LAP 1 Chapters 1, 3 Biology and the Biosphere

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LAP 1 Chapters 1, 3 Biology and the Biosphere

Mead Ecology Fall 2014 Email: [email protected]

Course Overview: Ecology is a semester long science course. Its purpose is to give a general introduction to the study of ecology, especially the study of living organisms and their interactions. We will study how environmental factors influence how species live, reproduce, die and evolve. We will pay particular attention to the interaction between humans and the environment. You will learn basic study skills, laboratory skills and critical thinking skills. These skills will be applied to our study of the ways in which organisms are related.

Course Content: LAP 1 Chapters 1, 3 Biology and the Biosphere LAP 2 Chapter 3 Cycles of Matter LAP 3 Chapter 4 Ecosystems LAP 4 Chapter 4 Biomes LAP 5 Chapter 5 Populations LAP 6 Chapter 6 Humans and Biosphere LAP 7 Chapter 34 Animal Behavior ( if time allows)

Materials TEXTBOOK: BIOLOGY BY MILLER AND LEVINE REQUIRED Three-ring Binder (Dividers can be purchased or tabs can be made) REQUIRED Colored Pencils (occasionally for lab)

Expectations: 1. Be on time. Be in your seats and ready to start at the appointed time. Tardy to class and skipping class will be handled according to procedure outlined in the Student Handbook. 2. Come to class and open lab prepared. Bring your textbook, completed homework, something to write with and take notes on, and your LAP. 3. Show respect to everyone in the classroom 4. Turn assignments in on time. See Incarnate Word Academy Late Work Policy (attached) for details. You will be allowed to use ONE NLP (no late penalty) per QUARTER. 5. Homework: Please put your name, LAP number, and title of assignment at the top of the page. Assignments that must be typed will be indicated on the LAP. 6. Cheating: Don't think about it, don’t do it. Cheating and Plagiarism will be handled according to procedure outlined in the Student Handbook. 7. Tests will be given in the Testing Center. Sign up correctly and bring your ID. 8. LAPs will be handed out at the start of every new unit. They will contain open lab assignments, homework and worksheets. The LAP will contain due dates and test dates. It is your responsibility to READ the entire LAP because often it will contain information that we do not cover in class but which you are responsible for. LAPs and the class notes for each day will be posted on my weebly. 9. Formative assignment correction policy: If you do not show mastery of a concept on a formative assessment (quiz, lab, worksheet, etc), you will have the opportunity to redo the assignment/quiz or show mastery in another way. If this happens, you will be notified that you need to conference with me about the concept and schedule your re-evaluation. The format of the re-evaluation may differ with each concept or quiz. All re-evaluations must be complete before you take the LAP test. Changes to your score will vary based on the concept and the re-evaluation format. If you are required to make corrections to a formative assignment it will be noted on Powerschool and also on the corrected assignment. It is your responsible to check your grades and read comments on Powerschool as well as collect your graded assignments from the out basket. 10. Summative assessment correction policy: If you do not show mastery of an objective on a summative assessment, you will need to meet with the teacher to create a plan to reach mastery. This plan will include a test analysis, test corrections, extra practice work and a re-evaluation. Student should meet with the teacher as soon as possible to begin the process. If you are required to make corrections to a summative assessment it will be noted on Powerschool with a deadline. 11. Open Labs are required and designed to complement class time. Most LAPs will require a Binder Check (more info below). You may also have a computer activity that can be done in open lab or at home. Open labs can also be used to seek additional help, ask questions, complete reading assignments, lab work, test corrections or other research. Please expect to follow the school procedures for open labs. 12. If at any time your grade falls below a 70%, the teacher may assign open labs that you must attend. This will be scheduled on an individual basis. If you are formally structured, missing an assigned open lab will be a 1D infraction.

Grading System: Grades will be determined using points. Points will be assigned according to the following: Final Exam 20%, Summative Assessments 40%, and Formative assessments 40% (including quizzes, worksheets, lab analyses and open lab activities).

Ecology Binder: All students will keep a 3-ring binder for Ecology use only. The purpose of this binder is to aid you in organizing, studying and learning the material. The notebook will be checked and graded each LAP during open lab. The binder will be divided by LAP. You may use purchased dividers or make tabs for each LAP. There will be a “binder checklist” available on the weebly prior to each binder check. This must be used to organize the LAP materials in the correct order and must be printed and placed in the binder to receive credit for the binder check (before coming to open lab!). The general order of the LAP materials will be: LAP, class notes, labs and other WS, study guide, test.

IWA Late Work Policy – Fall 2014 To ensure accurate reporting in grades, all teachers at IWA will categorize assignments and assessments into two categories: Formative and Summative. You will distinguish between the two because all Summative Assessments will be designated as so in the teacher’s grade books.  Formative assessments are on-going assessments in a classroom and can include homework, open lab activities, quizzes, and class work. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process.  Summative assessments are typically used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs and services at the end of an academic year or at a pre-determined time, such as at the end of each LAP. Summative assessments would be considered LAP tests, culminating projects, presentations, tests, and exams. The goal of summative assessments is to make a judgment of student competency after an instructional phase is complete. Summative evaluations are used to determine if students have mastered specific competencies and to identify instructional areas that need additional work. On Summative assignments no student can earn lower than 50%.

All Formative assessments will be treated with the following policy: o During the course of each QUARTER, a student will have one NLP (No Late Penalty) assignment. When the late assignment is turned in, no late points will be deducted. If multiple assignments are missing and then turned in late, the NLP will be given to the assignment worth the most points. o Any formative assignment not turned in will always be due by the end of next LAP for partial credit. THIS WILL BE LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING LAP. o If work is turned in late, 50% is the only grade a student can receive. o After “2nd” LAP ends, assignments not turned in will be given a zero and will no longer be able to be turned in for credit.

All Summative assessments will be treated with the following policy: o If all the summative assessments are not completed, the student will not earn credit for the course. o If a student misses a summative assessment (it will be identified on each LAP), it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to make arrangements to reschedule. o However, once the Summative Assessment is missed, the grade will become a “LATE” or “ABSENT” which are tied to a zero, and the cumulative grade will become an “I” for Incomplete. THE “I” WILL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL THE STUDENT TAKES THE ASSESSMENT. o If a student does not COMPLETE A SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT by the due date, she will receive a demerit from the teacher of the missing assessment.( If absent on the due date no demerit will be issued.) o Once a summative is missed the student will be required to be at school, in the library, the following Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. If the missing assessment is a test the student should come prepared to take the test. If the missing assessment is a project or a performance the student must have set up a time to make up the assessment with the teacher. The student will be required to be in the library, every Wednesday at 8:00 am until she no longer has any INCOMPLETES for missing summative assessments. o FAILURE TO BE IN THE LIBRARY WILL RESULT IN A 1D FOR A MISSED APPOINTMENT. The student will know if she is expected in the library because she will have missed a summative assessment in a class.

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE TEACHER. The student must communicate with the teacher by email and set up the assessment. Missing assessments due to absence goes in the grade book as absent and the teacher and student set up a new deadline.

IWA Grading Information  Absent: This means that the student was absent the day the activity was due. (This counts as a zero until the assignment is turned in.)  Late: This means that the student was in class the day the activity was due, but did not turn in the assignment. (This counts as a zero until the assignment is turned in.)  Excused: This means that the student has been excused from completing this assignment. (This has no effect on the grade.)  Turned In Not Graded (TING): This means the assignment has been received by the teacher and is in the process of being graded. This acronym (TING) will only be used for large term papers or projects that will require a lengthy grading process. It will not be used for daily assignments. Mead Ecology Syllabus 2014

I have read the Ecology Syllabus and I understand the homework and grading policies. I realize that it is my responsibility to fulfill the requirements of the LAP and to make up any missed work.

Signature of Student Date

My daughter has shared this syllabus with me and I am familiar with its content.

Signature of Parent or Guardian Date

Parents: Please provide the email address that you would like me use to contact you about any concerns from class:

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