Boerne High School
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Dear Prospective Student Athletic Trainers and Parents,
Thank you for your interest in the Athletic Training Program at Champion High School. The program consists of approximately 40 Student Athletic Trainers who work with over 1000 male and female student-athletes in more than 20 different sports. The primary responsibility of the athletic training staff is the care, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Involvement with the Champion Athletic Training program is a great way to gain valuable medical experience and will be helpful on resumes and college applications.
Student Athletic Trainers are expected to be dedicated to the program. These students play a vital role in the success of Champion High School Athletics. Student Athletic Trainers should develop responsibility, self-confidence and a desire to develop their talents in the field of athletic training. The commitment includes academic excellence. Often, the students who excel academically succeed as Student Athletic Trainers. Student grades and citizenship are monitored every three weeks.
The Student Athletic Trainer position is a major time commitment. These students are required to work football and one other sport. During the sport seasons, much of the work is after school with some varsity team travel involved. There will also be evening responsibilities and occasional Saturdays, but the experience will be very rewarding. Student Athletic Trainers can earn class credit and a letter jacket for their commitment and dedication to Champion High School Athletics.
If you are interested in the Student Athletic Trainer Program at Champion High School, please complete the application and return it to the Head Athletic Trainer as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Terry Gault Head Athletic Trainer Boerne Independent School District (830) 357-2856 [email protected] APPLICATIONS ARE DUE 3/10/17 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
What is Athletic Training?
. Athletic Training is the care, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
What are the duties of Student Athletic Trainers?
. Assist the staff Athletic Trainers at Champion High School . Setting up for practices and games. This includes taping, preparing water and insuring all applicable equipment is at the appropriate site. . Performing minor first aid and treatment within the scope of training of a Student Athletic Trainer
Will I receive academic credit as a Student Athletic Trainer?
. If you are enrolled in an athletic period, you will receive an elective credit.
How am I graded?
. Grades are determined by class work, attendance and participation.
What will I learn in class?
. Student Athletic Trainers learn skills such as basic first-aid, taping, bandaging, medical terminology, anatomy and CPR. They will also develop time management and organizational skills.
Will I be required to stay after school?
. During your required sport season, you will be assigned after school hours. If your sport is not in season, you are not required to attend after school practices. . Some events require staffing on Saturdays and school holidays. . Evening hours are required for game coverage. . Students will be required to work some days before school starts in August to cover football, volleyball and cross country practices.
What sports are covered?
. Fall Sports – Volleyball, Cross-Country and Football (August through November) . Winter Sports – Basketball and Soccer (November through March) . Spring Sports – Baseball, Softball, Tennis and Track (January through April)
*All Student Athletic Trainers will work football and one other sport. Can I do this in college?
. Yes. Some college students receive scholarship money.
What qualities do you look for in a prospective Student Athletic Trainer?
. Strong academics . Exceptional attendance . Self-discipline . Desire to help others . Responsibility . Total commitment to the program
Parental Concerns
Who will supervise my child?
. The staff Athletic Trainers will be at all home games and practices. . The coaches will supervise the students on all road trips.
Are all events held at the Champion High School campus?
. All home events will be held at Champion High School or Boerne High School. . Transportation to and from road trips will be provided by BISD. . Transportation to and from the CHS is the responsibility of the parent.
What are the costs involved?
. Due to the magnitude of the staff, students are required to purchase a practice shirt and a game shirt each year. The cost of these shirts will be approximately $30. . The students must also have a pair of khaki shorts and a pair of khaki pants for games. . Winter clothing will also be available for purchase. These items are not required, but are encouraged during inclement weather. As a Student Athletic Trainer, your responsibilities will include assisting in taping, wrapping and treatment of injuries. You will attend daily practice and games, prepare equipment for these events and perform other daily assigned duties. You will be volunteering a large amount of your extracurricular time. Please explain the reason you are interested in becoming a Student Athletic Trainer.
Working as a Student Athletic Trainer requires the same time, if not more, than playing a sport. You will be expected to be prompt and dependable. Your grade in this class will reflect your work and dedication to this program. Student Athletic Trainers must be able to manage their time in order to excel academically and succeed in their position in the training room. Please discuss your desire to be a Student Athletic Trainer with your parent/guardian so they will understand the requirements and responsibilities of being a Student Athletic Trainer.
I have discussed the responsibilities of being a Student Athletic Trainer at Champion High School. I understand the obligations and responsibilities of the position and give my permission to apply.
Name:______Current Grade:______Age:______
Home Phone #:______Email:______
Parent’s Name:______Parent’s Phone #:______
Date of Birth:______Sex: M F Shirt Size (adult):______
How did you hear about the Champion Athletic Training Program? ______
Ever received a D or F in any class? Yes No If “Yes” please explain:______
Have you ever been given an AC, OCS, suspension or any other disciplinary action? Yes No
If “Yes” – How many/Why?______
1) Will transportation be a problem for early morning/late night events? YES NO
If “Yes” please explain:______
2) Please fill out the following on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) - Rate your son/daughters: work ethic - 1 2 3 4 5 responsibility level – 1 2 3 4 5 commitment to projects started – 1 2 3 4 5 respect of authority figures – 1 2 3 4 5 ability to handle criticism – 1 2 3 4 5 ability to get along with others - 1 2 3 4 5
* IMPORTANT NOTES * - Participation accounts for 80% of your son/daughters overall grade. - Your son/daughter if accepted will be required to follow a dress code. - Your son/daughter if accepted will be required to maintain to maintain a 70% or higher in all classes. - Your son/daughter if accepted will be required to work some holidays throughout the year.
If there are any questions - please contact a Staff Athletic Trainer at the following number:
Terry Gault Head Athletic Trainer (830) 357-2856
______Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date