Expanded Duty
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COURSE INSTRUCTOR: LECTURE: Thomas Kelly, DMD [email protected] 839 – 1062
Office Hours: By appointment DAT 123 SYLLABUS 2013
COURSE TITLE: Oral Medicine/Oral Biology CONTACT/CREDIT HOURS: 3-0-3 SEQUENCE: Spring Semester LENGTH: 15 Weeks LECTURE/LAB TIMES: Mon 9:00–10:30 am Lect Wed 9:00–10:30 am Lect CLASSROOM: Bldg 1000, Room 1286 Lecture
PRE-REQUISITES: Admission to Expanded Duty Dental Assisting program 3-3-2 DAT 123 Dental Materials 2-0-2 DAT 128 Dental Morphology 3-3-4 DAT 127 Dental Radiology 2-6-4 DAT 154 Clinical Procedures I 3-0-3 CPT 121 Introduction to Computers
CO-REQUISITES: 1-0-1 DAT 125 Ethics and Professionalism 2-0-2 DAT 121 Dental Health Education 1-3-2 DAT 122 Dental Office Management 1-6-3 DAT 174 Dental Office Rotations 1-6-3 DAT 183 Specialty Functions 3-0-3 ENG 155 Communications I
REQUIRED TEXT: Phinney and Halstead; Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach; Current Edition; Delmar Dofka; Dental Terminology; Current Edition; Delmar HGTC Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Program Procedures Manual
All textbooks are available in the Library
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course presents a basic study of oral pathology, pharmacology, nutrition, and common emergencies as related to the role of the Dental Assistant.
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COURSE DESCRIPTION AND CONTENT: This course provides for the proficiency in the clinical setting of dental assisting with emphasis on the following: 1. Pharmacology 2. Oral Pathology 3. Nutrition 4. Medical and Dental Emergencies
COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the first section (Pharmacology) of DAT 123, the student will be able to 1. Discuss the following pharmacological agents and their actions upon the pathological causes. a. Analgesics b. Antibiotics c. Antihistamines d. Anesthetics e. Controlled substances 2. Explain the components of a medication prescription. 3. Transcribe a medical prescription as directed by a supervising dentist.
Upon completion of the second section (Oral Pathology) of DAT 123, the student will be able to 1. Discuss the changes that affect the normal oral anatomy as it pertains to the following a. Inflammation and oral lesions b. Biological agents c. Physical agents d. Chemical agents e. Developmental disturbances f. Oral lesion related to AIDS, HIV and other viruses 2. Discuss the effects nutrition has on oral health. 3. Provide patient education as it applies to nutrition for improved oral health. 4. Discuss the role of the dental assistant in assisting patients who may have various medical and dental emergencies in the dental office. 5. Perform various roles in assisting the dentist during various dental or medical emergencies or patients who may have various medical and dental emergencies in the dental office.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, reading assignments, discussions, case study reviews, handouts, slides
LINKED CORE ABILITIES: 1. Reading-textbook assignments, handouts, research 2. Communication skills-effectively communicates with peers, instructors 3. Writing-answering essay questions for homework and test questions, record treatment 4. Problem solving/Critical thinking-case studies for homework and class assignments, class participation and test questions, medical history evaluation
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INSTRUCTOR COMMUNICATION: Students are to check Wavenet at least weekly for messages via their e-mail accounts or other message boards that are available. Rather than the instructor making individual phone calls, students will be informed of necessary information via the Internet and their Wavenet accounts.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Take ownership and responsibility for one’s learning. Students must have the understanding that all course material cannot be covered during lecture/laboratory time. Show respect for others. Engage in classroom activities. Exhibit respect for college property. Show respect for authority. Realize and understand the College’s Student Code of Conduct
Please refer to Program Manual for further explanation of Student Responsibilities.
ATTENDANCE: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. If a student is not present when attendance is taken, they will be counted absent even if they show up late.
A student will be withdrawn from the class if absences (total hours) exceed 10% of the total contact hours. That’s a total of 4.5 hours. The hours include lecture (3 hour each) each week. In the event of a serious illness that exceeds the 10% allowable absences, a physician’s excuse must be presented which states the diagnosis and the length of time the student must be away from the class. There are no excused and unexcused absences. Any time out is an absence no matter the excuse. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the number of any hours she/he has missed.
If you are to be out, you MUST call Mrs. Moyers at 839 – 1062 to report an absence. Dental, doctor and other personal appointments MUST be scheduled outside class hours.
For any absences or tardiness, the student is responsible for the material covered and submitting any homework or other material that was done prior to their arrival. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the handouts (if applicable) that were distributed during the class time that was missed. The instructor will have them for you in her office.
Homework will be due at the beginning of the class for which it is due. It is the student’s responsibility to pass the homework to the front of the class for the instructor to collect or place it in the instructor’s file box. Homework will be considered late if turned in after it has been collected by the instructor and will have grading deducted from the 92% level. For Case Study and Critical Thinking questions, answers must be in the student’s own word. Copying your answers from the textbook or a classmate’s homework is plagiarism and may result in being dismissed from the program . If the student is absent the day the homework was due, it will only be accepted the next class meeting after the day the homework was due.
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MAKE-UP TEST POLICY: Make-up tests will be given at the discretion of the instructor and only if absent on the day of the test. A doctor’s excuse or mechanic’s bill will need to be presented for verification. The grading will begin at the 92% grade and wrong answers will be deducted from that point. The student is to take the test the first day they return to school and is to be prepared to take the test that day. NO EXCUSES. If the student fails to take the test then, another time will not be available and a zero will be given for the grade on that test. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the instructor to take any missed tests THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UPS FOR MISSED QUIZZES! If the student wishes to take their written test at the testing center, an appointment must be made with the testing center. Appointments MUST be made 24 hours in advance. The testing center will not accept same day appointments. It is the student’s responsibility to make the appointment and inform the instructor of the appointment time. However, the test must still be taken on the first day the student returns to school. NO EXCUSES. This means the student must contact the Testing Center the day before they return to school so they can take the test within the required time frame as previously stated.
Course Requirements:
1. Successful completion of tests and examinations and demonstration of clinical procedure via clinical competency examination with a 77% grade or better.
FINAL GRADE DETERMINATION: 1. A passing grade in this course is 77%. 2. If the student fails to obtain the 77% average, and would like to continue their Expanded Duty Dental Assisting education, they may reapply for this course and the Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Program the next time a new class is started, which will be Fall semester, 2012. 3. It is strongly recommended that the fall semester be repeated to ensure complete understanding and recall of information covered in that semester.
Didactic Grading Scale: Evaluation: 93 - 100 A WRITTEN TESTS 80% 85 - 92 B FINAL EXAM 15% 77 - 84 C 69 - 76 D 68 - Below F
Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status.
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The Add/Drop Period is the first 5 days of the semester for full term classes. Add/Drop periods are shorter for accelerated format courses. The following week of the semester is Financial Aid Attendance Verification period. You must attend at least one meeting of all of your classes during that period. If you do not, you will be dropped from the course(s) and your Financial Aid will be reduced accordingly.
REMEDIATION/ENRICHMENT In order to keep the student on track for success in the course, the faculty will be tracking assignments and test grades. If any assignments/grades fall below a 77 (“C”), the student will be referred to the course instructor or the SSTC (Student Success and Technology Center) for guidance and assistance. There is a Dental Sciences faculty member available at the SSTC for tutoring. Faculty members are available for remediation throughout the semester. At times, the student will be asked to spend additional hours outside of class time to work on clinical skills, course content comprehension, etc. for improvement. It is recommended that the student seek help early in the semester so there will be enough time to improve the grade.
Order and sequence subject to change based on competency level
Homework is DUE on the date line on which it is written DATE TOPIC READING (Subject to change) ASSIGNMENT 1/14 LECTURE: Chapter 15 1/16 Introduction to Course General Principles of Pharmacology and Drug Action
1/21 LECTURE: School Closed-No Classes
1/23 LECTURE: Chapter 15 1/28 Antimicrobial Medications and Handout Case Study Discussion 1/30 LECTURE: Chapter 20 2/4 Local and General Anesthesia and Handout Case Study Discussion 2/6 LECTURE: Chapter 15 2/11 Non-narcotic and Narcotic Analgesics and Handout Case Study Discussion 2/13 LECTURE: Review for Test 1: Pharmacology 2/18 LECTURE: TEST 1 Pharmacology 1. General Principles of Pharmacology and Drug Action 2. Antimicrobial Medications 3. Local and General Anesthesia
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4. Non-narcotic and Narcotic Analgesics 2/20 LECTURE: Chapter 26 2/25 Neoplastic Diseases 2/27 3/4 LECTURE: Chapter 26 3/6 Infectious Diseases and Handout 3/11 LECTURE: Pages 98-100 3/13 Endocrine Disorders and Treatment and Handout 3/13 - If time permits, review for Test 2 Oral Pathology 3/18 TEST 2 1. Oral Pathology a. Neoplastic Diseases b. Infectious Diseases 2. Endocrine Disorders and Treatment If time permits, begin Cardiovascular Disease and Treatment 3/20 LECTURE: Pages 100 – 4/1 Cardiovascular Disease and Treatment 102 and Handout 3/25 LECTURE: 3/27 Spring Break-No Classes
4/3 LECTURE: Handout 4/8 Substance Abuse and Treatment
4/10 LECTURE: Chapter 16 (to 4/15 Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office page 334) and Handout 4/17 LECTURE: TEST 3 1. Cardiovascular Disease and Treatment 2. Substance Abuse and Treatment 3. Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 4/22 LECTURE: Pages 334 – 4/24 Oral Conditions and Treatments 338 and Handout 4/29 LECTURE: Comprehensive review TBA Comprehensive Written Final Examination
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At the completion of the lecture and assigned readings, the student will be able to:
LECTURE 1/ 14 /13 and 1/16/13 Introduction to course General Principles of Pharmacology and Drug Reaction Chapter 15 and Handout 1. Define pharmacology 2. List and describe the related disciplines associated with pharmacology 3. Describe the role of the dental assistant in pharmacology 4. List where detailed and updated information on medications can be found 5. Describe the different names used to identify medications 6. Define generic equivalence and how it is related to drug substitutions 7. List the different parts of the prescription 8. Define the role of the dental assistant in the prescription writing process 9. List the federal regulatory agencies involved in the regulation of medications 10. Discuss the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 11. Briefly describe a dose-response curve 12. Briefly describe the following terms a. Potency b. Therapeutic index c. Idiosyncrasy d. Allergy e. Tolerance f. Therapeutic effect g. Side effect h. Toxic effect i. Adverse reaction 13. Discuss drug metabolism and how it can affect drug dosing 14. Discuss the different routes of drug administration, including time of onset and use 15. Discuss the different routes of drug excretion and what factors can influence them 16. Discuss the different factors that can alter drug effects
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LECTURE DATE: 1/21/13 No Classes
LECTURE DATE: 1/23/13 and 1/28/13 Antimicrobial Medications and Case Study Discussion: Kathleen Fitzpatrick Chapter 15 and Handout 1. Define antiinfective, antifungal, antiviral, antibiotic, bactericidal ,bacteriostatic, infection, resistance, and spectrum 2. Discuss the general mechanism of action of antibiotics and the factors that influence antibiotic effectiveness 3. Describe the role of antiinfective drugs in dentistry 4. List and describe the different topical antibiotics and their role in dentistry 5. List and describe the reasons for prophylaxing a patient prior to a dental procedure, including antibiotics used and their doses. 6. List and describe the antiviral drug used in dentistry, including mechanism of action, spectrum, adverse reactions, clinical use and dental concerns
LECTURE DATE: 1/30/13 and 2/4/13 Local and General Anesthesia and Case Study Discussion: Fannie Smith Chapter 20 and Handout 1. Describe the general characteristics of local anesthetics 2. List the classifications of local anesthetics 3. Describe the site, mechanism of action, and ionization factors of local anesthesia 4. Describe the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of local anesthetics 5. Describe the adverse effects associated with local anesthetics 6. Discuss the rationale for adding a vasoconstrictor to a local anesthetic 7. Describe the relationship between vasoconstrictors and cardiovascular disease 8. Define anesthesia 9. Describe the mechanisms of action of general anesthesia 10. Describe the stages and planes of anesthesia 11. Discuss the adverse reactions associated with general anesthetics 12. Discuss the pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic actions of nitrous oxide, including time course of action, organ system effects, drug interactions, dental concerns and adverse reactions 13. Define the term “conscious sedation” and its relationship to anesthesia including drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, dental concerns and adverse reactions
LECTURE DATE: 2/6/13 and 2/11/13 Non-narcotic and Narcotic Analgesics and Case Study: James Smith Chapter 15 and Handout 1. Discuss the concept of pain and the different factors that can affect a patient’s response to painful stimuli 2. Describe the calculates of the prototype of nonopioid analgesics, including example, mechanisms of action, pharmacologic effects, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic effects 3. Describe the different adverse reactions, drug reactions and contraindications of calculates 4. Describe the dental concerns associated with calculates 5. Define non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including examples, mechanisms of action, pharmacologic effects and therapeutic effects 6. Describe the different adverse reactions, drug interactions, and contraindications of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 7. Describe the dental concerns associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 8. Describe the classifications of narcotic analgesics
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9. Describe the mechanisms of action of opioid analgesic 10. Describe the pharmacokinetics of opioid analgesics 11. Describe the pharmacologic effects, therapeutic effects, and dental uses of opioid analgesics 12. Describe the adverse reactions, drug interactions, contraindications, and dental concerns of opioid analgesics 13. List specific opioid analgesics including differentiating factors 14. Describe the abuse potential associated with opioid analgesics 15. Provide a general overview of the opioid addict
LECTURE DATE: 2/13/13 Review for Test 1 1. Pharmacology
LECTURE DATE: 2/18/13 Test 1 1. Pharmacology
LECTURE DATE: 2/20/13, 2/25/13 and 2/27/13 Neoplastic Diseases – Benign and malignant cancers of the mouth, premalignant lesions and treatment Chapter 26 1. Describe the reproductive cycle of the cell 2. Describe the general characteristics of cancer cells 3. Define the following terms a. Neoplasia b. Benign c. Malignant d. Metastasis 4. Discuss the rational for the use of chemotherapy and its effectiveness in treating cancer 5. List the different types of chemotherapeutic agents and describe their general mechanisms of actions and adverse reactions 6. List examples of the different classes of chemotherapeutic agents along with mechanisms of actions and clinical use 7. Discuss the dental concerns associated with chemotherapeutic agents and effectively counsel patients about them
LECTURE DATE: 3/4/13 and 3/6/13 Infectious Diseases – Emphasis on Caries, Periodontal Disease, HIV, TB, hepatitis, pulpal and periodontal infections and opportunistic infections Chapter 26 and handout 1. Discuss the difference between HIV and AIDS 2. Describe the antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV infection including mechanisms of actions, adverse reactions, and drug interactions 3. Discuss the dental concerns associated with HIV and AIDS 4. List the different opportunistic infections associated with HIV and AIDS and their treatments 5. List the different drugs used to treat tuberculosis including mechanism of action and adverse reactions 6. Discuss the dental concerns associated with tuberculosis and its treatments
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7. Discuss the differences between hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis delta, and non-A, non-B hepatitis 8. Describe the pre-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis A and hepatitis B 9. Describe the post-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis A and hepatitis B 10. Describe the dental concerns associated with hepatitis
LECTURE DATE: 3/11/13 AND 3/13/13 Endocrine disorders and Their Treatment Pages 96 – 98 and Handout 1. Describe the relationship between the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the regulatory mechanism of hormones of the body 2. Describe the negative feedback mechanism of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal cortex system 3. List the pharmacologic effects, clinical uses, adverse reactions, and dental concerns associated with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids 4. Describe the overall function of the thyroid gland 5. Compare and contrast hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism 6. Describe the symptoms of hypothyroidism, including dental concerns and list the various drugs used to treat it 7. Describe the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including dental concerns and list the various drugs used to treat it 8. Describe the overall function of the pancreas and describe the pathogenesis of diabetes 9. Discuss the dental concerns of diabetes 10. List drugs used to treat both type I and type I diabetes including general mechanisms of action and adverse reaction 11. Describe the overall function of estrogen and progesterone including clinical use, adverse reactions and dental concerns 12. Describe the overall function of male sex hormones including clinical use, adverse reactions, and dental concerns If time permits, review for Test 2 Oral Pathology 1. Neoplastic Diseases 2. Infectious Diseases 3. Endocrine Disorders and Treatment
LECTURE DATE: 3/18/13 Test 2 Oral Pathology 1. Neoplastic Diseases 2. Infectious Diseases 3. Endocrine Disorders and Treatment If time permits, begin Cardiovascular Disease and Treatment
LECTURE DATE: 3/20/13 Cardiovascular Disease and Treatments Pages 98 – 120 & 314 – 316 and handout 1. Discuss the dental concerns associated with cardiovascular disease 2. Describe congestive heart failure as one of the most common categories of cardiovascular disease 3. Describe the pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions of cardiac glycosides 4. List other drugs used to treat congestive heart failure 5. Define arrhythmia and list its causes 6. Describe the four classifications of antiarrhythmics 7. Define angina and list the classes of medications used to treat it 8. Describe hypertension and the stepped-care approach used in treating it
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9. List the different classes of antihypertensive medications including pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions 10. Describe the factors that may place one at risk for hyperlipidemic disorders 11. List the categories of drugs used to treat high cholesterol including pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions 12. Briefly discuss the coagulation process 13. Briefly list and discuss the drugs used to treat coagulopathies 14. Discuss the dental concerns associated with the drugs used to treat cardiovascular disorders
LECTURE DATE: 3/25/13 AND 3/27/13 No Classes -Spring Break
LECTURE DATE: 4/1/13 Cardiovascular Disease and Treatments Pages 98 – 120 & 314 – 316 and handout 1. Discuss the dental concerns associated with cardiovascular disease 2. Describe congestive heart failure as one of the most common categories of cardiovascular disease 3. Describe the pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions of cardiac glycosides 4. List other drugs used to treat congestive heart failure 5. Define arrhythmia and list its causes 6. Describe the four classifications of antiarrhythmics 7. Define angina and list the classes of medications used to treat it 8. Describe hypertension and the stepped-care approach used in treating it 9. List the different classes of antihypertensive medications including pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions 10. Describe the factors that may place one at risk for hyperlipidemic disorders 11. List the categories of drugs used to treat high cholesterol including pharmacologic effects and adverse reactions 12. Briefly discuss the coagulation process 13. Briefly list and discuss the drugs used to treat coagulopathies 14. Discuss the dental concerns associated with the drugs used to treat cardiovascular disorders
LECTURE DATE: 4/3/13, 4/8/13 Substance Abuse and Treatments Handout 1. Define the following terms a. psychological dependence b. physical dependence c. Tolerance d. Addiction e. Drug Abuse 2. Describe the effects of CNS stimulant abuse 3. Discuss the pharmacological effects, adverse reactions, and toxicity associated with cocaine and amphetamines 4. Describe the abuse associated with caffeine and nicotine 5. Describe the effects of CNS depressant substance abuse 6. Discuss the patterns of abuse , management of overdose and withdrawal, and dental concerns associated with alcohol, opioid analgesics and sedative-hypnotics 7. Describe the abuse associated with the hallucinogens phencyclidine, marijuana, and lysergic acid diethylamide
LECTURE DATE: 4/10/13, and 4/15/13
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Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office Chapter 16 to page 316 and handout 1. Describe the factors that can increase the incidence of medical emergencies 2. Discuss the different methods of preventing medical emergencies in a dental office 3. Describe the different ways dental personnel can prepare for medical emergencies 4. List and describe the medications and equipment necessary for an emergency medical kit 5. Describe the general treatment of all emergencies that can occur in the dental office 6. Describe the treatment of cardiovascular emergencies in the dental office 7. Describe the treatment of central nervous system emergencies in the dental office 8. Describe the treatment of respiratory emergencies in the dental office 9. Describe the treatment of endocrine emergencies in the dental office 10. Describe the treatment of drug-induced medical emergencies in the dental office Time permitting on 4/16/13 Review for Test 3
LECTURE DATE 4/17/13 Test 3 1. Cardiovascular Disease and Treatments 2. Substance Abuse and Treatments 3. Medical Emergencies LECTURE DATE 4/22/13 and 4/24/13 Oral Conditions and Treatments Pages 316 – 317 and Handout 1. Describe actinic lip changes and angular cheilosis and their causes 2. Describe the following oral condition, their causes and treatment options a. Aphthous ulcers b. Herpes virus c. Candida albicans d. Dental decay e. Amalgam tattoo f. Geographic tongue g. Lesions above the surface of the oral mucosa h. Lesions below the surface of the oral mucosa i. Lesions even with the surface of the oral mucosa 3. Differentiate herpes virus I & herpes virus II 4. Define the following terms a. Thrush b. Leukoplakia c. Percussion d. Palpation e. Idiopathic f. Etiology g. Pulpitis h. Apical periodontitis i. Blister j. Bulla k. Hematoma l. Cyst
LECTURE DATE: 4/29/13 Review for Comprehensive Written Final Examination
TBA Comprehensive Written final Examination
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I, ______, have received the course syllabus for DAT 123 Oral Medicine/Oral Biology from Dr. Thomas Kelly. The syllabus has been explained to me, and I have had all of my questions answered by the instructor. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the syllabus in my possession for future reference. I will take the initiative and maintain the necessary degree of persistence to obtain any future questions to be answered by the instructor.
I also understand that additional assistance may be obtained from the instructor during posted office hours or by scheduling a personal appointment; however, it is my responsibility to seek such assistance. I further understand that my instructor may recommend that I schedule an appointment with her or seek assistance from the SSTC (Student Success and Technology Center).
I fully understand the potential for both passing and failing this course, and that I must obtain a cumulative grade of at least a grade of “C” or higher. This means I must achieve a 77% or higher for the lecture portion of the course to obtain the grade of “C” to successfully complete the course.
I have been given ample time to review this information and are therefore signing my name that I fully agree to the guidelines specified in this syllabus.
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This document is to be signed and returned to the course instructor by the end of the first lecture period.
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