Red Deer Minor Softball Association
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Statement of Principle: The association sees player safety as of paramount importance and requires helmets with facial protection for all players.
Application of Policy: All Rage Fastball players will wear a cage on their batting helmet. - These helmets must have attached chinstraps. The association will make available, helmets with proper face protection, to players as required. This protection must be used all the time. - Games and practices and while batting or running bases. - Players who coach in the first and third base boxes. - Representatives who act as bat boy/girls both on the field and in the dugouts.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball: Believes it has an obligation to players who have been members of the association as developing players. Recognizes its mandate to create quality competitive teams at the provincial level.
Definition of Import Player: Import Players are defined as the following: - All players who live outside the County of Red Deer. - All players living within the County of Red Deer who do have an active Softball Program in their community.
Import Players on Top Level (“A”) Teams: For an import player to make a Rage Fastball top level team they must be evealuated as follows: - Top 5 for position players. - Top 2 for pitchers. For import players who do not meet these criteria, they can still make the team as a Coach’s Pick. - See “Evaluation and Team Selection Policy” for an explanation of “Coach’s Pick”
Application of Policy: The association will consider a player to be an import their first year with the association only. In subsequent years the player will be considered local. Team rosters will not have more than 40% import players. Any player wishing to appeal their ruling as an import may request a hearing with the Board. Special requests will be reviewed on an individual bases by the Board of Directors.
Exceptions: The Association will not limit the number of imports if a team is unable to reach the necessary numbers to operate a program. Pitchers and catchers, based on need, may be exempted from cap upon approval of the Board.
Recommended Guidelines: Rage Fastball encourages other fastball associations in our surrounding area to retain their players to maintain the quality of their own programs. Rage Fastball also recognizes athletes who cannot find a competitive challenge in their own community, by giving them an opportunity to participate in Rage Fastball evaluations. MOVING PLAYERS OUT OF AGE DESIGNATED PLAYING LEVEL Statement of Principle: As a general rule, and as stated in the general rules of the Association, Rage Fastball will not typically allow a player to play out of their age category unless the older age category does not have sufficient players.
Application of Policy: Any request to move a player out of the designated age category must be made through the Association President, prior to commencement of the season in question. Such requests must be in writing and shall be received no later than March 30th of the year in question. No decision about placement of the players can be made until the registration is complete and numbers of players at the given levels are established by the Association coordinator Registrar and Evaluation Team. No coach shall actively recruit a player from a lower age level to move to a higher age level. If it is determined that the numbers at two given age levels may warrant a consideration of player movement, a three member committee shall be established and will consist of the following: - The coach of the age appropriate team. - The coach of the higher age level team. - The President of the association. The association President or their designate alone shall make the decision after meeting with the two coaches involved. The decision of the President or designate can be appealed to the full Board. - Such appeals must be in writing within seven days of the initial contact regarding the decision of the President or designate.
Conflict of Interest Guidelines: If the association President is the coach of one of the teams involved or has a player on either of the involved teams, the League Coordinator a member of the Executive or designate will render the decision. If the child in question is the daughter of one of the committee members, they must excuse themselves from the committee and their position will be filled by an executive member appointed by the Board. It is recommended that the executive member appointed not have a daughter on either of the teams involved.
Statement of Principle: - 3 - Rage Fastball will host and financially support the hosting of a maximum of one two provincial championships per year. These championships may be of multiple categories providing they are held in conjunction with one another (i.e. U12 A and B Girls).
Application of Policy: Teams or groups wishing to host a Provincial Championship must notify the Board of Directors by September 1 st of the year prior to the championship being applied for. If more than one application is received, the Board of Directors will decide which team will be entitled to financial support. RDMSA will endorse and support additional requests to host Provincial Championships but will not provide any financial support. Successful applicants will still be expected to host an invitational tournament to raise funds prior to the Provincial Championships, unless exempted by the Board. Applications received after September 1 st, will be accepted and reviewed at the discretion of the Executive.
Financial Support: RDMSA will give the host team or group $120 per team entered in the provincial championship including the host team. RDMSA will give the host team or group $150 per team entered in the provincial championship for categories that have post-provincial implications. RDMSA will apply for and retain the hosting grant available from Softball Alberta.
Host Financial Obligations: Each tournament’s organizers will be responsible for applying for and managing the hosting grants from Softball Alberta. The host team or group will be responsible for all costs associated with hosting the provincial championship. These include but are not restricted to: - Umpire costs. - Park / Diamond rentals. - Softball or other equipment costs. - Programs. - Advertising. In the event the host team or group shows a financial loss, Rage Fastball may consider covering such costs. Revenue: The host team and/or group shall forward retain all profits made from the Provincial Championships back to Rage Fastball in accordance with the RDMSA Fund Raising Policy. If the host team did not host a tournament during the season they may retain profits from the tournament as approved by the board.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball believes that rosters beyond or below a certain number are not in the best interests of player development. Rage Fastball recommends rosters for teams are set at 12 players unless approved by the Board of Directors.
Exception: The U10 Grassroots Teams will not be held to these numbers. Each team’s roster size is generally kept at 8 or 9 players.
Application of Policy: The Association will not operate a team with less than 10 players on the roster. The Association will have no more than 13 players on a team unless approved by the Board of Directors.
Statement of Principle: RDMSA believes that a balance between competitiveness and core skills must be established at any age category where numbers warrant three teams.
Application of Policy: It is determination of the Board of Directors alone when an age category has numbers which require three teams. In making this determination of this circumstance, the Board may consult with coaches and parents of the affected players prior to ruling.
When it is determined there is a need for three teams, the eligible players shall be divided on the following principles: Those players selected as the highest level on the basis of talent shall compete at the level determined by the association. This team has the option of using players from either of the lower teams to fill temporary or provincial vacancies as needed. The remaining players shall be divided as evenly as possible between the remaining two teams. Both teams at the lower level may attempt to qualify for provincial play, if that is the wish of the coaching staffs and parental group. It is an option that the lower level teams can combine to pursue a birth in provincial play, if that is the wish of the coaching staffs and parents involved. The tournament at the age level in question during the year in question should have multiple levels and the organization, planning and proceeds should be evenly divided among the three teams. As a general rule, the Association will not leave any team with a number of players less than 11.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball recognizes the desire of teams to purchase items for their teams. These items may be clothing (jackets, sweat shirts, etc.) or ball bags, etc. The Association accepts no financial role in these decisions. Proceeds from team fund raising (See Team Fund Raising Policy) may be used to offset the cost of merchandise.
Application of Policy: It is the obligation of the teams to pay up front for merchandise. - There should be no billing to the association. Proceeds from tournaments can be redistributed for the costs of purchases. The association will allow teams to utilize the Rage Fastball logo at the establishments with it on file at no fee. The association would encourage the use of Rage Fastball’s logo and colors. The association will not allow any sponsors to put their logos or names on Rage Fastball uniforms or apparel. Should a team put a sponsor’s logo on their apparel, the team will face a fine up to $500.00, as determined by the Board.
Note: The association encourages teams to support our designated clothing and merchandise supplier.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball will provide travel assistance to teams and players who are travelling to Western Canadians or National Championships provided the following conditions and criteria are met.
TEAMS Teams must be affiliated with Softball Alberta and must be registered through Rage Fastball during the year of the event and/or the year that the funding is requested for.
The amount of the funding to be provided is as follows: Western Championships Up to $1,500 maximum. Canadian or International Championships Up to $3,000 maximum. Teams attending post-provincial play within the province of Alberta maximum $1500 Teams attending post-provincial play within our neighbouring provinces (BC, SK) maximum $2500 Teams attending post-provincial play beyond our neighbouring provinces maximum $3500
The maximum amount of funding provided for teams by the association will be $7,000 per year. If the number of teams applying for funding exceeds the maximum amount, the funding will be pro-rated. All team members do not have to reside in Red Deer.
This funding would be ordinarily given is intended to support Rage Fastball members who are picked up by other teams to attend a Western or National Championship.
All individual players requesting funding must be registered with Rage Fastball in the year that the funding is requested or in the previous year if the event is to be held between January 1 and March 31. They must finish their season with their Rage Fastball team.
The amount of the funding to be provided is as follows: Western Championships Up to $100 maximum. Canadian or International Championships Up to $200 maximum.
The total amount of the funding provided for individuals teams will be $1,000 per year. If the number of individuals teams applying for funding exceeds the maximum amount, the funding will be pro-rated. UNIFORM POLICY (New Policy)
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball provides jerseys for all players on all teams.
Exception: The U10 Grassroots teams receive t-shirts that are theirs to keep at the end of the season.
Application of Policy: Jerseys: All jerseys purchased by the association are property of the association and will be returned, in good condition, at the end of the season. Some teams will have both home and away jerseys, while others will receive a single set of jerseys. Teams with just a single set of jerseys may have to utilize a second set of jerseys for post-provincial play. All sets of jerseys must be returned to the Uniform/Apparel Coordinator or Designate at the conclusion of the season. Any player failing to return their jersey or returning their jersey in a condition that is unfit for future use at the end of the season, will be charged the replacement cost of the item. The Uniform Coordinator will purchase new jerseys as needed. - These purchases must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Pants: Players are responsible for providing their own black softball pants, with the exception of players at the Grass Roots level Socks: One pair of Uniform Socks is supplied to each player at the beginning of each season.
Hats: Hats are supplied to each player by the association when the player first joins Rage Fastball. If lost or damaged, the player must pay for a replacement from the association.
NOTE: For provincial and post-provincial events each player must wear the same Rage Fastball uniform.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball recognizes that coaches are required to have a specific certification to accompany their teams to provincial and post-provincial play. Rage Fastball also recognizes the importance of certification and coaching clinics to help ensure that the association has the best qualified coaches.
The attached table indicates the certification level required by coaches for the different teams within Rage Fastball.
Application of Policy: With prior approval of the association President, coaches will be reimbursed as per the following: - Cost of the clinic. - Cost of fuel to and from the clinic. - Hotel costs up to $150.00 per night. - Meal costs: - Up to $40.00 per day if an overnight stay is required. - Up to $20.00 per day if the clinic does not require an overnight stay. the cost of registration for the clinic. As per the attached table, coaches will may not be reimbursed for clinics that are not required for the current season. - If the team you are coaching does not have any chance of attending a post provincial tournament, the coach does not require a level 2 certification course for that season. - If the team you are coaching already has a certified coach, it is not necessary for another coach to get their certification for that season. Rage Fastball will not limit the number of clinic attendees each year as long as the coach has received the necessary approval. COACHING CLINICS REIMBURSEMENT POLICY - continued COACHES CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS
Statement of Principle: Each season the Coaching Selection Committee will select the best possible coach for each team.
Application of Policy: The coaching committee will consist of the following: - President of RDMSA. - Past president of RDMSA, along as they are still active with RDMSA. - League Coordinator of RDMSA. - Three members of the Executive or designates from the Board, in case of conflict of interest. The Vice President or a A Board designate will replace any of the members if one of the following situations arises: - Individual has a conflict of interest with the selection. - Individual is being considered for that coaching position. - Individual holds more than one of the selection committee positions. The process will include a minimum of 3 of the following when there is more than one individual applying for the coaching position: - Interview of each applicant. - Coaching qualifications - Review of prior season(s) accomplishments. - Review of prior season coach’s evaluations and/or feedback. The “A” team coaches will be selected a minimum of one month before the evaluation dates. All other coaches will be selected announced at the completion of the evaluations. PRIVACY AND PROTECTION POLICY (New Policy)
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball recognizes that, through the player registration and provincial registration process, it has been given access to confidential information for each player and family. Rage Fastball takes great effort to ensure that this information is kept private.
Application of Policy: All registration information is kept secure with the Registrar. The Registrar will only supply portions of this information to other board members who require this information to complete their assigned roles. Once any individual has left or graduated from Rage Fastball, their confidential information will be destroyed. During the registration process, parents are required to indicate whether they have any concerns with respect to privacy or security issues. - The registration form includes a parent/player release that must be signed at the time of registration.
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball recognizes the importance of providing a safe environment for all players. To ensure this, Rage Fastball will ensure that all members of the coaching staff will obtain a criminal background check.
Application of Policy: All coaches will be required to obtain a criminal background check every three years. First year coaches must obtain a criminal background check before they can have contact with Rage Fastball players. Between the first and third year, all coaches are required to indicate whether there has been a change in their criminal status from the prior season (sign a release form). During the season, coaches must make Rage Fastball aware of any changes to their criminal status. Any coach who refuses to obtain a criminal background check will not be allowed to have contact with players in Rage Fastball.
Review of Criminal Background Checks: The President of Rage Fastball, or Vice President if delegated, will review these criminal background checks for any concerns that may make a coach ineligible to be in contact with players. 1) The President or designate of Rage Fastball will review any flagged criminal checks with that coach. 2) The coach must indicate the reason for the flagged criminal check to the President or designate of Rage Fastball. - Any refusal to reveal the reason for the flagged criminal check will result in that coach not having access to any players within Rage Fastball. - The coach must indicate the reason in a signed document. 3) It is the discretion of the President or designate to bring forward to the Executive of Rage Fastball any situation that may pose a risk to the players. 4) The Executive will make the final decision as to whether to allow this coach access to players within the association. A coach, who has been disallowed access to players, may protest the decision by having the criminal background check reviewed by the Board of Directors. This protest should be made in writing to the association. The President of Rage Fastball will ensure the privacy of these criminal background checks and yearly updates to the coach’s status. The information will be destroyed when: 1) The three year period has passed and a new criminal check is made available. 2) Any time the individual has left Rage Fastball. REGISTRATION POLICY (New Policy)
Statement of Principle: Rage Fastball’s objective is to maintain the integrity of the evaluation and team selection process. The Association values it’s athletes and strives to retain players that have developed through Rage Fastball programs and endeavors to offer the highest level of play at each age division.
Application of Policy: Participation in Rage Fastball’s Evaluation Process indicates a player’s intent and commitment to play for the team that they are evaluating for, if successful. Once the player evaluation process has begun for the age division and level that the player has registered for, i.e. U14 “A”, there will be no refund of the registration fee or the evaluation fee, if the player chooses not to join the team. Exceptions may be considered with a physician’s note. Once the evaluation process has begun it is also at the discretion of the Executive and Board to determine if the Volunteer Cheque will be refunded. Once a player has left the Association and played for another fastball association (excluding players who are picked up by other teams or associations for post-provincial play) they are no longer considered members of Rage Fastball and must go through a process to determine their eligibility to return to evaluate and play for Rage Fastball: A letter from the player or their parent/guardian will be written to the Executive of Rage Fastball stating their reason for leaving the association as well as their reason for wanting to return to the association. Requests to return to Rage Fastball will be reviewed and decided upon by the executive. Players/parents who disagree with the decision of the Executive may appeal, in writing, to the Board of Directors.
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