Science Fair Pacing Timeline & Process Grading
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Science Fair Pacing Timeline & Process Grading Students will be awarded points for a process grade for the first trimester. It is important that you meet each of the dates below. Points will be awarded for quality work turned in on time. Points will be deducted for missing, incomplete or late work.
September 29, 2017 (15pts.) 1. Topic Proposal/Parent Consent form is due. You must list 3 different science fair project ideas on this form. Your parent must approve each of the ideas and sign the form. 2. Topics are approved on a first- come, first -serve basis. There may not be any duplicate projects within the same grade. 3. If you plan on using humans as participants in your experiment (other than yourself), you will need to use a minimum of 15 different participants in your experiment in order to have reliable results. 4. Keep in mind each of your possible project choices MUST involve an experiment and have measurable results that can be graphed. Simply building a model of something does not qualify as a science fair project.
October 5-6, 2017 1. Science Fair topics will be approved by these dates. 2. Parents and Students need to begin to fill out the proper science fair forms. These forms can be located in the science fair folder which was distributed during the first week of school. All students regardless of topic will need forms 1, 1A, 1B, 3, Abstract (6th grade only) and Research Plan (6th grade only). We will discuss abstracts and research plans in class, but they will be completed at home. Depending upon your topic you may need additional forms. If you are using human subjects or animals, you must copy as many forms as necessary and get permission prior to beginning your experiment. (see me if you need these forms)
October 13, 2017 (10pts.) 1. Science Fair Copybooks due by today, if not brought in with your other school supplies during the first week of school. Your name should be on the inside back cover. 2. You will receive your rubric for how to keep your Science Fair Copybook today in class. 3. We will go over the process of how to conduct research. Students are required to research and print out a minimum of 5 articles/collections of information that pertains to your topic. 4. Begin researching your topic at home. PRINT OUT your research / articles and keep track of your URLs as you go. We will have designated class time for research, but the bulk of your research and note taking will happen at home.
November 2, 2017 (25 pts.) 1. All science fair forms are due today. All students must have Forms 1, 1A, 1B, and 3. If you are using human or animal participants in your experiment, those forms are due as well. Experimentation cannot begin until forms are in! Research Plans and Abstracts are not due until January 19, 2018. 2. Question/Purpose of your Experiment is due.
November 10 , 2017 (25 pts.) Research is due today. You must present your printed information and the notes that you’ve taken on your information. Prior to class, it must be organized and stapled into your lab copybooks. If you are writing directly in your lab copybook, your handwriting must be neat and legible.
November 17,2017 1. Hypothesis is due. Must be an “If…Then…Because” statement like we’ve gone over in class. It can be either stapled or written in to your lab copybook. (5 pts.)
2. Materials are due either written in or stapled into your lab copybook. They can be a numbered list. Make sure your list is thorough. You may add materials later if you need to. (5 pts.)
3. Procedures are due. Stapled or written into your lab copybook. Must be a numbered list that goes step by step. You should be careful not to leave any important steps out. You will be able to go back and edit your procedures if you need to. Include a diagram or labeled design of your experiment after your entire procedure. (15 pts.)
4. Begin your experiment at home. It must be completed by January 8, 2018 - Please remember as you experiment you must record your data. You can take pictures and make illustrations to use in your lab copybooks or display boards later.
Students will be awarded points for a process grade for the second trimester. It is important that you meet each of the dates below. Points will be awarded for quality work turned in on time. Points will be deducted for missing, incomplete or late work.
January 12 , 2018 1. Observations are due. They should be stapled or written neatly in your lab copybooks. (20 pts.) a. Qualitative Data: Verbal descriptions of your data may include photos, sketches or labeled diagrams of your experiment that will be displayed on your display board.
b. Quantitative Data: Measureable data must be recorded on data tables. Copies of these data tables will be used on your display board.
2. Analysis is due. Data is further explained and relationships among data are illustrated in a graph. (Bar, line, pie chart etc.) A written paragraph discusses what your graph(s) illustrate. You must have at least one graph and one explanation paragraph. (20 pts.)
January 17, 2018 (20 pts.) Conclusions are due, either stapled or written neatly in your lab copybook. Your conclusion is in paragraph form—at least 8-10 sentences. Use your writing skills – thoughtfully written, no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. You may use several paragraphs if needed.
Remember a conclusion does the following: Summarizes your experiment Answers the initial question Cites / uses data to approve or reject your hypothesis Discusses points of error/mistakes in the experiment Tells what you have learned Future considerations – what would you change about this experiment if you conducted it again; how could you learn more
January 19, 2018 (6th grade only) (10 pts.) Abstracts are due. Print 3 copies. One is turned in to Mrs.O’Doherty. The other must be stapled into your lab copybook. The other is for your tri-fold display board.
Research Plans are due. This must be typed. Print 2 copies. One is turned into Mrs. O’Doherty and the other is stapled into your copybook
January 24, 2018 (30 pts.) Completed Tri-fold display boards and copybooks are due. Your name must be on the back . All work must be shown on your display board at this time. There will not be class time given for construction of your display boards. It is to be completed at home and turned in on time.
**A separate grade will be given for completed science fair copybooks (did the student make necessary corrections throughout the process?; is it neat and complete?) and tri-fold display boards.**
The Science Fair will take place on Sunday, January 28 th as a kick off to Catholic Schools Week.
If you and your child have any questions or concerns throughout any part of the science fair process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. As your child’s teacher, I am here guide him/her in the right direction and hopefully help build the confidence and independence needed to successfully complete this project.