantasy made up by men? Speak… entrusted… share… Proclaim Is it FROM God!?!
Our Message, Jesus, Is this Good News from God. The Gospel is Good News From God. Distort the Substance – The Gospel is not Good News. Exp – The simple Good News of Jesus is often Distorted. Sometimes intentionally, maybe unintentional. People are not rejecting Jesus, but a Caricature! People are not rejecting Gospel, but a Distortion.
It is Easy to be confused… Words can be fuzzy. Mean different things to different people.
ILL – Night of Hope… Room full of recovering addicts. “How many of you here tonight are Sober?” to me, not intoxicated at the present moment. In that context, “Recovering from addiction”
I raised my hand High on the front row!
Gospel – is a word often Distorted… twisted and misunderstood Gospel = a style of Music Gospel = a certain volume of emotion in worship Gospel = a set of Rules or a southern religious culture.
App – What if you are not rejecting the Gospel but a Distortion of it?!
Present the Gospel of Jesus. (As clear and simple as I can)
God’s Design is Good The world is Broken; People are broken; I am broken. Jesus came to Set the World Right; by setting You Right. (Life, Death, Resurrection, Reign and Consummation)
Mark 1: 14-15
And now, you have a decision to make… Is this Good News From God