Parish Mass Intentions
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PARISH MASS INTENTIONS Readings for the Week of April 24 th , 2017 SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND, 2017 Monday: ACTS 4:23-31/JN 3:1-8 5:00 PM For the People of the Parish Tuesday: 1 PT 5:5B-14/MK 16:15-20 SUNDAY, APRIL 23RD, 2017 Wednesday: ACTS 5:17-26/JN 3:16-21 7:45 AM UPPER CHURCH – MESSE CRÉOLE Thursday: ACTS 5:27-33/JN 3:31-36 Repos de l’ame Dorrinville Dorsaint - par Friday: ACTS 5:34-42/JN 6:1-15 son épouse, enfants, et ses petits-enfants Saturday: ACTS 6:1-7/JN 6:16-21 9:00 AM UPPER CHURCH– ENGLISH MASS Sunday: ACTS 2:14, 22-33/1 PT 1:17-21/ Birthday blessings for Marva Wooding - LK 24:13-35 by Marva Wooding PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, SPECIALLY: 10:30 AM LOWER CHURCH – MISA ESPANOL Marie Guerda Andre, Barbara Carrington, Patricia Por el Descanso eterno del alma de Adolfo Cummings, Suzette Da Luz, Emory Emanus, Brother Arita - de Ireni Artiga Buteau Estiègle, Marie Fenelus, Christina Frederic, Sœur 11:00 AM UPPER CHURCH – ENGLISH MASS Marcelle Fils-Aimé, Cecil Gilbert, Michelle Jadotte, No Mass Intentions Paulette Jeanty, Vilma Johnson, Josephine Jones, Juliette 1:00 PM UPPER CHURCH – MESSE CRÉOLE Josma, Ivianne Levine, Lucinda Lopez, Christopher Louis, Andre R. Milord, Miraclea Pierre, Iciline Smith, Remerciement à Dieu et à St Marc -par Ashley St. Fort, Cassandra St. Fort, Edith St. Fort, Bianca St. Vil, Marguerite Yolande Noel SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY MONDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2017 My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus breathes on the disciples, saying, 7:30 AM No Mass Intentions Receive the Holy Spirit. Forgive. To feel another’s 9:00 AM No Mass Intentions breath one must be near the other. Imagine how TUESDAY, APRIL 25TH, 2017 close Jesus was to the disciples that night. It was absent Thomas’s doubt that invited Jesus to ask 7:30 AM No Mass Intentions Thomas to come close enough to touch his hands and side. Like gasping for air gave me a deeper 9:00 AM Repos de l’âme de Solange Louis - par son appreciation of the gift of breathing, Thomas’ doubt époux Jean Louis, ses enfants et petits- led to a deep profession of faith: “My Lord and my enfants God!” TH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 , 2017 We have not seen Jesus in the flesh, but we experience his presence at times and without seeing 7:30 AM In loving memory of Bishop Vincent him we love him and believe. Prayer deepens that Darius - by the Gilbert and Darius Families love and can nurture and renew faith when we are in doubt. The earliest Christians devoted themselves to 9:00 AM No Mass Intentions breaking of the bread, prayer, and communal life. In prayer we aspire to God and God inspires or fills us THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, 2017 with the breath of God. Celebrating Eucharist, we ask the Spirit to deepen our union with Jesus and 7:30 AM No Mass Intentions each other. When belief or faith are difficult, the community can sustain us like an oxygen mask that 9:00 AM No Mass Intentions helps someone breathe. TH FRIDAY, APRIL 28 , 2017 Take a deep breath and pray: Fill me with 7:30 AM No Mass Intentions your breath, Lord. Exhale and give God whatever 9:00 AM Remerciement à Dieu et a Notre Dame de doubt, fear, or resistance lies within you, Breathe in Fatima - par Philomena Bien-Aime TH the Spirit of God again. Let Jesus touch your hands, SATURDAY, APRIL 29 , 2017 side, and heart to fill you with his everlasting love, 8:00 AM Birthday blessings for Alfred Brown - by even if this is a time of doubt, resistance, and fear his aunt for you. Give thanks to the Lord, who is good and 9:00 AM Remerciement à Dieu et à tous les Saints - par Souverain Garfield Morissau who is as near as your very breath. #417 St. Jerome Breathe on me, breath of God. Fill me with I thank the Altar Servers for serving with love and your life and your love, Jesus, that I might profess in dignity at the Altar with special acknowledgment to Fr. word and deed that you are surely my Lord and my Rigaud, their instructor, who scheduled and prepared God! them to serve diligently. Also thank you to the ushers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, our Sacristan, Harold Morris. A special thanks to Troupe Éclat for the spiritual concert. I would like to thank Bread and Wine Offering specially the RCIA team for their work in preparing the The bread and wine, this week, are being offered for candidates for the Sacraments. I would like to thank all the special intentions of Anna-Rose K. Tanis and who have graced us with their presence during the last family. weeks. A special thanks to the money counters. I thank YOUR WEEKLY GIFT TO GOD you once again for your generosity. Thank you to Sunday, April 9 th : Deacon Marcel, Deacon Culajay and the other priests Regular Contributions $ 8,682 who visited to help us. I would like to thank my brother priest, Fr. Rigaud for his dedication, support and Weekly budget 10,525 contribution. Difference -1,843 Thanks and God bless you all for all that you do! Number of Registered Parishioners Remember to shop through 2,000 WWW.SHOP.COM/STJEROMECHURCH. Number of Envelopes Used 443 St Jerome’s receives a donation every time you *Parishioners who need to use envelopes shop! 1,557 Twenty parishioners caught up with their donations. TROUPE ÉCLAT’S ANNUAL EASTER CONCERT Come and celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord and Thursday, April 13th-Sunday, April 16th: Savior Jesus Christ with Troupe Éclat at its Annual Tridium Collection $ 11,691 Easter Concert on Sunday, April 23rd at 6:30pm at St. Easter Gift 3,237 Jerome R.C. Church. Donation is $20. For tickets, call Holy Places Collection 1,001 (347) 932-1165 or (347) 866-6425. Retired Priests Collection 1,015 Catholic Home Missions Appeal Number of Registered Parishioners Strengthening the Church at Home 2,000 The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next Number of Envelopes Used week. One way that this appeal works to support home 575 mission dioceses in the United States is by supporting *Parishioners who need to use envelopes seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of 1,425 seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, Twenty two parishioners caught up with their because educating each seminarian costs $35-40K per donations. year. Your support is needed for these young men so that FR. YVON’S NOTE OF THANKS they might go back and serve their parishes. Please CHRIST IS RISEN ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! On this strengthen the Church at home by making a generous 2nd week of Easter, I thank God for his blessings upon all gift to next week’s appeal. of us during the Lenten Season, Holy Week, Tenebrae, ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Triduum and Easter Sunday. My heart was filled with joy In order to better serve you as our parishioners, we are to see many of you attending the Lenten retreat, asking you to register your family. Please do not assume receiving the sacraments and participating in the various because you attend Mass here you are registered in the liturgies and communion services during the past two Parish. Are you on our mailing list? Are you receiving weeks. envelopes? If not, it would be very embarrassing to us, to The Eucharistic celebrations went very well and this you and to your family when someone calls to make would not have been possible if it were not for the wedding plans, to have an infant baptized, or if you need participation and contribution of many of you. I would a certificate of sponsor for baptism or confirmation. like to thank the liturgical committee and many people We will be unable to honor your request because we for making Lent, Holy Week and Easter so special. I have no record of your registration as a parishioner. To would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our register, all you need to do is stop by the rectory during organists and choir members for their hard work and business hours and fill out a registration form. excellent performances. A special acknowledgment to Annual Catholic Appeal 2017 Sister Juvenia Joseph and Rosa Culajay for making the sanctuary so beautiful for the Holy Thursday celebration. #417 St. Jerome The 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal is underway. Our goal this year is $36,000. We ask all parishioners to contribute towards the Catholic Appeal. Your donation supports the many needs of our Diocese. Those who have not received a pledge card in the mail, please ask an usher for a card. As mandated by Jesus Christ, we are to care for our brothers and sisters. Diocesan Pilgrimage Join Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio on a Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions from August 30th-September 8th, 2017. For a brochure call, the Catholic Tour at (855) 564-1008. St. Jerome Southern Caribbean Cruise Join your fellow parishioners in an unforgettable cruise aboard the Norwegian “GEM” from November 11-21, 2017. This cruise will leave from NYC and travel to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and Tortola. Rates include accommodations, meals, nightly entertainment, casino, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, gym and daily Mass with Fr. Yvon. Pick up a flyer in the church for more information. For reservations, call Ann Marie Millien at (917) 750-6413 or Therese E. Obas at (718) 909-2547.
#417 St. Jerome