0. Introduction and Executive Summary 0-1
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March 2001
SE Moldelectrica
Moldova - Energy II Project
Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation of System Metering, Dispatch, Communications and Transmission
Environmental Analysis and Management Plan
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 Table of Contents
0. Introduction and Executive Summary 0-1
1. Scope of Investigation 1-1
2. Investigation Method 2-1
3. Baseline Data 3-1 3.1 The Moldovan Republic 3-1 3.2 Environmental legislation in the Moldovan Republic 3-1 3.2.1 Conclusion 3-2
4. Results of the Investigation 4-1 4.1 Transmission lines 4-1 4.1.1 General environmental aspects 4-1 4.1.2 Situation in the Republic of Moldova 4-1
Sarweystrasse 3 70191 Stuttgart • Germany Phone: + 49 - 7 11 - 89 95 - 0 Fax: + 49 - 7 11 - 89 95 - 459
Please contact: Mr Kuhlmann Extension: 548 e-mail: [email protected] 4.1.3 Conclusion 4-2 4.2 Substations 4-2 4.2.1 Situation in Moldova 4-3
4.2.2 Conclusion 4-7 4.3 New dispatch center 4-8 4.3.1 Conclusion 4-9 4.4 Metering, SCADA, telecommunication 4-9 4.4.1 Conclusion 4-9
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 I 4.5 Electric and magnetic fields 4-9 4.5.1 Situation in the Republic of Moldova 4-9 4.5.2 Conclusion 4-11
5. Environmental Management Plan 5-1 5.1 Mitigation Activities 5-2 5.2 Monitoring activities 5-7 5.3 Training Activities 5-10 5.4 Cost Estimate 5-12
6. Institutional Arrangements 6-1
7. Summary 7-1
8. Record of Scoping 8-1
9. Annexes 9-1
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 II 0. Introduction and Executive Summary
A feasibility study namely “Moldova – Energy II Project, Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation of System Metering, Dispatch, Communications and transmission” was elaborated for Moldelectrica as the enterprise of the Moldovan high voltage transmission network.
In the context of this feasibility study an Environmental Analysis and Management Plan was performed for identification of main environmental problems caused by the rehabilitation measures as proposed in the study.
Environmental legislation in Moldova is currently evolving on the basis of sound, existing environmental protection regulations. In some cases, previous USSR standards and limit values have been adopted or are still in force. Concerning electric fields, standards and limit values apply in Moldova which have to be taken into consideration for rehabilitation measures.
In the context of this rehabilitation project the construction of new transmission lines is not intended, so no environmental impacts in this connection will occur.
An environmental impact arises from the oil which leaks from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors with possible contamination of the soil and the groundwater. Broken seals should be changed.
Neither in oil from transformers, circuit breakers nor reactors were PCBs detected by analysis. On the other hand, there are some 20,000 capacitors at the substations in Moldova probably containing about 180,000 – 240,000 l of trichlorobiphenyl. Because removal of capacitors or renewal of old ones is not foreseen under the rehabilitation project, the PCB does not represent a risk within the presented rehabilitation measures. However, for future projects which propose to rehabilitate the capacitor batteries, the PCB problem has to be very seriously considered. The recycling of one PCB containing capacitor in Germany gives rise to a cost of about 100 USD.
At present, there is no possibility of removing and disposing of the panels and plates of asbestos from the control buildings of the substations in Moldova. Painting of the asbestos plates and panels with special paint is recommended as a short-term mitigation measure.
The fire fighting systems in the 330 and 400 kV substations are functioning, but they should be upgraded, especially the equipment of the fire fighting departments. Training courses for fire fighters to fight oil and cable fires in towns near substations and for the staff of the substations are generally recommended.
A replacement of lead- and sulfuric acid-containing accumulators is foreseen within the rehabilitation project. Replaced batteries will be recycled within Moldova.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 In case of a new dispatch center building near Chisinau substation, a drinking water supply system has to be implemented. For sanitary water a small water treatment facility would be necessary. Preparing of a landscape plan for the construction area is recommended.
If the dispatch center were to be installed within the administrative building of Moldelectrica in Chisinau, no severe environmental impacts would arise. The rehabilitation of the metering and telecommunication system and the implementation of SCADA will not give rise to negative impacts on the environment.
For measuring the electric field in substations, the purchase of meters is recommended to make sure that the Moldovan standards concerning electric fields at workplaces will be met.
Summing up, the proposed rehabilitation measures will not cause severe negative environmental impacts but will have some direct positive effects by replacement of old bulk-oil circuit breakers by circuit breakers of the SF6 type. In addition, new transformers will have oil pits and proper sprinkler systems.
Recommendations Some mitigation measures have been developed to counteract some of the most severe environmental impacts, especially in substations. But many measures will only be practical if they are incorporated within a waste disposal and waste management system for Moldova as a whole.
As a first step, soil and drinking water should be analyzed for possible contamination with hydrocarbons from leaking oil from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors. In addition, near substations with capacitor batteries, PCB analyzes of soil and drinking water are strongly recommended, because PCBs represent a very hazardous group of substances to human health. The electric and magnetic fields in substations and under transmission lines should also be measured. Together with the results of this EAMP, these investigations can provide a basis for developing of specific Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), containing Environmental Monitoring Plans (EMOPs) for the Moldovan substations and their surroundings.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 1. Scope of Investigation
The following Environmental Analysis and Management Plan discusses the main environmental problems confronting a rehabilitation project for an electric network and describes appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures. One main issue is whether or not oils from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors contain PCB as additives, and what is the hazard that results if, for examples, transformers are changed out.
Although not explicitly asked for in the project’s rehabilitation measures, the general environmental situation when constructing new transmission lines and the general environmental problems existing at the substations are discussed below. In addition, the possible environmental hazard of the PCB- containing capacitors and their disposal is one main issue addressed in the following discussion.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 2. Investigation Method
Between 15 and 20 of May 2000, extensive inspection trips along several transmission line route sections were performed. In addition, Fichtner's team had the opportunity to conduct comprehensive investigations of several substations. Intensive talks with the managers and the staff of the substations about the environmental problems were also held.
The results of this study are based on information and data obtained from the technical staff of Moldelectrica and own investigations as well as on the analysis of oil samples taken in nine substations. The survey of the terrain has been supplemented by Fichtner by a photographic documentation which is shown in Annex 9-9.
One issue of the field visit was the collection of oil samples from transformers, from oil insulated circuit breakers and/or from reactors. In nine substations oil samples were taken (Photo 1). The visited substations are situated along the line Balti-Chisinau-Vulcanesti (Figure 1). These substation have been chosen in order to ensure getting oil from substations being representative for Moldova. That is why substations of different voltage levels (400/330/110 kV) as well as from different geographical locations in Moldova have been selected.
In each of these substations about 20 ml of transformer oil was mixed with about 20 ml oil from either a circuit breaker or a reactor (Table 1). Where no reactor or circuit breaker were existing only transformer oil was collected (Chirilovka). The oil was stored in small plastic vessels and transported to Germany where the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in the samples was determined according to international accepted DIN 38414 S20 E (Ballschmiter & Zell, 1980; Annex 9-2).
Following PCBs serving as indicator substances for PCB pollution were analyzed:
PCB 28 2,4,4-trichlorobiphenyl PCB 52 2,2,5,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl PCB 101 2,2,4,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl PCB 138 2,2,3,4,4,5-hexachlorobiphenyl PCB 153 2,2,4,4,5-hexachlorobiphenyl PCB 180 2,2,3,4,4,5,5-heptachlorobiphenyl.
The analysis was performed by using glass capillary gas chromatography, the theoretic detection limit of this method is 0.01 mg/kg dry weight.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 Substation Voltage level Source of oil samples (40 ml) Vulcanesti 400 kV transformer (400 kV)/reactor (400 kV) Chirilovka 110 kV transformer (110 kV) Svotloe 35 kV transformer (35 kV)/circuit breaker (35 kV) Congaz 110 kV transformer (110 kV)/circuit breaker (110 kV) Comrat 110 kV transformer (110 kV)/circuit breaker (110 kV) Ghidighici 110 kV transformer (110 kV)/circuit breaker (110 kV) Cojusna 35 kV transformer (35 kV)/circuit breaker (35 kV) Straseni 330 kV transformer (330 kV)/circuit breaker (110 kV) Balti 330 kV transformer(330 kV)/circuit breaker(330 kV) Table 1: Visited substations and sources of oil samples
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 Figure 1: Visited substations where oil samples were taken
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 3 In addition, extensive discussions about fire protection measures, safety measures at the workplace concerning electric and magnetic field and other environmental problems were held with managers of different substations.
The existing environmental law and regulations in Moldova were provided by the staff of Moldelectrica, who was very helpful in getting the needed information.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 4 3. Baseline Data
3.1 The Moldovan Republic
The Moldovan Republic, one of the smaller former Soviet Union republics, is sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania. The republic declared its independence on 27 August in 1991.
Moldova slopes gently downwards from the Carpathian mountains in the west. The favorable climate, broad treeless plains, rolling hills, and wide river valleys have made Moldova a rich agricultural area (grapes, canned fruits, vegetable, tobacco, grain and vineyards).
Several hydroelectric projects meet the area’s domestic energy needs but Moldova is not self-sufficient in fossil fuels and has few raw materials of any type. It has to import all of its supplies of oil, coal, and natural gas, largely from Russia. Its industrial base focuses primarily on small-scale manufacturing (shoes, clothing, electrical appliances) and food processing.
Some internal disputes are going on at present in the Transnistria region. This region comprises the area between the Nistru (Dniester) River and Ukraine and has its own de facto government, dominated by Moldovan Slavs.
3.2 Environmental legislation in the Moldovan Republic
Environmental protection in Moldova is embodied by the Government in "The Law on Environment Protection" which came into force on 16 June 1993 (No 1515-XII). In the following years several specialized laws followed, covering questions like waste management, air pollution etc.
As standards concerning electric fields, the old regulations of the former USSR are still in use. Herein limit values for the workplace as well as for transmission lines are given which correspond to international accepted standards or are even more stringent (see Chapter 4.5.1).
An important project-related regulation is the "Regulation on Assessment of Environmental Impact of Enterprises whose privatization is pending. Article I. The General Provisions states:
"The Regulation on Assessment of Environmental Impact of To-be Privatized Enterprises shall regulate Implementation of Laws No 1515-XII as of June 16, 1993 "On Environmental Protection" and No 1217-XIII as of June 25, 1997 "On State privatization Program for 1997-1998 and in order to conduct environmental express-audit on the enterprises subject to privatization, implementation of environmental protection measures and accomplishment of environmental protection investment plan."
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 "The environmental protection actions and investment plans coordinated with environmental protection authorities shall be included into enterprise privatization program."
In 1999 Moldelectrica published an internal paper for applicants for senior positions which covers topics like "Legal basis of the Environmental Protection" which includes a list of all environmentally relevant Moldovan Laws and sections addressing protection of water, flora, fauna, protection from noise, electromagnetic radiation etc.
Specific noise limits do not play a part within the proposed rehabilitation measures (except during construction of a new dispatch center building - in case of realization).
Limit values concerning PCB are not defined.
3.2.1 Conclusion
Environmental legislation in Moldova is currently evolving on the basis of sound, existing environmental protection regulations. In some cases, previous USSR standards and limit values have been adopted or are still in force. These are similar or often more stringent than German or international standards. Within Moldelectrica, sensitivity to environmental protection is noted, however implementation of protection measures often fails because of the lack of money.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 4. Results of the Investigation
4.1 Transmission lines
4.1.1 General environmental aspects
In the course of the proposed rehabilitation measures it is not intended to construct new transmission lines. General environmental aspects and mitigation measures for planning, constructing and operating of transmission lines are given in Annex 9-7.
4.1.2 Situation in the Republic of Moldova
Generally, the existing transmission lines in Moldova have not been constructed according to current international standards. Towers have often been constructed on the top of hills and are visually intrusive against the skyline from long distances. Access tracks, which are no longer needed after construction have not been rehabilitated. Most of the transmission line routes do not run parallel to other existing linear structures (like main-borne services and communications, roads) and are not bundled with other overhead transmission lines, which would be advantageous under ecological aspects.
Moldelectrica has summarized laws, regulations, standards and limit values and published some rules in 1999 (Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources). Chapter 8 "Protection from electromagnetic radiation" Annex 1 gives some recommendations concerning the operation of high voltage transmission lines:
the strips of land allocated for transmission lines must be suitably prepared use of helicopters to lessen soil damage in protected landscape areas, tree orchards, high-yield crop plantations etc. if it becomes apparent that erosion is starting, corrective measures must be taken dumping of waste outside the access road or transmission line strip is forbidden.
That shows that there is an awareness of environmental problems which should be promoted. This provides a good basis for the implementation of new projects according in compliance with accepted environmental standards.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 4.1.3 Conclusion
From the ecological point of view the use of cable has some advantages - depending on the land use which has to be passed - but the costs for cables are higher compared to OHLs. In any case a good landscape management plan should be prepared. It will help to mitigate the impacts both of underground cables and of OHLs.
In the context of this rehabilitation project the construction of new transmission lines is not intended, so no environmental impacts concerning this issue arise. Nevertheless, mitigation measures for the construction of OHLs are given in Annex 9-7.
4.2 Substations
One of the main problems with open air substations can arise from transformer/circuit breaker/reactor oil or capacitor fluid which can contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In Germany up to 1980/85, PCB containing oils have widely been used as coolants and lubricants in transformers, capacitors, and other electrical equipment because PCBs possess good insulating properties and are fire retardant. However, PCBs can have some severe effects on the environment and on human beings.
PCBs are a group of manufactured organic chemicals that contain 209 individually chlorinated chemicals, known as congeners. PCBs are either oily liquids or olids and are colorless to light or yellow. They have no known smell or taste and there are no known natural sources of PCBs.
People exposed for long periods to PCBs in the air have experienced irritation of the nose and lungs, and skin irritations such as acne and rashes. Some studies have shown that babies born to women who consumed PCB- contaminated fish had problems with their nervous system at birth. Animals that breathed very high levels of PCBs showed liver and kidney damage. Animals that ate food with smaller amounts of PCBs had liver, stomach, and thyroid gland injuries, as well as anemia, acne, and problems with their reproductive systems. Skin exposure to PCBs in animals resulted in liver, kidney, and skin damage. It is not known whether PCBs cause cancer in human beings. In a long-term (365 days or longer) study, PCBs caused cancer of the liver in rats that ate certain PCB mixtures.
In 1968, the toxic potential of PCB became evident, when in Japan 1600 people were poisoned with rice bran oil containing PCB and several people died.
Very severe impacts do arise if PCBs catch fire. Between 600°C and 900°C, they form highly toxic and carcinogenic furans (PCDF) and dioxins (PCDD). The toxicity of dioxins is well known since the accident in Seveso, Italy in 1976.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 4.2.1 Situation in Moldova
Oil used in transformers, circuit breakers, and reactors In all meetings, the question of whether the transformer oil contains PCBs or not was discussed. The result was that there is no indication that artificial, PCB-containing oil is used for transformers, circuit breakers, and reactors. Obviously, only mineral oil coming from Russia is used for replenishing oil losses. However, no analysis of oil contents has ever been conducted by Moldelectrica or other independent institutions in Moldova.. That is why Fichtner's team took oil samples in nine substations (Table 1) and determined the PCB concentration in the oil as listed in Table 2.
Substation PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB 28 52 101 138 153 180 Vulcanesti < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Chirilovka < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Svotloe < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Congaz < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Comrat < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Ghidighici < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Cojusna < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Straseni < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Balti < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Table 2: Concentrations of PCBs in mg/kg analyzed according to Ballschmiter and Zell (1980)
As shown in Table 2 the concentrations of all PCBs in the oil samples were below the detection limit (see Annex 9-3). According to the interviews only natural oil is used in Moldovan transformers, reactors and circuit breakers. Usually, this oil is coming from Russia and the same oil is used in transformers all over Moldova. There are no specific oil requirements for transformers e.g. of different voltage levels.
Unfortunately, there are no data existing about the composition of the used oil. The specifications only describing the acid and water content and are giving some physical data by dielectric strength testing like flame point and break down voltage.
From all results – analyses and interviews – it can be deduced that probably no PCB containing oil is used in high voltage transformers, reactors or circuit breakers. Using PCB in such oils would also have been very costly and would have only been used where absolutely necessary. However, it can not be excluded that e.g. at the low voltage level PCB containing transformers are in use.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 3 In Vulcanesti, used oil from transformers or circuit breakers is sold to the oil company Lukoil. In Ghidighici a small cleaning facility to remove the water from the oil has been installed.
An environmental impact of the project can be leaking of oil from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors. This can penetrate the soil and can possibly contaminate the groundwater. However, for big substations like Vulcanesti, below the transformers, oily rainwater is collected in concrete underground retention bunds. No oil separators are installed: In the retention bunds the oil containing water is collected and is stored there. According to the staff, even after heavy rainfalls the retention bund will never overflow. Whether the underground pipes from the transformers to the retention bund or the concrete retention bund itself are watertight could not be verified. As a simple mitigation action, change-out of broken seals in transformers, circuit breakers, and reactors is recommended however spare parts are often not available.
Due to the age of the equipment (about 20 – 25 years) original manufacturers spare gaskets are no more available and cannot be purchased, because the manufacturers even do not exist any more.
Spare askets need to be taylored by Moldelectrica `s maintenance people as reported to be the current procedure in this case.
Capacitors In contrast to transformer oil, the capacitors used in Moldova contain most probably PCB, in fact trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 28). This conclusion is based on interviews with the staff of Moldelectrica and of the substations. In addition, the specification of the capacitors is talking about a "synthetic liquid" used as dielectric in the capacitors" (but not saying PCB or trichlorobiphenyl expressly). Trichlorobiphenyl is a synthetic oil. In addition, at the time of the production of these capacitors (about 20-30 years ago) PCB has been used regularly in such capacitors also in other west European countries.
Within this project it was not possible to take samples from capacitors. Doing so, the closed tins made of slab steel had to be dismantled with heavy tools. This procedure would also require protecting clothes with breathing masks. Such a sampling procedure has to be prepared long time in advance and can only be conducted in a separate study.
As shown in Table 3: there is a total of capacitor tins (made of slab steel) of almost 20,000 in Moldovan substations. Although, the Russian specification of the capacitors says nothing about the amount of the ‘synthetic liquid’ inside the tins, it can be deduced from experience with old German capacitors that each of the tins contains PCB 28 to about 30 – 40 % of the total volume. This would mean that each tin contains 9 – 12 l trichlorobiphenyl, totaling 180,000 - 240,000 l of this hazardous substance in Moldova.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 4 This amount represents a significant hazard to the environment, including to humans. There is no check for oil spillages of the capacitor tins when the capacitor batteries are out of order like in Vulcanesti. A standardized procedure for dealing with defective capacitors does not exist. In Vulcanesti, old capacitors (about 200 at present) are simply stored in open metal containers just protected from rainfall (Photo 5). It is alleged that in Straseni old capacitors are given to a company, but it was not possible to get information on the name of this company and what it does with the capacitors. It was reported that, up to 1989, a company in the USSR collected old capacitors. In addition, until 1990 capacitors could be disposed of in the Ukraine in a military facility. These possibilities of disposal do not exist anymore.
In the context of the presented rehabilitation project it is not proposed to remove or to renew capacitors, which means the presence of trichlorobiphenyl does not represent a risk for the project under review. However, where implementing rehabilitation projects in future involving the capacitor batteries, the PCB problem has to be taken very seriously. At present, there is no possibility to incinerate or to dispose of PCB contaminated oils and materials in other ways according to international standards. One possibility would be to ship the capacitors to a hazardous waste disposal facility in Germany (e.g. ABB Service GmbH in Dortmund). A brief description of the recycling process is given in Annex 9-1.
Based upon the number of capacitor tins as reported by Moldelectrica the expected costs for disposure have been included in the mitigation plan. Further costs have been allocated for site investigation with regards to the PCB problem, i.e. identification of sites, taking samples, analysis etc. As an urgent measure it is recommended to provide lockable containers for storage of leaking capacitor tins in Vulcanesti and other substations, where leaking capacitor tins were found.
The cost assessment was not included into the cost estimation of the rehabilitation project of Energy II Project as the proposed rehabilitation measures are not touched.
It is estimated that its costs will total between 1.75 USD and 2 USD per kg capacitor. Each capacitor has a weight of 54 kg, giving rise to about 100 USD per capacitor depending on the total number of capacitors to be disposed of. This includes all costs like shipping of the capacitors from Moldova to Germany by truck, dismantling of the capacitors, incineration of PCB and final disposal of contaminated material. Special containers for proper transport of the capacitors will be made available by the recycling company. Legal questions on the export of PCB out of Moldova and to import it into Germany have to be clarified.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 5 No Substation Capacity/MVAr Type No. per Total No. Status phase of tins 1 Orhei 2 x 4,2 KC2-0,66-40-IYI 88 264 no function 2 Straseni 2 x 44,5 KC2-I,0,5-60-YI 288 864 no function 3 Hincesti 5,3 KCI-0,66-20-IYI 44 132 no function 4 Comrat 9,6 KC2A-0,66-40-YI 96 288 in service during Winter 5 Ciadir Lunga 2,7 KCII-0,66-40-YI 30 90 6 Vulcanesti 4032 12092 no function 7 Bender South 5,7 + 5,3 + 3,8 KCI-0,66-20-YI 200 600 in service during Winter 8 Ribniza 4 x 4,6 KC2-0,66-40-IYI 224 672 no function (Transnistria) 9 Kamenca 2 x 5,3 KC2-0,66-40-IYI 132 396 in service 10 Dubasari 2 x 5,3 KC2-0,66-40-IYI 88 264 no function (Transnistria) 11 Ribnitza 2 x 7,3 KC2-I,0,5-60-YI 192 576 in service (Transnistria) during Winter 12 Girtop (Ukraine) 2 x 8,4 KC2-I,0,5-I25 112 336 no function 13 Grigoriopol 2 x 8,4 KC2-I,0,5-I25 112 336 no function 14 Ungheni 2 x 5,3 KBA-0,66-28-YI 176 528 in service during Winter 15 Lipcani 5,3 KCI-0,66-20-2YI 88 264 in service during Winter 16 Donduseni 7,2 KC2-0,66-40-YI 60 180 in service during Winter 17 Edinet 2 x 10 KC2-0,66-40-YI 176 528 no function 18 Briceni 5,3 KCI-0,66-20-2YI 88 264 in service during Winter 19 Soroca 2 x 10 KC2-0,66-40-YI 176 528 in service during Winter 20 Drochia 2 x 5,3 KCI-0,66-20-IYI 176 528 no function Table 3: Capacitor batteries installed in 110 - 330 kV substations, including Vulcanesti
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 6 Control buildings In the control buildings of the visited substations, panels and floor plates made of asbestos are used (see Annex 9-9, Photo 7). Asbestos is known to be harmful to people, especially if the plates and panels are worked and dust is raised. This asbestos dust can be carcinogenic. Because there is no possibility of proper disposal of asbestos at present, as first mitigation action it is recommended not to work the plates, to paint the surface of the panels and plates and covering them to prevent arising of hazardous dust. Treatment of asbestos plates in form of surface sealing by using special paint can be considered as temporary measure only. The mitigation plan in Chapter 5.1 shows costs for painting and replacement of asbestos plates. Corresponding costs for substation buildings, which are touched by the project rehabilitation measures are allocated in the cost estimate.
Fire fighting equipment and management In the 330 kV and 400 kV substations at least the fire fighting equipment seems to be in a satisfactory condition. The transformers are fitted with sprinkler systems. In Vulcanesti the staff of the substations simulated an accident and started the sprinkler system of a transformer unit, which functioned very well (Annex 9-9, Photo 6). Other equipment consists of portable fire extinguishers.
In the cable ducts sand barriers have been installed. This helps to prevent flames spreading along the cables into the control building in case of a fire of a transformer or a circuit breaker. However, the penetrations for the cables through the wall are open, and here no fire protection equipment is installed.
In general, the fire fighting equipment of both, the local fire fighting brigades as well as the substation staff, should be upgraded. It is recommended to continue and intensify the training on oil and cable fire fighting of the substation staff as currently performed by Moldelectrica.
Accumulators Within the rehabilitation project it is intended to change about 700 blocks of accumulators containing sulfuric acid and lead. Recycling of the batteries will take place in Moldova. The sulfuric acid will be reused directly in other accumulators and lead can be recycled after processing it.
4.2.2 Conclusion
An environmental impact can arise from the oil which is leaking from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors, with possible contamination of the soil and the groundwater.
Due to the fact, that
PCB was not found in the oil samples The same oil and transformer types are used in all Moldovan substations
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 7 Retention bunds are common practice under transformers
Oilcontamination of the soil is considered not to be a problem at present. . Nevertheless the content of oil in the soil and ground/drinking water should be monitored as discussed in Chapter 5.2, because it could not be verified, that the concrete retention bunds or underground pipes are really watertight.
The retention bunds are backdating to the original installation of the transformers and substations (20 to 25 years) and from experience in other countries it is legitimate to doubt their tightness without proof. Activities and costs for monitoring of soil and ground water are given in the report.
Neither in oil from transformers, nor in circuit breakers or reactors could PCBs be found. On the other hand, there are about 20,000 capacitors at the substations in Moldova containing probably about 180,000 – 240,000 l of trichlorobiphenyl. Because no removal of capacitors or renewal of old ones is intended within the proposed rehabilitation measures, the PCB does not represent a risk for this rehabilitation project. However, for future projects with rehabilitation of the capacitor batteries, the PCB problem has to be taken into consideration very seriously.
The monitoring of air contamination with asbestos is recommended as well as the removal and disposal of the panels and plates of asbestos from the control buildings of the substations. At least asbestos panels have to be painted as a temporary measure.
The fire fighting systems in the visited 330 and 400 kV substations are working. Training courses for fire fighters in towns near substations and for the staff of the substations are recommended.
Removed accumulators will be recycled in Moldova.
4.3 New dispatch center
There are two possibilities discussed in the rehabilitation report. First, installing the dispatch center within the administrative building of Moldelectrica in Chisinau. This would give rise to waste from the rebuilding measures what has to be disposed of in a proper way. However, no asbestos containing material is expected. The existing water/waste water system can be used by the future staff of the dispatch center.
Second, constructing a new dispatch center building nearby, but neither drinking water facilities nor sanitary water system exists. Drinking water could be obtained from the adjacent Chisinau substation. It is expected that about 50 people will work in this dispatch center. For this staff, a small sewage treatment plant must be provided. The costs for it will total to about 15.000 USD. This cesspit has to be emptied about 3 to 4 times a year. The preparing of a landscape plan for the construction area is recommended.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 8 4.3.1 Conclusion
No severe environmental impacts will arise by the construction of a new dispatch center. In case of the construction of a new building for it, a small sewage treatment plant will be necessary and the preparing of a landscape plan for the construction area is recommended.
4.4 Metering, SCADA, telecommunication
It is foreseen to connect the major substations Chisinau and Straseni, Vatra region and Power station CHP-2 through fiber optic cable and microwave links. The fiber optic cables will be installed on the existing 110 kV transmission line connection Chisinau, CHP-2 and Straseni. For installing the microwave links, it would be not necessary to construct new towers or new buildings.
4.4.1 Conclusion
The rehabilitation of the metering and telecommunication system and the implementation of SCADA will not cause severe negative impacts on the environment.
4.5 Electric and magnetic fields
In Annex 9-4 some information about the newest research about biological and health effects of electric and magnetic fields is given. In Annex 9-5 international standards and limit values are given for comparison to the Moldovan ones.
4.5.1 Situation in the Republic of Moldova
According to the substation managers in substations of 330 kV and 400 kV, the electric field is measured routinely and charts showing the distribution of the electric field in the substation have been prepared. However, a demonstration of the meter for electric fields failed because the meter did not work. In 110 kV substations the electric field was measured once after construction.
According to the old regulations of the USSR, which are still in force in Moldova, the electric field at the workplace with continuous exposure to operators must not exceed 5 kV/m. Below 5 kV/m there are no restrictions concerning the exposure time for workers. Between 5 and 25 kV/m the maximum exposure time is calculated according to:
T[hrs] = 50/E – 2 E = electric field [kV/m]
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 9 That means the exposure time in an electric field of 25 kV/m is 0 hrs. Working in an electric field of 25 kV or more is not allowed without special protecting clothing.
The 400 kV transmission lines have three and often only two subconductors per phase. This causes a higher surface gradient and subsequently higher electric fields compared with installations in other countries with four conductors per phase.
In the following, some standards and limit values are shown according to the "Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources" (Chapter 8 and Annex 1) published by Moldelectrica, State Company.
Place Electric field [kV/m] inside residential buildings 0.5 in residential areas 1 in populated areas outside residential areas 10 in unpopulated areas often visited by people 15 in areas with difficult access (inaccessible for vehicles 20 or agricultural machinery) Table 4: Limit values according to "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources" (Chapter 8) published by Moldelectrica, State Company
Voltage level Right of way corridor (ROW) 20 kV 20 m 35 kV 30 m 110 kV 40 m 154 - 220 kV 50 m 400 kV 60 m Table 5: Security corridor over unpopulated area according to "Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources" (Chapter 8) published by Moldelectrica, State Company
Voltage level [kV] Minimum distance [m] 20 (2) 35 3 (4) 110 4 (5) 154 - 220 (6) 220 5 330 6
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 10 Voltage level [kV] Minimum distance [m] 400 (10) 500 10 Table 6: Minimum distance from the outer conductor to buildings or other constructions according to "Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources" listed in Chapter 8 and in parentheses as listed in Annex 1 (published by Moldelectrica, State Company)
Minimum ground clearance [m] for different Land use voltage levels 110 kV 150 kV 220 kV 330 kV 500 kV Unpopulated areas 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Areas with difficult access 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 Inaccessible mountain 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 areas, rocks, cliffs Tundra/steppe areas with soil types unusable for 6 6 6.5 6.5 7 agriculture and deserts Table 7: Minimum ground clearance according to "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources" (Chapter 8) published by Moldelectrica, State Company
4.5.2 Conclusion
There are standards and limit values for electric fields (not for magnetic fields) in Moldova which in part are more strict than international ones. For safety at work, old USSR regulations are used. However, there are only limited measuring instruments to ascertain the actual strength of the electric field at places of work and in the vicinity of power lines. For international standards please refer to Annex 9-5.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 11 5. Environmental Management Plan
In the course of the proposed rehabilitation measures it is not intended to construct new transmission lines. General environmental aspects and mitigation measures for planning, constructing and operating of transmission lines are given in Annex 9-7.
Mitigation and monitoring activities for the substations and in case of constructing a new building for the dispatch center situated near the substation Chisinau are listed in the Chapters 5.1 and 5.2. Supplementing this, training activities for the staff of Moldelectrica as well as for the firemen are also given (Chapter 5.3).
All cost estimations are given assuming that the rate of exchange is approximately 1 Euro = 1 USD.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 5.1 Mitigation Activities
Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments (e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Mitigating Measure Install Operate Install Operate 1) Drinking water supply Supplying dispatch center 10.000 USD 100 USD Municipal Municipal if a new dispatch for new dispatch with drinking water from per annum authorities authorities center will be C center adjacent Chisinau built, operational o substation costs for maintenance of n the water pump s 2) Sewage treatment for Installation of a sewage 15.000 USD 500 USD Moldelectrica Moldelectrica if a new dispatch t the new dispatch treatment plant for the per annum center will be center new dispatch center built, operational r costs for u maintenance and emptying the c sewage pit 3-4 times a year and t disposal of the i sewage o 3) Integration of the new Preparing of a landscape 12.000 USD Moldelectrica if a new dispatch dispatch center plan for the new dispatch center will be built n building into the center building landscape 4) Old accumulators Recycling of the changed Included in Moldelectrica see comments accumulators normal below Reuse of sulfuric acid, maintenance lead electrodes sold to works of recycling companies Moldelectrica Table 8: Mitigation Activities
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 Comments
Issue 4 of Mitigation Activities during construction phase Actually there is no recycling plant for batteries/accumulators existing in Moldova. According to the interviews the acid of the batteries will be reused by Moldelectrica itself and the lead will be recycled. Cell containers consisting of glass will be cleaned and used by substation staff for other purposes.
Special management measures are not necessary.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 3 Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments (e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Mitigating Measure Install Operate Install Operate 1) PCB containing Disposal of PCB 100 USD Moldelectrica see comments capacitors containing capacitors for each under below capacitor supervision of O depending the Ministry of on the Environment p amount of tins e 1a) Storage of leaking Containers lockable to 4000 USD Moldelectrica capacitor tins be placed in each for each under r substation, where container supervision of leaking capacitors the Ministry of a were found Environment 2a) Asbestos Painting of asbestos 500 USD Moldelectrica see comments t containing plates and per building below panels i 2b) Asbestos Replacing of asbestos 30.000 USD Moldelectrica under supervision containing plates and per building under of an international o panels including supervision of specialist and disposal of the Ministry of following n the asbestos Environment international containing accepted safety material precautions 3) Fire protection Fire protection 25.000 USD Moldelectrica to prevent cable measures at wall per fires from outside penetrations through substation to blow through substation control the wall of the buildings control building
Table 9:
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 4 Comments
Issue 1 of Mitigation Activities during operational phase The following table shows the estimated costs for recycling of the capacitors of the listed substations by an international company if they all contain PCB. Removing, shipping and recycling of one capacitor by an international registered company (see Chapter 4.2.1) will sum up to an average of 100 USD for each tin. This price would be higher if only a small amount of capacitors have to be recycled but lower if a big number of tins have to be disposed of.
No Substation Capacity/MVAr Total No. Estimated of tins costs (USD) 1 Orhei 2 x 4,2 264 30.000 2 Straseni 2 x 44,5 864 90.000 3 Hincesti 5,3 132 20.000
4 Comrat 9,6 288 30.000 5 Ciadir Lunga 2,7 90 15.000 6 Vulcanesti 12092 1.000.000 7 Bender South 5,7 + 5,3 + 3,8 600 65.000 8 Ribniza 4 x 4,6 672 70.000 (Transnistria) 9 Kamenca 2 x 5,3 396 45.000 10 Dubasari 2 x 5,3 264 30.000 (Transnistria) 11 Ribnitza 2 x 7,3 576 60.000 (Transnistria) 12 Girtop 2 x 8,4 336 40.000 (Ukraine) 13 Grigoriopol 2 x 8,4 336 40.000 14 Ungheni 2 x 5,3 528 55.000 15 Lipcani 5,3 264 30.000 16 Donduseni 7,2 180 25.000 17 Edinet 2 x 10 528 55.000 18 Briceni 5,3 264 30.000 19 Soroca 2 x 10 528 55.000 20 Drochia 2 x 5,3 528 55.000
Table 10: Cost Estimation of Disposal of Capacitor Tins
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 5 Issue 2a of Mitigation Activities during operational phase If the analyses according to issue 3 of the monitoring measures (Chapter 5.2) reveal contamination of the air with asbestos and there would be no possibility to replace the asbestos containing plates and panels, painting would be at least a minimal preventing measure. Painting of the asbestos containing material is always recommended, even if there is no possibility of conducting air analyses.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 6 5.2 Monitoring activities
Cost Responsibility Comments Phase What Where How When Why Install Operate Install Operate parameter is the parameter is the parameter is the parameter is the parameter to is to be to be to be monitored/ to be monitored- be monitored monitored? monitored? type of monitoring frequency of (optional)? equipment? measurement or continuous? Issue 1a Soil and Taking soil and soil once a year To monitor a 70.000 USD 15.000 USD Ministry of Ministry of hydrocarbons ground/drinking water samples, possible including a training per annum Environment Environment indicating a O water at least analyzing using contamination of pollution with Hydrocarbon ground/drinking course in a foreign including within and gas soil and lab for 2-3 taking transformer oil s around the chromatography water 4 times a ground/drinking year scientists/technical samples, p PCB substations with mass water with assistants for chemicals, containing spectrometer (GC- transformer oil about 3 months staff and capacitors MS) and flame and PCB maintenance e ionization (FID) of the equipment r Issue 1b Soil and Taking soil and soil once a year To monitor a 20.000 USD 15.000 USD Moldelectrica Moldelectrica alternative to ground/drinking water samples, possible taking soil and per annum issue 1a water at least analyzing in a contamination of Hydrocarbon ground/drinking water samples sampling, within and international, soil and once by an shipping and a s around the registered water 4 times a ground/drinking see comments year international analyzing below PCB substations laboratory water with expert and training water samples containing transformer oil the staff of in an t capacitors and PCB Moldelectrica international, registered laboratory i Issue 2a Capacitors Taking samples Once Prior recycling to 1 Month of Moldelectrica the monitoring from capacitors, ensure that all laboratory requires that analyses with GC- capacitors personnel and 2 capacitors out of o PCB MS and FID )see contain PCB weeks of order are issue 2a) Moldelectrica available for personnel for taking the n taking the samples samples if a laboratory see also will be installed comments below according to issue 1a
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 7 Cost Responsibility Comments Phase What Where How When Why Install Operate Install Operate parameter is the parameter is the parameter is the parameter is the parameter to is to be to be monitored? to be monitored/ to be monitored- be monitored monitored? type of monitoring frequency of (optional)? equipment? measurement or continuous? O Issue 2b Capacitors Taking samples 5.000 USD Moldelectrica the monitoring from capacitors, including requires that analyses in an capacitors out of PCB shipping to an p international, international, order are registered registered available for laboratory laboratory taking the e samples alternative to 2a Issue 3 Inside control Vacuuming air, Once To assess the 15.000 USD Moldelectrica The estimated r buildings of filtering of contamination of conducted by an costs cover substations asbestos and the air at the analyses in Asbestos international subsequent work places with expert maximal 8 a analysis in an asbestos buildings. Every international, additional registered building would t laboratory rise costs of 1.000 USD extra Issue 4 Around Noise measuring Once for 24 To ensure that 20.000 USD 4 days of Moldelectrica Moldelectrica If the staff has i Noise substations in instruments hours in times of the relevant for a sound Moldelectrica visited a training populated areas full load and standards for the pressure meter personnel course. after major public are met per substation See Chapter o changes in the 5.3, issue 2 substation design n Issue 5 Along EMF meter Once and after To ensure that 6.000 USD 2 days of Moldelectrica Moldelectrica Electric and transmission major changes the relevant for a used EMF Moldelectrica magnetic corridors, inside in the substation standards at meter personnel per field the substation design workplaces and 15.000 USD substation areas, corridor of for the public are for a new EMF 5 m around the met meter substation area Table 11: Monitoring activities
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 8 Comments
Issue 1b of Monitoring Activities during operational phase As an alternative to the expensive establishment of an own laboratory with all subsequent maintenance problems, sampling can also be conducted once by a foreign expert together with the staff being trained to this job at this time. This concerted action then enables Moldelectrica to take the samples by themselves and to send them per express to an international registered laboratory. For that the international expert will develop a detailed sampling plan.
At least the environment of all substations containing capacitors according to Table 3 should be examined. It is recommended to take up to 3 samples water (well water or drinking water) per substation according to the conditions. If PCB was found in the water samples immediate measures like changing of the capacitors is a must.
Issue 2 of Monitoring Activities during operational phase Capacitors are closed tins made of slab steel. This metal casing has to be dismantled with heavy tools before it would be possible to take samples. This procedure requires protecting clothes with breathing masks. If there is no possibility to analyze PCB in Moldova the samples can be taken by the staff of Moldelectrica (provided with instructions and protecting clothes) and sent in special containers to an international, registered laboratory.
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 9 5.3 Training Activities
Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments (e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Training Activity Install Operate Install Operate 1) Oil and cable fire Training course 8.000 USD Moldelectrica see comments fighting for local fire fighters below O 2) Noise measurements Training courses for 8.000 USD Moldelectrica see comments the staff of below p Moldelectrica concerning the use of e the noise measurement r apparatus a 3) Analysis of PCB and Training course for 2-3 Included in Ministry of see Chapter 5.2 hydrocarbons scientists for about 3 issue 1a of Environment issue 1a of t months in an monitoring Monitoring international, activities Activities i registered laboratory 4) Environment Training course for the 12.000 USD Moldelectrica see comments o staff of Moldelectrica below on environmental n problems Training course for the Environmental Department of Moldelectrica Table 12: Training activities
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 10 Comments
Issue 1 of training Activities during operational phase This training course should contain all aspects that fire fighters have to know to fight oil and cable fire successfully. For example:
What has to be done step by step in case of such a fire? What methods and agents can be used for fire fighting? Use of special protective equipment Storage of the necessary fire fighting agents How can further damage and effects on the environment due to fire fighting works be prevented?
This training course consists of a theoretic and a practical part.
Issue 2 of training Activities during operational phase A training course for the staff concerning noise measurement is necessary, because several aspects have to be considered. For example:
Correct placement of microphones in order to get adequate measuring data Accurate reading and evaluation of the measuring results Proper handling and operating of the measuring instruments Maintenance of the instruments.
This training course contains a theoretic and a practical part and could be completed by a short introduction in handling an apparatus for measuring electric and magnetic fields.
Issue 4 of training Activities during operational phase This training course should give information on general environmental problems due to the proceedings of power generation and power supply to the staff of Moldelectrica especially working at the substation sites. A further aspect should be the avoidance of such negative effects by observing simple rules. This course should contain both a theoretic and a practical part in substations.
During this training course a specific education should be given for the Environmental Department of Moldelectrica about methodology of sample taking, interpretation of data from analyses, reporting requirements etc.
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 11 5.4 Cost Estimate
Table 13 shows the estimated investment costs for mitigation, monitoring and training activities.
No. of Unit Price Total Price Item Reference Issue Unit Remarks Units US$ US$ Table 8 Drinking water supply for new Included in the project costs only if the new 1 pcs Lot 10,000.00 10,000.00 Issue 1) dispatch center building should be realised Table 8 Sewage treatment for new Included in the project costs only if the new 2 pcs Lot 15,000.00 15,000.00 Issue 2) dispatch center building should be realised Table 8 Integration of new dispatch Included in the project costs only if the new 3 pcs Lot 12,000.00 12,000.00 Issue 3) center into landscape plan building should be realised Table 8 Within normal maintenance works of 4 Recycling of old accumulators pcs Lot - - Issue 4) Moldelectrica Table 9 Painting of plates in substations 25 5 pcs 500.00 12,500.00 To be included into the Energy II Project Issue 2a) containing asbestos substations Fire protection measures on wall 5 big Table 9 30,000.00 150,000.00 6 penetrations in substation control pcs 3 small To be included into the Energy II Project Issue 3) 10,000.00 30,000.00 buildings substations Taking soil and water samples incl. Analysis within and around Table 11 7 substations containing capacitors pcs Lot 35,000.00 35,000.00 To be included into the Energy II Project Issue 1b) under guidance and supervision of expert 8 substation Air vacuuming and filtering of Lot 15,000.00 15,000.00 To be included into the Energy II Project Table 11 buildings 8 asbestos, analysis conducted by pcs including costs for international expert Issue 3) 7 substation international expert 1,000.00 7,000.00 Additional 7 substations. more Table 11 Noise measurement instrument To be included into the Energy II Project 9 pcs 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 Issue 4 (sound pressure meter) used instrument Table 11 To be included into the Energy II Project 10 EMF Meter pcs 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 Issue 5) used instrument
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 12 No. of Unit Price Total Price Item Reference Issue Unit Remarks Units US$ US$ Table 12 Training course for local fire 11 pcs 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 To be included into the Energy II Project Issue 1) fighting staff Training course for Moldelectrica 12 Table 12 staff concerning handling of pcs 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 To be included into the Energy II Project sound pressure measurement Training course for Moldelectrica Table 12 staff on general environmental 13 pcs 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 To be included into the Energy II Project Issue 4) problems in substations and around over head lines Total costs to be included into the Around 290,000,00 US$ to be included into 14 Investment costs/price budget of 288,500.00 the transmission part of cost estimate base case (Base Case). Table 13: Investment Costs for Mitigation, Monitoring and Training Activities (included in Energy II Project)
Table 14 shows the cost estimation in connection with the disposal of capacitors containing PCB
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 13 Item Reference Issue Unit No. of Unit Price Total Price Remarks Units US$ US$ 1 Table 9 Disposal of PCB containing pcs Lot 1,840,000.00 Not to be included into Energy II Project Issue 1) capacitors Cost estimate is based upon the And Table 10 assumption, that all capacitor tins do contain PCB 2 Table 11 Taking samples in all pcs 5 5,000.00 25,000.00Not to be included into Energy II Project under Issue 2b) substations containing supervision of international expert. capacitors and performing of analysis prior to disposal of capacitors 3 Table 9 Storage of leaking capacitor pcs 2 for 4,000.00 28,000.00Not to be included into Energy II Project. Issue 1) tins Vulcanesti, 5 for other substations Table 14: Cost Estimation for Disposal of Capacitors Containing PCB
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 14 6. Institutional Arrangements
Moldelectrica should name an Environmental Manager (preferably a chemist or environmentalist) who will visit a training course dealing with environmental correlations, methodology of sample taking, interpretation of data from analyses coming from the monitoring program and reporting. He will be responsible to ensure the effective running of the environmental program. He has to prepare progress reports about the ongoing of the mitigation measures and to report he data from the monitoring program to the Ministry of Environment (MoE). In addition, Moldelectrica should prepare a status quo report about the environmental situation at the substations including the status of the drainage systems and fire fighting instruments, conditions of the capacitors etc. Also the responsible fire brigade should prepare a report of the status quo of fire fighting equipment including recommendations to strengthen it.On the basis of these data the MoE can adapt the mitigation and monitoring measures to the existing conditions. The MoE should also prepare an annual report about the environmental conditions and make the data available to the public respectively to the employees of the substation. This report should contain data about noise levels, asbestos contamination of the air at the work places, oil and PCB contamination of soil and ground/drinking water.
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 1 Moldelectrica Environmental Department
Status quo report about the Adaptation of the situation in the substations mitigation and monitoring measures Progress report about to the existing implementation of the conditions mitigation measures Scientific supporting Continual report about of the Environmental environmental data from the Department of monitoring program Moldelectrica
Ministry of Environment
Report from the fire brigades responsible for Measures for the substations strengthening about the status quo of the and upgrading Annual public report about the equipment to the equipment fight oil and environmental cable fires conditions
Fire Brigades
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 2 7. Summary
Environmental legislation in Moldova is currently evolving on the basis of sound, existing environmental protection regulations. In some cases, previous USSR standards and limit values have been adopted or are still in force. Concerning electric fields, standards and limit values are applied in Moldova which have to be taken into consideration for rehabilitation measures.
In the context of this rehabilitation project the construction of new transmission lines is not intended.
An environmental impact can arise from the oil which leaks from transformers, circuit breakers and reactors with possible contamination of the soil and the groundwater. Although this fact is considered not to be a severe impact at present, monitoring measures are recommended.
Neither in oil from transformers, nor from circuit breakers nor from reactors were PCBs detected by analysis. But there are some 20,000 capacitors at the substations in Moldova containing probably about 180,000 – 240,000 l of trichlorobiphenyl. Because removal of capacitors or renewal of old ones is not intended in the course of the proposed rehabilitation measures, the PCB does not represent a risk within the presented rehabilitation measures. However, for future projects which propose to rehabilitate the capacitor batteries, the PCB problem has to be considered very seriously. The recycling of one capacitor by an international company gives rise to a cost of about 100 USD.
Near substations with capacitor batteries, PCB analyses of soil and drinking water are strongly recommended, because PCBs represent a very hazardous group of substances to human health.
The fire fighting systems in the 330 and 400 kV substations are functioning. Training courses for fire fighters to fight oil and cable fires in towns near substations and for the staff of the substations are recommended.
A replacement of lead and sulfuric acid containing accumulators is planned within the rehabilitation project. Parts of the replaced batteries will be reused within the substations. At present there does not exist a recycling plant for accumulators within Moldova.
For the possible new dispatch center building near Chisinau substation, a drinking water supply system has to be installed. For sanitary water a small water treatment facility would be necessary. Furthermore the preparation of a landscape plan for the construction area is recommended. If the dispatch center will be installed within the administrative building of Moldelectrica in Chisinau, no severe environmental impacts will arise.
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 1 The rehabilitation of the metering and telecommunication system and the implementation of SCADA will not cause negative impacts on the environment.
For measuring noise and the electric field in and around the substations, the purchase of meters is recommended to make sure that the Moldovan standards at workplaces and for the public are met.
Summing up, the proposed rehabilitation measures themselves will not cause severe negative environmental impacts but will have some direct positive effects by replacement of old bulk-oil circuit breakers by circuit breakers of the SF6 type. In addition, new transformers will have new or rehabilitated oil pits and, if necessary, rehabilitated sprinkler systems.
6543P04-000/12 023 127/0333 2 8. Record of Scoping
Data Person consulted Position Place Reason for visit 16th of May Mrs. Melnitschenko Environmental Moldelectrica Information on Engineer Chisinau existing environmental law and regulations in Moldova 17th of May Mr. Kasac Engineer Visit to General technical Chief of Department substations information of s/s 35-400 kV substations 17th of May Mr. Costenco Director of Substation Health and safety Southern High Comrat requirements at Voltage Electric the workplace Power Lines (electric fields), fire (HVEPL) fighting measures, measures to prevent oil pollution 17th of May Mr. Ivanovici Chief of Substation Health and safety Substation Vulcanesti requirements at the workplace (electric fields), fire fighting measures, measures to prevent oil pollution 18th of May Mr. Kasac Engineer Visit to General technical Chief of Department substations information on s/s 35-400 kV substations 18th of May Mr. Poiat Chief of Substation Health and safety Substation Ghidighici requirements at the workplace (electric fields), fire fighting measures, measures to prevent oil pollution 18th of May Mr. Melmic Chief of Substation Balti Health and safety Substation requirements at the workplace (electric fields), fire fighting measures, measures to prevent oil pollution 19th of May Mrs. Melnitschenko Environmental Moldelectrica Information on Engineer Chisinau existing environmental law and regulations in Moldova
There was no information about a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Moldova which considering the specific problems (oil, noise, electric and magnetic field) arising from the substations.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 Literature Law on Environmental Protection No 1515-XII, 16th of June 1993 Rules of utilization and testing of protection means used in electric installations: technical requirements Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russian Federation, 1992 Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources. The necessary bulk of information on the environment protection for candidates to employment in leading positions (candidate officers) Moldelectrica state company, Chisinau 1999 Ecological Laws of the Republic of Moldova (1996-1998) BIOTICA Ecological Society – National NGO of Moldova, Chisinau 1999 Ballschmiter, K & Zell, M (1980). Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) by glass capillary gas chromatography; Composition of technical Aroclor and Clophen-B mixtures. Fresenius Z Anal Chemie 302 U.S. National Research Council’ EMF Committee (1996). Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields. National Academy of Sciences.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 9. Annexes
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 Annex 9-1
Annex 9-1: Description of ABB Recycling Plant and Process for PCB containing Wastes
Electrical equipment is shipped to the recycling plant at ABB Service GmbH Deutschland Instandhaltungen in Dortmund, Germany from all over Germany as well as from various countries in and outside Europe according to the legislation of the involved countries. The technical data of the PCB-contaminated equipment is registered after arrival. All the equipment to be treated is checked with regard to contamination and size and is treated accordingly.
Decontamination and recycling process: PCB-contaminated liquid is drained-off and equipment is filled with cold solvent. Solvent is drained-off after two days minimum. The equipment is flushed with hot solvent (perchlorethene) in a thermally insulated and evacuated treatment chamber for decontamination. The quantity of solvent flushing through the equipment amounts up to 15 times the internal volume of the equipment. After this basic cleaning the equipment is dried internally for safe disassembly. Materials are separated according to composition. Since the paper fraction cannot be decontaminated adequately it has to be separated and burned in licensed incineration plants of the chemical industry (BAYER). Magnetic metal core sheets are still covered with PCB and have to be washed in an intensive cleaning procedure. The sheets are reused for new low voltage transformers. The coils are granulated for separation of paper and metal. The metal is reused as secondary raw material. The PCB-contaminated solvent is properly separated from the PCB in the distillery and reused in the closed loop process.
All solids except for paper are recovered and used as recycling materials. PCB-liquid is burned in special incineration plants of the chemical industry.
The plant is authorized according to the "Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz". It fulfills strongest requirements for environmental compatibility and worker protection:
Repeated measurements in the plant by the authorities. Continuous monitoring and control of ambient air quality. 26 sensors for control of shop-floor air and process quality. Completely closed systems.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 1 Annex 9-1
Double-wall tanks with leakage, innage and temperature control. Gas- and media-tight treatment chambers. Step-wise automatic shutdown of the plant in case of process failure. Computer and sensor controlled process quality. Plant in completely fire resistant layout. No critical energies in plant. Vacuum-controlled solvent resistant floor. Floor is basin for fire-fighting water.
The plant is included in the ABB certificate DIN EN ISO 9001. The plant is registered at the EC Commission, Rue de la Loi 200, B-1045 Brussels, as a recycling plant for PCB-contaminated equipment.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 2 9.2 Annex 9-2: Certification of the Laboratory which performed PCB Analysis
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 3 9.3 Annex 9-3: Results of PCB Analysis
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 4 Annex 9-4
Annex 9-4: Biological and Health Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields
In precise physical terms when speaking about electrical facilities, a distinction has to be made between two types of fields: the electric and the magnetic field.
The electric field denotes the difference in electric potential measured as a voltage between two points one meter apart. If an electric current flows in a conductor, a magnetic field will always build up around it. The electric field is generated by the line voltage on the conductors. The electric field of power lines depends on the voltage, on the circuit numbers, on the design of the circuits and on the design of the cable itself. Its strength lessens rapidly according to the distance. Normally, the field is strongest in the middle of the line span where the phase conductors have the greatest slag. The strength of the electric field is expressed in volts per meter, and in the power-line context usually in kV/m. Strong 50 Hz electric fields occur mainly in high voltage installations, i.e. inside switchyards and below transmission lines. Electric fields are shielded by objects which are earthed, such as trees, buildings etc.
The magnetic field around a power line is generated by the current in the conductors. Since the current is proportional to the line’s load, the magnetic field often varies both over 24 hours and from one season to another. The magnetic field under a power line is strongest in roughly the same areas as the electric field. The magnetic field is expressed in terms of teslas [T] (1 T = 1 Vs/m2), which is a measure of the field’s flux density. In the context of power lines, microteslas [µT] are used. An older unit, Gauss [G], is used in e.g. USA (1 mG = 0.1 µT). Magnetic fields are not shielded by walls and roofs. Around power lines they are often weaker than those one may come into contact with in many other context in everyday life at work.
In Moldova, electricity is transmitted with alternating current at a frequency of 50 Hz (change of polarity at 50 cycles per second). The field which this gives rise to is referred to as an alternating electromagnetic field.
There follows a brief discourse on the status of knowledge concerning the influence of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on the environment. Investigations and research on these effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields have been more intensive worldwide since the early seventies.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, with the establishment of the subcommittee "Electric and magnetic fields" in the Association of German Electricians (VDE), a forum for discussions has been created, in which an intensive exchange of experience and ideas takes place.
The International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), a body working under the auspice of the World Health Organization (WHO), has initiated
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 5 Annex 9-4
activities concerned with non-ionizing radiation by forming a working group in 1974. At the IRPA Congress in Paris in 1977, this working group became the International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee (INRC). An excerpt of the "Guidelines for limiting exposure to time varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields" is given in Annex 9-6.
Magnetic fields have the property of penetrating the human organism. Low- frequency fields which arise in connection with 50 Hz alternating current can cause tissues and cells to enter into an excited state due to energy absorbed by the human body. If fields are intense, this can result in stimulation of nerves, muscles and organs.
The above effects are felt especially in the higher frequency range.
The general rule is that the higher the cycling rate of the alternating electromagnetic field, the more its effects become relevant to health. High- frequency fields in the range above 30,000 Hz, which occur, for example in communications in the form of radio waves, have a disproportionately high significance for the human organism, as these give rise to heating effects.
The biological effects of electric and magnetic fields depend primarily on their field strengths. Greater biological impact is ascribed to magnetic fields than to electric fields. Electric fields can be screened relative easily, whereas magnetic fields are highly penetrating. Though electricity has intensively been used in industry and household for more than a century, as shown above, thorough scientific research on biological effects of electromagnetic fields have been conducted only in the last 25 years.
Today, among scientists there is still a considerable difference of opinion as to the degree of possible detrimental health influence caused by these fields. There are several investigations and publications reporting a severe influence of electromagnetic fields, but the discussion about biological and health effects is still going on. The International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems (CIGRE), a permanent non-governmental and non profit-making international association based in France, publishes from time to time summaries of latest researches on bio- and health effects of electric and magnetic fields. An excerpt as of 1999 is given below:
Cancer In October 1996 a large-scale evaluation was published in the U.S. (U.S. National Research Council EMF Committee, 1996) reviewing more than 500 studies from 1979 on. The report came to the conclusion that ‘no clear, convincing evidence exists to show that residential exposures to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are a threat to human health’.
Some other epidemiological studies have demonstrated statistical associations between childhood cancer, especially leukaemia, and proximity to power lines. However, childhood leukaemia is a rare illness and the number of cases is very small what makes statistical statements very
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difficult. In addition, a statistical association is not synonymous with proof that a causal connection exists.
Although several studies show that leukaemia and brain tumors are more common in ‘electrical occupations’, animal-experiment studies have failed to link exposure to electric or magnetic fields with an elevated cancer risk.
However, electric and magnetic fields have an influence on melatonin rhythm. Melatonin is a hormone formed in the pineal gland of the brain and from that hormone it is known that it plays a role in the development of certain hormone-dependent types of cancer, such as breast cancer.
Reproduction There is no evidence that electric or magnetic fields have any impact on fertility, miscarriage, malformations or other reproduction parameters in either animals or human beings.
Effects on nervous system Soviet and Swedish studies suggest various symptoms, such as headache, tiredness, insomnia, mild depression, etc. arise among male switchyard workers. A possible mechanism can be the proven influence of electric and magnetic fields on melatonin excretion. Melatonin also controls sleep, wakefulness, and mood. One entirely new research field is the possible connection of magnetic fields and certain forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease. However, no actual direct influence of magnetic and electric fields on the diseases in human beings noted above have yet been demonstrated in scientific experiments or investigations.
The descriptions given above show that much research has been undertaken contradictory results and results that are often hard to interpret. However, some large scale research is now underway in Germany, USA, Canada, UK, and Sweden, and it is expected that knowledge in this field will be grow substantially over the next few years.
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Annex 9-5 International Standards and Limit Values concerning Electric and Magnetic Fields and Mitigation Measures
Due to the lack of knowledge and differing opinions as discussed in Annex 9-4 there is a very big difference between the precautionary limits fixed by various international and national bodies on one side and the acceptable values as per scientific investigations conducted up to now on the other. Based on the scientific investigations, various bodies have specified limits and guide values, as well as precautionary values. These values are summarized in Table 16 together with, for comparison purposes, some examples of calculations of the electric field and magnetic flux density for typical 500 kV and 220 kV overhead transmission lines Table 17- Table 19. In Table 15 some background values are given.
Source El. field Magn. flux strength density [kV/m] [µT] Earth's natural field strength (in Europe): during fine weather 0.1 - 0.5 40 during thunderstorms 3 - 30 Maximum field strengths in dwellings (from household 0.5 100 implements) Table 15: Comparative summary of some background values
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Source El. field Magn. strength flux [kV/m] density [µT] ICNIRP recommended 50/60 Hz: Reference levels for exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields (unperturbed r.m.s. values) occupational exposure 10 500 general public exposure 5 100 Limit values according to the draft European standard Cenelec 50166-1
Workplace 30 1,600 Public areas 10 640 Limit (r.m.s) value as per 26. BimSchVer 12/96 general public up to 24 hours /day 5 100 Limit values as per VDE V 0848 Part 4/A3 at 50 Hz r.m.s. values in exposure range 1 for exposure times up to 1 h/d 30 4,240 r.m.s. values in exposure range 1 for exposure times up to 2 h/d 30 2,550 r.m.s. values in exposure range 1 for continuous exposure 21.32 1,360 r.m.s. values in exposure range 2 6.77 424
r.m.s. = root mean square (value)
Exposure range 1 includes: monitored areas, e.g. operating zones, areas monitored by operators generally accessible areas, in which, owing to the operating mode or the length of stay, it is guaranteed that exposure only occurs for a short period of time
Exposure range 2 includes all areas in which not only short-term exposure can be expected, for example: areas containing residential and social buildings individual residential sites parks and facilities for sport, leisure and relaxation operating zones where a field generation is not expected under normal conditions Table 16: International limit values
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The data in the above table confirm the fact known from literature that the maximum low frequency (50 Hz) electric and magnetic field intensities which the general public can come in contact with are:
for the electric field - beneath high voltage transmission lines. This is the area where the general public comes closest to very high voltages. for the magnetic field - near electric household facilities. Here, the general public comes closest to the source of magnetic fields and is confronted with higher field strengths than under a high voltage OHL.
For very high voltage lines, the specifications provide for maximum values of electric field strength (E), audible noise (AN) and radio interference (RI) to be observed at the edge of the right of way.
In Table 17 some examples of electric and magnetic fields of overhead transmission lines are given.
Calculation condition Electric field Magn. flux [kV/m] density [µT] Conductors at 11 m height Max. field at 1.7 m under the line at mid-span. 9.6 26 Conductors at 11 m height Field at 1.7 m at the edge of a 50 m corridor 5.4 12 (= 25 m on both sides of the line) Conductors at 11 m height Field at 1.7 m at the edge of a 60 m corridor 3.2 8 (= 30 m both sides of the line) Table 17: Calculations of electric field and magnetic flux density for a typical 500 kV transmission line
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Calculation condition Electric field [kV/m] for phase disposition symmetrical asymmetrical Conductors at 16 m height 2.5 1.0 Max. field at 1.7 m height under the line at mid-span. Conductors at 16 m height 1.2 0.7 Field at 1.7 m height, at the edge of a 25 m right of way. Conductors at 16 m height 3.7 2.6 Max. undisturbed field at 10 m height under the line Max. field at ground level under the line considering the 9.8 8.0 conductors at 5 m height, at mid-span Max. field at ground level, under the line, considering 6.9 4.5 the conductors at 7 m height (distance as per VDE 0210 for open country) Table 18: Calculations of electric field for a typical 220 kV transmission line with symmetrical and asymmetrical phase disposition using twin Almelec 570 mm² phase bundles
Calculation Condition Electric Field [kV/m] Conductors at 12 m height 3.51 Max. field at 1.8 m height under the line at mid-span. Conductors at 12 m height 1.15 Field at 1.8 m height, at the edge of a 28 m right of way Conductors at 7 m height 3.99 Max. field at 1.8 m height under the line at mid-span Conductors at 7 m height, at mid-span 1.63 Field at 1.8 m height, at the edge of a 28 m right of way Table 19: Calculations of typical electric field for a 220 kV transmission line for symmetrical phase sequence of two circuits using conductors of the "canary" type
For reducing the strength of electric and magnetic fields following measures are feasible:
Beside the main measures to reduce the electric field – enlarging the diameter of the conductor and numerous subconductors - the following design measures of tower arrangements should be taken into consideration for new transmission lines: triangular configuration of the phases (reduction factor for electric field: 1.7 - 2.0) phase reversal (reduction factor for electric field: >3) screen conductors (reduction factor for electric field: 3 - 7)
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split phase in five positions (reduction factor for electric field: >10) four-phase (reduction factor for electric field: up to 24 times).
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 12 Annex 9-6
Annex 9-6: ICNIRP Guidelines and Statements (Extract)
Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic, & Electromagnetic Fields
In 1974, the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) formed a working group on non-ionizing radiation (NIR), which examined the problems arising in the fields of protection against the various types of NIR. At the IRPA Congress in Paris in 1977, this working group became the International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee (INRC).
In co-operation with the Environmental Health Division of the World Health Organization (WHO), the IRPA/INIRC developed a number of health criteria documents on NIR as part of WHO’s Environmental Health Criteria Program, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Each document includes an overview of the physical characteristics, measurement and instrumentation, sources, and applications of NIR, a thorough review of the literature on biological effects, and an evaluation of the health risks of exposure to NIR. These health criteria have provided the scientific database for the subsequent development of exposure limits and codes of practice relating to NIR.
At the eighth International Congress of the IRPA (Montreal, 18-22 May 1992), a new independent scientific organization - the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) - was established as a successor to the IRPA/INIRC. The functions of the Commission are to investigate the hazards that may be associated with the different forms of NIR, develop international guidelines on NIR exposure limits, and deal with all aspects of NIR protection.
Biological effects reported as resulting from exposure to static and extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields have been reviewed by UNEP/WHO/IRPA. Those publications and a number of others, provided the scientific rationale for the Guidelines for limiting Exposure to time varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields.
The main objective of the guidelines is to establish the limiting of EMF exposure that will provide protection against known adverse health effects. An adverse health effect causes detectable impairment of the health of the exposed individual or of his or her offspring; a biological effect, on the other hand, may or may not result in an adverse health effect.
Studies on both direct and indirect effects of EMF are described; direct effects result from direct interaction of fields with the body, indirect effects involve interactions with an object at a different electric potential from the body. Results of laboratory and epidemiological studies, basic exposure
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criteria, and reference levels for practical hazard assessment are discussed, and the guidelines presented apply to occupational and public exposure.
The guidelines will be periodically revised and updated as advances are made in identifying the adverse health effects of time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields.
In establishing exposure limits, the Commission recognizes the need to reconcile a number of differing expert opinions. The validity of scientific reports has to be considered, and extrapolations from animal experiments to effects on humans have to be made.
There is insufficient information on the biological and health effects of EMF exposure of human populations and experimental animals to provide a rigorous basis for establishing safety factors over the whole frequency range and for all frequency modulations. In addition, some of the uncertainty regarding the appropriate safety factor derives from a lack of knowledge regarding the appropriate dosimetry.
The restrictions in the guidelines were based on scientific data alone; currently available knowledge, however, indicates that these restrictions provide an adequate level of protection from exposure to time-varying EMF. Two classes of guidance are presented:
Basic restrictions Restrictions on the effects of exposure are based on established health effects and are termed basic restrictions. Protection against adverse health effects requires that these basic restrictions be not exceeded. Reference levels Reference levels of exposure are provided for comparison with measured values of physical quantities; compliance with all reference levels given in these guidelines will ensure compliance with basic restrictions. If measured values are higher than reference levels, it does not necessarily follow that the basic restrictions have been exceeded, but a more detailed analysis is necessary to assess compliance with the basic restrictions.
Basic restrictions: Basic Restrictions on exposure to time varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields are based directly on established health effects. Depending upon the frequency of the field, the physical quantities used to specify these restrictions are current density (J), specific energy absorption rate (SAR), and power density (S). Only power density in air, outside the body, can be readily measured in exposed individuals.
Different scientific bases were used in the development of basic exposure restrictions for various frequency ranges. For electric power transmission and distribution only the low frequency (50 Hz) fields are relevant which are indicative of much more slighter biological effects than fields caused by high-frequency energy.
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This is the reason that the basic restrictions for the range of frequencies between 1 Hz and 10 MHz are provided exclusively on current density to prevent effects on nervous system functions.
The basic restrictions for current densities, whole body average SAR, and localized SAR for frequencies between 1 Hz and 10 GHz are presented in Table 20.
The occupationally exposed population consists of adults who are generally exposed under known conditions and are trained to be aware of potential risk and to take appropriate precautions. By contrast, the general public comprises individuals of all ages and of varying health status, and may include particularly susceptible groups of individuals.
In many cases, members of the public are unaware of their exposure to EMF. Moreover, individual members of the public cannot reasonably be expected to take precautions to minimize or avoid exposure. It is these considerations that underlie the adoption of more stringent exposure restrictions for the public than for the occupationally exposed population.
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Exposure Frequency Current Density f. Whole-Body Localized SAR Localized Characteristics Range Head and Trunk average SAR (Head + Trunk) SAR (limbs) (mA m-2) (rms) (W Kg-1) (W Kg-1) (W Kg-1)
Occupational up to 1 Hz 40 - - - Exposure 1 – 4 Hz 20/f - - - 4 Hz - 1 KHz 10 - - - 1 -100 KHz f/100 - - - 100 KHz-10MHz f/100 0.4 10 20 10 MHz- 10 GHz - 0.4 10 20
General Public up to 1 Hz 8 - - - Exposure 1 – 4 Hz 8/f - - - 4 Hz - 1 kHz 2 - - - 1 –100 kHz f/500 - - - 100 kHz-10MHz f/500 0.08 2 4 10 MHz- 10 GHz - 0.08 2 4 * Note:
1. f is the frequency in hertz. 2. Because of electrical inhomogeneity of the body, current densities should be averaged over a cross- section of 1 cm2 perpendicular to the current direction. 3. For frequencies up to 100 kHz, peak current density values can be obtained by multiplying the rms value by 2
(1,414). For pulses of duration tp the equivalent frequency to apply in the basic restrictions should be calculated as f = 1/(2t). 4. For frequencies up to 100 kHz and for pulsed magnetic fields, the maximum current density associated with the pulse can be calculated from the rise/fall times and the maximum rate of change of magnetic flux density. The induced current density can then be compared with the appropriate basic restriction. 5. All SAR values are to be averaged over any 6-min period. 6. Localized SAR averaging mass is any 10 g of contiguous tissue; the maximum SAR so obtained should be the value used for the estimation of exposure.
7. For pulses of duration tp the equivalent frequency to apply in the basic restrictions should be calculated as f = 1/(2tp). Additionally for pulsed exposures in the frequency range 0.3 to 10 GHz and for localized exposure of the head, in order to limit or avoid auditory effects caused by thermoelastic expansion, an additional basic restriction is recommended. This is that the SA should not exceed 10 mJ Kg-1 for workers and 2 mJ kg-1 for the general public, averaged over 10 g tissue.
Table 20: Basic restrictions for time-varying electric and magnetic fields for frequencies up to 10 GHz
Reference levels These levels are provided for practical exposure assessment purposes to determine whether the basic restrictions are likely to be exceeded. Some reference levels are derived from relevant basic restrictions using measurement and/or computational techniques, and some address perception and adverse indirect effects of exposure to EMF.
The derived quantities are electric field strength (E), magnetic field strength (H), magnetic flux density (B), power density (S), and currents flowing through the limbs (l).
Quantities that address perception and other indirect effects are contact current (lc) and, for pulsed fields, specific energy absorption (SA).
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In any particular exposure situation, measured or calculated values of any of these quantities can be compared with the appropriate reference level.
Compliance with the reference level will ensure compliance with the relevant basic restriction. If the measured or calculated value exceeds the reference level, it does not necessarily follow that the basic restriction will be exceeded. However, whenever, a reference level is exceeded it is necessary to test compliance with the relevant basic restriction and to determine whether additional protective measures are necessary.
The reference levels are intended to be spatially averaged values over the entire body of the exposed individual, but with the important proviso that the basic restrictions on localized exposure are not exceeded.
Reference levels for exposure of the general public have been obtained from those for occupational exposure by using various factors over the entire frequency image. These factors have been chosen on the basis of effects that are recognized as specific and relevant for the various frequency ranges. Generally speaking, the factors follow the basic restrictions over the entire frequency range, and their values correspond to the mathematical relation between the quantities of the basic restrictions and the derived levels as described below:
In the frequency range up to 1 kHz, the general public reference levels for electric fields are one-half of the values set for occupational exposure. The value of 10 kV m-1 for 50-Hz or 8.3 kV m-1 for a 60-Hz occupational exposure includes a sufficient safety margin to prevent stimulation effects from contact current under all possible conditions. Half of this value was chosen for the general public reference levels i.e. 5 kV m-1 for 50 Hz or 4.2 kV m-1 for 60 Hz, to prevent adverse indirect effects for more than 90% of exposed individuals.
Table 21 shows the related reference levels for occupational and for general public exposure.
ICNIRP notes that the industries causing exposure to electric and magnetic fields are responsible for ensuring compliance with all aspects of the guidelines.
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Frequency E-FIELD H-FIELD B-FIELD Equivalent plane Range Strength Strength Strength wave power density (V m-1) (A m-1) (µT) Seq (W m-2)
Occupational up to 1 Hz - - 1.63 x 105 2 x 105 Exposure 1 – 8 Hz 20000 - 5 2 5 2 8 – 25 Hz 20000 1.63 x 10 /f 2 x 10 /f - 0.025 – 0.82 kHz 500/f 2 x 104/f 2.5 x 104/f - 0.82 – 65 kHz 610 20/f 25/f - 0.065 – 1 MHz 610 24.4 30.7 - 1 – 10 MHz 610/f 1.6/f 2.0/f - 10 – 400 MHz 61 1.6/f 2.0/f 10 400 – 2000 MHz f/40 3f½ 0.16 0.2 2 – 300 GHz 50 137 0.008f½ 0.01f½ 0.36 0.45
General Public up to 1 Hz - 3.2 x 104 4 x 104 - Exposure 1 – 8 Hz 10000 - 4 2 4 2 8 – 25 Hz 10000 3.2 x 10 /f 4 x 10 /f - 0.025 – 0.8 kHz 250/f 4000/f 5000/f - 0.8 – 3 kHz 250/f 4/f 5/f - 3 – 150 kHz 87 5 6.25 - 0.15 – 1 MHz 87 5 6.25 - 1 – 10 MHz ½ 0.73/f 0.92/f - 87/f 0.73/f 0.92/f 10 – 400 MHz 28 2 400 – 2000 MHz 0.073 0.092 f/200 1.375f½ 2 – 300 GHz 0.0037/f½ 0.0046f½ 10 61 0.16 0.20 * Note:
1. f as indicated in the frequency range column. 2. Provided that basic restrictions are met and adverse indirect effects can be excluded, field strength values can be exceeded. 2 2 2 3. For frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 GHz. Seq, E , H , and B are to averaged over any 6-min period. 4. For peak values at frequencies up to 100 kHz see Table 13-1, note 3. 5. For peak values at frequencies exceeding 100 kHz see Figs.1 and 2. Between 100 kHz and 10 MHz, peak values for the field strengths are obtained by interpolation from the 1,5-fold peak at 100 kHz to the 32- fold peak at 10 MHz. For frequencies exceeding 10 MHz it is suggested that the peak equivalent plane wave power
density, as averaged over the pulse width does not exceed 1000 times the Seq restrictions, or that the field strength does not exceed 32 times the field strength exposure levels given in the table. 2 2 2 1.05 6. For frequencies exceeding 10 GHz, Seq, E , H , and B are to be averaged over 68/f –min period (f in GHz). 7. No E-field value is provided for frequencies <1 Hz, which are effectively static electric fields. Electric shock from low impedance sources is prevented by established electrical safety procedures for such equipment. Perception of surface electric charges will not occur at field strengths less than 25 kVm-1. Spark discharges causing stress or annoyance should be avoided.
Table 21: Reference levels for occupational and general public exposure to time- varying electric and magnetic fields (unperturbed rms values)
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 18 Annex 9-7
Annex 9-7: Environmental Aspects concerning Transmission Line Design
At today's state of the art of transmission line design, up to the voltage level of 400 kV basically two solutions are possible:
overhead transmission lines (OHLs) underground cables.
Concerning the design of overhead lines and of underground cables, the principal criteria are mainly based on
economy route planning and right of way considerations maintenance and access considerations environmental impact considerations safety.
Nowadays, the extent of residential and industrial areas as well as intensive land use make identifying and approval of new transmission line routes increasingly difficult.
An economical comparison of OHLs and cables comes out still in favor of the overhead line. This is due to the fact that the prize for underground cable is about 5 to 6 times higher than that for an overhead line, depending on the voltage level. Consequently the proportion of high voltage cables installed worldwide is very small compared to overhead lines. In practice, the use of cables is today restricted to very high-density residential and industrial zones, and to areas where the visual impact of the line is not acceptable (national parks, recreational areas etc.).
A technical comparison shows that both systems are reliable, although OHLs need more maintenance. Underground cables operate practically without maintenance. The capacitive current limits cable line length. Intermediate compensation installations would be necessary for long cable lines.
Under environmental aspects a comparison between OHLs and cables shows advantages for each solution:
In favor of cable:
after construction no visual impact remains after construction no negative effects on wildlife like big birds, which can collide with OHLs, arise
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less electrical influences (electric field, radio interference, audible noise) during operation.
In favor of overhead transmission:
less disturbance during construction (for underground cables excavations along the whole transmission line route are necessary).
For both line rights-of-way, ground above cables as well as beneath OHLs can be put to other uses, but with some restrictions.
Implementation of both new OHLs and underground cable will have impacts on the environment during two periods:
during construction during operation of the installations.
a) During the construction phase, the main impacts on the environment are:
opening up new access routes damage to natural surroundings due to construction activity and vehicle traffic for transporting construction equipment (noise, air pollution, driving across fields) site organization, storage of materials utilization of chemical products (paints, solvents, grease etc.) for construction works foundation works disposal of waste and surplus material from construction sites socio-economic effects on the population.
b) During operation of the installations, the following main environmental impacts mainly connected with OHLs are:
physical presence (land occupied) visual impacts on the landscape effect on wildlife, especially on birds electrostatic effects of the electric field under the high voltage installations voltages induced in telecommunication lines and other long conductive insulated elements close to the line (pipelines, fences etc.) influence of the electric and magnetic fields surrounding the high voltage installations
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influence due to the manifestations of the corona phenomenon at high voltage installations, i.e.: audible noise radio and TV interference generation of ozone and nitrogen oxides socio-economic effects on the population.
Some of these potential environmental effects arise only with very high currents and voltages. This applies to the magnetic fields under OHLs, as well as to the generation of ozone and nitrogen oxides.
There are no direct mitigation actions possible for existing transmission lines under environmental aspects. If new lines have to be constructed or parts of existing lines have to be moved from the old corridor, international standards with the following mitigation actions have to be considered:
List of mitigation actions during the planning and design phases of OHLs Payment of compensation for land acquired for tower sites, access roads, and right-of-way payments Avoidance of protected areas like natural parks, wildlife refuges etc. Avoidance of steep mountain areas because of danger of landslides reducing erosion avoidance of natural mountain areas Bundling new lines together with existing lines to reduce access roads for construction and maintenance Running transmission lines parallel to existing roads to reduce new access roads and tracks Minimizing the number of towers in agricultural land by maximizing spanning Minimizing the height of the towers Return of all access tracks not needed after construction to their natural state as a stipulation in the tender documents Beside the main measures to reduce the electric field – enlarging the diameter of the conductor and numerous subconductors - the following design measures of tower arrangements should be taken into consideration for new transmission lines: triangular configuration of the phases (reduction factor for electric field: 1.7 - 2.0) phase reversal (reduction factor for electric field: >3) screen conductors (reduction factor for electric field: 3 - 7) split phase in five positions (reduction factor for electric field: >10) four-phase (reduction factor for electric field: up to 24 times).
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List of mitigation actions during the construction phase of OHLs Minimizing the construction area for the towers, minimizing removal of topsoil, replacing topsoil after having finished erection of towers, in steeper slopes erosion control measures such as replanting of grass Lay-down areas to be located in non-productive areas to minimize interference with agricultural activities and to facilitate site clean-up and rehabilitation, minimizing of lay-down areas Surveyors and contractors to cease work if any archaeological artifacts and relics are found or disputes arise relating to archaeological relics or cultural religious sites Construction camps to be located in previously occupied areas, and to be selected and agreed with relevant municipal authorities Payment of "onsite compensation" by contractors and monitoring by client project construction supervisors Line stringing to be completed with minimal interference to crops preferably to be scheduled for past-harvesting periods As far as possible, construction of river crossings during the dry season, avoiding high sediment runoff down-river of the tower sites Construction camp, lay-down areas and easement site clean-ups to be completed as agreed with municipal and local authorities, including erosion control works at tower sites and access tracks to tower sites Use of main roads and existing village tracks to greatest extent possible Minimization of bulldozed tracks to individual sites Provision of grade table drains and clean-up, including ground cover or bush planting along any access tracks to be left for line maintenance purposes Rehabilitation and possibly replanting of access roads not needed after construction; erosion control.
List of mitigation actions during the operational phase of OHLs Scheduled line testing, insulator cleaning and parts replacement maintenance Routine inspections and remedial actions as required for erosion control/protection at individual tower sites or steep slope sites Maintenance grading and rehabilitation to control erosion and maintain all weather accessibility.
6543P04-000/12 073 500/1059 22 Annex 9-8
Annex 9-8 Environmental Aspects concerning GIS Substations
There are two general types of substations: the classical open air substation and the GIS substation. In Moldova, all high voltage substations belong to the open air type. The circuit breakers are of the air-blast and bulk-oil types, mostly pneumatically operated. New circuit breakers are of the SF6 type and are spring or hydraulically operated. In the following, some main features of GIS substations are given:
a) GIS substations are compact. They occupy only a fraction of the plot area necessary for an open air substation. This is the most important point favoring this technology, which is finding increasing application in modern power systems. In heavily built-up areas with residential and industrial land use, the GIS usually constitutes the only technical solution for installation of a high voltage substation.
b) GIS substations in buildings are very well adapted to the urban environment from the architectural point of view. This contrasts greatly with classical open-air high-voltage substations.
c) Through their metal-clad construction, GIS substations effectively shield the electrical field from the surroundings. Thus the electrical field outside GIS substations is negligible in practice.
d) Gas-insulated breakers are far less noisy than the classical alternative circuit breakers. In addition, they are placed inside the GIS building which acoustically isolates them.
e) The SF6 gas itself is an inert gas which has no influence on humans, animals or plants. However, as a result of the electric arc (with SF6 used as a medium for arc breaking), extremely small traces of agents detrimental to health may be formed.
From the environmental point of view, final disposal of the circuit breaker SF6 gas should comply with certain precautions to ensure safety.
Moreover, SF6 destroys ozone and, when released in the atmosphere, contributes to the reduction of the atmospheric ozone layer. However, the affects of SF6 used in GIS are extremely small compared to other industrial ozone-destroying substances.
The lifetime of GIS installations is in the order of 30 years and gas leaks appear very seldom.
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Annex 9-9: Photographic Documentation
Photo 1: Taking the oil samples
Photo 2: Oil leakages contaminating the ground
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Photo 3: Small capacitor battery in Comrat
Photo 4: Huge capacitor battery in Vulcanesti
Photo 5: Storage facility for old capacitors
Photo 6: Working sprinkler system after having simulated a transformer fire
Photo 7: Plates of asbestos covering the floor in the control building of Vulcanesti
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