Purdue University Calumet School of Technology Course Syllabus

MET 14100 - Materials I

Credits and Contact Hours: Credit 3, Class 2, Lab. 2, Contact Hours 4

Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name: Kevin Wallace

Text Book, Title, Author and Year: Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, 6th, Ed, Kalpakjian & Schmid

Introduction to the Course: a. Catalog Description (2010-2011 Academic Catalog): An overview of structures, properties, and applications of metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites commonly used in industry is presented. Problem-solving skills are developed in the areas of materials selection, evaluation, measurement and testing. b. Prerequisites or co-requisites: MA 14700 c. Required course.

Specific Goals to the Course: a) General Education Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Identify, calculate and interpret a material’s microstructure and mechanical properties (1.1, 1.2; a, b, c, f)**. 2. Interpret phase diagrams and understand the effects of various pre & post processes on material properties (1.1, 1.2; a, b, c, f)**. 3. Use basic testing devices to collect data which will identify a given material based on known physical properties (1.1, 1.2; a, b, c, f)**. 4. Communicate material properties and uses for various products (2.1; g)**. 5. Work in teams (2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.4; e, g)**.

b) Criteria 3 Student Outcomes: This course covers items a, c, e, f, and g in ABET Criteria 3.

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Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply): X Lecture X Laboratory X Projects X Other (Blackboard Vista contains course materials such as handouts and is used for assessment)

Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply): X Quizzes X Exams X Homework X Lab Reports X Papers X Class Participation X How the final grade is determined:

3 tests 75% Homework & Class Participation 15% Labs & Attendance 10%

Brief List of Topics to be Covered: 1. Introduction to materials and their importance in industry. 2. Atoms their characteristics and how they bond. 3. Crystal structures of materials and properties associated with 4. Point, line and area imperfections in solids 5. Diffusion mechanisms and factors that influence results 6. The chemistry of polymer molecules and their physical structure and properties 7. How manufacturing process influence a materials properties 8. Mechanical properties of materials 9. Deformation and failure mechanisms in materials 10. Definitions and basic concepts of phase diagrams of metals

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