Horningsham Parish Council

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Horningsham Parish Council

Horningsham Parish Council

9 Beech Grove, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0AB Tel: 01985 213436 Chairman: Mr. Tim Hill Clerk Mrs. Sarah Jeffries MILCM

Minutes of the meeting of Horningsham Parish Council held at the village hall Horningsham on Thursday 13th March 2018 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors, Tim Hill, Stephen Crossman, Fran Chris, Gerard Brierley and Matt Simpson.

In attendance: The Parish Clerk Mrs. Sarah Jeffries MILCM.

Public Question Time Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1 extended by the LG Act 972 s 100. Resolved: no public were present.

17/216 Acceptance of apologies for absence Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted. Resolved: Councillor Dermot FitzGerald had sent his apologies due to a work commitment. Council resolved his apology for absence. Councillor Jayne Glover had sent her apologies due to sickness. Council resolved her apology for absence. Councillor Simon Millar had sent his apologies due to a work commitment. Council resolved his apology for absence. Councillor Michael Trollope had sent his apologies as he is away on holiday. Council resolved his apology for absence. Councillor Ken Windess was absent. Councillor John Radley was absent.

17/217 Chairman’s announcements Resolved: none to give

17/218 Dispensations Resolved: none requested

17/219 Declarations of interest, members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the relevant authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulation 2012 (SI 2012/1464) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations) Resolved: none given

17/220 Exclusion of the Press and Public Standing Order #1c The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Resolved: not required.

17/221 To receive and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the 11th January 2018 and the Planning meeting held on the 18 th January 2018. (Previously circulated) LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1) Resolved: that they were a true record of the meetings decisions. Proposed Councillor Matt Simpson Seconded Councillor Gerard Brierley

17/222 Planning

Planning Applications Resolved: noted that at the time of producing this Agenda no planning Applications had been highlighted for comment.

(In planning matters the Council acts as a consultee of the principal authority. The Principal authority being the deciding body for planning applications)

17/223 Planning Decisions Resolved: noted the below decisions received.

Application Ref: 17/12532/TCA Location: 124 Scotland, Horningsham, BA12 7LY Application for Work to Trees in a Cons Area Proposal: - Goat Willow tree – coppice, Hawthorn tree - cut back overhanging growth by 1m, Hawthorn tree – fell, 2 Hazel trees – coppice, 3 Cypress trees – fell, Yew tree - reduce & shape, Apple tree – prune and Yew tree - reduce lower branches by up to 1m Decision: Approved

Application: 17/12418/FUL Location: The Old Forge – 11 – 12 Gentle Street Horningsham Warminster BA12 7LD Proposal: New Garden Room and lean-to utility room Decision: Approved with the conditions below:

Subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing number 1716/100 Existing elevations and floor plan received on 09.01.2018 Drawing number 1716/101 Rev A. Proposed section, ground floor, site, location and sketch plan received on 07.02.2018; Drawing number 1716/102 Rev A. Proposed elevations received on 07.02.2018; Drawing number 1716/103 External door details received on 09.01.2018; Drawing number 1716/104 Joinery details, sections received on 09.01.2018; Drawing number 1716/105 window details, sections received on 09.01.2018 REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 Notwithstanding the terms enshrined by approved drawings list set out within condition 2, no works shall commence until further details are submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority comprising the following: (i) Large scale details of proposed eaves (1:5 section) and (ii) Full details and samples of external materials. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. REASON: In the interests of preserving the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. 4 No walls shall be constructed on site, until a sample wall panel, not less than 1 metre square, has been constructed on site, inspected and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The panel shall then be left in position for comparison whilst the development is carried out. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved sample. REASON: in the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the Conservation Area

17/224 Parish Steward - Highways Resolved: Councillor Fran Chris reported that she had noticed the Parish Steward when he was working at the bottom of Church Lane and had taken the opportunity to show him the gully that required clearing in the parish. The Parish Steward reported to her that he will bring a digger to take this action on his next visit. It was reported that in Chapel Street the car parking is damaging the banks. It was felt that this was a Longleat issue. Councillor Stephen Crossman agreed to speak to the Land Agent regarding this matter.

Directional Signage Resolved: Councillor Matt Simpson reported that he had an idea that directional signs with lion heads on might assist the issue that the Sat Navs were causing regarding directing visitors to the Estate incorrectly. He reported that he had sounded off the idea with Anne Strong at the Estate and she had agreed that it was a good idea. He will follow this up with the new Land Agent as and when they were appointed.

Litter Pick Resolved: Councillor Fran Chris updated Council re the cancellation of the Community Litter pick. It was agreed that the new date would be 24 th March 2018 at 10.00am. The Clerk would inform the Area Board Manager at Wiltshire Council.

17/225 Asset Maintenance Resolved: it was agreed that as Councillor Ken Windess was absent this item would be moved to the next Agenda.

Health & Safety Report Resolved: as Councillor Michael Trollope was absent this item would be moved to the next Agenda for discussion.

17/226 Asset Register Review Resolved: The items listed on the Asset Register were agreed as current and approved. It was agreed all of these items were to continue to be listed on the Insurance policy. It was agreed that Councillor Matt Simpson will take action in photographing the assets to produce a visual report of each item’s condition and a map highlighting the items would be put with the photographs and the Asset Register. Proposed Councillor Matt Simpson Seconded Councillor Stephen Crossman. All in favour.

17/227 WWI Commemorations Resolved: Councillor Matt Simpson reported that all of the Fruit Trees have been planted. There was one parishioner who had turned up rather late and was saddened to see the work had been completed before they had a chance to take part. Councillor Matt Simpson recommended that crocus and wild daffodils should be planted as an accompaniment. It was agreed that Councillor Matt Simpson look into the costs for the suggested project and the areas they would be planted in, this information would be brought to the next meeting for discussion. Councillor Fran Chris reported that the beech hedge near the War Memorial required cutting, Councillor Matt Simpson agreed that he would contact the Estate regarding the issue. Councillor Matt Simpson reported that dog fouling has been taking place in the Fruit Orchard, he asked that a message be put in the Horningsham News and on the Facebook pages. It was expected that when the gate was replaced this would address the issue. Councillor Matt Simpson mentioned he has been speaking to specialists re the repainting of the names on the memorial. A local funeral directors in Warminster, Co- op Funeral Care has offered to donate the paint for the memorial. Council approved that Councillor Matt Simpson and Councillor Simon Millar would take up the offer for this project.

17/228 Remembrance Day Resolved: noted Di Brittan has been booked to take the service. Councillor Tim Hill reported on his research re seeking contact with the fallen Soldiers living relatives, some had been identified but more research was to be completed.

17/229 Village Hall Committee Resolved: to move this item to the next Agenda to hear an update from Councillor Ken Windess on the recent activites of the Committee.

17/230 Defibrillator Resolved: noted that the Village Hall Chairman had informed the Clerk that the Village Hall Committee had discussed the Parish Council’s request to site the defibrillator on the Village Hall wall and that they confirmed that they are all very happy for that to be installed at the Hall. It was noted that an Electrical Contractor will need to be sought and quotations obtained for the fitting of the Defibrillator Cabinet. Councillor Matt Simpson and Stephen Crossman informed the Clerk that they had details of Electrical Contractors to contact for a quotation. They were asked to send the details to the Clerk. Council noted that the funding would not be available until after April 2018 but that the project would be progressed to an installation date in late April/May. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Great Western Ambulance Service to start the process of the project.

17/231 Play Area Resolved: noted that the Chairman had no update from the Estate to date. Council noted that the Clerk had actioned the grant application to the Warminster Area Board for £4500.00 and that the Area board meeting was sadly cancelled due to the volume of snow had that day. Council noted that the meeting is being reconvened at Trowbridge City Hall, the Clerk will attend to speak on the behalf of the Council regarding the application.

17/232 Annual Parish meeting Arrangements. Resolved: instructed the Clerk to invite the School Governors, Head Mistress, Longleat CEO, Longleat Wood Yard Manager, Longleat Head Forester, PCC Representative, Sunflower Nursery Team, Neighborhood Watch Representative, Simpson Seeds, Bath Arms Manager, Horningsham News Team, Welcome Club, Luncheon Club, Cricket Club WI and the Village Hall Chairman would be also invited to speak. Councillor Fran Chris agreed to supply biscuits, cake and refreshments for the event.

17/233 Policy updating Resolved: approved the Clerk checking the Parish Council’s Polices are ready for the changes of the General Data Protection Regulations. The Clerk was instructed to bring those changes required to the Parish Council’s attention for consideration.

17/234 Rural Police report Resolved: noted Rural Police Report, received by email.

17/235 2Neighbourhood Tasking Group meeting Resolved: noted the Neighborhood Tasking Group (Neighborhood Watch) Report, received. (Distributed by email to Councillors on the 19th February 2018).

17/236 Parish Plan Resolved: Councillor Stephen Crossman reported that a meeting has been arranged for the 20th March 2018 with the Headmistress. Tim Moore would then be the remaining person to consult with re the Church, it was noted that following this meeting, all the organisations will have been consulted with. It was felt that the final draft could then be collated by the Working Party.

17/237 Register of Interests update Resolved: all Councillors present confirmed that their interests were up to date, that no changes had occurred.

(It is a legal requirement that Councillor Register of Interests are logged with the Higher Authority within 28 days of being elected. Localism Act 2011 ss 26-34 those interests are specified in the relevant Authorities (Disclosable Interests) Regulations 2012, SI 2012/1464 it is an offence without reasonable excuse to fail to register a disclosable pecuniary interest within 28 days. A fine up to level 5 or a disqualification can be the penalty.)

17/238 Local Councils Scheme Application. Resolved: the Clerk was instructed to email the check sheet to review the documentation ready for the application to be completed and sent to the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils, to all Councillors to action the check.

17/239 Internal Audit Review 2017-18 Resolved: noted the information below from the Internal Auditors:

We are starting to plan our programme of reviews of councils accounting and governance arrangements for 2017-18. We would like you please to advise the likely dates when your records will be available for our review and any deadline the Council may have for adoption of the year’s Annual Return. We understand that the major external audit provider (PKF Littlejohn) will be requesting submission of records by early / mid-June, although they will happily provide an extension to 31st June on request by the Council: with this in mind, we suggest that all our clients seek such an extension as, with over 250 clients files to clear between April and June, we will be hard pressed to complete every clients review by mid-June. We do not anticipate there being any increase in the fees as charged last year unless any specific problems are identified requiring additional work. Obviously, we cannot confirm specific dates at this stage, but your early indication of preferences will assist in our programming. Where we have more than one client in the area (e.g. Cambridge and Norfolk), we will obviously need to link them together to minimise costs and ensure the efficient and smooth conduct of the review process. Where issues arose from last year’s (i.e. 2016-17) review resulting in recommendations, we also attach a copy of that report and would ask that you complete and return the appended Action Plan response section to us in advance of the review indicating the current status of action to address the issues raised. We also attach an updated copy of our Corporate Governance Questionnaire and ask that it is completed and signed by the Chairman and provided either in advance or when we undertake the year’s review. We would also appreciate your provision of the following documentation in electronic format in advance of our review: - • Extant Standing Orders and Financial Regulations • 2016-17 insurance schedule, and • Risk assessment(s) adopted within the financial year

The Clerk can confirm that the review will be undertaken by Claire Lingard on the 30th May 2018.

17/240 Corporate Governance Review 2017-2018 Resolved: noted that the Internal Auditors had sent the Corporate Governance Questionnaire for this year’s audit. They had asked that it is completed and signed by the Chairman and provided either in advance or when they undertake the year’s review. The Chairman had taken action.

17/241 HMRC Resolved: noted that the Clerk had received an update Payee code and had implemented the change of Tax code on the salary system. The Clerk had also received notice of a credit, this requires following up with HMRC as the Parish Council will require a credit for the payments made to date.

7/242 Lloyds Bank Resolved: noted that the Clerk has received the Account Closure report. A transfer of £29912.45 had been actioned to the Unity Trust Account.

17/243 Unity Trust Bank Resolved: Signatory Councillors present confirmed that they have actioned their passwords and have trialled access to the Unity Trust Banking Site noting the process they will need to action to authorise payments.

17/244 Internal Audit Check Resolved: the clerk reported that Councillor Simon Millar had actioned an Internal Check on the accounts, the Clerk reported that an incorrect input of £20.39 had been highlighted. The Clerk will action the correction for the year end now it had been reported.

17/245 Approval and signing of Parish Accounts for the month of January and February 2018. Internal Audit Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 reg 2 Resolved: approved and signed the accounts for January and February 2018. The Clerk reported a balance for the Account at month end of £30,069.32.

17/246 Payments LGA 1972 s150 (5) Resolved: reviewed and approved the items of expenditure listed below:

Invoices Wages 12th February 2018 LGA 1972 s111 £ 337.25 Wages 12th March 2018 LGA 1972 s111 £ 226.85 Heat, Light etc. LGA 1972 s111 £ 13.34 Postage Reimbursement LGA 1972 s111 £ 4.46 Maiden Bradley IT Usage Contribution LGA 1972 s111 £ 16.00 Website Horningsham.org Domain Monthly Fee LGA 1972 s111 SO £ 20.39

Receipts: To note receipt of income None received

It was agreed that Councillors Tim Hill and Gerard Brierley to action the payment authrisation.

VAT Reclaim Resolved: noted that the Clerk had checked the Vat level and that the level identified is only £51.29 to claim back. As the Parish Council claim needs to be over £100.00, the clerk will keep check of the VAT level until it reaches £100.00. (Council noted that as the claim must be for a period of at least one calendar month and must end on the last day of a calendar month and that if it is for less than £100, it must cover a period of at least 12 months.)

17/247 Meetings for Councillors to consider attending Resolved: noted that at the time of compiling this Agenda there were no meetings to bring to the Council’s attention.

17/248 Correspondence received

Horningsham School Governors Report Resolved: noted none received.

CPRE Best Kept Village Competition Resolved: All agreed to enter again this year, Councillor Steve Crossman would action the Best Kept Village Competition paper work. The Clerk was instructed to send population figures to Councillor Stephen Crossman to enable him to clarify the category.

Great history or wildlife project idea? The Cranborne Chase & Chalke Valley Landscape Partnership scheme wants to hear from YOU!

Resolved: noted the below had been received:

The Cranborne Chase & Chalke Valley Landscape Partnership (LP), a five-year Heritage Lottery funded scheme aimed at supporting activities which conserve or enhance the cultural and natural heritage of the area, or helping people to understand and appreciate its special qualities, has money to spend on myriad history and wildlife projects and is waiting to hear from people within the partnership area with great ideas.

So whether a community would like to enrich the flora along its verges, restore a village pond, develop a star-gazing point or set up a hedgehog survey, the Landscape Partnership team would love to hear from them. Alternatively, perhaps they would like to celebrate local mysteries or legends, or capture oral history from their community’s more senior craftspeople, or tell the story of their church and churchyard in greater detail than it has ever been told before. Equally they should get in touch. Projects will be assessed on a first come, first served basis, so ideas need to be submitted without delay.

“We have hundreds of pounds available for grant pots to fund projects within the LP area and get these exciting ideas off the ground. We can also offer help from a wide variety of experts,” explained Roger Goulding, LP Development Officer. “We would like to encourage people to contact us with any ideas they have that can enhance the history or wildlife offering in their area.”

The LP scheme will also be running some exciting large-scale projects and is looking for people to engage with these. The projects include dramatic re-enactments; supporting landowners with wildlife and heritage improvements; following in the footsteps of the archaeological pioneers; woodland clusters; improving the River Ebble; and celebrating local artists and traditional local crafts.

“Whether you want to learn about archaeology or develop your conservation skills, we have these kind of volunteer opportunities available and many more across the whole Landscape Partnership area,” continued Roger. “Ultimately I want people to get in touch. We can match people to projects and we will also look at every idea that comes our way. I’m available to visit communities to talk about any potential projects they may have. I know there are many fledgling ideas out there that just need that vital cash injection – and that’s where we can help.”

For more information, contact Roger Goulding, Landscape Partnership Development Officer; tel: 01725 517417; email: [email protected]. A map of the Cranborne Chase & Chalke Valley Landscape Partnership area can be found at http://www.cccvlps.org.uk/

Big Things- Parish Councils we need you Resolved: noted the below had been received.

I am developing an exciting, new programme for a major UK Broadcaster and we need the help of parish councils to get the word out to the residents of small villages and communities around the UK

The idea behind the show is that we will be funding numerous public art projects around the country and we want the public to nominate their own village to win the chance of creating a new landmark for their community

The unique process will see established artists working with the local people to create large pieces of public art that have specific meaning to their community. We want them to use public art as a way of creating a discussion about their own shared collective identity

We would like residents of small towns and villages to get in touch and tell us what makes their hometown so special. Does it have a rich history? Is something or someone famous associated with it? Do they have interesting traditions? Has the community fallen on hard times and is in need of reminding people about how special it really is? What is their unique story?

The most important thing is that the town has a strong sense of community and a commitment to the project, as this is a journey they will all go on together with the goal to create a legacy piece of public art that generations will be proud of

We’re hoping that parish councils will be able to spread the word to their local residents by forwarding the email on to the right people and displaying the flyer (attached to this email) where it can be easily seen. A member of our team will be in touch to any applicants we wish to progress further.

Longleat Tree Safety Supervisor Update Resolved: noted the below correspondence that had previously emailed out to all.

Just a quick email to let you know that at some point the London planes either side of the road to Simpsons Seeds will be pollarded at a height of 3.5 metres and then maintained at this height on a cycle. The trees are outside of the conservation area. Many of the planes have lost branches recently and more historically, and I believe may be due to the last paragraph on this document: https://www.forestry.gov.uk/pdf/pathology_note07.pdf/$FILE/pathology_note07.pdf

They won’t make large trees as they will continue to lose branches and stems, but could be maintained as pollards in my opinion. Steve Woollard Tree Safety Supervisor Longleat

Booklets and Brochures on the below list were also received. None were noted. All the below email correspondence received by the Clerk had been emailed, or posted to Councillors. Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Broadband - January 2018 Public Health Briefing Clerks & Council Direct Glasdon Hags Play Ground Solutions

17/249 Clerks Report

Clerks Holiday Resolved: approved the clerk taking time off from the 26th March 2018 to the 2nd April 2018 for the Easter break.

Society of Local Council Clerks General Data Protection Regulations Resolved: noted that the Society of Local Council Clerks is sending the Clerk on a Data Protection Officers Course in London. This course, if passed will mean the clerk will be a fully qualified Data Protection Officer and so will benefit the Parish Council. Council approved the Clerks request to take 5 hours of her toil time the week commencing the 16th April 2018 to the 20th April 2018.

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils General Data Protection Regulations Resolved: noted a report on the GDPR meeting the clerk attended.

Horningsham Church Resolved: discussed the communication from the Church Warden regarding the Church Yard Maintenance and thanking the PC for actioning the maintenance

17/250 Parish Clerk’s Delegated Powers The Clerk will give Council details of any matters dealt with under her delegated powers since the last meeting of Council. LGA 1972 s101 Resolved: noted the below Planning:

17/12459/FUL Longleat Safari Park temporary exhibition of animatronic animal sculptures Decision: Supported Wiltshire Council Decision: approved with conditions In pursuance of its powers under the above Act, the Council hereby grant PLANNING PERMISSION for the above development to be carried out in accordance with the application and plans submitted (listed below). In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Subject to the following conditions: 1 The statue display hereby granted permission shall be removed from site with the land to be restored wholly to its former condition on or before 15th November 2018 REASON: In the interests of amenity and the protection of the heritage asset, in order to secure the restoration of the land upon final removal of the display for which permission can be justified only on the basis of a special temporary seasonal installation. 2 No fixings requiring any physical works to any part of listed buildings or walls shall be permitted. REASON: In the interests of the protection of the heritage asset. 9b7c52f3-1ef6-4eb3-98ce-d9363051383f.doc 3 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents: Site Location Plan registered on 17 January 2018; Site layout/statue location plan Ref 1760 2 100 A registered on 17 January 2018 read in conjunction with statue details as per "Predators Design Document" 1 and 2 submitted in support of the application. REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

17/12321/LBC Baycliffe Farm proposed balcony at Baycliffe Farm Decision: Supported Wiltshire Council decision: No Officer’s report added to the Wiltshire Council Website. See below 17/12177/FUL.

17/12177/FUL Baycliffe Farm proposed balcony at Baycliffe Farm Decision: Supported Wiltshire Council Decision: approved with conditions In pursuance of its powers under the above Act, the Council hereby grant PLANNING PERMISSION for the above development to be carried out in accordance with the application and plans submitted (listed below). In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Existing site and location plan - drawing no. 003 - dated Dec 2017; Proposed site and location plan - drawing no. 004 - dated Dec 2017; Existing ground floor plans and elevations - drawing no. 001B - dated May 2012; Proposed ground floor plans and elevations - drawing no. 100G - dated May 2012; Existing first floor plans and elevations - drawing no. 002B - dated May 2012; Proposed first floor plans and elevations - drawing no. 101G - dated May 2012 REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning

18/00816/FUL Longleat Safari Park erection of fencing to create new Hyena enclosure Decision: Supported Wiltshire Council target for a decision: 30th March 2018. Clerk to report decision at the next meeting.

17/251 Notice of items to be taken into consideration at the next meeting. Resolved: ¼ Budget Report and Accounts and Audit Regulations Review.

17/252 Items for Parish Newsletter & Notice Boards Resolved: that the minutes were highlighted in the Parish News, placed on the Notice Boards and Website.

17/253 Dates for Full Council Meeting. Resolved: that Thursday 12th April 2018 is the date of the next Parish Council meeting. It will start at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

The meeting finished at 8.45 pm Sarah Jeffries PSLCC

Members of the Council considered the foregoing matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder; health and Safety

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