Pre-Service Manual
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Paraprofessional: A paraprofessional is an individual who works under the supervision and direction of licensed teachers or related services personnel to assist students in areas that relate to their personal, social, and instructional needs as out-lined in the student’s individual education plan. WELCOME!!
You have chosen a position where you will “make a difference” to each student that you encounter. As a paraprofessional, you will be able to assist students in reaching his/her individual goals and aid them improving their skills.
In this packet you will find general information for you to begin your assignment. You will receive further training about special education and your roles/responsibilities during your first year. You will then be involved in on- going training to learn more about the specific disabilities and strategies of instruction.
Please read the enclosed material, sign and date the back page and return it to your principal.
Thank you for accepting this very important role. THE STARFISH
Early one morning, on a long beach, a young man decided to go for a walk and came across a woman throwing something into the sea.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Pretty soon,” she explained, “the sun is going to come out and dry up all the starfish so I am throwing them back before they die.”
“But there are millions,” the young man pointed out. “What difference do you think you can really make?”
The woman considered his question for a moment, and surveyed the long expanse of the beach, which was indeed filled with starfish washed up on the shore.
She then bent down and picked up a starfish resuming her efforts. “Well,” she finally answered, “I’ll make a difference to this one.”
And with that she tossed the starfish into the sea. GLOSSARY OF COMMONLY USED SPECIAL EDUCATION PROCEDURAL TERMS
Annual Case Review - The annual meeting of the of the case conference committee which is conducted to review and revise, if needed, a student's individualized education program.
Case Conference Committee - The group composed of public agency personnel, parents, and others who meet: (1) to determine a students eligibility for special education and related services; (2) to develop, review, or revise a students individualized education program; and (3) to determine an appropriate educational placement
Confidentiality - Refers to precautions an individual (including paraprofessionals) other than the childs parent must take in not revealing information about a specific child to someone who is not directly involved with that child.
Due Process - Formal procedure for reviewing decisions so as to insure that an individual is treated fairly and given an opportunity to present his/her side of an issue to an independent third party.
Individual Educational Plan (IEP) - A written document developed by a case conference committee. It contains both annual goals and short term curriculum objectives
Least Restrictive Environment - To the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities, including those in public or private residential institutions are educated with non disabled students.
Placement - Refers to the program chosen as the most appropriate educational setting for a child. Placement occurs after nondiscriminatory, multi disciplinary evaluation and formulation of the I.E. P. Placement is decided by the Case Conference Committee.
Procedural Safeguards - Precautions taken to insure that an individuals rights are not denied without due process of law. SPECIAL EDUCATION EXCEPTIONALITY AREAS
AUTISM A developmental disability in communication, learning or social interaction
COMMUNICATION DISORDER One of several disorders of language or speech
DUAL SENSORY IMPAIRMENT Involves hearing and visual impairment
EMOTIONAL DISABILITIES A severe lengthy emotional condition which adversely affects educational performance
HEARING IMPAIRMENT A hearing loss that, with or without amplification, may be referred to as hard of hearing or deaf
LEARNING DISABILITY A severe problem with some, but not all, learning skills (discrepancy between potential and achievement)
MENTAL DISABILITY Demonstrated by significantly below average general intellectual functioning. May be mild, moderate or severe in nature
MULTIPLY DISABLED Two (2) or more disabilities each so severe that neither can be identified as primary
ORTHOPEDIC IMPAIRED A physical impairment affecting mobility or a chronic or acute health problem
OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRMENTS Manifested by limited strength, vitality or alertness due to acute health problems
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY An impairment manifested by limited strength, vitality, alertness or other impaired or arrested development due to traumatic brain injury
VISUAL IMPAIRMENT A visual loss that, even with best correction, adversely affects educational performance. May be referred to as low vision or blind. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR PARAPROFESSIONALS
1. Maintain a sense of humor. Sometimes smiling or laughing with (not at) students can diffuse a potentially explosive situation.
2. Be consistent. This eliminates the possibility of students begging for special favors.
3. Never back a child into a corner, -- always give them choices and a way out of a power struggle.
4. Dont take negative comments personally.
5. ACT instead of REACT to an inappropriate situation.
6. Avoid power struggles by negotiating so BOTH get what they want.
7. Dont criticize or embarrass students in front of others.
8. Know when to ask for help if interventions tried have not been effective.
9. MODEL appropriate behaviors.
10. Follow through with promises, consequences, and rewards.
11. Dont make statements lightly -- students remember.
12. Dont scream. Usually, the quieter you speak, the more students listen.
13. Be clear -- make sure you say what you mean.
14. The best laid plans may not succeed -- always have alternatives.
15. Have accurate expectations.
16. Find a way to reward yourself at the end of the day. RELAX !!! BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN
Your school system has in place a plan to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to body fluids which could expose you to bloodborne pathogens, germs and viruses that cause disease. This plan identifies which job classifications have a reasonable chance of being exposed to body fluids. It also includes the information regarding immunizations available to you if you work in one of these jobs. Proper reporting procedures are important to protect all employees and must be followed. Personal protective devices (gloves, goggles, etc.) Should be available to you immediately upon arrival at your job site. Using them is your responsibility! There will be more information given to you directly from your school system. This plan is available in all buildings for you to view. DOCUMENTATION OF PRE-SERVICE
I have received and read the Paraprofessional Pre-Service Manual prior to beginning my job responsibilities as a paraprofessional.
I understand I will be required to attend additional professional development activities to enhance my skills as a paraprofessional.
School District:______