College Prep Biology s1

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College Prep Biology s1

College Prep Biology Instructors: Mr. Jason Bowen Dover High School 2016-2017 Contact Information Phone: 241-2400 EXT 1268 Email: [email protected], Website: Course Description: Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific processing skills and inquiry, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore the nature of science and experimental design, cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and sustainability.

Class Expectations  Be Prepared – Bring your notebook and something to write with everyday. Assume a proper learning stance. You will also need a transparent tape or a glue stick. A package of colored pencils and/or colored marker is also helpful.  Be Respectful – To yourself (Do your best!), others and the instructors.  Be on Time – Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Check to board and/overhead for essential question, agenda and opening activity.  Be Safe and Clean – Follow all lab safety rules. Clean up after yourself and put materials away. Please Recycle!  Be Attentive & Positive – Think, ask questions and participate. Stow all portable and electronic devices!

Class Procedures  Starting Class – If you are late you must have a pass from administrator, faculty or staff member. No excuses! Enter at the front of the room.  Hall Passes – Will be not issued routinely. Please do not interrupt instructors to ask to leave class when instructions/directions are being given or during a directions/lecture situation. Students who abuse this will not be granted hall passes.  Lab Safety – Be familiar with all lab safety rules and activity procedures. Goggles are to be worn at all times when instructed.  Ending Class – You will be dismissed from your seats. The instructors will dismiss the class, not the bell. You will have a summarizing activity ever day be sure to turn it in. Also be aware of the 10 minute rule. Exit through the rear door.  Fire Drill & Emergency Situations – Quickly and quietly exit during a fire drill. Stay together so that attendance may be taken. Meet at designated area.  Group Work – Students are expected to work within their group for designated assignments. Sharing with other groups is not permitted, unless instructed. Group roles will be discussed before hand.

Grading and Evaluation According to Capital School District Grading Policy, your marking period grade will be determined by the following:  Summative Assessments (evaluate the student’s mastery) 60 percent of marking period grade examples include: test/quizzes, quick writes, projects, inquiry activities and some exit tickets.  Formative Assessments (evaluate the student’s progress) 40 percent of marking period grade examples include: class work, homework, notebook checks, and summarizing activities.  The final course grade is determined by: 20% for each marking period, and 10 percent for each midterm/final exam.  Test grades of under 70% may be retaken at time agreed upon after school by the student, instructors and parent/guardian. Rubric-graded writing assessments maybe be revised and resubmitted.  Extra credit is earned for work on regular assignments by going above and beyond what was assigned. It will not be given out as a separate assignment. Absence and Missed Assignments  To receive full credit, all work must be turned in on time. Late work will receive a 10% deduction. If students are absent, they are responsible to ask for makeup work and set up a reasonable due date.  Extra Credit is not provided unless it is earned during the course of an assignment. One replacement assignment will be offered per marking period for missed assignments.  Missed lab or inquiry activities need to be made up at a specified time. Materials for activities do not remain in the room for more than a few days, therefore it is important that these activities are made up ASAP. An alternate assignment maybe be assigned if materials are no longer available.  Absence the day before a test does not exempt you from taking the test. Test will be announced at least a week in advance.

Notebook Requirements The notebook will consist of

An interactive science notebook ---. A wide ruled 8.5” by 11” spiral notebook of at least 100 pages is expected or if you prefer a three-ringer binder with loose leaf notebook paper will suffice. This notebook will hold class notes and assignments and activities.

It is required that you bring both each day. The class procedures for the use and organization of this notebook will be provided for you in a separate handout. If you lose either notebook, you must replace it immediately. You are required to have your notebooks by Wednesday, August 31 (A-day), or Thursday September 1 (B- day.)

Extra Help If you are struggling, ask for help. One of the instructors will be available from 2:30-3:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please make arrangements in advance for other days.

Textbook and Web Access The name of the textbook is Science & Global Issues – Biology. Students may not take books home since we have only a class set. The textbook is available online through student login. Students who are unable to access the book online at home should make the instructor aware so that a hard copy can be printed out for use.

Curriculum The material taught is based the Next General Science Standards. The four overall key units are as follows:  The Nature of Science  Evolution  Cell Biology  Genetics

Schoology: We will promoting student engagement by using the educational social network. More on that later.

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