Weekly Lesson Plan Template

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Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Bandy/Perry Course: Eng II/EnglishII Honors Period(s): ALL Date Range: Dec.1-5, 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Students will analyze Students will Students read closely to Students learn appropriate Vocabulary review and authors’ choices in setting, examine the items on determine what the text says grammar to be used during practice usage. explicitly and to make logical character development, the ACT English test, writing and speaking. Students read fiction to inferences from it; cite Unit Learning connotation, tone, and learn how to enhance critical thinking and specific textual evidence to understand literary Goal(s): figurative language, theme determine the when writing or speaking to techniques. and plot. correct grammatical support conclusions drawn structure regarding from the text. those items. Students will continue a Students will The students will read a Students analyze Students will practice using novel and analyze literary recognize short story and cite textual subject/verb agreement. SAT level vocabulary Daily Learning elements present in the correct/incorrect evidence about the Students practice writing in appropriately. Goal(s): books. grammatical selection in the written either active or passive If time permits, students will voice. Students review continue to read novels. They Students will use learned structures on the ACT extended responses. grammar rules regarding will analyze the text and SAT level vocabulary words English test. The students will answer capitalization. answer critical thinking in written paragraphs. questions about what the Students recognize questions regarding the short text says explicitly and differences in modifiers, novel. implicitly. comparatives and superlatives. Students learn how to avoid double negatives Florida LAFS.910.RL.2.5: Analyze LAFS.910.L.1.1: LAFS.K12.R.1.1 L.3.AP.6a : Use grade Standard(s) how an author’s choices Demonstrate appropriate, general and Read closely to determine academic vocabulary from CPALMS concerning how to command of the or FLDOE what the text says explicitly accurately. structure a text, order conventions of LAFS. K12.R.1.1. LAFS.910.RL.1.1: Cite strong Frameworks: and to make logical events within it (e.g., standard English inferences from it; cite Read closely to and thorough textual parallel plots), and grammar and specific textual evidence determine what the text evidence to support analysis manipulate time (e.g., when writing or speaking to says explicitly and to of what the text says explicitly usage when as well as inferences drawn pacing, flashbacks) create support conclusions drawn make logical inferences writing or from it; cite specific from the text. such effects as mystery, from the text. speaking. textual evidence when tension, or surprise. LAFS.910.L.1.2: Cognitive Complexity: Level writing or speaking to Demonstrate 2: Basic Application of Skills support conclusions LAFS.910.RL.1.1: Cite strong command of the & Concepts drawn from the text. and thorough textual conventions of evidence to support Cognitive Complexity: analysis of what the text standard English Level 2: Basic says explicitly as well as capitalization, Application of Skills & inferences drawn from the punctuation, and Concepts text. spelling when writing.

Students will review all Students will review Subject/Verb agreement 100 SAT words Key Concepts/ vocabulary words learned all vocabulary words Active or Passive Voice Vocabulary: semester 1. learned semester 1. Modifier Comparative Superlative Double Negative Building Background Students reflect on their None Bellwork: In preparation for the lit first impressions of the story ‘Christmas in Wales’: assigned novel. Vocabulary review Does your family have any holiday traditions? What are they? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher will distribute a The teacher will The teacher will choose Students begin with review Students take SAT vocab. quiz for vocabulary quiz on and grade. review sheet of all the review what was students to read “ Building Friday. If time permits—novels-- vocabulary words learned previously learned Background” and Teacher discusses Honors: Reading "Of Mice during semester 1. The about the ACT information about the Independent and and Men" teacher will lead an oral English Test and how author, Dylan Thomas. Dependent Clauses. General: Reading "Breathing Teacher leads students in Under Water" review of the definitions. it resembles the AIR The students will follow the use of "Goof-proof All students respond to The students will be test they willtake in text of ‘Christmas in Wales’ Grammar" packets--rules 5- critical thinking questions Activities: instructed to use 25 of the the spring. while an expert reader 9. regarding the novel they are words in a paragraph. The teacher will lead reads it. reading. General-Breathing the students through The teacher will distribute Underwater by Alex Flinn the process of the selection tests that Honors-Of Mice and Men by approaching an ACT include multiple choice, John Steinbeck English passage: vocabulary in context, and The students will read skimming the written responses. sections of the novel, paragraphs, The teacher will lead a engage in a discussion examining the discussion about various regarding characters and underlined sections, ways to correctly answer other literary elements and and determining the extended responses answer analytical questions what changes, if any, using textual evidence. on the segment read. must be made to The students will complete make the sentence the selection tests. grammatically accurate. The teacher will remind students of the 3 steps learned last week-1. Does this stuff belong here? 2. Does this stuff make sense? 3. Does this stuff sound right? The teacher will lead through passage 1 and assist through passage 2. Writing Students will use semester Students will use Students will write Students respond to critical Component: 1 vocabulary words in semester 1 extended responses about thinking questions regarding paragraphs. vocabulary words in the short story ‘Christmas in the novel. paragraphs. Wales’. Formative Students offer answers to Assessment: sample questions for each rule. Summative Grammar rules 5-9 quiz SAT vocab. review quiz (60 Assessment: (50 questions worth 50 points) points) Required "Goof-proof Grammar" Vocab. quiz sheets; Resources: worksheets ELMO; Novels; critical thinking questions

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