3Rd Grade Social Studies Unit: Government

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3Rd Grade Social Studies Unit: Government

3rd Grade Social Studies Unit: Government In this unit, Students CAN:  Identify the rights and responsibilities of a citizen.  Explain the ways responsible citizens can contribute to the common good of their community.  Evaluate cause and effect relationships between responsible courses of action and the consequences of irresponsible behavior  Identify leaders in a community and their roles and responsibilities.  Explain that local governments are based on principles of working for the common good.  Explain how local governments are structured the same way as our state and national governments.  Identify the 3 branches of government and explain their role at the local level  List the services local governments provide for citizens and explain their contribution to the community.  List and explain the significance of historical and national celebrations

Concepts: governmental systems, rights and responsibilities, leadership North Carolina Essential Standards HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS AND FINANCIAL CIVICS AND GOVERNANCE CULTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY LITERACY  3.H.1.1 Explain key  3.C&G 1.1 Summarize the historical events that historical development of local occurred in the local governments. community and regions  3.C&G 1.2 Describe the over time. structure of local government and how it functions to serve citizens.  3.C&G 1.3 Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government  3.C&G 2.1 Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, socially and economically to their community.  3.C&G 2.2 Exemplify how citizens contribute to the well- being of the community’s natural environment.  3.C&G 2.3 Apply skills in civic engagement and public discourse (school, community) Common Core State Standards

R.1.Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

R.2.Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.

R.3.Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

R.5.Use text features and search tools (e.g., keywords, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

R.10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. b. Provide reasons that support the opinion. c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. d. Provide a concluding statement or section.

W.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine atopic and convey ideas and information clearly. a. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. d. Provide a concluding statement or section

BIG IDEAS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What students need to understand Guiding questions for understanding  Responsible citizens contribute to the political, social, economic and  What does it mean to be a responsible citizen? environmental development of their community (voting, volunteering,  How does being a responsible citizen make a difference in a recycling, conserving, paying taxes, jury duty, etc.) community?  Local governments establish rules and laws that responsible citizens  What are the civic responsibilities of citizens? What would happen if must observe. we did not fulfill our responsibilities?  Our local government follows a checks and balances system similar to  What is a leader? Why are they important in communities? its state and national governments  How does the system of checks and balances affect our local  Government provides services for the common good of a community. government?  National celebrations have impact the historical and cultural  Why does the local government provide services for a community development of communities.  What is the purpose of celebrating national holidays?

KNOWLEDGE/CONTENT SKILLS What students need to know (nouns) What students need to be able to do (verbs)  Academic vocabulary Tell the roles and responsibilities of a citizen  Our local, state and national governments are all structured under a Explain the structure and function of the local government system of checks and balances with 3 branches of government Tell how citizens participate in the development of their community  Local government leaders work to ensure the common good of a Model positive and responsible citizenship community. Tell the roles and responsibilities of local leaders  Local governments provide services for the common good of a Explain the reasons why we celebrate national holidays community  Civic responsibilities include paying taxes, voting, jury duty and obeying laws.  Responsible citizens volunteer, recycle, reduce and conserve for the good of their community.  National holidays are annually celebrated.


Common good Election Governor Legislative branch Volunteer Ballot Representative Executive branch Recycle Candidate Democratic process Judicial branch Reuse Jury Mayor Checks and balances Conserve Public servant City council members Culture Government (local, state & national) Appoint Police and Fire chief holiday Consequence Government service Health and social services Civic engagement ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Political development Rights Social development Responsibilities Economic development Annual Community Elect Congress Patriotic President Citizen

RESOURCES Harcourt Social Studies Text: U1, L1 and 2 (citizenship), U1, L3 (government), U1 L5 (history)

Imagine It! Correlation:  The Legend of Damon and Pythias (citizenship)  Teammates (citizenship)

Social Studies Leveled Readers:  Below Level: Citizens Lead the Way (citizenship)  On Level: Designing Our Capital (government)  Above Level: People Who Care (citizenship)

Independent Readers:  Basic: America Votes: How Our President Is Elected By Linda Granfield (government)  Proficient: Boxes for Katie By Candace Fleming (government)

Discovery Education- Citizenship  America at Its Best: What it means to be an American Citizen (15:00)  This program discusses what a citizen is and how we become citizens of the United States. The importance of the privilege to vote is addressed, as well as the privilege to obtain an education. It also gives examples of good citizenship through youths in action.  This is Your Government: What does it mean to be a Good Citizen? (13:40)  This program examines the responsibilities of all citizens, including voting, serving on a jury, and community involvement.  TLC Elementary School: Understanding Good Citizenship (24:15)  This program explores the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy and the factors to consider in selecting leaders.  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3:42)  This program discusses how using the reduce, reuse, and recycle model of conservation, people can help protect the earth's natural resources. Discovery Education- Government

 This is Our Government (18:00) o This program explores local, state, and federal governments to see how their branches work together. It explains how one branch makes the laws, another makes sure the laws are fair, and a third makes sure the laws are obeyed.  Checks and Balances (2:44) o This video segment explains how the system of checks and balances ensures that no branch of government becomes too powerful. Also, it reviews how checks and balances are involved with the process of approving bills and passing laws. Discovery Education- History  Holiday Facts and Fun: This is a series of videos about many of the different national holidays.

NC WISE Owl: Britannica Elementary School Edition http://www.school.eb.com/elementary This is an online encyclopedia for kids.

United States Government Article: (government) http://www.school.eb.com/elementary/article?articleId=353887&query=united%20states %20government&ct=null

City Article: (government) http://www.school.eb.com/elementary/article?articleId=352965&query=mayor&ct=null ASSESSMENTS

Please visit the Elementary Social Studies Wiki for sample assessments. Grade Level Pages: Performance Tasks COMMON CORE CONNECTIONS SKILLS WRITING . Identify the main idea and supporting details of a text  Compose and explanatory text about the rights and responsibilities of a . Recognize and read different types of fiction and nonfiction texts citizen. . Follow the writing process to develop information texts  Compose an opinion piece about the importance of responsible citizenship . Follow the writing process to develop opinion pieces in a community. . Make personal, text and world connections  Compose an informational text about the levels of government and leaders . Identify text features and use them to identify important information at the local, state and national levels. within the text  Create an informational text about a national holiday. . Identify and explain cause and effect relationships  Compose an opinion piece about a national holiday. . Ask and answer questions about a variety of text types R1/R10 W1 W2 Leveled Reader: People Who Care Write an opinion piece describing whether or not you think voters’ choices should be kept a secret. Support your point of view with at least 2-3 reasons.

R1/R10 W1 W2 Leveled Reader: Citizens Lead the Way How can being a responsible citizen have an impact on society? Write a paper describing how responsible citizenship can help a community prosper. R1/R10 W1 W2 Research, watch videos or read a variety of texts about Write an essay stating which holiday you Research a national holiday. Create a presentation to national holidays think is the most patriotic and give at least 3 give to your peers about your holiday. Explain the reasons supporting your answer. information you have gathered including when the Possible Resources: NCWise Owl Britannica, Discovery holiday is celebrated, why it is celebrated and special Education, Harcourt Social Studies Text U1L5 traditions done on the day.

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