Colorado Theater Guild - Henry Award's Ballot - Straight Play Henry Judge Name Name of Production: NOISES OFF Author(s): MICHAEL FRAYN Run Dates: SEPT 1 – SEPT 24 CTG Member Organization: LAKE DILLON THEATRE COMPANY Contact Name/Phone: CHRIS ALLEMAN/ 970-513-1151 EXT. 101 Contact Email: [email protected]

Please fill in the "nominations category" for all applicable categories for your production. Use "N/A" for categories that are not applicable to PRODUCERS: your show. In acting categories fill in as many performers as needed.

Production Category NOMINATION Judge Score (1 - 50) Director Wendy Moore Scenic Design Nick Kargel Sound Design Joseph Reynolds Lighting Design Nick Kargel Costume Design MollyWalz Dance Choreography (if applicable)

Acting Categories NOMINATION Judge Score (1 - 50) (please include character name) Lead Actor(s) Jeff Ronan/Garry

Lead Actress(es) Sharon Kay White/Dotty

Supporting Actor(s) George Colligan/Frederick Bob Moore/Selsdon Brett Figel/Tim Chris Alleman/Lloyd Supporting Actress(es) Amy Jo Jackson/Belinda Brittany Jeffery/Brooke Missy Moore/Poppy

Score as Ensemble Performance Yes Score for Outstanding Play Yes World Premiere Play No