Buscot Park Cricket Club Committee

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Buscot Park Cricket Club Committee


Est. 1891

Buscot Park Cricket Club Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the AGM held Thursday, 21 November 2013 at Faringdon Town Football Club.

Present: J Morton (Chair), S Mutch (Secretary), A Morbey, R Morbey, W Morbey, I Elsdon, P Farmer, A Yates, M Cartwright, W Townsend, M Heasman, S Burchett, L Griffiths, R Able

1. Apologies

G Thompson, H Millar, D Williams, L Farmer, J Slack, M Tufnell, T Stepp

2. Minutes of AGM 2011

The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 25 October 2012 were read, approved and moved to be adopted by S Mutch, seconded by A Morbey.

3. Matters Arising


4. Official Reports a. Chairman

John’s full report is attached at the end of these minutes. In summary it has been a good year on the pitch, the first team gaining promotion and the seconds finishing mid table after a slow start, excellent when you consider half the team are juniors! Sunday matches went well. We had junior teams at U11, U13 and U15 level and all did OK. We also ran a juniors kwik cricket completion (we won!). Thanks to all who helped over the season, we are looking forward to new facilities next year and a new league for the firsts. Thanks particularly to the sponsor – all, please mention BPCC if you deal with them and encourage others to sponsor next year if you can. Thanks to Lord Faringdon and the Estate staff. It will be our 125th anniversary in 2016 and we will be beginning to plan the celebration next year! b. Treasurer

The accounts reports and details are attached at the end of these minutes. In summary we had increased income from members fees this year but the weather was not helpful (fees from tees down). The club account stands at ~£16,000 in credit, most of this is earmarked for the pavilion works.

Following a discussion of the accounts details JM to query the exact nature of the entry titled ‘refreshments’ with PF (Mrs).

The accounts for 2012-13 were moved to be adopted by J Morton and seconded by S Mutch. c. Membership Secretary

Andy submitted a short report to the meeting. All senior subscriptions have been paid bar two individuals, these are shown as debtors in the accounts. It was agreed that these individuals would no longer be eligible to play for the club until all debts are paid up. The club will strict on this matter in future, if fees are due by the deadline set (currently 1st July) then the member will not be eligible for selection. The deadline may change in future seasons (be brought forward) by committee decision.

AM thanked all those who helped him with membership over the season, particularly wrt juniors. JM noted that we are trying to raise our profile generally with posters, newspaper ads and the like. LG

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 1 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891 suggested he could bring more military players in, all agreed this would be fine. JM is hoping to get indoor nets organised at St Hugh’s school for the pre-season. d. Fixture Secretary

IE outlined his plans for the coming Sunday season which are to keep contact with the local village sides we play and have a few touring sides on occasion. There is still some problem raising a team but this has been much better this year. Any suggestions for fixture please forward to IE or JM. e. Club Captain

DC was unable to attend and has decided to step down as Club Captain. The club thanks him for his efforts this year and successful it was too. (JM had summarised the team performances in his earlier address).

5. New Club Constitution

The club was in need of a new constitution for the Club Mark scheme, to be in line with the ECB openness and anti-discrimination policies and for our CASC status. A proposed version was put forward by JM, having previously been reviewed by the committee. After a short discussion the new constitution was accepted by the meeting and is adopted by the club.

6. Election of Officers

The election of officers was concluded as follows:

Post Nominee Proposed Seconded President Lord Faringdon J Morton M Cartwright Chairman J Morton P Farmer S Mutch General Secretary S Mutch L Griffiths J Morton Treasurer P Farmer A Yates A Morbey Fixture Secretary I Elsdon A Morbey R Morbey Membership Secretary A Morbey S Mutch J Morton Club Captain L Griffiths A Morbey P Farmer Second Team Capt R Morbey P Farmer S Burchett Sunday Captain J Morton S Mutch A Yates Welfare Officer K Day S Mutch A Yates Selection Committee A Morbey, P Farmer J Morton S Mutch + Captains

Vice Presidents

No new nominations. The current list will remain as for 2012.

S Claridge, M Cornley, M Harris, R Heasman, G Hoskins, Sir G Martin, Mrs W Morbey, M O’Neill, R O’Neill, C Smith, D Wilson, D Yeates

Life Members

No new nominations. The current list will remain as for 2012.

J Booth, M Cartwright, F Cox, R Deane, C Edgington, G Edgington, I Elsdon, D Honeywill, J Morbey, M Shiel, B Talbot, W Townsend, M Tuffnell, P Widdrington, D Williams and A Yates.

General Committee

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 2 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

The General committee will be comprised of the following: Five automatic positions – Chairman (J Morton), Secretary (S Mutch), Treasurer (P Farmer), Fixture Sec (I Elsdon) and Membership Sec (A Morbey); the remaining positions are made up from the following representatives: Club/1XI Captain (L Griffiths), 2XI Captain (R Morbey), Communications Officer (S Burchett), Ground (D Williams), Juniors (A Morbey/J Morton) and a General Member (M Heasman).

7. Finances

JM outlined the new proposed set of subscriptions and fees, see attached. It was recognised that our club has one of the lowest membership fees in the area, which has not increase in nearly ten years. Match fees remain low and the increase in membership fee is minimal. It was suggested that we have a different midweek fixture fee to the weekend fixture fee. JM proposed a new category of Social Member with a nominal fee of around £10, he will take this idea to Buscot Village Parish Council to gauge reaction/ viability. Sm suggested we agree a fee for ground hire, this to be discussed at Committee.

New fee structure was proposed by J Morton, the meeting agreed to adopt.

8. Senior and Junior Cricket Matters

JM noted that we are looking for an U13 team manager. Also, coaching courses are available through the club at WBC funded events, all are encouraged to consider these. We are also looking into holding a scorers training session in the town in partnership with the WBC trainers. All are welcome. We need to determine a venue and dates and get back to WBC.

The new league fixture should be out at the league AGM on 24 November.

9. Groundwork Sub-Committee

DW indicated that he would like to do a little less next year. G Thompson has volunteered to help out where he can. DW, GT and IE to meet in early next year to discuss arrangements. It was noted that John Pilcher at Challow has been extremely helpful this year with the ground and pitch maintenance. JM to get him a bottle with our thanks. JM will be looking into getting a service contract on some of our ground equipment soon.

10. Pavilion Works Project

Most major works were completed this year. Remaining jobs include completing the roof join, installing the showers, plus other small interior jobs. We should be ready to use at the start of next season.

11. AoB

Fundraising Race Night, AM to look at hold this in early next year.

Next Committee meeting set for Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at 7.30pm at John Morton’s House

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50 pm.

Steven Mutch, General Secretary, BPCC 12 Jan 2014

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 3 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Chairman’s Address:

Well I can’t believe it is 12 months since I became chairman! Been a very busy year, much better weather and some good cricket – which after all is what all of this is about If you came to the dinner you will have heard most of this bit - Duncan Clarke took charge of 1st XI and had a superb season – we lost 2 matches all season winning 10; An excellent result and one that should mean promotion to 4 – however with WCCL you never know! Rob Morbey’s 2nd XI had a tough start losing 5 early games, but then an excellent turnaround winning 7 from the remaining matches saw us finish a very creditable 7th from a league of 10. I think this is all the more inspiring when we see that 8 of the regular players in that team are all juniors Sunday friendly fixtures – doesn’t get any easier to raise teams and it has to be said we didn’t often have the strongest side, however we all played some good cricket and had some great matches, with an emphasis on fun, inclusion and playing in the real spirit of the game As skipper the highlight for me was against Langford with 6 juniors in the side and a few old- stagers we chased 164 and only ended up just 4 light Juniors are the life-blood of the cricket club and it is fantastic that with Andy Morbey’s huge contribution we are able to put out teams at under 15, 13 and 11 Under 15s this year were a little on the light side; despite our numbers there are still peaks and troughs and this year was a bit of a trough for the under 15s winning 2 of their dozen or so fixtures. It has to be said that numbers were made up with under 13s and that bodes well especially when we see that GJ won both the batting with an average of 38 and the bowling with 4 wickets in 13 overs @ 13.5; best 3 for 9 At under 13 we had a little more success winning 2 from 6 and only losing against E&W Hendred by 1 run! George once again has dominated the averages winning the batting with an average of 69 and finishing second to Harry Snozwell who took the bowling with an average of 10. We also have a player of the year at under 13 and this season Andy chose Nick Edgington for all-round improvement, his keenness and being an extremely enthusiastic team player Unfortunately GJ can’t play at under 11 but my squad of embryonic cricketers are eventually coming good; we have had a very young team with each year only losing 1 or 2 due to age and this season we won our first game for 3 years! We ended up winning 2 of our 5 games and played some great cricket, still loads to learn but it is lovely to see such progress. Hamish Fergusson won the batting 82 runs @ 27.3; HS 32 NO; and Josh Court just edged the bowling from next year’s captain Zak Trivedi, with 6 wickets in 16 overs @ 7.8 inc. best of 4 for 15. Player of the year at under 11 was Charlie Sykes – best described as an ‘elf’ of a cricketer who began to find his feet this year; turning into a very correct batsman, promising bowler and fearless fielder; from not saying boo to a goose he has now started telling the skipper what should be done, Zak better watch out next year! And he’s still got 2 more years at under 11 – well done Charlie. For the under 11s we also held a small Kwik Cricket tournament to which 4 other clubs brought teams along; in the best tradition we won our own competition beating each of the other clubs and so got our names on the plaque first Other trophies:- Captain’s Trophy – Craig Cook

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 4 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Tom Holmes’ Trophy – Aaron Court Young Player of the Year – Charlie Morgan And finally …… The Duck Trophy – Patrick Slack There are lots of people to thanks around the club, but they know who they are and I believe that they don’t do what they do for public thanks, so I think it better to reflect on how the club has developed this year and to look forward to next, recognising the ‘doers’ in that way – we have heard how the cricket has come on this year with hopefully promotion for the 1st XI and more success for the other teams; I would like to specifically mention the match day sponsors – realised £750, please support them; and Lord Faringdon and the team on the estate who help us in many ways Outside of cricket we held our first Golf Tournament in Spring – 25 or so players of shall we say mixed ability enjoying a good day at Carswell; won by our friend Bob Cripps from The Folly pub With new loos, kitchen and changing rooms; gas tank installed; all new electrics; disabled facilities; and the boiler and plumbing just about completed we can now see how excellent the club building will become and next season we shall be in a very enviable position It is the club’s 125th anniversary in 2016 and by then we look forward to more cricket, to more successful teams, to hosting county representative matches, to having more social events and to more visitors and friends coming there to enjoy the beautiful place that it is Thanks to the committee and to everyone else for all that they have done shame on those that haven’t done anything

J Morton, BPCC Chair.

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 5 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 6 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 7 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 8 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 9 of 10 [email protected] BUSCOT PARK CRICKET CLUB President: LORD FARINGDON

Est. 1891


Adult: £500.00 for 4 seasons (includes match fees) £150.00 for current season (includes match fees) £45.00 for current season (plus match fees)

Student: £80.00 for current season (includes match fees) £25.00 for current season (plus match fees) NB ‘student’ over 15 years on 1st September 2013

Junior: £80.00 for current season (includes match fees) £25.00 for current season payment before March 1st (plus match fees) £30.00 for current season payment after March 1st (plus match fees) NB ‘junior’ means under 15 years on 1st September 2013 and subscription includes social membership for their immediate

Junior Family: £25 for the first child, each additional child £10.00 NB ‘junior’ means under 15 years on 1st September 2012 and subscription includes social membership for their immediate

Social: £10.00

All subscriptions to be paid promptly and in any case not later than June 30th

Match Fees:

Saturday: Adult - £10.00 (Match fee waived if driving 2 or more other players to away matches) Student or junior - £5.00

Sunday: Adult - £10.00

Student or junior - £5.00

Weekend: Adult - £15.00

Junior Matches: - £3.00

Visitors’ Teas: - £35.00

Gen. Secretary: Steven Mutch Page 10 of 10 [email protected]

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