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This guide contains the weblinks to some on the main sources of research funding for Education and LBSS. ‘Hover’ your mouse over the hyperlinks to access the relevant website.

The University of Glasgow subscribes to the UK-based ResearchResearch’s online service, which provides a database of world-wide research funding opportunities as well as news relating to research policy and practice. Staff are encouraged to self- register for this service. Please note that to register you must use your University staff e-mail address. Further guidance and assistance on using, including how to set up personal funding alerts, is available by contacting Fiona Mackinlay in the Faculty Research Office.

Please note that many of the funders listed below also offer an ‘email alert’ system for new funding opportunities.

New funding opportunities are available on the Research and Enterprise funding sources webpages and advertised in their monthly e-newsletter Research and Funding News.

Looking for information on funding bodies…….?

Research Councils Government Bodies Charitable Foundations European and International

Looking for sources of funding for……..?

Early Career Researchers Small Grants Large Grants Research Fellowships/Research Leave Seminars, Workshops and Conference Support Travel Grants Visiting Fellowships European and International Knowledge Transfer and Exchange

Looking for further information………?

Contact Fiona Mackinlay, the Faculty Research Administrator or Jon Lewin, the Faculty Research Information Officer.

Updated December 2009 1 RESEARCH COUNCILS

Research Councils UK (RCUK)

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

Medical Research Council (MRC)

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

Research Councils UK (RCUK) – the strategic partnership of the UK’s 7 research councils.

There are 6 multi-disciplinary Cross-Council Research Programmes that aim to solve many of the big research challenges over the next 10 to 20 years. Current themes include:

 Ageing: Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (MRC, RCUK)  Living with Environmental Change (ESRC, NERC, RCUK)  Sustainable Energy Systems (EPSRC, ESRC, RCUK)  Global Uncertainties: security for all in a changing world (ESRC, RCUK)  Digital Economy (EPSRC, RCUK)  Nanoscience Through Engineering to Application (EPSRC, RCUK)

Applications to Research Councils are submitted online via the RCUK’s Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) portal.

Updated December 2009 2 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) - The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK's leading research funding and training agency addressing economic and social concerns.

ESRC Strategic Plan 2009-2014 – 7 strategic challenges include:

 Global Economic Performance, Policy and Management  Health and Well-Being  Understanding Individual Behaviour  New Technology, Innovation and Skills  Environment, Energy and Resilience  Security, Conflict and Justice  Social Diversity and Population Dynamics

ESRC Current Funding Opportunities

ESRC Research Funding Guide

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) - The Arts and Humanities Research Council supports research on a very wide range of subjects from traditional humanities subjects, such as history, modern languages and English literature, to the creative and performing arts.

AHRC Delivery Plan 2008-2011 – the main strategic themes include:-

 Stimulating Innovation in the Knowledge Economy (creative industries and digital services sectors)  Capitalising our Cultural Assets  Global Threats to Security

AHRC Funding Opportunities

AHRC Research Funding Guide

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - The UK Government's leading funding agency for research and training in engineering and the physical sciences

EPSRC Delivery Plan 2008-11 – the priority research themes include:-

 Energy  Digital economy – increasing the impact of ICT in transforming how business, government and society operate  Nanoscience through engineering to application  Towards next-generation healthcare

EPSRC Funding Opportunities and EPSRC Calls for Proposals

EPSRC Funding Guide

Updated December 2009 3 GOVERNMENT BODIES & AGENCIES

Scotland Scottish Government – Latest Research Opportunities

Scottish Enterprise – Invitations to Tender

Scottish Funding Council – Invitations to Tender

Learning and Teaching Scotland

Whitehall Departments The Higher Education Academy – funding opportunities

Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) - calls for expressions of interest

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) - calls for expressions of interest

Home Office - calls for expressions of interest/request for proposals

Department of Health - R&D calls for proposals and Tendering exercises

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Ministry of Justice

Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Department for Communities and Local Government

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

Department for Transport

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

HM Treasury

Department for International Development (DFID) – Portal to DfID funded Research

Ministry of Defence

Cabinet Office

Updated December 2009 4 CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS

The Nuffield Foundation – is an endowed charitable trust with the aim of advancing social well-being. The Foundation funds research and practical experiment and the capacity to undertake them, working across education, science, social science and social policy (Grant Programme).

The British Academy – the national academy for the humanities and the social sciences (Research Funding).

The British Council - connecting the UK to the world and the world to the UK, the British Council is Britain's international cultural relations body.

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland – the charity offers a Trusts Research Grant Scheme which awards small grants, and it also has a competitive Larger Grant Scheme which encourages applications for joint programmes of collaborative research projects from staff within the Scottish Universities.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh – Scotland’s learned society providing public benefit through the continued advancement of learning and useful knowledge (Research Awards).

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland – supporting the staff and students of Scotland’s universities (Schemes).

The Leverhulme Trust – makes awards for the support of research and education (Grants and Awards).

Joseph Rowntree Foundation – social policy research and development charity (Calls for Proposals).

The Wellcome Trust – an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health, including medical humanities (Funding).


Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) - is the European Union’s chief instrument for funding research over the period 2007 to 2013.

European Research Council

 European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant  European Research Council Starting Independent Researcher Grant

European Science Foundation (ESF)

Updated December 2009 5 EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS

Economic and Social Research Council First Grants Scheme (annual call)

Economic and Social Research Council Small Grants Scheme (open call)

Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grants: route for early career researchers (£20k-200k) (open call)

Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship Scheme: route for early career researchers (open call)

European Research Council Starting Independent Researcher Grant (annual call)

The Royal Society of Edinburgh/The Scottish Government Personal Research Fellowships (annual call)

The Leverhulme Trust Philip Leverhulme Prizes (annual call)

Newton International Fellowships (annual call)


Economic and Social Research Council Small Grants Scheme (<£100k) (open call)

The Nuffield Foundation: Small Grants Scheme (up to £7,500)

The British Academy: Small Research Grants (up to £7,500)

Carnegie Trust Small Research Grant (up to £2,200)


Economic and Social Research Council Standard Grants Scheme (open call)

Economic and Social Research Council Large Grants Scheme (>£1.5m)

Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grants: Standard Route (open call)

The Nuffield Foundation: Open Door

The British Academy Research Development Awards (£15,000-£150,000)

The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grants (up to £250,000)

Carnegie Trust Large Grants Scheme (up to £40,000) RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS/RESEARCH LEAVE

Updated December 2009 6 Economic and Social Research Council Mid-Career Development Fellowships (open call)

Economic and Social Research Council Professorial Fellowships (annual call)

Economic and Social Research Council Placement Fellowship Scheme (open call)

Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship Scheme (open call)

British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships

The British Academy Research Development Awards

The Royal Society of Edinburgh/The Scottish Government Support Research Fellowships

The Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships

The Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellowships


The British Academy Conference Support

Economic and Social Research Council Research Seminars Competition (annual call)

The Leverhulme Trust International Networks

Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Networking Scheme (open call)


The British Academy Overseas Conference Grant

Updated December 2009 7 VISITING FELLOWSHIPS

The Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellowships

The Levehulme Trust Visiting Professorships

Caledonian Research Foundation/Royal Society of Edinburgh European Visiting Research Fellowships

Royal Society of Edinburgh International Exchange Programme

The British Academy Visiting Fellowships

Newton International Fellowships


Community Research & Development Information Service (CORDIS) - CORDIS is a European Commission information service dedicated to research and development (R&D) and to promoting innovation. CORDIS provides a comprehensive overview of the programmes, actions and calls related to research, development and innovation.

The UK Research Office (UKRO) - the UK's leading information and advice service on European Union funding for research and higher education.

Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) - is a supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union where calls for tender from the public sector are published.

Economic and Social Research Council: International Bilateral Agreements

The Royal Society of Edinburgh International Programme

The Leverhulme Trust International Networks


Research Councils UK (RCUK) Knowledge Transfer Portal

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Economic and Social Research Council Follow-On Funding Scheme

Economic and Social Research Council Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Economic and Social Research Council Business Engagement Opportunities Scheme

Economic and Social Research Council Business Placement Fellowship Scheme

Economic and Social Research Council Government Placement Fellowship Scheme

Arts and Humanities Research Council Knowledge Catalyst Scheme

Arts and Humanities Research Council Knowledge Transfer Fellowship Scheme

Scottish Funding Council: Strategic Priority Investment in Research and Innovation Translation (SPIRIT)

Staff also interested in this area should also explore opportunities with Local Authorities, and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). For further advice please contact Fraser Rowan, Business Development Manager in Research & Enterprise, as well as liaising with your RKTG Leader.

Guide produced by Louise Virdee (LBSS) and Fiona Mackinlay (Education)

Please contact the Faculty Research Administrator for further information about research funding opportunities or to add information to this guide.

Updated December 2009 9

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